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- /*
- * wrksp.c logo workspace management module dvb
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- */
- #ifdef WIN32
- #include <windows.h>
- #endif
- #include "logo.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef ibm
- #include "process.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_TERMIO_H
- #include <termio.h>
- #else
- #ifdef HAVE_SGTTY_H
- #include <sgtty.h>
- #endif
- #endif
- #if defined(__PPC__) && defined(AMIGA)
- #define __USE_SYSBASE
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <powerup/ppclib/interface.h>
- #include <powerup/gcclib/powerup_protos.h>
- #define AllocVec(n, f) PPCAllocVec(n, f)
- #define FreeVec(b) PPCFreeVec(b)
- #endif
- char *editor, *editorname, *tempdir;
- int to_pending = 0;
- NODE *make_procnode(NODE *lst, NODE *wrds, int min, int df, int max) {
- return(cons_list(0, lst, wrds, make_intnode((FIXNUM)min),
- make_intnode((FIXNUM)df), make_intnode((FIXNUM)max),
- }
- NODE *get_bodywords(NODE *proc, NODE *name) {
- NODE *val = bodywords__procnode(proc);
- NODE *head = NIL, *tail = NIL;
- if (val != NIL) return(val);
- name = intern(name);
- head = cons_list(0, (is_macro(name) ? Macro : To), name, END_OF_LIST);
- tail = cdr(head);
- val = formals__procnode(proc);
- while (val != NIL) {
- if (is_list(car(val)))
- setcdr(tail, cons(cons(make_colon(caar(val)), cdar(val)), NIL));
- else if (nodetype(car(val)) == INT)
- setcdr(tail, cons(car(val),NIL));
- else
- setcdr(tail, cons(make_colon(car(val)),NIL));
- tail = cdr(tail);
- val = cdr(val);
- }
- head = cons(head, NIL);
- tail = head;
- val = bodylist__procnode(proc);
- while (val != NIL) {
- setcdr(tail, cons(runparse(car(val)), NIL));
- tail = cdr(tail);
- val = cdr(val);
- }
- setcdr(tail, cons(cons(End, NIL), NIL));
- setbodywords__procnode(proc,head);
- return(head);
- }
- NODE *name_arg(NODE *args) {
- while (aggregate(car(args)) && NOT_THROWING)
- setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, car(args)));
- return car(args);
- }
- NODE *ltext(NODE *args) {
- NODE *name, *val = UNBOUND;
- name = name_arg(args);
- val = procnode__caseobj(intern(name));
- if (val == UNDEFINED) {
- err_logo(DK_HOW_UNREC,name);
- return UNBOUND;
- } else if (is_prim(val)) {
- err_logo(IS_PRIM,name);
- return UNBOUND;
- } else
- return text__procnode(val);
- }
- return UNBOUND;
- }
- NODE *lfulltext(NODE *args) {
- NODE *name, *val = UNBOUND;
- name = name_arg(args);
- val = procnode__caseobj(intern(name));
- if (val == UNDEFINED) {
- err_logo(DK_HOW_UNREC,name);
- return UNBOUND;
- } else if (is_prim(val)) {
- err_logo(IS_PRIM,name);
- return UNBOUND;
- } else
- return get_bodywords(val,name);
- }
- return UNBOUND;
- }
- BOOLEAN all_lists(NODE *val) {
- if (val == NIL) return TRUE;
- if (!is_list(car(val))) return FALSE;
- return all_lists(cdr(val));
- }
- NODE *define_helper(NODE *args, BOOLEAN macro_flag) {
- NODE *name = NIL, *val = NIL, *arg = NIL;
- int minimum = 0, deflt = 0, maximum = 0, old_default = -1;
- int redef = (compare_node(valnode__caseobj(Redefp),True,TRUE) == 0);
- if (macro_flag >= 0) {
- name = name_arg(args);
- name = intern(name);
- val = procnode__caseobj(name);
- if (!redef && is_prim(val)) {
- err_logo(IS_PRIM,name);
- return UNBOUND;
- } else if (val != UNDEFINED) {
- old_default = (is_prim(val) ? getprimdflt(val) :
- getint(dfltargs__procnode(val)));
- }
- }
- val = cadr(args);
- while ((val == NIL || !is_list(val) || !all_lists(val)) &&
