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- (c) in 1995-97 by Volker Barthelmann
- This document is under construction!
- This document describes some of the internals of vbcc and tries to explain
- what has to be done to write a code generator for vbcc.
- However if someone wants to write one, I suggest to contact me first,
- so that it can be integrated into the source tree.
- You have to create a new directory for the new target named
- machines/<target-name> and write the files machine.c, machine.h
- and machine.dt. The compiler for this target will be called
- vbcc<target-name> and can be built by the statement
- "make TARGET=<target-name> bin/vbcc<target-name>".
- From now on integer means any of {char, short, int, long} or their
- unsigned couterparts. Arithmetic means integer or float or double.
- Elementary type means arithmetic or pointer.
- If you intend to write a code generator for a machine with multiple
- different kinds of pointers you might have some problems.
- vbcc will generate intermediate code for every function and pass this code
- to the code generator which has to convert it into the desired output.
- In the future there may be a code generator generator which reads a machine
- description file and generates a code generator from that, but it is not
- clear whether this could simplify much without taking penalties in the
- generated code.
- Anyway this would be a layer on top of the current interface to the code
- generator so that the interface described in this document would still be
- valid and accessable.
- The intermediate code is represented as a doubly linked list of quadruples
- (I am calling them ICs from now on) consisting mainly of an operator, two
- source operands and a target. They are represented like this:
- struct IC{
- struct IC *prev;
- struct IC *next;
- int code;
- int typf;
- [...]
- struct obj q1;
- struct obj q2;
- struct obj z;
- [...]
- };
- The only members relevant to the code generator are 'prev', 'next', 'code',
- 'typf', 'q1', 'q2' and 'z'.
- 'prev' and 'next' are pointers to the previous and next IC.
- The first IC has 'prev'==0 and the last one has 'next'==0.
- 'typf' is the type of the operands of this IC. This can be one of:
- #define CHAR 1
- #define SHORT 2
- #define INT 3
- #define LONG 4
- #define FLOAT 5
- #define DOUBLE 6
- #define VOID 7
- #define POINTER 8
- #define ARRAY 9
- #define STRUCT 10
- #define UNION 11
- #define ENUM 12 /* not relevant for code generator */
- #define FUNKT 13
- and can be additionally or'ed by
- #define UNSIGNED 16
- #define CONST 64
- #define VOLATILE 128
- #define UNCOMPLETE 256
- However only UNSIGNED is of real importance for the code generator.
- 'typf'&NQ yields the type without any qualifiers, 'typf'&NU yields
- the type without any qualifiers but UNSIGNED.
- 'q1', 'q2' and 'z' are the source1 (quelle1 in German), source2 and target
- (ziel).
- If a result has to be computed, it always will be stored in the object 'z'
- and the objects 'q1' and 'q2' usually may not be destroyed during this
- operation.
- The objects are described by this structure.
- struct obj{
- int flags;
- int reg;
- struct Var *v;
- struct AddressingMode *am;
- union atyps{
- zchar vchar;
- zchar vuchar;
- zshort vshort;
- zushort vushort;
- zint vint;
- zuint vuint;
- zlong vlong;
- zulong vulong;
- zfloat vfloat;
- zdouble vdouble;
- zpointer vpointer;
- }val;
- };
- 'flags' describes what kind the object is. It can be a combination of
- #define VAR 1
- The object is a variable. The pointer to its struct Var is in 'v'.
- 'val.vlong' vontains an offset that has to be added to it.
- A struct Var looks like:
- struct Var{
- int storage_class;
- [...]
- char *identifier;
- [...]
- zlong offset;
- [...]
- };
- The relevant entries are:
- 'identifier':
- The name of the variable. Usually only of interest for variables
- with external-linkage.
- 'storage_class':
- One of:
- #define AUTO 1
- #define REGISTER 2
- #define STATIC 3
- #define EXTERN 4
- #define TYPEDEF 5 /* not relevant */
- If the variable is not assigned to a register (i.e. bit REG
- is not set in the flags of the corresponding struct obj) then
- the variable can be addressed in the following ways (with
- examples of 68k-code):
- 'storage_class' == AUTO or 'storage_class' == REGISTER:
- 'offset' contains the offset inside the local-variables section.
