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- /*
- * macterm.c macintosh screen module mak
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- */
- #include "logo.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "macterm.h"
- #include <console.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <Sound.h>
- #include <Types.h>
- #include <GestaltEqu.h>
- #include <Palettes.h>
- char windowtitle[100];
- FILE *graphics, *console;
- WindowPtr graphics_window, listener_window;
- GrafPtr savePort;
- extern WindowPtr myWindow; /* the editor window */
- FIXNUM pen_color = 7, back_ground = 0;
- /************************************************************/
- void nop() {
- }
- int can_do_color = 0, want_color = 0;
- PaletteHandle the_palette;
- void get_can_do_color(void) {
- long ans;
- if (!Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawVersion, &ans))
- can_do_color = (ans != 0);
- }
- void init_mac_memory(void) {
- unsigned long AZ, AL;
- /* SetApplLimit((Ptr)(GetApplLimit() - 150000L)); MaxApplZone(); */
- AL = (unsigned long)GetApplLimit(); AZ = (unsigned long)ApplicZone();
- /* SetApplLimit((Ptr) ( (AZ + ((AL-AZ)*3)/4) & 0x00fffffe )); */
- /* SetApplLimit((Ptr)(AZ + 300000L)); */
- SetApplLimit((Ptr)((AZ + ((AL-AZ)*3)/4) & -2L)); /* PCB */
- MaxApplZone();
- }
- BOOLEAN check_mac_stop(void) {
- char the_key_map[16];
- static int full = 400;
- extern void ProcessEvent(void);
- if (FreeMem() < 3000) {
- err_logo(STACK_OVERFLOW, NIL);
- return(1);
- }
- GetKeys(&the_key_map);
- if (the_key_map[5] & 128 && the_key_map[6] & 128) {
- /* period and command are down */
- FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0);
- logo_stop();
- return 1;
- } else if (the_key_map[5] & 8 && the_key_map[6] & 128) {
- /* comma and command are down */
- FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0);
- logo_pause();
- }
- if (--full == 0) {
- ProcessEvent();
- full = 400;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- void term_init_mac(void) {
- MenuHandle menu_handle;
- get_can_do_color();
- tty_charmode = 0;
- x_max = 80;
- y_max = 24;
- console_options.title = windowtitle;
- console_options.top-= 5;
- console_options.left-= 5;
- strncpy(console_options.title, "\pGraphics", 9);
- want_color = 1;
- graphics = fopenc();
- want_color = 0;
- cgotoxy(1, 1, graphics);
- graphics_window = FrontWindow();
- if (can_do_color) {
- the_palette = GetNewPalette(129);
- SetPalette(graphics_window, the_palette, 1);
- ActivatePalette(graphics_window);
- }
- SizeWindow(graphics_window, graphics_window->portRect.right,
- graphics_window->portRect.bottom - 1, 0);
- cs_helper(TRUE);
- console_options.top+= 10;
- console_options.left+= 10;
- strncpy(console_options.title, "\pBerkeley Logo", 14);
- console = fopenc();
- lregulartext(NIL);
- cinverse(1,stdout);
- listener_window = FrontWindow();
- console_options.title[0] = 0;
- menu_handle = GetMHandle(3);
- AppendMenu(menu_handle,
- "\p(-;(Accept Editor Changes/A;(Cancel Editor Changes");
- AppendMenu(menu_handle, "\p(-;(Page Setup;(Print/P");
- SetUpWindows();
- prepare_to_draw;
- mac_set_bg(0L);
- mac_set_pc(7L);
- save_color();
- done_drawing;
- x_coord = y_coord = 0;
- so_arr[0] = '\1'; so_arr[1] = '\0';
- se_arr[0] = '\2'; se_arr[1] = '\0';
- }
- void mac_gotoxy(int x, int y) {
- if (x_coord < 0) x_coord = 0;
- if (x_coord >= console_options.ncols) x_coord = console_options.ncols - 1;
- if (y_coord < 0) y_coord = 0;
- if (y_coord >= console_options.nrows) y_coord = console_options.nrows - 1;