- setcar(cdr(args), err_logo(BAD_DATA, val));
- val = cadr(args);
- }
- }
- } else { /* lambda */
- val = args;
- }
- args = car(val);
- if (args != NIL) {
- make_runparse(args);
- args = parsed__runparse(args);
- }
- setcar(val, args);
- while (args != NIL) {
- arg = car(args);
- if (arg != NIL && is_list(arg) && maximum != -1) {
- make_runparse(arg);
- arg = parsed__runparse(arg);
- setcar(args, arg);
- maximum++;
- if (cdr(arg) == NIL)
- maximum = -1;
- } else if (nodetype(arg) == INT &&
- getint(arg) <= (unsigned) maximum &&
- getint(arg) >= minimum) {
- deflt = getint(arg);
- } else if (maximum == minimum) {
- minimum++;
- maximum++;
- deflt++;
- } else {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, arg);
- break;
- }
- args = cdr(args);
- if (check_throwing) break;
- }
- }
- if (macro_flag < 0) {
- return make_procnode(val, NIL, minimum, deflt, maximum);
- } else if (NOT_THROWING) {
- setprocnode__caseobj(name,
- make_procnode(val, NIL, minimum, deflt, maximum));
- if (macro_flag)
- setflag__caseobj(name, PROC_MACRO);
- else
- clearflag__caseobj(name, PROC_MACRO);
- if (deflt != old_default && old_default >= 0) {
- the_generation = cons(NIL, NIL);
- }
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *ldefine(NODE *args) {
- return define_helper(args, FALSE);
- }
- NODE *ldefmacro(NODE *args) {
- return define_helper(args, TRUE);
- }
- NODE *anonymous_function(NODE *text) {
- return define_helper(text, -1);
- }
- NODE *to_helper(NODE *args, BOOLEAN macro_flag) {
- NODE *arg = NIL, *tnode = NIL, *proc_name, *formals = NIL, *lastnode = NIL,
- *body_words, *lastnode2, *body_list;
- int minimum = 0, deflt = 0, maximum = 0, old_default = -1;
- if (ufun != NIL && loadstream == stdin) {
- err_logo(NOT_INSIDE,NIL);
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- if (args == NIL) {
- err_logo(NOT_ENOUGH,NIL);
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- deepend_proc_name = proc_name = car(args);
- args = cdr(args);
- if (nodetype(proc_name) != CASEOBJ)
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, proc_name);
- else if ((procnode__caseobj(proc_name) != UNDEFINED && loadstream == stdin)
- || is_prim(procnode__caseobj(proc_name)))
- err_logo(ALREADY_DEFINED, proc_name);
- else {
- NODE *old_proc = procnode__caseobj(proc_name);
- if (old_proc != UNDEFINED) {
- old_default = (is_prim(old_proc) ? getprimdflt(old_proc) :
- getint(dfltargs__procnode(old_proc)));
- }
- while (args != NIL) {
- arg = car(args);
- args = cdr(args);
- if (nodetype(arg) == CONS && maximum != -1) {
- make_runparse(arg);
- arg = parsed__runparse(arg);
- maximum++;
- if (nodetype(car(arg)) != COLON) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, arg);
- break;
- } else
- setcar(arg, node__colon(car(arg)));
- if (cdr(arg) == NIL)
- maximum = -1;
- } else if (nodetype(arg) == COLON && maximum == minimum) {
- arg = node__colon(arg);
- minimum++;
- maximum++;
- deflt++;
- } else if (nodetype(arg) == INT &&
- getint(arg) <= (unsigned) maximum &&
- getint(arg) >= minimum) {
- deflt = getint(arg);
- } else {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, arg);
- break;
- }
- tnode = cons(arg, NIL);
- if (formals == NIL) formals = tnode;
- else setcdr(lastnode, tnode);
- lastnode = tnode;
- }
- }
- body_words = cons(current_line, NIL);
- lastnode2 = body_words;
- body_list = cons(formals, NIL);
- lastnode = body_list;
- to_pending++; /* for int or quit signal */
- while (NOT_THROWING && to_pending && (!feof(loadstream))) {