- The code generator must decide how it's going to handle the
- activation record.
- If 'offset' < 0 then the variable is a function argument on the
- stack. In this case the offset in the parameter-area is
- - ('offset' + 'maxalign').
- The code generator may have to calculate the actual offset
- to a stack- or frame-pointer from the value in 'offset'.
- 'offset'+'val.vlong'(sp)
- Note that 'storage_class' REGISTER is equivalent to AUTO - whether
- the variable is actually assigned a register is specified by
- the bit REG in the 'flags' of the 'struct obj'.
- 'storage_class' == EXTERN
- The variable can be addressed through its name in 'identifier'.
- 'val.vlong'+_'identifier'
- 'storage_class' == STATIC
- The variable can be addressed through a numbered label. The
- label number is stored in 'offset'.
- 'val.vlong'+l'offset'
- #define KONST 2
- The object is a constant. Its value is in the corresponding (to 'typf')
- member of 'val'.
- #define DREFOBJ 32
- The content of the location in memory the object points to is used.
- #define REG 64
- The object is a register. 'reg' contains its number.
- #define VARADR 128
- The address of the object is to be used. Only together with static
- variables (i.e. 'storage_class' STATIC or EXTERN).
- The possible combinations of these flags should be:
- 0 (no object)
- Also some other bits which are not relevant to the code generator may be set.
- Constants will usually be in 'q2' if possible. One of the sources always is
- not constant and the target is always an lvalue.
- Unless otherwise specified all operands of an IC are of the type 'typf'
- (which may be further restricted by 'code'). However not all objects have
- to be used.
- This depends on 'code' and is listed below. In most cases (i.e. when not
- explicitly stated) 'typf' is an elementary type (i.e. arithmetic or pointer).
- 'am' can be used to store information on special addressing modes.
- This has to be handled by the by the code generator. However 'am' has to be 0
- or has to point to a struct AddressingMode that was allocated using malloc()
- when the code generator returns.
- 'val' stores either the value of the object if it is a constant or an offset
- if it is a variable.
- 'code' describes the operation and can be one of:
- #define ASSIGN 2
- Copy 'q1' to 'z'. 'q2.val.vlong' contains the size of the objects (this is
- necessary if it is an array or a struct). 'typf' does not have to be an
- elementary type!
- The only case where 'typf' == ARRAY should be in automatic initializations.
- It is also possible that ('typf'&NQ) == CHAR but the size is != 1. This is
- created for an inline memcpy/strcpy where the type is not known.
- #define OR 16
- #define XOR 17
- #define AND 18
- Bitwise boolean operations. q1,q2->z.
- All operands are integers.
- #define LSHIFT 25
- #define RSHIFT 26
- Bit shifting. q1,q2->z. 'q2' is the number of shifts.
- All operands are integers.
- #define ADD 27
- #define SUB 28
- #define MULT 29
- #define DIV 30
- Standard arithmetic operations. q1,q2->z.
- All operands are of arithmetic types (integers or floating point).
- #define MOD 31
- Modulo (%). q1,q2->z.
- All operands are integers.
- #define KOMPLEMENT 33
- Bitwise complement. q1->z.
- All operands are integers.
- #define MINUS 38
- Unary minus. q1->z.
- All operands are of arithmetic types (integers or floating point).
- #define ADDRESS 40
- Get the address of an object. q1->z.
- 'z' is always a pointer and 'q1' is always an auto variable.
- #define CALL 42
- Call the function 'q1'. Currently 'q1' is a function rather than a pointer
- to a function. This may change in the future.
- 'q2.val.vlong' contains the number of bytes pushed on the stack as
- function arguments for this call. Those may have to be popped from the
- stack after the function returns depending on the calling mechanism.
- #define CONVCHAR 50
- #define CONVSHORT 51
- #define CONVINT 52
- #define CONVLONG 53
- #define CONVFLOAT 54
- #define CONVDOUBLE 55
- #define CONVPOINTER 57
- #define CONVUCHAR 58
- #define CONVUSHORT 59
- #define CONVUINT 60
- #define CONVULONG 61
- Convert one type to another. q1->z.
- 'z' is always of the type 'typf'. 'q1' is a short in CONVSHORT and an
- unsigned long in CONVULONG etc.
