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- /* $VER: vbcc (errors.h) V0.4 */
- "declaration expected",ERROR|ANSIV|FATAL, /* 0 */
- "only one input file allowed",ERROR|NOLINE|FATAL, /* 1 */
- "Flag <%s> specified more than once",NOLINE|WARNING, /* 2 */
- "Flag <%s> needs string",NOLINE|FATAL|ERROR, /* 3 */
- "Flag <%s> needs value",NOLINE|FATAL|ERROR, /* 4 */
- "Unknown Flag <%s>",NOLINE|FATAL|ERROR, /* 5 */
- "No input file",ERROR|NOLINE|FATAL, /* 6 */
- "Could not open <%s> for input",NOLINE|FATAL|ERROR, /* 7 */
- "need a struct or union to get a member",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "too many (%d) nested blocks",ERROR|FATAL,
- "left block 0",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 10 */
- "incomplete struct",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "out of memory",ERROR|FATAL,
- "redeclaration of struct <%s>",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "incomplete type (%s) in struct",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "function (%s) in struct/union",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 15 */
- "redeclaration of struct/union member <%s>",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "redeclaration of <%s>",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "invalid constant expression",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "array dimension must be constant integer",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "no declarator and no identifier in prototype",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 20 */
- "invalid storage-class in prototype",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "void not the only function argument",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "<%s> no member of struct/union",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "increment/decrement is only allowed for aithmetic and pointer types",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "functions may not return arrays or functions",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 25 */
- "only pointers to functions can be called",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "redefinition of var <%s>",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "redeclaration of var <%s> with new storage-class",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "first operand of conditional-expression must be arithmetic or pointer type",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "multiple definitions of var <%s>",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 30 */
- "operands of : do not match",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "function definition in inner block",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "redefinition of function <%s>",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "invalid storage-class for function",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "declaration-specifiers expected",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 35 */
- "declarator expected",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "<%s> is no parameter",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "assignment of different structs/unions",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "invalid types for assignment",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "only 0 can be compared against pointer",WARNING|ANSIV, /* 40 */
- "pointers do not point to the same type",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "function initialized",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "initialization of incomplete struct",ERROR|FATAL|ANSIV,
- "initialization of incomplete union",ERROR|FATAL|ANSIV,
- "empty initialization",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 45 */
- "initializer not a constant",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "double type-specifier",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "illegal type-specifier",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "multiple storage-classes",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "storage-class specifier should be first",WARNING|ANSIV, /* 50 */
- "bitfields must be ints",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "bitfield width must be constant integer",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "struct/union member needs identifier",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "; expected",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "struct/union has no members",WARNING|ANSIV, /* 55 */
- "} expected",WARNING|ANSIV,
- ", expected",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "invalid type-qualifier",WARNING|ANSIV,
- ") expected",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "array dimension has sidefx (will be ignored)",WARNING|ANSIV, /* 60 */
- "array of size 0 (set to 1)",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "] expected",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "mixed identifier- and parameter-type-list",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "var <%s> was never assigned a value",WARNING|DONTWARN|INFUNC,
- "var <%s> was never used",WARNING|DONTWARN|INFUNC, /* 65 */
- "invalid storage-class",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "type defaults to int",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "redeclaration of var <%s> with new type",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "redeclaration of parameter <%s>",WARNING|ANSIV,
- ": expected",WARNING|ANSIV, /* 70 */
- "illegal escape-sequence in string",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "character constant contains multiple chars",WARNING,
- "could not evaluate sizeof-expression",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "\" expected",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "something wrong with numeric constant",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 75 */
- "identifier expected",ERROR|ANSIV|FATAL,
- "definition does not match previous declaration",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "integer added to illegal pointer",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "offset equals size of object",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "offset out of object",WARNING|ANSIV, /* 80 */
- "only 0 should be cast to pointer",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "unknown identifier <%s>",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "too few function arguments",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "division by zero (result set to 0)",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "assignment of different pointers",WARNING|ANSIV, /* 85 */
- "lvalue required for assignment",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "assignment to constant type",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "assignment to incomplete type",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "operands for || and && have to be arithmetic or pointer",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "bitwise operations need integer operands",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 90 */
- "assignment discards const",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "relational expression needs arithmetic or pointer type",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "both operands of comparison must be pointers",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "operand needs arithmetic type",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "pointer arithmetic with void * is not possible",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 95 */
- "pointers can only be subtracted",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "invalid types for operation <%s>",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "invalid operand type",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "integer-pointer is not allowed",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "assignment discards volatile",WARNING|ANSIV, /* 100 */
- "<<, >> and % need integer operands",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "casting from void is not allowed",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "integer too large to fit into pointer",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "only integers can be cast to pointers",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "invalid cast",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 105 */