- tnode = cons(reader(loadstream, "> "), NIL);
- setcdr(lastnode2, tnode);
- lastnode2 = tnode;
- tnode = cons(parser(car(tnode), TRUE), NIL);
- if (car(tnode) != NIL && compare_node(caar(tnode), End, TRUE) == 0)
- break;
- else if (car(tnode) != NIL) {
- setcdr(lastnode, tnode);
- lastnode = tnode;
- }
- }
- if (to_pending && NOT_THROWING) {
- setprocnode__caseobj(proc_name,
- make_procnode(body_list, body_words, minimum,
- deflt, maximum));
- if (macro_flag)
- setflag__caseobj(proc_name, PROC_MACRO);
- else
- clearflag__caseobj(proc_name, PROC_MACRO);
- if (deflt != old_default && old_default >= 0) {
- the_generation = cons(NIL, NIL);
- }
- if (loadstream == stdin ||
- compare_node(valnode__caseobj(LoadNoisily),True,TRUE) == 0) {
- ndprintf(stdout, "%s defined\n", proc_name);
- }
- }
- to_pending = 0;
- }
- deepend_proc_name = NIL;
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lto(NODE *args) {
- return to_helper(args, FALSE);
- }
- NODE *lmacro(NODE *args) {
- return to_helper(args, TRUE);
- }
- NODE *lmake(NODE *args) {
- NODE *what;
- what = name_arg(args);
- what = intern(what);
- setvalnode__caseobj(what, cadr(args));
- if (flag__caseobj(what, VAL_TRACED)) {
- NODE *tvar = maybe_quote(cadr(args));
- ndprintf(writestream, "Make %s %s", make_quote(what), tvar);
- if (ufun != NIL) {
- ndprintf(writestream, " in %s\n%s", ufun, this_line);
- }
- new_line(writestream);
- }
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *llocal(NODE *args) {
- NODE *arg = NIL;
- NODE *vsp = var_stack;
- if (tailcall == 1) return UNBOUND;
- while (is_list(car(args)) && cdr(args) != NIL && NOT_THROWING)
- setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, car(args)));
- if (is_list(car(args)))
- args = car(args);
- while (args != NIL && NOT_THROWING) {
- arg = car(args);
- while (!is_word(arg) && NOT_THROWING) {
- arg = err_logo(BAD_DATA, arg);
- setcar(args, arg); /* prevent crash in lapply */
- }
- arg = intern(arg);
- setcar(args, arg); /* local [a b] faster next time */
- if (not_local(arg,vsp)) {
- push(arg, var_stack);
- setobject(var_stack, valnode__caseobj(arg));
- }
- setvalnode__caseobj(arg, UNBOUND);
- tell_shadow(arg);
- args = cdr(args);
- }
- if (check_throwing) break;
- }
- var = var_stack; /* so eval won't undo our work */
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *cnt_list = NIL;
- NODE *cnt_last = NIL;
- int want_buried = 0;
- typedef enum {c_PROCS, c_VARS, c_PLISTS} CNTLSTTYP;
- CNTLSTTYP contents_list_type;
- int bck(int flag) {
- return (want_buried ? !flag : flag);
- }
- void contents_map(NODE *sym) {
- switch(contents_list_type) {
- case c_PROCS:
- if (procnode__object(sym) == UNDEFINED ||
- is_prim(procnode__object(sym)))
- return;
- if (bck(flag__object(sym,PROC_BURIED))) return;
- break;
- case c_VARS:
- if (valnode__object(sym) == UNBOUND) return;
- if (bck(flag__object(sym,VAL_BURIED))) return;
- break;
- case c_PLISTS:
- if (plist__object(sym) == NIL) return;
- if (bck(flag__object(sym,PLIST_BURIED))) return;
- break;
- }
- if (cnt_list == NIL) {
- cnt_list = cons(canonical__object(sym), NIL);
- cnt_last = cnt_list;
- } else {
- setcdr(cnt_last, cons(canonical__object(sym), NIL));
- cnt_last = cdr(cnt_last);
- }
- }
- void ms_listlist(NODE *nd) {
- while (nd != NIL) {
- setcar(nd, cons(car(nd), NIL));
- nd = cdr(nd);
- }
- }
- NODE *merge(NODE *a, NODE *b) {
- NODE *ret, *tail;
- if (a == NIL) return(b);
- if (b == NIL) return(a);
- if (compare_node(car(a),car(b),FALSE) < 0) {
- ret = a;
- tail = a;
- a = cdr(a);
