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- /*
- * graphics.c logo graphics module mak
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- */
- #ifdef WIN32
- #include <windows.h>
- #endif /* WIN32 */
- #include "logo.h"
- /* #include "globals.h" has been moved further down */
- #include <math.h>
- #if defined(__PPC__) && defined(AMIGA)
- #define __USE_SYSBASE
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/asl.h>
- #include <powerup/ppclib/interface.h>
- #include <powerup/gcclib/powerup_protos.h>
- #define AllocVec(n, f) PPCAllocVec(n, f)
- #define FreeVec(b) PPCFreeVec(b)
- #endif
- #ifdef mac
- #include "macterm.h"
- #elif defined(WIN32)
- #include "win32trm.h"
- #elif defined(__ZTC__)
- #include <fg.h>
- #include "ztcterm.h"
- #elif defined(x_window)
- #include "xgraphics.h"
- #elif defined(ibm)
- #include "ibmterm.h"
- #elif defined(AMIGA)
- #include "amiterm.h"
- #else
- #include "nographics.h"
- #endif /* end this whole big huge tree */
- #include "globals.h"
- #if defined(__ZTC__) && !defined(WIN32) /* sowings */
- #define total_turtle_bottom_max (-(MaxY/2))
- #else
- #define total_turtle_bottom_max turtle_bottom_max
- #endif
- /* types of graphics moves that can be recorded */
- #define LINEXY 1
- #define MOVEXY 2
- #define LABEL 3
- #define SETPENVIS 4
- #define SETPENMODE 5
- #define SETPENCOLOR 6
- #define SETPENSIZE 7
- #define FILLERUP 9
- /* NOTE: See the files (macterm.c and macterm.h) or (ibmterm.c and ibmterm.h)
- for examples of the functions and macros that this file assumes exist. */
- #define One (sizeof(int))
- #define Two (2*One)
- #define Three (3*One)
- #define PENMODE_PAINT 0
- #define PENMODE_ERASE 1
- int internal_penmode = PENMODE_PAINT;
- mode_type current_mode = wrapmode;
- FLONUM turtle_x = 0.0, turtle_y = 0.0, turtle_heading = 0.0;
- FLONUM x_scale = 1.0, y_scale = 1.0;
- BOOLEAN turtle_shown = TRUE;
- FLONUM wanna_x = 0.0, wanna_y = 0.0;
- BOOLEAN out_of_bounds = FALSE;
- void setpos_bynumber(FLONUM, FLONUM);
- char record[GR_SIZE];
- int record_index = 0;
- pen_info orig_pen;
- BOOLEAN record_next_move = FALSE, refresh_p = TRUE;
- /************************************************************/
- double pfmod(double x, double y) {
- double temp = fmod(x,y);
- if (temp < 0) return temp+y;
- return temp;
- }
- FLONUM cut_error(FLONUM n) {
- n *= 1000000;
- n = (n > 0 ? floor(n) : ceil(n));
- n /= 1000000;
- if (n == -0.0) n = 0.0;
- return(n);
- }
- FIXNUM g_round(FLONUM n) {
- n += (n < 0.0 ? -0.5 : 0.5);
- if (n < 0.0)
- return((FIXNUM)ceil(n));
- return((FIXNUM)floor(n));
- }
- /************************************************************/
- void draw_turtle_helper(void);
- void check_x_high(void);
- void check_x_low(void);
- void draw_turtle(void) {
- if (!turtle_shown) return;
- draw_turtle_helper();
- /* all that follows is for "turtle wrap" effect */
- if ((turtle_y > turtle_top_max - turtle_height) &&
- (current_mode == wrapmode)) {
- turtle_y -= (screen_height + 1);
- draw_turtle_helper();
- check_x_high();
- check_x_low();
- turtle_y += (screen_height + 1);
- }
- if ((turtle_y < turtle_bottom_max + turtle_height) &&
- (current_mode == wrapmode)) {
- turtle_y += (screen_height + 1);
- draw_turtle_helper();
- check_x_high();
- check_x_low();
- turtle_y -= (screen_height + 1);
- }
- check_x_high();
- check_x_low();
- }
- void check_x_high(void) {
- if ((turtle_x > turtle_right_max - turtle_height) &&
- (current_mode == wrapmode)) {
- turtle_x -= (screen_width + 1);
- draw_turtle_helper();
- turtle_x += (screen_width + 1);
- }
- }
- void check_x_low(void) {
- if ((turtle_x < turtle_left_max + turtle_height) &&
- (current_mode == wrapmode)) {
- turtle_x += (screen_width + 1);
- draw_turtle_helper();
- turtle_x -= (screen_width + 1);
