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- /*
- * ALIB Rev. 1.0
- * Amiga Object Module Librarian
- * Programmed by Mike Schwartz
- * (C)1985, MS Software, all rights reserved.
- *
- * Feel free to distribute this program on a no-charge basis.
- *
- * Use:
- * ALIB option library filelist
- * Where
- * option may be one of the following:
- * D = delete object modules from library
- * R = replace object modules (or add if not defined)
- * L = directory of library
- * library is the name of the library file to be created or modified.
- * if no .lib extension is provided on the command line, it is
- * appended. Also note that a file library.dir is created for
- * each library file and is managed by this program.
- * filelist is a list of object module filenames separated by spaces
- * or commas. Note that if .o is not present in the filenames,
- * .o will be appended.
- */
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "fcntl.h"
- /*
- * The following structure defines the records in the .dir file for
- * the library.
- */
- #define LD struct libdir_def
- struct libdir_def {
- char object_filename[80]; /* name of .o file */
- long module_offset; /* offset of module in .lib file */
- long module_size; /* size of module in bytes */
- };
- /*
- * When the library is openned, each object module is read into memory
- * and managed with the following structure.
- */
- #define LL struct liblist_def
- struct liblist_def {
- struct libdir_def dir_entry; /* directory entry for module */
- char *object_module; /* actual text of module */
- LL *next; /* pointer to next in list */
- };
- /*
- * external functions
- */
- extern char *getmem();
- extern long lseek();
- /*
- * Global variables
- */
- LL *objlist=NULL; /* linked list of object modules */
- char libname[80]; /* name of library file */
- int libfd; /* file descriptor for library file */
- char objname[80]; /* name of object file */
- int objfd; /* file descriptor for object file */
- char dirname[80]; /* name of directory file */
- int dirfd; /* file descriptor for directory file */
- char buf[512]; /* misc buffer */
- char option; /* user selected option */
- /*
- * This function prints the help messages and exits.
- */
- help() {
- printf("Use:\n");
- printf(" ALIB option library filelist \n");
- printf("Where\n");
- printf(" option may be one of the following:\n");
- printf(" D = delete object modules from library\n");
- printf(" R = replace object modules (or add if not defined) \n");
- printf(" L = directory of library\n");
- printf(" library is the name of the library file to be created or modified.\n");
- printf(" if no .lib extension is provided on the command line, it is \n");
- printf(" appended. Also note that a file library.dir is created for\n");
- printf(" each library file and is managed by this program. \n");
- printf(" filelist is a list of object module filenames separated by spaces\n");
- printf(" or commas. Note that if .o is not present in the filenames, \n");
- printf(" .o will be appended. \n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * The following function opens the library and directory file. If the
- * file does not exist, then the user is asked if he wants to create it.
- * If the library exists, then it is read in and built in a linked list.
- */
- open_library() {
- LL *lp; /* pointer to module node */
- /*
- * Open the library file and directory file.
- */
- libfd = open(libname, O_RDONLY | O_RAW);
- if (libfd == -1) {
- /*
- * Library does not exist, prompt user for creation.
- */
- while (1) {
- printf("%s does not exist, create it? (Y/N): ", libname);
- gets(buf);
- if (buf[0] == 'y' || buf[0] == 'Y')
- return !0;
- if (buf[0] == 'n' || buf[0] == 'N') {
- printf("Alib abandoned\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- dirfd = open(dirname, O_RDONLY | O_RAW);
- if (dirfd == -1) {
- printf("%s has been corrupted\n", dirname);
- printf("Alib abandoned\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * library and directory files are open, read in the library.
- */
- while (1) {
- /*
- * Allocate a node to hold the object module.
- */
- lp = (LL *)getmem(sizeof(LL));
- if (lp == NULL) {
- printf("Not enough memory.\nAlib abandoned\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Check for end of file.
- */
- if (read(dirfd, (char *)&lp->dir_entry, sizeof(LD)) != sizeof(LD))
- break;
- /*
- * Allocate a buffer to hold the object file image.
- */
- lp->object_module = getmem(lp->dir_entry.module_size);
- if (lp->object_module == NULL) {
- printf("Not enough memory.\nAlib abandoned\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Read in the object module
- */
- if (read(libfd, lp->object_module, lp->dir_entry.module_size) !=
- lp->dir_entry.module_size) {
- printf("Library file is corrupted.\nAlib abandoned\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Add module to linked list.
- */
- lp->next = objlist;
- objlist = lp;
- }
- /*
- * Library has been read in ok. Close files and return.
- */
- close(libfd);
- close(dirfd);
- printf("Library file read in ok\n");
- }
- /*
- * The following function removes an object module from the linked list
- * and frees up any memory used by it.