- } else {
- ret = b;
- tail = b;
- b = cdr(b);
- }
- while (a != NIL && b != NIL) {
- if (compare_node(car(a),car(b),FALSE) < 0) {
- setcdr(tail, a);
- a = cdr(a);
- } else {
- setcdr(tail, b);
- b = cdr(b);
- }
- tail = cdr(tail);
- }
- if (b == NIL) setcdr(tail, a);
- else setcdr(tail, b);
- return ret;
- }
- void mergepairs(NODE *nd) {
- while (nd != NIL && cdr(nd) != NIL) {
- setcar(nd, merge(car(nd), cadr(nd)));
- setcdr(nd, cddr(nd));
- nd = cdr(nd);
- }
- }
- NODE *mergesrt(NODE *nd) { /* spelled funny to avoid library conflict */
- if (nd == NIL) return(NIL);
- if (cdr(nd) == NIL) return(nd);
- ms_listlist(nd);
- while (cdr(nd) != NIL)
- mergepairs(nd);
- return car(nd);
- }
- NODE *get_contents() {
- cnt_list = NIL;
- cnt_last = NIL;
- map_oblist(contents_map);
- cnt_list = mergesrt(cnt_list);
- return(cnt_list);
- }
- NODE *lcontents(NODE *args) {
- NODE *ret;
- want_buried = 0;
- contents_list_type = c_PLISTS;
- ret = cons(get_contents(), NIL);
- contents_list_type = c_VARS;
- push(get_contents(), ret);
- contents_list_type = c_PROCS;
- push(get_contents(), ret);
- cnt_list = NIL;
- return(ret);
- }
- NODE *lburied(NODE *args) {
- NODE *ret;
- want_buried = 1;
- contents_list_type = c_PLISTS;
- ret = cons(get_contents(), NIL);
- contents_list_type = c_VARS;
- push(get_contents(), ret);
- contents_list_type = c_PROCS;
- push(get_contents(), ret);
- cnt_list = NIL;
- return(ret);
- }
- NODE *lprocedures(NODE *args) {
- NODE *ret;
- want_buried = 0;
- contents_list_type = c_PROCS;
- ret = get_contents();
- cnt_list = NIL;
- return(ret);
- }
- NODE *lnames(NODE *args) {
- NODE *ret;
- want_buried = 0;
- contents_list_type = c_VARS;
- ret = cons(NIL, cons(get_contents(), NIL));
- cnt_list = NIL;
- return(ret);
- }
- NODE *lplists(NODE *args) {
- NODE *ret;
- want_buried = 0;
- contents_list_type = c_PLISTS;
- ret = cons(NIL, cons(NIL, cons(get_contents(), NIL)));
- cnt_list = NIL;
- return(ret);
- }
- NODE *one_list(NODE *nd) {
- if (!is_list(nd))
- return(cons(nd,NIL));
- return nd;
- }
- void three_lists(NODE *arg, NODE **proclst, NODE **varlst, NODE **plistlst) {
- if (nodetype(car(arg)) == CONS)
- arg = car(arg);
- if (!is_list(car(arg)))
- *proclst = arg;
- else {
- *proclst = car(arg);
- if (cdr(arg) != NIL) {
- *varlst = one_list(cadr(arg));
- if (cddr(arg) != NIL) {
- *plistlst = one_list(car(cddr(arg)));
- }
- }
- }
- if (!is_list(*proclst) || !is_list(*varlst) || !is_list(*plistlst)) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC,arg);
- *plistlst = *varlst = *proclst = NIL;
- }
- }
- char *expand_slash(NODE *wd) {
- char *result, *cp, *cp2;
- int i, len = getstrlen(wd), j;
- for (cp = getstrptr(wd), i=0, j = len; --j >= 0; )
- if (getparity(*cp++)) i++;
- result = malloc(len+i+1);
- if (result == NULL) {
- err_logo(OUT_OF_MEM, NIL);
- return 0;
- }
- for (cp = getstrptr(wd), cp2 = result, j = len; --j >= 0; ) {
- if (getparity(*cp)) *cp2++ = '\\';
- *cp2++ = clearparity(*cp++);
- }
- *cp2 = '\0';
- return result;
- }
- NODE *po_helper(NODE *arg, int just_titles) { /* >0 for POT, <0 for EDIT */
- NODE *proclst = NIL, *varlst = NIL, *plistlst = NIL, *tvar = NIL;
- NODE *plist;
- print_backslashes = TRUE;
- three_lists(arg, &proclst, &varlst, &plistlst);
- while (proclst != NIL) {
- if (aggregate(car(proclst))) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(proclst));
- break;
- } else
- tvar = procnode__caseobj(intern(car(proclst)));
- if (tvar == UNDEFINED) {
- if (just_titles < 0) {