- }
- }
- void draw_turtle_helper(void) {
- pen_info saved_pen;
- FLONUM real_heading;
- int left_x, left_y, right_x, right_y, top_x, top_y;
- prepare_to_draw;
- prepare_to_draw_turtle;
- save_pen(&saved_pen);
- plain_xor_pen();
- pen_vis = 0;
- real_heading = -turtle_heading + 90.0;
- left_x = g_round(turtle_x + x_scale*(FLONUM)(cos((FLONUM)((real_heading + 90.0)*degrad))*turtle_half_bottom));
- left_y = g_round(turtle_y + y_scale*(FLONUM)(sin((FLONUM)((real_heading + 90.0)*degrad))*turtle_half_bottom));
- right_x = g_round(turtle_x + x_scale*(FLONUM)(cos((FLONUM)((real_heading - 90.0)*degrad))*turtle_half_bottom));
- right_y = g_round(turtle_y + y_scale*(FLONUM)(sin((FLONUM)((real_heading - 90.0)*degrad))*turtle_half_bottom));
- top_x = g_round(turtle_x + x_scale*(FLONUM)(cos((FLONUM)(real_heading*degrad))*turtle_side));
- top_y = g_round(turtle_y + y_scale*(FLONUM)(sin((FLONUM)(real_heading*degrad))*turtle_side));
- move_to(screen_x_center + left_x, screen_y_center - left_y);
- line_to(screen_x_center + top_x, screen_y_center - top_y);
- move_to(screen_x_center + right_x, screen_y_center - right_y);
- line_to(screen_x_center + top_x, screen_y_center - top_y);
- move_to(screen_x_center + left_x, screen_y_center - left_y);
- line_to(screen_x_center + right_x, screen_y_center - right_y);
- restore_pen(&saved_pen);
- done_drawing_turtle;
- done_drawing;
- }
- /************************************************************/
- void forward_helper(FLONUM);
- BOOLEAN safe_to_save(void);
- void save_line(void), save_move(void), save_vis(void), save_mode(void);
- void save_color(void), save_size(void), save_pattern(void);
- void save_string(char *, int);
- void right(FLONUM a) {
- draw_turtle();
- turtle_heading += a;
- turtle_heading = pfmod(turtle_heading,360.0);
- draw_turtle();
- }
- NODE *numeric_arg(NODE *args) {
- NODE *arg = car(args), *val;
- val = cnv_node_to_numnode(arg);
- while (val == UNBOUND && NOT_THROWING) {
- setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, arg));
- arg = car(args);
- val = cnv_node_to_numnode(arg);
- }
- setcar(args,val);
- return(val);
- }
- NODE *lright(NODE *arg) {
- NODE *val;
- val = numeric_arg(arg);
- if (nodetype(val) == INT)
- a = (FLONUM)getint(val);
- else
- a = getfloat(val);
- right(a);
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lleft(NODE *arg) {
- NODE *val;
- val = numeric_arg(arg);
- if (nodetype(val) == INT)
- a = (FLONUM)getint(val);
- else
- a = getfloat(val);
- right(-a);
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- void forward(FLONUM d) {
- prepare_to_draw;
- draw_turtle();
- forward_helper(d);
- draw_turtle();
- done_drawing;
- wanna_x = turtle_x;
- wanna_y = turtle_y;
- out_of_bounds = FALSE;
- }
- void forward_helper(FLONUM d) {
- FLONUM real_heading, dx, dy, x1, y1, x2, y2;
- real_heading = -turtle_heading + 90.0;
- x1 = screen_x_coord;
- y1 = screen_y_coord;
- dx = (FLONUM)(cos((FLONUM)(real_heading*degrad))*d*x_scale);
- dy = (FLONUM)(sin((FLONUM)(real_heading*degrad))*d*y_scale);
- if ((dx < 0 && dx > -0.000001) || (dx > 0 && dx < 0.000001)) dx = 0;
- if ((dy < 0 && dy > -0.000001) || (dy > 0 && dy < 0.000001)) dy = 0;
- x2 = x1 + dx;
- y2 = y1 - dy;
- move_to(g_round(x1), g_round(y1));
- if (record_next_move) {
- save_move();
- record_next_move = FALSE;
- }
- if (check_throwing) return;
- if (internal_penmode == PENMODE_REVERSE && pen_vis == 0 && d > 0.0) {
- line_to(g_round(x1), g_round(y1)); /* flip the corner */
- save_line();
- }
- if (current_mode == windowmode ||
- (x2 >= screen_left && x2 <= screen_right &&
- y2 >= screen_top && y2 <= screen_bottom)) {
- turtle_x = turtle_x + dx;
- turtle_y = turtle_y + dy;
- line_to(g_round(x2), g_round(y2));
- save_line();
- }
- else
- if (!wrap_right(d, x1, y1, x2, y2))