- cgotoxy(x_coord + 1, y_coord + 1, stdout);
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /* These are primitives that can only exist on the mac and/or are ad hoc
- things Michael invented that we probably don't want to keep around in Berkeley Logo. */
- NODE *lsetwindowtitle(NODE *arg) {
- NODE *name;
- name = string_arg(arg);
- if (name != UNBOUND) {
- noparity_strnzcpy((char *)(windowtitle + 1), getstrptr(name), (int)getstrlen(name));
- windowtitle[0] = (char)getstrlen(name);
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- void option_helper(short* var, NODE *arg) {
- NODE *val;
- val = integer_arg(arg);
- *var = (short)getint(val);
- }
- NODE *lsettextfont(NODE *arg) {
- option_helper(&console_options.txFont, arg);
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lsettextsize(NODE *arg) {
- option_helper(&console_options.txSize, arg);
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lsettextstyle(NODE *arg) {
- option_helper(&console_options.txFace, arg);
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lsetwindowsize(NODE *args) {
- NODE *xnode, *ynode = UNBOUND, *arg;
- arg = pos_int_vector_arg(args);
- xnode = car(arg);
- ynode = cadr(arg);
- console_options.ncols = max((int)getint(xnode), 40);
- console_options.nrows = max((int)getint(ynode), 5);
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lsetwindowxy(NODE *args) {
- NODE *xnode, *ynode = UNBOUND, *arg;
- arg = pos_int_vector_arg(args);
- xnode = car(arg);
- ynode = cadr(arg);
- console_options.left = (int)getint(xnode);
- console_options.top = (int)getint(ynode);
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lnewconsole(NODE *args) {
- FILE *c, *old;
- int was_graphics;
- was_graphics = (FrontWindow() == graphics_window);
- chide(stdin);
- fclose(stdin);
- fclose(stdout);
- fclose(stderr);
- c = fopenc();
- fclose(stdin);
- fclose(stdout);
- freopenc(c, stdin);
- freopenc(c, stdout);
- freopenc(c, stderr);
- lcleartext(NIL);
- cinverse(1,stdout);
- if (was_graphics) {
- graphics_window = FrontWindow();
- graphics = c;
- } else {
- listener_window = FrontWindow();
- console = c;
- x_max = console_options.ncols;
- y_max = console_options.nrows;
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lgraphtext(NODE *args) {
- freopenc(graphics, stdin);
- freopenc(graphics, stdout);
- freopenc(graphics, stderr);
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lregulartext(NODE *args) {
- freopenc(console, stdin);
- freopenc(console, stdout);
- freopenc(console, stderr);
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lcaninverse(NODE *args) {
- FIXNUM onoff = int_arg(args);
- if (NOT_THROWING) cinverse(onoff, stdin);
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /* These are the machine-specific graphics definitions. All versions must provide
- a set of functions analogous to these. */
- void save_pen(pen_info *p) {
- GetPort(&savePort);
- SetPort(graphics_window);
- GetPenState(&(p->ps));
- p->vis = graphics_window->pnVis;
- // p->color = graphics_window->fgColor;
- p->color = pen_color;
- SetPort(savePort);
- }
- void restore_pen(pen_info *p) {
- GetPort(&savePort);
- SetPort(graphics_window);
- SetPenState(&(p->ps));
- graphics_window->pnVis = p->vis;
- // graphics_window->fgColor = p->color;
- mac_set_pc(p->color);
- SetPort(savePort);
- }
- void plain_xor_pen(void) {
- PenNormal();
- PenMode(patXor);
- }
- FIXNUM color_table[8] = {33, 409, 341, 273, 205, 137, 69, 30};
- FIXNUM hw_color(FIXNUM c) {