- ndprintf(writestream,"to %p\nend\n\n", car(proclst));
- } else {
- err_logo(DK_HOW_UNREC, car(proclst));
- break;
- }
- } else if (nodetype(tvar) & NT_PRIM) {
- err_logo(IS_PRIM, car(proclst));
- break;
- } else {
- tvar = get_bodywords(tvar,car(proclst));
- if (just_titles > 0) {
- if (is_list(car(tvar)))
- print_nobrak(writestream, car(tvar));
- else {
- char *str = expand_slash(car(tvar));
- ndprintf(writestream, "%t", str);
- free(str);
- }
- } else while (tvar != NIL) {
- if (is_list(car(tvar)))
- print_nobrak(writestream, car(tvar));
- else {
- char *str = expand_slash(car(tvar));
- ndprintf(writestream, "%t", str);
- free(str);
- }
- new_line(writestream);
- tvar = cdr(tvar);
- }
- new_line(writestream);
- }
- proclst = cdr(proclst);
- if (check_throwing) break;
- }
- while (varlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) {
- if (aggregate(car(varlst))) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(varlst));
- break;
- } else
- tvar = maybe_quote(valnode__caseobj(intern(car(varlst))));
- if (tvar == UNBOUND) {
- if (just_titles >= 0) {
- err_logo(NO_VALUE, car(varlst));
- break;
- }
- } else {
- ndprintf(writestream, "Make %s %s\n",
- make_quote(car(varlst)), tvar);
- }
- varlst = cdr(varlst);
- if (check_throwing) break;
- }
- while (plistlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) {
- if (aggregate(car(plistlst))) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(plistlst));
- break;
- } else {
- plist = plist__caseobj(intern(car(plistlst)));
- if (plist != NIL && just_titles > 0) {
- ndprintf(writestream, "Plist %s = %s\n",
- maybe_quote(car(plistlst)), plist);
- } else while (plist != NIL) {
- ndprintf(writestream, "Pprop %s %s %s\n",
- maybe_quote(car(plistlst)),
- maybe_quote(car(plist)),
- maybe_quote(cadr(plist)));
- plist = cddr(plist);
- }
- }
- plistlst = cdr(plistlst);
- if (check_throwing) break;
- }
- print_backslashes = FALSE;
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lpo(NODE *arg) {
- return(po_helper(arg,0));
- }
- NODE *lpot(NODE *arg) {
- return(po_helper(arg,1));
- }
- NODE *lerase(NODE *arg) {
- NODE *proclst = NIL, *varlst = NIL, *plistlst = NIL;
- NODE *nd;
- int redef = (compare_node(valnode__caseobj(Redefp),True,TRUE) == 0);
- three_lists(arg, &proclst, &varlst, &plistlst);
- if (proclst != NIL)
- the_generation = cons(NIL, NIL);
- while (proclst != NIL) {
- if (aggregate(car(proclst))) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(proclst));
- break;
- }
- nd = intern(car(proclst));
- if (!redef && is_prim(procnode__caseobj(nd))) {
- err_logo(IS_PRIM, nd);
- break;
- }
- setprocnode__caseobj(nd, UNDEFINED);
- proclst = cdr(proclst);
- }
- while (varlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) {
- if (aggregate(car(varlst))) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(varlst));
- break;
- }
- setvalnode__caseobj(intern(car(varlst)), UNBOUND);
- varlst = cdr(varlst);
- }
- while (plistlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) {
- if (aggregate(car(plistlst))) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(plistlst));
- break;
- }
- setplist__caseobj(intern(car(plistlst)), NIL);
- plistlst = cdr(plistlst);
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *erall_helper(BOOLEAN procs, BOOLEAN vals, BOOLEAN plists) {
- NODE *nd, *obj;
- int loop;
- int redef = (compare_node(valnode__caseobj(Redefp),True,TRUE) == 0);
- for (loop = 0; loop < HASH_LEN ; loop++) {
- for (nd = hash_table[loop]; nd != NIL; nd = cdr(nd)) {
- obj = car(nd);