- if (!wrap_left(d, x1, y1, x2, y2))
- if (!wrap_up(d, x1, y1, x2, y2))
- wrap_down(d, x1, y1, x2, y2);
- if (internal_penmode == PENMODE_REVERSE && pen_vis == 0 && d < 0.0) {
- line_to(g_round(screen_x_coord), g_round(screen_y_coord));
- save_line();
- }
- }
- int wrap_right(FLONUM d, FLONUM x1, FLONUM y1, FLONUM x2, FLONUM y2) {
- FLONUM yi, newd;
- if (x2 > screen_right) {
- yi = ((y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)) * (screen_right + 1 - x1) + y1;
- if (yi >= screen_top && yi <= screen_bottom) {
- line_to(screen_right, g_round(yi));
- save_line();
- record_next_move = TRUE;
- turtle_x = turtle_left_max;
- turtle_y = screen_y_center - yi;
- if (current_mode == wrapmode) {
- newd = d * ((x2 - screen_right - 1)/(x2 - x1));
- if (newd*d > 0) forward_helper(newd);
- return(1);
- }
- turtle_x = turtle_right_max;
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- int wrap_left(FLONUM d, FLONUM x1, FLONUM y1, FLONUM x2, FLONUM y2) {
- FLONUM yi, newd;
- if (x2 < screen_left) {
- yi = ((y1 - y2)/(x2 - x1)) * (x1 + 1 - screen_left) + y1;
- if (yi >= screen_top && yi <= screen_bottom) {
- line_to(screen_left, g_round(yi));
- save_line();
- record_next_move = TRUE;
- turtle_x = turtle_right_max;
- turtle_y = screen_y_center - yi;
- if (current_mode == wrapmode) {
- newd = d * ((x2 + 1 - screen_left)/(x2 - x1));
- if (newd*d > 0) forward_helper(newd);
- return(1);
- }
- turtle_x = turtle_left_max;
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- int wrap_up(FLONUM d, FLONUM x1, FLONUM y1, FLONUM x2, FLONUM y2) {
- FLONUM xi, newd;
- if (y2 < screen_top) {
- xi = ((x2 - x1)/(y1 - y2)) * (y1 + 1 - screen_top) + x1;
- if (xi >= screen_left && xi <= screen_right) {
- line_to(g_round(xi), screen_top);
- save_line();
- record_next_move = TRUE;
- turtle_x = xi - screen_x_center;
- turtle_y = turtle_bottom_max;
- if (current_mode == wrapmode) {
- newd = d * ((y2 + 1 - screen_top)/(y2 - y1));
- if (newd*d > 0) forward_helper(newd);
- return(1);
- }
- turtle_y = turtle_top_max;
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- int wrap_down(FLONUM d, FLONUM x1, FLONUM y1, FLONUM x2, FLONUM y2) {
- FLONUM xi, newd;
- if (y2 > screen_bottom) {
- xi = ((x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1)) * (screen_bottom + 1 - y1) + x1;
- if (xi >= screen_left && xi <= screen_right) {
- line_to(g_round(xi), screen_bottom);
- save_line();
- record_next_move = TRUE;
- turtle_x = xi - screen_x_center;
- turtle_y = turtle_top_max;
- if (current_mode == wrapmode) {
- newd = d * ((y2 - screen_bottom - 1)/(y2 - y1));
- if (newd*d > 0) forward_helper(newd);
- return(1);
- }
- turtle_y = turtle_bottom_max;
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- NODE *lforward(NODE *arg) {
- NODE *val;
- val = numeric_arg(arg);
- if (nodetype(val) == INT)
- d = (FLONUM)getint(val);
- else
- d = getfloat(val);
- forward(d);
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lback(NODE *arg) {
- NODE *val;
- val = numeric_arg(arg);
- if (nodetype(val) == INT)
- d = (FLONUM)getint(val);
- else
- d = getfloat(val);
- forward(-d);
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lshowturtle(NODE *args) {
- prepare_to_draw;
- if (!turtle_shown) {
- turtle_shown = TRUE;
- draw_turtle();
- }
- done_drawing;
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lhideturtle(NODE *args) {
- prepare_to_draw;
- if (turtle_shown) {
- draw_turtle();
- turtle_shown = FALSE;
- }
- done_drawing;
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lshownp(NODE *args) {
- return(turtle_shown ? True : False);
- }
- NODE *lsetheading(NODE *arg) {
- NODE *val;
- val = numeric_arg(arg);
- draw_turtle();
- if (nodetype(val) == INT)
- turtle_heading = (FLONUM)getint(val);
- else