- if (c >= 0 && c < 8) return color_table[c];
- if (c < 0) return c;
- return c-8;
- }
- int palette_color(FIXNUM c) {
- if (c == 7) return 0;
- if (c >= 0 && c < 7) return c+1;
- return c;
- }
- void mac_set_pc(FIXNUM c) {
- pen_color = c;
- if (can_do_color)
- PmForeColor(palette_color(c));
- else
- graphics_window->fgColor = hw_color(c);
- }
- void mac_set_bg(FIXNUM c) {
- back_ground = c;
- if (can_do_color)
- PmBackColor(palette_color(c));
- else
- graphics_window->bkColor = hw_color(c);
- redraw_graphics();
- }
- void set_palette(int slot, unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b) {
- RGBColor rgb;
- if (can_do_color) {
- rgb.red = r;
- rgb.green = g;
- rgb.blue = b;
- SetEntryColor(the_palette, slot, &rgb);
- SetEntryUsage(the_palette, slot, pmTolerant, 2000);
- ActivatePalette(graphics_window);
- redraw_graphics();
- }
- }
- void get_palette(int slot, unsigned int *r, unsigned int *g, unsigned int *b) {
- RGBColor rgb;
- if (can_do_color) {
- GetEntryColor(the_palette, palette_color((FIXNUM)slot), &rgb);
- *r = rgb.red;
- *g = rgb.green;
- *b = rgb.blue;
- } else {
- *r = (slot&4 ? 65000 : 0);
- *g = (slot&2 ? 65000 : 0);
- *b = (slot&1 ? 65000 : 0);
- }
- }
- void set_pen_pattern(char *pat) {
- PenPat(pat);
- }
- void set_list_pen_pattern(NODE *arg) {
- NODE *cur_num, *temp;
- char p_arr[8];
- int count;
- cur_num = arg;
- for (count = 0 ; count <= 7 && cur_num != NIL && NOT_THROWING ; count++) {
- temp = cnv_node_to_numnode(car(cur_num));
- p_arr[count] = (char)getint(temp);
- cur_num = cdr(cur_num);
- }
- PenPat(p_arr);
- }
- void get_pen_pattern(char *pat) {
- PenState oil;
- int count;
- GetPenState(&oil);
- for (count = 0; count < 8; count++)
- *(char *)(pat + count) = oil.pnPat[count];
- }
- NODE *Get_node_pen_pattern() {
- PenState oil;
- int count;
- GetPenState(&oil);
- return(cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)(oil.pnPat[0])),
- cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)(oil.pnPat[1])),
- cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)(oil.pnPat[2])),
- cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)(oil.pnPat[3])),
- cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)(oil.pnPat[4])),
- cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)(oil.pnPat[5])),
- cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)(oil.pnPat[6])),
- cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)(oil.pnPat[7])),
- NIL)))))))));
- }
- NODE *Get_node_pen_mode() {
- switch(pen_mode) {
- case patCopy : return(make_static_strnode("paint"));
- case patBic : return(make_static_strnode("erase"));
- case patXor : return(make_static_strnode("reverse"));
- default : return(make_static_strnode("unknown"));
- }
- }
- void label(char *s) {
- short tmode;
- GetPort(&savePort);
- SetPort(graphics_window);
- MoveTo(g_round(graphics_window->portRect.right/2.0 + turtle_x),
- g_round(graphics_window->portRect.bottom/2.0 - turtle_y));
- switch(pen_mode) {
- case patCopy : tmode = srcOr; break;
- case patBic : tmode = srcBic; break;
- case patXor : tmode = srcXor; break;
- default : tmode = srcCopy; break; /* can't happen */
- }
- TextFont(monaco); TextSize(9); TextMode(tmode);
- DrawString(s);
- SetPort(savePort);
- }
- void logofill(void) {
- BitMap mask;
- if (can_do_color) {
- prepare_to_draw;
- mask.bounds = (*(graphics_window->visRgn))->rgnBBox;
- mask.bounds.right = mask.bounds.right - mask.bounds.left;
- mask.bounds.left = 0;