- if (procs && !flag__object(obj, PROC_BURIED) &&
- (procnode__object(obj) != UNDEFINED) &&
- (redef || !is_prim(procnode__object(obj))))
- setprocnode__object(obj, UNDEFINED);
- if (vals && !flag__object(obj, VAL_BURIED))
- setvalnode__object(obj, UNBOUND);
- if (plists && !flag__object(obj, PLIST_BURIED))
- setplist__object(obj, NIL);
- }
- }
- return UNBOUND;
- }
- NODE *lerall(NODE *args) {
- return erall_helper(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- NODE *lerps(NODE *args) {
- return erall_helper(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
- }
- NODE *lerns(NODE *args) {
- return erall_helper(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
- }
- NODE *lerpls(NODE *args) {
- return erall_helper(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
- }
- NODE *bury_helper(NODE *arg, int flag) {
- NODE *proclst = NIL, *varlst = NIL, *plistlst = NIL;
- three_lists(arg, &proclst, &varlst, &plistlst);
- while (proclst != NIL) {
- if (aggregate(car(proclst))) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(proclst));
- break;
- }
- setflag__caseobj(intern(car(proclst)), flag);
- proclst = cdr(proclst);
- if (check_throwing) break;
- }
- flag <<= 1;
- while (varlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) {
- if (aggregate(car(varlst))) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(varlst));
- break;
- }
- setflag__caseobj(intern(car(varlst)), flag);
- varlst = cdr(varlst);
- if (check_throwing) break;
- }
- flag <<= 1;
- while (plistlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) {
- if (aggregate(car(plistlst))) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(plistlst));
- break;
- }
- setflag__caseobj(intern(car(plistlst)), flag);
- plistlst = cdr(plistlst);
- if (check_throwing) break;
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lbury(NODE *arg) {
- return bury_helper(arg,PROC_BURIED);
- }
- NODE *ltrace(NODE *arg) {
- return bury_helper(arg,PROC_TRACED);
- }
- NODE *lstep(NODE *arg) {
- return bury_helper(arg,PROC_STEPPED);
- }
- NODE *unbury_helper(NODE *arg, int flag) {
- NODE *proclst = NIL, *varlst = NIL, *plistlst = NIL;
- three_lists(arg, &proclst, &varlst, &plistlst);
- while (proclst != NIL) {
- if (aggregate(car(proclst))) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(proclst));
- break;
- }
- clearflag__caseobj(intern(car(proclst)), flag);
- proclst = cdr(proclst);
- if (check_throwing) break;
- }
- flag <<= 1;
- while (varlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) {
- if (aggregate(car(varlst))) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(varlst));
- break;
- }
- clearflag__caseobj(intern(car(varlst)), flag);
- varlst = cdr(varlst);
- if (check_throwing) break;
- }
- flag <<= 1;
- while (plistlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) {
- if (aggregate(car(plistlst))) {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(plistlst));
- break;
- }
- clearflag__caseobj(intern(car(plistlst)), flag);
- plistlst = cdr(plistlst);
- if (check_throwing) break;
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lunbury(NODE *arg) {
- return unbury_helper(arg,PROC_BURIED);
- }
- NODE *luntrace(NODE *arg) {
- return unbury_helper(arg,PROC_TRACED);
- }
- NODE *lunstep(NODE *arg) {
- return unbury_helper(arg,PROC_STEPPED);
- }
- char *addsep(char *path) {
- static char result[70];
- strcpy(result, path);
- if (result[0]) strcat(result, separator);
- return result;
- }
- NODE *ledit(NODE *args) {
- char tmp_filename[50];