- turtle_heading = getfloat(val);
- turtle_heading = pfmod(turtle_heading,360.0);
- draw_turtle();
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lheading(NODE *args) {
- return(make_floatnode(turtle_heading));
- }
- NODE *vec_arg_helper(NODE *args, BOOLEAN floatok, BOOLEAN three) {
- NODE *arg = car(args), *val1, *val2, *val3 = NIL;
- while (NOT_THROWING) {
- if (arg != NIL &&
- is_list(arg) &&
- cdr(arg) != NIL &&
- (three ? (cddr(arg) != NIL && cdr(cddr(arg)) == NIL) : cddr(arg) == NIL)) {
- val1 = cnv_node_to_numnode(car(arg));
- val2 = cnv_node_to_numnode(cadr(arg));
- if (three) val3 = cnv_node_to_numnode(car(cddr(arg)));
- if (val1 != UNBOUND && val2 != UNBOUND &&
- (floatok || (nodetype(val1) == INT && getint(val1) >= 0 &&
- nodetype(val2) == INT && getint(val2) >= 0 &&
- (!three || (nodetype(val3) == INT && getint(val3) >= 0))))) {
- setcar(arg, val1);
- setcar(cdr(arg), val2);
- if (three) setcar (cddr(arg), val3);
- return(arg);
- }
- }
- setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, arg));
- arg = car(args);
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *vector_arg(NODE *args) {
- return vec_arg_helper(args,TRUE,FALSE);
- }
- NODE *pos_int_vector_arg(NODE *args) {
- return vec_arg_helper(args,FALSE,FALSE);
- }
- NODE *rgb_arg(NODE *args) {
- return vec_arg_helper(args,FALSE,TRUE);
- }
- FLONUM towards_helper(FLONUM x, FLONUM y, FLONUM from_x, FLONUM from_y) {
- FLONUM m, a, tx, ty;
- tx = from_x/x_scale;
- ty = from_y/y_scale;
- if (x != tx || y != ty) {
- if (x == tx)
- a = (y < ty) ? -90 : 90;
- else {
- m = (y - ty)/(x - tx);
- a = atan(m)/degrad;
- if (x < tx) a = fmod(a + 180.0,360.0);
- }
- a = -(a - 90.0);
- return (a < 0 ? 360.0+a : a);
- }
- return 0.0;
- }
- NODE *ltowards(NODE *args) {
- NODE *xnode, *ynode = UNBOUND, *arg;
- FLONUM x, y;
- arg = vector_arg(args);
- xnode = car(arg);
- ynode = cadr(arg);
- x = ((nodetype(xnode) == FLOATT) ? getfloat(xnode) :
- (FLONUM)getint(xnode));
- y = ((nodetype(ynode) == FLOATT) ? getfloat(ynode) :
- (FLONUM)getint(ynode));
- return make_floatnode(towards_helper(x, y, turtle_x, turtle_y));
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lpos(NODE *args) {
- return(cons(make_floatnode(cut_error(turtle_x/x_scale)),
- cons(make_floatnode(cut_error(turtle_y/y_scale)), NIL)));
- }
- NODE *lscrunch(NODE *args) {
- return(cons(make_floatnode(x_scale), cons(make_floatnode(y_scale), NIL)));
- }
- NODE *lhome(NODE *args) {
- out_of_bounds = FALSE;
- setpos_bynumber((FLONUM)0.0, (FLONUM)0.0);
- draw_turtle();
- turtle_heading = 0.0;
- draw_turtle();
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- void cs_helper(int centerp) {
- prepare_to_draw;
- clear_screen;
- if (centerp) {
- wanna_x = wanna_y = turtle_x = turtle_y = turtle_heading = 0.0;
- out_of_bounds = FALSE;
- move_to(screen_x_coord, screen_y_coord);
- }
- draw_turtle();
- save_pen(&orig_pen);
- p_info_x(orig_pen) = g_round(screen_x_coord);
- p_info_y(orig_pen) = g_round(screen_y_coord);
- record_index = 0;
- done_drawing;
- }
- NODE *lclearscreen(NODE *args) {
- cs_helper(TRUE);
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lclean(NODE *args) {
- cs_helper(FALSE);
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- void setpos_commonpart(FLONUM target_x, FLONUM target_y) {
- FLONUM scaled_x, scaled_y, tx, ty, save_heading;
- BOOLEAN wrapping = FALSE;
- scaled_x = target_x * x_scale;
- scaled_y = target_y * y_scale;
- wrapping = scaled_x > turtle_right_max || scaled_x < turtle_left_max ||
- scaled_y > turtle_top_max || scaled_y < turtle_bottom_max;
- if (current_mode == fencemode && wrapping)
- else if (current_mode == wrapmode && (wrapping || out_of_bounds)) {
- save_heading = turtle_heading;
- turtle_heading = towards_helper(target_x, target_y,