- Conversions floating point<->pointers do not occur.
- #define ALLOCREG 65
- From now on the register 'q1.reg' is in use. No code has to be generated
- for this, but it is probably necessary to keep track of the registers
- in use to know which registers are available for the code generator
- at a time and which registers the function trashes.
- #define FREEREG 66
- From now on the register 'q1.reg' is free.
- Also it means that the value currently stored in 'q1.reg' is not used any
- more and therefore provides a little bit of data flow information.
- Note however that if a FREEREG follows a branch the value of the register
- may be used at the target of the branch.
- #define COMPARE 77
- Compare and set condition codes. q1,q2(->z).
- Compare the operands and set the condition code, so that
- BEQ, BNE, BLT, BGE, BLE or BGT works.
- If 'z.flags' == 0 then the condition codes will be evaluated immediately
- after the COMPARE, i.e. the next instruction (except possible FREEREGs)
- will be a conditional branch.
- However if a target supports several condition code registers and sets
- the global variable 'multiple_ccs' to 1 vbcc might use those registers
- and perform certain optimizations. Then 'z' may be non-empty and the
- condition codes have to be stored in 'z'.
- #define TEST 68
- Test 'q1' to 0 and set condition codes. q1.
- This is equal to COMPARE 'q1',(corresponding constant 0)
- but only the condition code for BEQ and BNE has to be set.
- #define LABEL 69
- Generate a label. 'typf' specifies the number of the label.
- #define BEQ 70
- #define BNE 71
- #define BLT 72
- #define BGE 73
- #define BLE 74
- #define BGT 75
- Branch on condition codes. (q1)
- 'typf' specifies the label where program execution shall continue, if the
- condition code is true (otherwise continue with next statement).
- The condition codes mean equal, not equal, less than, greater or equal,
- less or equal and greater than.
- If 'q1' is empty (q1.flags==0) then the codes set by the last COMPARE
- or TEST must be evaluated. Otherwise 'q1' contains the condition codes.
- On some machines the type of operands of a comparison (e.g unsigned or
- signed) is encoded in the branch instructions rather than in the
- comparison instructions. In this case the code generator has to keep
- track of the type of the last comparison.
- #define BRA 76
- Branch always. 'typf' specifies the label where program execution
- continues.
- #define PUSH 78
- Push q1 on the stack. q1.
- 'q2.val.vlong' contains the size of the object and 'q1' does not have to
- be an elementary type (see ASSIGN).
- This is only used for passing function arguments.
- #define ADDI2P 81
- Add an integer to a pointer. q1,q2->z.
- 'q1' and 'z' are always pointers and 'q2' is an integer of type 'typf'.
- 'z' has to be 'q1' increased by 'q2' bytes.
- #define SUBIFP 82
- Subtract an Integer from a pointer. q1,q2->z.
- 'q1' and 'z' are always pointers and 'q2' is an integer of type 'typf'.
- 'z' has to be 'q1' decreased by 'q2' bytes.
- #define SUBPFP 83
- Subtract a pointer from a pointer. q1,q2->z.
- 'q1' and 'q2' is a pointer and 'z' is an integer of type 'typf'.
- 'z' has to be 'q1' - 'q2' in bytes.
- #define GETRETURN 93
- Get the return value of the last function call. ->z.
- If the return value is in a register this will be in 'q1.reg'. Otherwise
- 'q1.reg' will be 0.
- This follows immediately after a CALL instruction (except possible
- #define SETRETURN 94
- Set the return value of the current function. q1.
- If the return value is in a register this will be in 'z.reg'. Otherwise
- 'z.reg' will be 0.
- This is immediately followed by a function exit (i.e. it is the last
- IC or followed by an unconditional branch to a label which is the last
- IC - always ignoring FREEREGs).
- #define MOVEFROMREG 95
- Move a register to memory. q1->z.
- 'q1' is always a register and 'z' an array of size 'regsize[q1.reg]'.
- #define MOVETOREG 96
- Load a register from memory. q1->z.
- 'z' is always a register and 'q1' an array of size 'regsize[z.reg]'.
- #define NOP 97
- Do nothing.
- As the compiler should be portable we must not assume anything about
- the data types of the host system which is not guaranteed by
- ANSI/ISO C. Especially do not assume that the data types of the host
- system correspond to the ones of the target system.