- FILE *holdstrm;
- #ifdef unix
- #ifndef HAVE_UNISTD_H
- extern int getpid();
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef __ZTC__
- BOOLEAN was_graphics;
- #endif
- NODE *tmp_line = NIL, *exec_list = NIL;
- int sv_val_status = val_status;
- #ifdef AMIGA
- sprintf(tmp_filename, "T:temp%ld.txt",FindTask(NULL));
- #else
- #ifndef unix
- sprintf(tmp_filename, "%stemp.txt", addsep(tempdir));
- #else
- sprintf(tmp_filename, "%s/logo%d", tempdir, (int)getpid());
- #endif
- #endif
- if (args != NIL) {
- holdstrm = writestream;
- writestream = fopen(tmp_filename, "w");
- if (writestream != NULL) {
- po_helper(args,-1);
- fclose(writestream);
- writestream = holdstrm;
- } else {
- err_logo(FILE_ERROR,
- make_static_strnode("Could not create editor file"));
- writestream = holdstrm;
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- }
- if (stopping_flag == THROWING) return(UNBOUND);
- #ifdef AMIGA
- {
- char dos_command[150];
- sprintf(dos_command,
- // "ed %s window \"CON:20/20/600/200/Logo Editor/CLOSE/SCREEN %s\"",
- prefs.editor,
- tmp_filename,screenname);
- Execute(dos_command,NULL,console);
- }
- #else /* not AMIGA */
- #ifdef mac
- if (!mac_edit()) return(UNBOUND);
- #else /* not mac */
- #ifdef ibm
- #ifdef __ZTC__
- was_graphics = in_graphics_mode;
- if (in_graphics_mode) t_screen();
- zflush();
- #endif /* __ZTC__ */
- if (spawnlp(P_WAIT, editor, editorname, tmp_filename, NULL)) {
- err_logo(FILE_ERROR, make_static_strnode
- ("Could not launch the editor"));
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- #ifdef __ZTC__
- if (was_graphics) s_screen();
- else lcleartext(NIL);
- #endif /* __ZTC__ */
- #ifdef WIN32
- win32_repaint_screen();
- #endif /* WIN32 */
- #else /* not ibm */
- if (fork() == 0) {
- execlp(editor, editorname, tmp_filename, 0);
- exit(1);
- }
- wait(0);
- #ifdef WIN32
- win32_repaint_screen();
- #endif /* WIN32 */
- #endif /* ibm */
- #endif /* AMIGA */
- #endif
- holdstrm = loadstream;
- tmp_line = current_line;
- loadstream = fopen(tmp_filename, "r");
- if (loadstream != NULL) {
- while (!feof(loadstream) && NOT_THROWING) {
- current_line = reader(loadstream, "");
- exec_list = parser(current_line, TRUE);
- val_status = 0;
- if (exec_list != NIL) eval_driver(exec_list);
- }
- fclose(loadstream);
- #ifdef AMIGA
- {
- char dos_command[150];
- sprintf(dos_command,"delete >nil: %s",tmp_filename);
- Execute(dos_command,NULL,console);
- }
- #endif
- val_status = sv_val_status;
- } else
- err_logo(FILE_ERROR,
- make_static_strnode("Could not read editor file"));
- loadstream = holdstrm;
- current_line = tmp_line;
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lthing(NODE *args) {
- NODE *val = UNBOUND, *arg;
- arg = name_arg(args);
- if (NOT_THROWING) val = valnode__caseobj(intern(arg));
- while (val == UNBOUND && NOT_THROWING)
- val = err_logo(NO_VALUE, car(args));
- return(val);
- }
- NODE *lnamep(NODE *args) {
- NODE *arg;
- arg = name_arg(args);
- return torf(valnode__caseobj(intern(arg)) != UNBOUND);
- return UNBOUND;
- }
- NODE *lprocedurep(NODE *args) {
- NODE *arg;
- arg = name_arg(args);
- return torf(procnode__caseobj(intern(arg)) != UNDEFINED);
- return UNBOUND;
- }
- NODE *check_proctype(NODE *args, int wanted) {
- NODE *arg, *cell = NIL;
- int isprim;
- arg = name_arg(args);
- if (NOT_THROWING && (cell = procnode__caseobj(intern(arg))) == UNDEFINED) {
- return(False);
- }
- if (wanted == 2) return torf(is_macro(intern(arg)));
- isprim = is_prim(cell);