- wanna_x, wanna_y);
- tx = wanna_x/x_scale;
- ty = wanna_y/y_scale;
- #define sq(z) ((z)*(z))
- forward_helper(sqrt(sq(target_x - tx) + sq(target_y - ty)));
- turtle_heading = save_heading;
- wanna_x = scaled_x;
- wanna_y = scaled_y;
- out_of_bounds = wrapping;
- } else {
- out_of_bounds = FALSE;
- wanna_x = turtle_x = scaled_x;
- wanna_y = turtle_y = scaled_y;
- line_to(g_round(screen_x_coord),
- g_round(screen_y_coord));
- save_line();
- }
- done_drawing;
- draw_turtle();
- }
- }
- void setpos_bynumber(FLONUM target_x, FLONUM target_y) {
- prepare_to_draw;
- draw_turtle();
- move_to(g_round(screen_x_coord), g_round(screen_y_coord));
- setpos_commonpart(target_x, target_y);
- }
- }
- void setpos_helper(NODE *xnode, NODE *ynode) {
- FLONUM target_x, target_y;
- prepare_to_draw;
- draw_turtle();
- move_to(g_round(screen_x_coord), g_round(screen_y_coord));
- target_x = ((xnode == NIL) ?
- turtle_x :
- ((nodetype(xnode) == FLOATT) ? getfloat(xnode) :
- (FLONUM)getint(xnode)));
- target_y = ((ynode == NIL) ?
- turtle_y :
- ((nodetype(ynode) == FLOATT) ? getfloat(ynode) :
- (FLONUM)getint(ynode)));
- setpos_commonpart(target_x, target_y);
- }
- }
- NODE *lsetpos(NODE *args) {
- NODE *arg = vector_arg(args);
- setpos_helper(car(arg), cadr(arg));
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lsetxy(NODE *args) {
- NODE *xnode, *ynode;
- xnode = numeric_arg(args);
- ynode = numeric_arg(cdr(args));
- setpos_helper(xnode, ynode);
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lsetx(NODE *args) {
- NODE *xnode;
- xnode = numeric_arg(args);
- setpos_helper(xnode, NIL);
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lsety(NODE *args) {
- NODE *ynode;
- ynode = numeric_arg(args);
- setpos_helper(NIL, ynode);
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lwrap(NODE *args) {
- draw_turtle();
- current_mode = wrapmode;
- while (turtle_x > turtle_right_max) {
- turtle_x -= screen_width;
- }
- while (turtle_x < turtle_left_max) {
- turtle_x += screen_width;
- }
- while (turtle_y > turtle_top_max) {
- turtle_y -= screen_height;
- }
- while (turtle_y < turtle_bottom_max) {
- turtle_y += screen_height;
- }
- move_to(screen_x_coord, screen_y_coord);
- draw_turtle();
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lfence(NODE *args) {
- (void)lwrap(args); /* get turtle inside the fence */
- draw_turtle();
- current_mode = fencemode;
- draw_turtle();
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lwindow(NODE *args) {
- draw_turtle();
- current_mode = windowmode;
- draw_turtle();
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lfill(NODE *args) {
- draw_turtle();
- logofill();
- draw_turtle();
- if (safe_to_save()) {
- record[record_index] = FILLERUP;
- record_index += One;
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *llabel(NODE *arg) {
- char textbuf[300];
- short theLength;
- print_stringptr = textbuf;
- print_stringlen = 300;
- ndprintf((FILE *)NULL,"%p",car(arg));
- *print_stringptr = '\0';
- prepare_to_draw;
- draw_turtle();
- theLength = strlen(textbuf);
- #ifdef mac
- c_to_pascal_string(textbuf, theLength);
- #endif
- label(textbuf);
- save_string(textbuf,theLength);
- record_next_move = TRUE;
- draw_turtle();
- done_drawing;
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *ltextscreen(NODE *args) {
- text_screen;
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lsplitscreen(NODE *args) {
- split_screen;
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lfullscreen(NODE *args) {
- full_screen;
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lpendownp(NODE *args) {
- return(pen_vis == 0 ? True : False);
- }
- NODE *lpenmode(NODE *args) {
- return(get_node_pen_mode);
- }
- NODE *lpencolor(NODE *args) {