- Therefore vbcc will provide typedefs which can hold a data type
- of the target machine and (as there is no operator overloading in C)
- functions to perform arithmetic on these types.
- The typedefs for the target's data types are:
- zchar type char on the target machine
- zuchar type unsigned char on the target machine
- zshort ...
- zushort
- zint
- zuint
- zlong
- zulong
- zfloat
- zdouble
- zpointer a byte pointer on the target machine
- These typedefs and arithmetic functions to work on them will be
- generated by the program dtgen when compiling vbcc.
- It will create the files machines/$(TARGET)/dt.h and dt.c.
- These files are generated from the file machines/$(TARGET)/machine.dt
- which must describe what representations the code generator needs.
- dtgen will then ask for available types on the host system and
- choose appropriate ones and/or install emulation functions if available.
- machine.dt must look as follows:
- Every data type representation gets a symbol (the ones which are
- already available can be looked up in datatypes/datatypes.h - new
- ones will be added when necessary).
- The first 11 lines now must contain the representations for the
- following types:
- line type
- 1 signed char
- 2 unsigned char
- 3 signed short
- 4 unsigned short
- 5 signed int
- 6 unsigned int
- 7 signed long
- 8 unsigned long
- 9 float
- 10 double
- 11 void *
- If the code generator can use several representations these can be
- added on the same line separated by spaces. E.g. the code generator
- for m68k does not care if the integers are stored big-endian or
- little-endian on the host system because it only accesses them through
- the provided arithmetic functions. It does, however, access floats
- and doubles through byte-pointers and therefore requires them to
- be stored in big-endian-format.
- Now you have a lot of functions/macros performing operations using the
- target machine's arithmetic. You can look them up in dt.h/dt.c.
- E.g. zladd() takes two zlongs and returns their sum as zlong. zuladd() does
- the same with zulongs, zdadd() with doubles. No functions for smaller types
- are needed because you can calculate with the wider types and convert the
- results down if needed.
- Also there are conversion functions which convert between types of the
- target machine. E.g. zl2zc takes a zlong and returns the value converted
- to a zchar.
- Again look at dt.h/dt.c to see which ones are there.
- A few functions for converting between target and host types are also
- there, e.g. l2zl takes a long and returns it converted to a zlong.
- At last there are functions for comparing target data types. E.g.
- zlleq(a,b) returns true if zlong a <= zlong b and false otherwise.
- zleqto(a,b) returns true if zlong a == zlong b and false otherwise.
- The intermediate code generated by vbcc does not use any
- addressing-modes a target might offer. Therefore the code generator
- must find a way to combine several statements if it wants to make use
- of these modes. E.g. on the m68k the intermediate code
- add int #20,a0->a1
- move int #10->(a1)
- freereg a1
- could be translated to
- move.l #10,20(a0)
- (notice the freereg which is important).
- To aid in this there is a pointer to a struct AdressingMode in every
- struct obj. A code generator could e.g. do a pass over the intermediate
- code, find possible uses for addressing-modes, allocate a struct
- AddressingMode and store a pointer in the struct obj effectively
- replacing the obj.
- If the code generator supports extended addressing-modes you have to think
- of a way to represent them and define the structure AddressingMode so that
- all Modes can be stored in it. The machine independant part of vbcc will
- not use these modes, so your code generator has to find a way to combine
- several statements to make use of these modes.
- When the code generator is done that pointer in every struct obj must
- either be zero or point to a malloc'ed struct AddressingMode which
- will be free'd by vbcc.
- The first statement should be #include "dt.h".
- #define MAXR to the number of available registers.
- #define MAXGF to the number of command line flags that can be used to
- configure the behaviour of the code generator. This must be at least one
- even if you do not use any flags.
- #define USEQ2ASZ as 0 or 1; if it is set to 0, no ICs where 'q2' == 'z'
- will be generated. This is because those ICs might be hard to implement
- efficiently on certain CPUs.
- #define MINADDI2P to the smallest integer type (i.e. CHAR, SHORT or INT)
- that can be added to a pointer. Smaller types will be automatically converted
- to MINADDI2P when they are to be added to a pointer.
- This may be subsumed by shortcut() in the future.