- mask.bounds.bottom = mask.bounds.bottom - mask.bounds.top;
- mask.bounds.top = 0;
- mask.rowBytes = ((mask.bounds.right + 15) / 8) & ~1;
- mask.baseAddr = malloc(mask.rowBytes * mask.bounds.bottom);
- if (mask.baseAddr == NULL) {
- err_logo(OUT_OF_MEM, NIL);
- done_drawing;
- return;
- }
- SeedCFill(&(graphics_window->portBits), &mask,
- &((*(graphics_window->visRgn))->rgnBBox),
- &(mask.bounds),
- graphics_window->pnLoc.h, graphics_window->pnLoc.v,
- 0, 0L);
- CopyMask(&mask, &mask, &(graphics_window->portBits),
- &(mask.bounds), &(mask.bounds),
- &((*(graphics_window->visRgn))->rgnBBox));
- free(mask.baseAddr);
- done_drawing;
- }
- }
- void erase_screen(void) {
- int old_vis;
- GetPort(&savePort);
- SetPort(graphics_window);
- old_vis = graphics_window->pnVis;
- graphics_window->pnVis = 0;
- EraseRect(&graphics_window->portRect);
- graphics_window->pnVis = old_vis;
- SetPort(savePort);
- }
- void t_screen(void) {
- console_options.ncols = 80;
- console_options.nrows = 25;
- console_options.left = 15;
- console_options.top = 55;
- strncpy(console_options.title, "\pBerkeley Logo", 14);
- lnewconsole(NIL);
- MoveWindow(myWindow, 15, 55, TRUE);
- MySizeWindow(myWindow, 488, 283);
- SelectWindow(listener_window);
- }
- void s_screen(void) {
- Rect bounds;
- int v;
- if (can_do_color)
- v = ((*(((CGrafPtr)graphics_window)->portPixMap))->bounds.bottom -
- (*(((CGrafPtr)graphics_window)->portPixMap))->bounds.top) - 84;
- else
- v = (graphics_window->portBits.bounds.bottom -
- graphics_window->portBits.bounds.top) - 84;
- console_options.ncols = 80;
- console_options.nrows = 6;
- console_options.left = 5;
- console_options.top = v + 6;
- strncpy(console_options.title, "\pBerkeley Logo", 14);
- lnewconsole(NIL);
- MoveWindow(myWindow, 5, v, TRUE);
- MySizeWindow(myWindow, 488, 80);
- SelectWindow(listener_window);
- }
- void f_screen(void) {
- Rect bounds;
- int v;
- if (can_do_color)
- v = ((*(((CGrafPtr)graphics_window)->portPixMap))->bounds.bottom -
- (*(((CGrafPtr)graphics_window)->portPixMap))->bounds.top) - 84;
- else
- v = (graphics_window->portBits.bounds.bottom -
- graphics_window->portBits.bounds.top) - 84;
- console_options.ncols = 80;
- console_options.nrows = 0;
- console_options.left = 5;
- console_options.top = v + 52;
- strncpy(console_options.title, "\pBerkeley Logo", 14);
- lnewconsole(NIL);
- MoveWindow(myWindow, 5, v, TRUE);
- MySizeWindow(myWindow, 488, 80);
- SelectWindow(graphics_window);
- }
- FIXNUM mickey_x(void) {
- Point the_mouse;
- GetPort(&savePort);
- SetPort(graphics_window);
- GetMouse(&the_mouse);
- SetPort(savePort);
- return((FIXNUM)(the_mouse.h - graphics_window->portRect.right/2));
- }
- FIXNUM mickey_y(void) {
- Point the_mouse;
- GetPort(&savePort);
- SetPort(graphics_window);
- GetMouse(&the_mouse);
- SetPort(savePort);
- return((FIXNUM)(graphics_window->portRect.bottom/2 - the_mouse.v));
- }
- /* see Inside Macintosh vol. 2 pp. 237-241 for pitch values */
- void tone(FIXNUM pitch, FIXNUM duration) {
- struct { int mode;
- int freq;
- int amp;
- int dur;
- } sound_rec;
- sound_rec.mode = -1;
- sound_rec.freq = (int)(387205L/pitch);
- sound_rec.amp = 200;
- sound_rec.dur = (int)duration;
- StartSound(&sound_rec, (long)8, (char *)(-1));
- while (!SoundDone()) ;
- }
- /************************************************************/
- void c_to_pascal_string(char *str, int len) {
- int count = len;
- char prev;
- while (count > 0) {
- prev = str[count - 1];
- str[count] = clearparity(prev);
- count--;
- }
- str[0] = len;
- }