- return(make_intnode((FIXNUM)pen_color));
- }
- NODE *lbackground(NODE *args) {
- return(make_intnode((FIXNUM)back_ground));
- }
- NODE *lpensize(NODE *args) {
- return(cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)pen_width),
- cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)pen_height), NIL)));
- }
- NODE *lpenpattern(NODE *args) {
- return(get_node_pen_pattern);
- }
- NODE *lpendown(NODE *args) {
- pen_vis = 0;
- save_vis();
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lpenup(NODE *args) {
- if (pen_vis == 0)
- pen_vis--;
- save_vis();
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lpenpaint(NODE *args) {
- internal_penmode = PENMODE_PAINT;
- pen_down;
- save_mode();
- return(lpendown(NIL));
- }
- NODE *lpenerase(NODE *args) {
- internal_penmode = PENMODE_ERASE;
- pen_erase;
- save_mode();
- return(lpendown(NIL));
- }
- NODE *lpenreverse(NODE *args) {
- internal_penmode = PENMODE_REVERSE;
- pen_reverse;
- save_mode();
- return(lpendown(NIL));
- }
- NODE *lsetpencolor(NODE *arg) {
- NODE *val = pos_int_arg(arg);
- prepare_to_draw;
- set_pen_color(getint(val));
- save_color();
- done_drawing;
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lsetbackground(NODE *arg) {
- NODE *val = pos_int_arg(arg);
- prepare_to_draw;
- set_back_ground(getint(val));
- done_drawing;
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lsetpalette(NODE *args) {
- NODE *slot = pos_int_arg(args);
- NODE *arg = rgb_arg(cdr(args));
- if (NOT_THROWING && ((int)getint(slot) > 7)) {
- prepare_to_draw;
- set_palette((int)getint(slot),
- (unsigned int)getint(car(arg)),
- (unsigned int)getint(cadr(arg)),
- (unsigned int)getint(car(cddr(arg))));
- done_drawing;
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lpalette(NODE *args) {
- NODE *arg = pos_int_arg(args);
- unsigned int r=0, g=0, b=0;
- get_palette((int)getint(arg), &r, &g, &b);
- return cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)r),
- cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)g),
- cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)b), NIL)));
- }
- return UNBOUND;
- }
- NODE *lsetpensize(NODE *args) {
- NODE *arg = pos_int_vector_arg(args);
- prepare_to_draw;
- set_pen_width((int)getint(car(arg)));
- set_pen_height((int)getint(cadr(arg)));
- save_size();
- done_drawing;
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lsetpenpattern(NODE *args) {
- NODE *arg;
- arg = car(args);
- while ((!is_list(arg)) && NOT_THROWING)
- arg = err_logo(BAD_DATA, arg);
- prepare_to_draw;
- set_list_pen_pattern(arg);
- save_pattern();
- done_drawing;
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lsetscrunch(NODE *args) {
- NODE *xnode, *ynode;
- xnode = numeric_arg(args);
- ynode = numeric_arg(cdr(args));
- prepare_to_draw;
- draw_turtle();
- x_scale = (nodetype(xnode) == FLOATT) ? getfloat(xnode) :
- (FLONUM)getint(xnode);
- y_scale = (nodetype(ynode) == FLOATT) ? getfloat(ynode) :
- (FLONUM)getint(ynode);
- draw_turtle();
- done_drawing;
- #ifdef __ZTC__
- {
- FILE *fp = fopen("scrunch.dat","r");
- if (fp != NULL) {
- fclose(fp);
- fp = fopen("scrunch.dat","w");
- if (fp != NULL) {
- fwrite(&x_scale, sizeof(FLONUM), 1, fp);
- fwrite(&y_scale, sizeof(FLONUM), 1, fp);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lmousepos(NODE *args) {
- #ifdef WIN32 /* sowings */
- return NIL;
- #else
- return(cons(make_intnode(mouse_x), cons(make_intnode(mouse_y), NIL)));
- #endif
- }
- NODE *lbuttonp(NODE *args) {
- if (button)
- return(True);
- return(False);
- }
- NODE *ltone(NODE *args) {
- #ifndef WIN32
- NODE *p, *d;
- FIXNUM pitch, duration;
- p = numeric_arg(args);
- d = numeric_arg(cdr(args));
- pitch = (nodetype(p) == FLOATT) ? (FIXNUM)getfloat(p) : getint(p);
- duration = (nodetype(d) == FLOATT) ? (FIXNUM)getfloat(d) : getint(d);