- if (NOT_THROWING) return torf((isprim != 0) == wanted);
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- NODE *lprimitivep(NODE *args) {
- return(check_proctype(args,1));
- }
- NODE *ldefinedp(NODE *args) {
- return(check_proctype(args,0));
- }
- NODE *lmacrop(NODE *args) {
- return(check_proctype(args,2));
- }
- NODE *lcopydef(NODE *args) {
- NODE *arg1, *arg2;
- int redef = (compare_node(valnode__caseobj(Redefp),True,TRUE) == 0);
- int old_default, new_default;
- arg1 = name_arg(args);
- arg2 = name_arg(cdr(args));
- if (numberp(arg2)) err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, arg2);
- if (numberp(arg1)) err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, arg1);
- arg1 = intern(arg1);
- arg2 = intern(arg2);
- }
- if (NOT_THROWING && procnode__caseobj(arg2) == UNDEFINED)
- err_logo(DK_HOW, arg2);
- if (NOT_THROWING && !redef && is_prim(procnode__caseobj(arg1)))
- err_logo(IS_PRIM, arg1);
- NODE *old_proc = procnode__caseobj(arg1);
- NODE *new_proc = procnode__caseobj(arg2);
- if (old_proc != UNDEFINED) {
- old_default = (is_prim(old_proc) ? getprimdflt(old_proc) :
- getint(dfltargs__procnode(old_proc)));
- new_default = (is_prim(new_proc) ? getprimdflt(new_proc) :
- getint(dfltargs__procnode(new_proc)));
- if (old_default != new_default) {
- the_generation = cons(NIL, NIL);
- }
- }
- setprocnode__caseobj(arg1, new_proc);
- setflag__caseobj(arg1, PROC_BURIED);
- if (is_macro(arg2)) setflag__caseobj(arg1, PROC_MACRO);
- else clearflag__caseobj(arg1, PROC_MACRO);
- }
- return(UNBOUND);
- }
- char *fixhelp(char *ptr, int len) {
- static char result[32];
- char *p, c;
- for (p = result; --len >= 0; *p++ = c) {
- c = *ptr++;
- if (c == '?')
- c = 'p';
- else if (c == '.')
- c = 'd';
- }
- *p = 0;
- return result;
- }
- NODE *lhelp(NODE *args) {
- NODE *arg = NIL;
- char buffer[200];
- char junk[20];
- FILE *fp;
- int lines;
- #if defined(ibm) || defined(WIN32)
- int len;
- #endif
- if (args == NIL) {
- #ifdef WIN32
- sprintf(buffer, "%sHELPCONT", addsep(helpfiles));
- #else
- sprintf(buffer, "%sHELPCONTENTS", addsep(helpfiles));
- #endif
- } else if (is_word(car(args))) {
- arg = llowercase(args);
- setcar(args, arg);
- sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", addsep(helpfiles),
- fixhelp(getstrptr(arg), getstrlen(arg)));
- #if defined(ibm) || defined(WIN32)
- if (strlen(buffer) > (len = strlen(addsep(helpfiles))+8)) {
- buffer[len+5] = '\0';
- buffer[len+4] = buffer[len+3];
- buffer[len+3] = buffer[len+2];
- buffer[len+2] = buffer[len+1];
- buffer[len+1] = buffer[len];
- buffer[len] = '.';
- }
- #endif
- } else {
- err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(args));
- return UNBOUND;
- }
- fp = fopen(buffer, "r");
- if (fp == NULL) {
- if (args == NIL)
- ndprintf(writestream, "No help available.\n");
- else
- ndprintf(writestream, "No help available on %p.\n", arg);
- } else {
- (void)ltextscreen(NIL);
- lines = 0;
- fgets(buffer, 200, fp);
- while (NOT_THROWING && !feof(fp)) {
- if (interactive && writestream==stdout && ++lines >= y_max) {
- ndprintf(writestream,"--more--");
- input_blocking++;
- #ifndef TIOCSTI
- if (!setjmp(iblk_buf))
- #endif
- #ifdef __ZTC__
- ztc_getcr();
- print_char(stdout, '\n');
- #else
- #ifdef WIN32
- (void)reader(stdin, "");
- #else
- fgets(junk, 19, stdin);
- #endif
- #endif
- input_blocking = 0;
- update_coords('\n');
- lines = 1;
- }
- ndprintf(writestream, "%t", buffer);
- fgets(buffer, 200, fp);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- }
- return UNBOUND;
- }