- #define BIGENDIAN as 1 if integers are represented in big endian, i.e. the
- most significant byte is at the lowest memory address, the least significant
- byte at the highest.
- #define LITTLEENDIAN as 1 if integers are represented in little endian, i.e.
- the least significant byte is at the lowest memory address, the most
- significant byte at the highest.
- #define SWITCHSUBS as 1 if switch-statements should be compiled into a
- series of SUB/TEST/BEQ instructions rather than COMPARE/BEQ. This may be
- useful if the target has a more efficient SUB-instruction (e.g. 68k).
- #define INLINEMEMCPY to the largest size in bytes allowed for inline memcpy.
- Calls to memcpy/strcpy with a known size smaller than INLINEMEMCPY may be
- replaced by a single ASSIGN IC by vbcc.
- This may be replaced by a variable of type zlong in the future.
- #define ORDERED_PUSH to 1 if you want PUSH-ICs for function arguments to
- be generated from left to right instead right to left.
- #define HAVE_REGPARMS to 1 if the default function-call-mechanism
- uses register parameters. If you use this you also have to define a
- struct reg_handle {...}
- This is used by the compiler to find out which register it should pass
- arguments in it. In machine.c you have to define an initialized
- variable
- struct reg_handle empty_reg_handle;
- which represents the default state and a function
- int reg_parm(struct reg_handle *, struct Typ *);
- which returns the number of the register the next argument will be
- passed in (or 0 if the argument is not passed in a register) and
- updates the reg_handle in a way that successive calls to reg_parm()
- yield the correct register for every argument.
- This is the main part of the code generator. The first statement
- should be #include "supp.h" which will include all necessary
- declarations.
- The following variables and functions must be provided by machine.c.
- The codegenerater must define a zero-terminated character array
- containing name and copyright-notice of the code-generator.
- You can use code generator specific commandline options.
- The number of flags is specified as MAXGF in machine.h.
- Insert the names for the flags as char *g_flags_name[MAXGF].
- If an option was specified (g_flags[i]&USEDFLAG) is not zero.
- In int g_flags[MAXGF] you can also choose how the options are to be
- used:
- 0 The option can only be specified. E.g. if
- g_flags_name[2]=="myflag", the commandline may contain
- "-myflag" and (g_flags[2]&USEDFLAG)!=0.
- VALFLAG The option must be specified with an integer constant, e.g.
- "-myflag=1234". This value can be found in g_flags_val[2].l
- then.
- STRINGFLAG The option must be specified with a string, e.g.
- "-myflag=Hallo". The pointer to the string can be found in
- g_flags_val[2].p then.
- The array zlong align[16] must contain the necessary alignments for every
- type in bytes. Some of the entries in this array are not actually
- used, but align[type&15] must yield the correct alignment for every type.
- align[CHAR] must be 1.
- zlong maxalign; must be set to an alignment in bytes that is used when
- pushing arguments on the stack.
- The array zlong sizetab[16] must contain the sizes of every type in bytes.
- The array zlong t_min[32] must contain the smallest number for every
- integer type (including unsigned ones).
- The array zulong t_max[32] must contain the greatest number for every
- integer type (including unsigned ones).
- As zlong and zulong may be no elementary types on the host machine those
- arrays have to be initialized dynamically.
- Also note that if you want the code generator to be portable those values
- may not be representable as constants by the host architecture and have to
- be calculated using the functions for arithmetic on the target's data
- types. E.g. the smallest representable value of a 32bit twos-complement
- data type is not guaranteed to be valid on every ANSI C implementation.
- Also note that you may not use simple operators on the target data types
- but you have to use the functions or convert them to an elementary
- type of the host machine before (if you know that it is representable
- as such).
- The valid registers are numbered from 1..MAXR.
- The array char *regnames[MAXR+1] must contain the names for every register.
- zlong regsize[MAXR+1] must contain the size of each register in bytes.
- This is used to create storage if registers have to be saved.
- int regscratch[MAXR+1] must contain information whether a register is
- a scratchregister i.e. may be destroyed during a function call (1 or 0).
- vbcc will generate code to save/restore all scratch-registers which are
- assigned a value when calling a function. However if the code generator
- uses additional scratch-registers it has to take care to save/restore
- them.