- if (pitch > 0) tone(pitch, duration);
- }
- #else
- MessageBeep(0xffffffff);
- #endif
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *larc(NODE *arg) {
- NODE *val1;
- NODE *val2;
- FLONUM angle;
- FLONUM radius;
- FLONUM ang;
- FLONUM tx;
- FLONUM ty;
- FLONUM count;
- FLONUM delta;
- int turtle_state;
- int pen_state;
- /* get args */
- val1 = numeric_arg(arg);
- val2 = numeric_arg(cdr(arg));
- if (nodetype(val1) == INT)
- angle = (FLONUM)getint(val1);
- else
- angle = getfloat(val1);
- if (nodetype(val2) == INT)
- radius = (FLONUM)getint(val2);
- else
- radius = getfloat(val2);
- prepare_to_draw;
- draw_turtle();
- /* save and force turtle state */
- turtle_state = turtle_shown;
- turtle_shown = 0;
- /* grab things before they change and use for restore */
- ang = turtle_heading;
- tx = turtle_x;
- ty = turtle_y;
- /* calculate resolution parameters */
- count = abs(angle*radius/200.0);
- if (count == 0.0) count = 1.0;
- delta = angle/count;
- /* draw each line segment of arc (will do wrap) */
- for (i=0.0;i<=count;i=i+1.0)
- {
- /* calc x y */
- x = sin(ang*3.141592654/180.0)*radius;
- y = cos(ang*3.141592654/180.0)*radius;
- /* jump to begin of first line segment without drawing */
- if (i==0.0)
- {
- pen_state = pen_vis;
- pen_vis = -1;
- save_vis();
- #ifdef AMIGA /* unexplained Amiga bug */
- setpos_bynumber(tx/x_scale+x, ty/y_scale+y);
- #else
- setpos_bynumber(tx+x, ty+y);
- #endif
- pen_vis = pen_state;
- save_vis();
- }
- /* else do segment */
- else
- {
- #ifdef AMIGA
- setpos_bynumber(tx/x_scale+x, ty/y_scale+y);
- #else
- setpos_bynumber(tx+x, ty+y);
- #endif
- }
- ang = ang + delta;
- }
- /* assure we draw something and end in the exact right place */
- x = sin((turtle_heading+angle)*3.141592654/180.0)*radius;
- y = cos((turtle_heading+angle)*3.141592654/180.0)*radius;
- #ifdef AMIGA
- setpos_bynumber(tx/x_scale+x, ty/y_scale+y);
- #else
- setpos_bynumber(tx+x, ty+y);
- #endif
- /* restore state */
- turtle_shown = turtle_state;
- turtle_x = tx;
- turtle_y = ty;
- draw_turtle();
- wanna_x = turtle_x;
- wanna_y = turtle_y;
- out_of_bounds = FALSE;
- pen_state = pen_vis;
- pen_vis = -1;
- save_vis();
- forward_helper((FLONUM)0.0); /* Lets fill work -- dunno why */
- pen_vis = pen_state;
- save_vis();
- done_drawing;
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /* The rest of this file implements the recording of moves in
- the graphics window and the playing back of those moves. It's
- needed on machines like the Macintosh where the contents of the
- graphics window can get erased and need to be redrawn. On
- machines where no graphics redrawing is necessary, set the size
- of the recording buffer to 1 in logo.h. */
- BOOLEAN safe_to_save(void) {
- return(refresh_p && record_index < (GR_SIZE - 300));
- }
- void save_lm_helper (void) {
- *(int *)(record + record_index + One) = pen_x;
- *(int *)(record + record_index + Two) = pen_y;
- record_index += Three;
- }
- void save_line(void) {
- if (safe_to_save()) {
- record[record_index] = LINEXY;
- save_lm_helper();
- }
- }
- void save_move(void) {
- if (safe_to_save()) {
- record[record_index] = MOVEXY;
- save_lm_helper();
- }
- }
- void save_vis(void) {
- if (safe_to_save()) {
- record[record_index] = SETPENVIS;
- record[record_index + 1] = (char)pen_vis;
- record_index += One;
- }
- }
- void save_mode(void) {
- if (safe_to_save()) {
- record[record_index] = SETPENMODE;
- #ifdef x_window
- *(GC *)(record + record_index + One) = pen_mode;
- #else
- *(int *)(record + record_index + One) = pen_mode;
- #endif
- *(int *)(record + record_index + Two) = internal_penmode;
- record_index += Three;
- save_color();
- }
- }
- void save_color(void) {
- if (safe_to_save()) {
- record[record_index] = SETPENCOLOR;