- "pointer too large to fit into integer",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "unary operator needs arithmetic type",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "negation type must be arithmetic or pointer",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "complement operator needs integer type",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "pointer assignment with different qualifiers",WARNING|ANSIV, /* 110 */
- "dereferenced object is no pointer",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "dereferenced object is incomplete",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "only 0 should be assigned to pointer",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "typedef <%s> is initialized",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "lvalue required to take address",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 115 */
- "unknown var <%s>",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "address of register variables not available",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "var <%s> initialized after \'extern\'",WARNING,
- "const var <%s> not initialized",WARNING,
- "function definition after \'extern\'",WARNING|ANSIV, /* 120 */
- "return type of main is not int",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "invalid storage-class for function parameter",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "formal parameters conflict with parameter-type-list",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "parameter type defaults to int",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "no declaration-specifier, used int",WARNING|ANSIV, /* 125 */
- "no declarator in prototype",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "static var <%s> never defined",WARNING,
- "} expected",WARNING,
- "left operand of comma operator has no side-effects",WARNING,
- "label empty",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 130 */
- "redefinition of label <%s>",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "case without switch",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "case-expression must be constant",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "case-expression must be integer",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "empty if-expression",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 135 */
- "if-expression must be arithmetic or pointer",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "empty switch-expression",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "switch-expression must be integer",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "multiple default labels",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "while-expression must be arithmetic or pointer",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 140 */
- "empty while-expression",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "for-expression must be arithmetic or pointer",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "do-while--expression must be arithmetic or pointer",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "goto without label",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "continue not within loop",ERROR|ANSIV, /* 145 */
- "break not in matching construct",ERROR|ANSIV,
- "label <%s> was never defined",ERROR|ANSIV|INFUNC,
- "label <%s> was never used",WARNING|INFUNC,
- "register %s not ok",WARNING,
- "default not in switch",WARNING|ANSIV, /* 150 */
- "( expected",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "loop eliminated",WARNING,
- "statement has no effect",WARNING,
- "\'while\' expected",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "function should not return a value",WARNING|ANSIV, /* 155 */
- "function should return a value",WARNING,
- "{ expected",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "internal error %d in line %d of file %s !!",ERROR|INTERNAL|FATAL,
- "there is no message number %d",NOLINE|FATAL|ERROR,
- "message number %d cannot be suppressed",ERROR|NOLINE|FATAL, /* 160 */
- "implicit declaration of function <%s>",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "function call without prototype in scope",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "#pragma used",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "assignment in comparison context",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "comparison redundant because operand is unsigned",WARNING, /* 165 */
- "cast to narrow type may cause loss of precision",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "pointer cast may cause alignment problems",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "no declaration of global variable <%s> before definition",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "'extern' inside function",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "dead assignment to <%s%s> eliminated",WARNING|INFUNC|INIC|DONTWARN,/* 170 */
- "var <%s> is used before defined",WARNING|INFUNC,
- "would need more than %ld optimizer passes for best results",WARNING|INFUNC,
- "function <%s> has no return statement",WARNING|INFUNC,
- "function <%s> has no return statement",WARNING|DONTWARN|INFUNC,
- "this code is weird",WARNING|INFUNC, /* 175 */
- "size of incomplete type not available",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "line too long",FATAL|ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC,
- "identifier must begin with a letter or underscore",FATAL|ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC,
- "cannot redefine macro",ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC,
- "missing ) after argumentlist",ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC, /* 180 */
- "identifier expected",ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC,
- "illegal character in identifier",ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC,
- "missing operand before/after ##",ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC,
- "no macro-argument after #-operator",ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC,
- "macro redefinition not allowed",ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC, /* 185 */
- "unexpected end of file (unterminated comment)",FATAL|ERROR|PREPROC,
- "too many nested includes",FATAL|ERROR|PREPROC,
- "#else without #if/#ifdef/#ifndef",FATAL|ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC,
- "#else after #else",ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC,
- "#endif without #if",ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC, /* 190 */
- "cannot include file",FATAL|ERROR|PREPROC,
- "expected \" or < in #include-directive",ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC,
- "unknown #-directive",WARNING|PREPROC,
- "wrong number of macro arguments",ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC,
- "macro argument expected",ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC, /* 195 */
- "out of memory",FATAL|ERROR|PREPROC,
- "macro redefinition",WARNING|PREPROC,
- "/* in comment",WARNING|PREPROC,
- "cannot undefine macro",ERROR|ANSIV|PREPROC,
- "characters after #-directive ignored",WARNING|PREPROC, /* 200 */
- "duplicate case labels",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "var <%s> is incomplete",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "long float is no longer valid",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "long double is not really supported by vbcc",WARNING,
- "empty struct-declarations are not yet handled correct",WARNING, /* 205 */
- "identifier too long (only %d characters are significant)",WARNING,
- "illegal initialization of var <%s>",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "suspicious loop",WARNING|INFUNC,
- "ansi/iso-mode turned on",NOLINE|WARNING,
- "division by zero (result set to 0)",WARNING|ANSIV|INFUNC|INIC, /* 210 */
- "constant out of range",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "constant is unsigned due to size",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "varargs function called without prototype in scope",WARNING,
- "suspicious format string",WARNING,
- "format string contains \'\\0\'",WARNING, /* 215 */
- "illegal use of keyword <%s>",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "register <%s> used with wrong type",ERROR,
- "register <%s> is not free",ERROR,
- "'__reg' used in old-style function definition",WARNING,
- "unknown register \"%s\"",WARNING, /* 220 */
- "'...' only allowed with prototypes",WARNING|ANSIV,
- "Hey, do you really know the priority of '&&' vs. '||'?",WARNING|DONTWARN,
- "be careful with priorities of <</>> vs. +/-",WARNING,
- "adress of auto variable returned",WARNING,
- "void function returns a void expression",WARNING, /* 225 */
- "redeclaration of typedef <%s>",WARNING|ANSIV,