- */
- kill_module(name)
- char *name;
- {
- LL *lp;
- LL *lp2;
- if (objlist == NULL)
- return 0;
- strcpy(objname, name);
- strcat(objname, ".o");
- if (strcmp(objlist->dir_entry.object_filename, objname) == 0) {
- lp = objlist->next;
- rlsmem(objlist->object_module, objlist->dir_entry.module_size);
- rlsmem((char *)objlist, sizeof(LL));
- objlist = lp;
- return !0;
- }
- for (lp = objlist; lp->next != NULL; lp=lp->next)
- if (strcmp(lp->next->dir_entry.object_filename, objname) == 0) {
- lp2 = lp->next;
- lp->next = lp2->next;
- rlsmem(lp2->object_module, lp2->dir_entry.module_size);
- rlsmem((char *)lp2, sizeof(LL));
- return !0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * The following function
- */
- add_module(name)
- char *name;
- {
- LL *lp;
- int len;
- strcpy(objname, name);
- strcat(objname, ".o");
- printf("adding %s\n", objname);
- /*
- * Open the object file
- */
- objfd = open(objname, O_RDONLY | O_RAW);
- if (objfd == -1) {
- printf("%s cannot be added\nAlib abandoned\n", objname);
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Allocate a node to hold the file.
- */
- lp = (LL *)getmem(sizeof(LL));
- if (lp == NULL) {
- printf("Not enough memory.\nAlib abandoned\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Initialize it.
- */
- strcpy(lp->dir_entry.object_filename, objname);
- lp->dir_entry.module_size = lseek(objfd, 0, 2);
- printf("module size = %d\n", lp->dir_entry.module_size);
- lseek(objfd, 0, 0);
- /*
- * Allocate the buffer to read the object module into.
- */
- lp->object_module = getmem(lp->dir_entry.module_size);
- if (lp->object_module == NULL) {
- printf("Not enough memory.\nAlib abandoned\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Read in the file.
- */
- if (read(objfd, lp->object_module, lp->dir_entry.module_size) !=
- lp->dir_entry.module_size) {
- printf("Library file is corrupted.\nAlib abandoned\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Add module to linked list.
- */
- lp->next = objlist;
- objlist = lp;
- /*
- * Close object file and return.
- */
- close(objfd);
- printf("%s added\n", name);
- }
- /*
- * The following routine writes the library from memory and exits.
- */
- close_library() {
- LL *lp;
- long file_position;
- long length;
- /*
- * Open the library
- */
- libfd = open(libname, O_CREAT | O_RAW | O_WRONLY);
- if (libfd == -1) {
- printf("Error openning %s for output\nAlib abandoned", libname);
- exit(1);
- }
- dirfd = open(dirname, O_CREAT | O_RAW | O_WRONLY);
- if (dirfd == -1) {
- printf("Error openning %s for output\nAlib abandoned", dirname);
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Write out the individual modules and directory records.
- */
- file_position = 0;
- for (lp = objlist; lp != NULL; lp = lp->next) {
- length = write(libfd, lp->object_module, lp->dir_entry.module_size);
- if (length != lp->dir_entry.module_size) {
- printf("Error writing to library file\nAlib abandoned\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- lp->dir_entry.module_offset = file_position;
- file_position += length;
- if (write(dirfd, (char *)&lp->dir_entry, sizeof(LD)) != sizeof(LD)) {
- printf("Error writing to directory file\nAlib abandoned\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Close the library files
- */
- close(libfd);
- close(dirfd);
- printf("library is %ld bytes\nAlib complete\n", file_position);
- exit(0);
- }
- /*
- * Main program.
- */
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int count;
- printf("ALIB Rev. 1.0 \n");
- printf("Amiga Object Module Librarian\n");
- printf("Programmed by Mike Schwartz\n");
- printf("(C)1985 MS Software, all rights reserved\n");
- /*
- * check for command line parameters present.
- */
- if (argc < 3)
- help();
- /*
- * setup the option and filenames
- */
- option = argv[1][0];
- strcpy(libname, argv[2]);
- strcpy(dirname, argv[2]);
- strcat(libname, ".lib");
- strcat(dirname, ".dir");
- if (option == 'l' || option == 'L') {
- directory();
- exit(0);
- }
- if (option != 'd' && option != 'D' && option != 'r' && option != 'R')
- help();
- /*
- * Open the library file
- */
- open_library();
- for (count = 3; count < argc; count++) {
- switch(option) {
- case 'd':
- case 'D':
- printf("deleting %s from library\n", argv[count]);
- if (!kill_module(argv[count]))
- printf("%s not defined in library\n", argv[count]);
- else
- printf("deleted.\n");
- break;
- case 'r':
- case 'R':
- kill_module(argv[count]);
- add_module(argv[count]);
- break;
- }
- }
- close_library();
- }
- directory() {
- LD d_entry;
- int count;
- int bytes;
- dirfd = open(dirname, O_RDONLY | O_RAW);
- if (dirfd == -1) {
- printf("%s not found\n", dirname);
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("Directory of library %s\n", libname);
- printf("Module Name Size Offset\n");
- count = bytes = 0;
- while (read(dirfd, (char *)&d_entry, sizeof(LD)) == sizeof(LD)) {
- printf("%-30.30s %-6d %-6d\n", d_entry.object_filename,
- d_entry.module_size, d_entry.module_offset);
- count++;
- bytes += d_entry.module_size;
- }
- printf("Library consists of %d entries totalling %d bytes\n", count,
- bytes);
- close(dirfd);
- }