- *(int *)(record + record_index + One) = pen_color;
- record_index += Two;
- }
- }
- void save_size(void) {
- if (safe_to_save()) {
- record[record_index] = SETPENSIZE;
- *(int *)(record + record_index + One) = pen_width;
- *(int *)(record + record_index + Two) = pen_height;
- record_index += Three;
- }
- }
- void save_pattern(void) {
- if (safe_to_save()) {
- record[record_index] = SETPENPATTERN;
- get_pen_pattern(&record[record_index + One]);
- record_index += One+8;
- }
- }
- void save_string(char *s, int len) {
- int count;
- if (safe_to_save()) {
- record[record_index] = LABEL;
- record[record_index + One] = (unsigned char)len;
- for (count = 0; count <= len; count++)
- record[record_index + One+1 + count] = s[count];
- record[record_index + One+2 + len] = '\0';
- record_index += (One+2 + len + (One-1)) & ~(One-1);
- }
- }
- NODE *lrefresh(NODE *args) {
- refresh_p = TRUE;
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lnorefresh(NODE *args) {
- refresh_p = FALSE;
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- void redraw_graphics(void) {
- int r_index = 0;
- pen_info saved_pen;
- BOOLEAN saved_shown;
- #if defined(__ZTC__) && !defined(WIN32)
- BOOLEAN save_splitscreen = in_splitscreen;
- #endif
- if (!refresh_p) {
- /* clear_screen;
- draw_turtle(); */
- return;
- }
- saved_shown = turtle_shown;
- turtle_shown = FALSE;
- save_pen(&saved_pen);
- restore_pen(&orig_pen);
- #if defined(__ZTC__) && !defined(WIN32)
- full_screen;
- #endif
- erase_screen();
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- moveto(p_info_x(orig_pen),p_info_y(orig_pen));
- #endif
- while (r_index < record_index)
- switch (record[r_index]) {
- case (LINEXY) :
- line_to(*(int *)(record + r_index + One),
- *(int *)(record + r_index + Two));
- r_index += Three;
- break;
- case (MOVEXY) :
- move_to(*(int *)(record + r_index + One),
- *(int *)(record + r_index + Two));
- r_index += Three;
- break;
- case (LABEL) :
- draw_string(record + r_index + One+1);
- r_index += (One+2 + record[r_index + One] + (One-1)) & ~(One-1);
- break;
- case (SETPENVIS) :
- set_pen_vis(record[r_index + 1]);
- r_index += One;
- break;
- case (SETPENMODE) :
- #ifdef x_window
- set_pen_mode(*(GC *)(record + r_index + One));
- #else
- set_pen_mode(*(int *)(record + r_index + One));
- #endif
- internal_penmode = *(int *)(record + record_index + Two);
- r_index += Three;
- break;
- case (SETPENCOLOR) :
- set_pen_color(*(int *)(record + r_index + One));
- r_index += Two;
- break;
- case (SETPENSIZE) :
- set_pen_width(*(int *)(record + r_index + One));
- set_pen_height(*(int *)(record + r_index + Two));
- r_index += Three;
- break;
- set_pen_pattern(&record[r_index + One]);
- r_index += One+8;
- break;
- case (FILLERUP) :
- logofill();
- r_index += One;
- break;
- }
- restore_pen(&saved_pen);
- turtle_shown = saved_shown;
- #if defined(__ZTC__) && !defined(WIN32)
- if (save_splitscreen) {split_screen;}
- #endif
- draw_turtle();
- }
- /* This is called when the graphics coordinate system has been shifted.
- It adds a constant amount to each x and y coordinate in the record. */
- void resize_record(int dh, int dv) {
- int r_index = 0;
- p_info_x(orig_pen) += dh;
- p_info_y(orig_pen) += dv;
- while (r_index < record_index)
- switch (record[r_index]) {
- case (LINEXY) :
- case (MOVEXY) :
- *(int *)(record + r_index + One) += dh;
- *(int *)(record + r_index + Two) += dv;
- r_index += Three;
- break;
- case (LABEL) :
- r_index += (One+2 + record[r_index + One] + (One-1)) & ~(One-1);
- break;
- case (SETPENVIS) :
- case (FILLERUP) :
- r_index += One;
- break;
- case (SETPENCOLOR) :
- r_index += Two;
- break;
- case (SETPENSIZE) :
- case (SETPENMODE) :
- r_index += Three;
- break;
- r_index += One+8;
- break;
- }
- }