- Also the code generator must save/restore used non-scratch-registers
- on function entry/exit.
- int regsa[MAXR+1] must contain information whether a register is in use
- or not at the beginning of a function (1 or 0).
- The compiler will not use any of those registers for register variables
- or temporaries.
- You _must_ set regsratch[i] = 0 if regsa[i] == 1. If you want it to be
- save across function calls the code generator has to take care of this.
- You should order the registers so that the ones that should be used
- first have the smallest number and it is recommended that registers
- which are used to pass return values be assigned the lowest numbers.
- Also you may reserve certain registers to the code generator. This may
- be reasonable if many ICs cannot be converted without using additional
- registers.
- The following functions have to be implemented by the code generator:
- - int init_cg(void);
- This function is called after the commandline arguments are parsed.
- It can set up certain internal data, etc. The arrays regarding the
- data types and the register set, can be set up at this point rather
- than with a static initialization, however the arrays regarding the
- commandline options have to be static initialized.
- The results of the commandline options are available at this point.
- If something goes wrong, 0 has to be returned, otherwise 1.
- - void cleanup_cg(FILE *f)
- This function is called before the compiler exits. f is the output file
- which _must_ be checked against 0 before using.
- - int freturn(struct Typ *t);
- This function has to return the number of the register return
- values of type t are passed in. If the type is not passed in a
- register, 0 must be returned.
- - int regok(int r, int t, int mode);
- Check whether the type t can be stored in register r; return 0, if not.
- If t==POINTER and mode==0 the register only has to be able to store the
- pointer, but if mode!=0 it has to be able to dereference the pointer.
- If t==0 return whether the register can be used to store condition codes.
- This is only relevant if multiple_ccs is set to 1.
- - int dangerous_IC(struct IC *p)
- Check if this IC can raise exceptions or is otherwise dangerous.
- Movement of ICs which are dangerous is restricted to preserve the
- semantics of the program.
- Typical dangerous ICs are divisions or pointer dereferencing. On certain
- targets floating point or even signed integer arithmetic can raise
- exceptions, too.
- - int must_convert(np p, int t)
- Check if type in p does not have to be converted to type t. E.g. on
- many machines certain types have identical representations (integers
- of the same size or pointers and integers of the same size).
- WARNING: Arguments of this functions may change in the future!
- - int shortcut(int code, int t)
- In C no operations are done with chars and shorts because of integral
- promotion. However sometimes vbcc might see that an operation could
- be performed with the short types yielding the same result.
- Before generating such an instruction with short types vbcc will ask
- the code generator by calling shortcut() to find out whether it should
- do so. Return true iff it is a win to perform the operation code with
- type t rather than promoting the operands and using int or so.
- - void gen_code(FILE *f, struct IC *p, struct Var *v, zlong offset);
- This function has to generate the output for a function to stream f.
- v is a pointer to the function which contains the name of the function.
- p is a pointer to the first IC, that has to be converted.
- offset is the space needed for local variables in bytes.
- This function has to take care that only scratchregisters are destroyed
- by this function. The array regused contains information about the
- registers that have been used by vbcc in this function. However if the
- code generator uses additional registers it has to take care of them,
- too.
- The regs[] and regused[] arrays may be overwritten by gen_code() as well
- as parts of the list of ICs. However the list of ICs must still be a
- valid list of ICs after gen_code() returned.
- - void gen_ds(FILE *f, zlong size, struct Typ *t);
- Has to print output that generates size bytes of type t initialized
- with proper 0.
- t is a pointer to a struct Typ which contains the precise type of
- the variable. On machines where every type can be initialized to 0
- by setting all bits to zero the type does not matter.
- - void gen_align(FILE *f, zlong align);
- Has to print output that ensures the following data to be aligned to
- align bytes.
- - void gen_var_head(FILE *f, struct Var *v);
- Has to print the head of a static or external variable v. This includes
- the label and necessary informations for external linkage etc.
- Typically variables will be generated by a call to gen_align followed
- by gen_var_head and (a series of) calls to gen_dc and/or gen_ds.
- - void gen_dc(FILE *f, int t, struct const_list *p);
- Well..I'm too lazy at the moment to describe that...
- Also arguments may still change in the future.
- Volker Barthelmann volker@vb.franken.de