home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <libraries/gadtools.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
- #include <clib/gadtools_protos.h>
- #include <clib/alib_protos.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include "vbrowse.h"
- struct Library *GadToolsBase;
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- struct Screen *Screen;
- struct List list;
- struct MsgPort *myport;
- #define BREITE 600
- #define HOEHE 100
- #define LINKS 10
- #define OBEN 10
- struct NewWindow nw={LINKS,OBEN,BREITE,HOEHE, /* left,top,width,height */
- 0,1, /* pens */
- /* flags */
- 0,0, /* FirstGadget,CheckMark */
- (UBYTE*)"vbrowse", /* title */
- 0,0, /* screen,SuperBitmap */
- 70,70,32767,32767, /* MinWidth, etc. */
- WBENCHSCREEN /* type */
- };
- struct NewGadget listview={70,30,300,320, /* left,top,width,height */
- 0,
- 0, /* font */
- 2, /* GadgetID */
- 0,0,0 /* flags,VInfo,UserData */
- };
- struct EasyStruct easy={sizeof(struct EasyStruct),0,"vbrowse",0,"OK"};
- struct Window *Window;
- struct Gadget *Gadget,*GadgetList;
- struct VisualInfo *VisualInfo;
- struct TextAttr ta;
- struct IntuiMessage *IMsg;
- struct Message *msg;
- int fhoehe,scrollwidth,count;
- char *call_editor="ged line %d %s",*call_error="showerr %d";
- void closethings(void)
- {
- if(myport) DeletePort(myport);
- if(Screen) UnlockPubScreen(0,Screen);
- if(Window) CloseWindow(Window);
- if(GadgetList) FreeGadgets(GadgetList);
- if(VisualInfo) FreeVisualInfo(VisualInfo);
- if(GadToolsBase) CloseLibrary(GadToolsBase);
- if(IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
- if(GfxBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *)GfxBase);
- exit(0);
- }
- void error(char *text)
- {
- easy.es_TextFormat=text;
- EasyRequest(0,&easy,0);
- }
- void openthings(void)
- {
- struct TextFont *defaultf;
- if(!(IntuitionBase=(struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary((UBYTE*)"intuition.library",36)))
- closethings();
- if(!(GadToolsBase=OpenLibrary((UBYTE*)"gadtools.library",39)))
- closethings();
- if(!(GfxBase=(struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary((UBYTE*)"graphics.library",0)))
- closethings();
- Forbid();
- if(FindPort(PORTNAME)){Permit();error("vbrowse already running");exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);}
- Permit();
- if(!(myport=CreatePort(PORTNAME,0)))
- {error("Could get no port");closethings();}
- defaultf=GfxBase->DefaultFont;
- ta.ta_Name=defaultf->tf_Message.mn_Node.ln_Name;
- ta.ta_YSize=defaultf->tf_YSize;
- ta.ta_Style=defaultf->tf_Style;
- ta.ta_Flags=defaultf->tf_Flags;
- if(!(Screen=LockPubScreen(0))) /* Workbench */
- {error("Could not lock screen");closethings();}
- fhoehe=Screen->Font->ta_YSize;
- scrollwidth=fhoehe>12?fhoehe+4:16;
- listview.ng_LeftEdge=10;
- listview.ng_TopEdge=10+fhoehe;
- listview.ng_Width=nw.Width-36;
- listview.ng_Height=nw.Height-20-fhoehe;
- NewList(&list);
- if(!(VisualInfo=GetVisualInfo(Screen,TAG_END)))
- {error("No visual info");closethings();}
- if(!(Gadget=CreateContext(&GadgetList)))
- {error("No context");closethings();}
- /* hier werden die Gadgets initialisiert */
- listview.ng_VisualInfo=VisualInfo; /* VisualInfo und Font eintragen */
- listview.ng_TextAttr=&ta;
- Gadget=CreateGadget(LISTVIEW_KIND,Gadget,&listview,GTLV_Labels,&list,
- GTLV_ScrollWidth,scrollwidth,GTLV_ShowSelected,0,TAG_END);
- if(!Gadget) {error("No gadget");closethings();}
- nw.FirstGadget=GadgetList;
- if(!(Window=OpenWindow(&nw)))
- {error("No window");closethings();}
- GT_RefreshWindow(Window,0);
- }
- int main(int argc,char **argv)
- {
- long lastn=0,currentn;int i;char *mem;
- ULONG lasts=0,lastm=0,currents=0,currentm=0;
- for(i=1;i<argc;i++){
- if(!strcmp(argv[i],"editor")&&i<argc) call_editor=argv[++i];
- if(!strcmp(argv[i],"error")&&i<argc) call_error=argv[++i];
- if(!strcmp(argv[i],"width")&&i<argc) nw.Width=atoi(argv[++i]);
- if(!strcmp(argv[i],"height")&&i<argc) nw.Height=atoi(argv[++i]);
- if(!strcmp(argv[i],"left")&&i<argc) nw.LeftEdge=atoi(argv[++i]);
- if(!strcmp(argv[i],"top")&&i<argc) nw.TopEdge=atoi(argv[++i]);
- }
- openthings();
- while(1){
- Wait((1<<Window->UserPort->mp_SigBit)|(1<<myport->mp_SigBit));
- while(IMsg=GT_GetIMsg(Window->UserPort)){
- switch(IMsg->Class){
- GT_ReplyIMsg(IMsg);
- closethings();
- GT_BeginRefresh(Window);
- GT_EndRefresh(Window,TRUE);
- break;
- CurrentTime(¤ts,¤tm);
- GT_GetGadgetAttrs(Gadget,Window,0,GTLV_Selected,¤tn,TAG_END);
- if(currentn==lastn&&DoubleClick(lasts,lastm,currents,currentm)){
- struct Node *p;int errorn,line;char file[256];
- *file='\"';
- p=list.lh_Head;
- lastn=currentn;
- while(lastn){p=p->ln_Succ;lastn--;}
- if(sscanf(p->ln_Name,"error %d",&errorn)==1||
- sscanf(p->ln_Name,"warning %d",&errorn)==1){
- /* printf("vbr:errorn=%d\n",errorn);*/
- mem=malloc(strlen(call_error)+100);
- sprintf(mem,call_error,errorn);
- system(mem);
- free(mem);
- }else{
- if(*p->ln_Name=='>'&&p->ln_Succ){
- p=p->ln_Succ;
- if(sscanf(p->ln_Name,"error %d in line %d of \" %[^\"]",&errorn,&line,file+1)==3||
- sscanf(p->ln_Name,"warning %d in line %d of \" %[^\"]",&errorn,&line,file+1)==3){
- strcat(file,"\"");
- /* printf("vbr:file=%s, line=%d\n",file,line);*/
- mem=malloc(strlen(call_error)+strlen(file)+100);
- sprintf(mem,call_editor,line,file);
- system(mem);
- free(mem);
- }
- }else error("You have to click on an error/warning message");
- }
- }
- lastn=currentn;lasts=currents;lastm=currentm;
- break;
- /* printf("GadgetDown (%d)\n",((struct Gadget *)IMsg->IAddress)->GadgetID);*/
- break;
- {
- int top,selected;
- GT_GetGadgetAttrs(Gadget,Window,0,GTLV_Top,&top,GTLV_Selected,&selected,TAG_END);
- RemoveGList(Window,GadgetList,-1);
- if(GadgetList) FreeGadgets(GadgetList);
- if(VisualInfo) FreeVisualInfo(VisualInfo);
- GadgetList=0;
- VisualInfo=0;
- listview.ng_LeftEdge=10;
- listview.ng_TopEdge=10+fhoehe;
- listview.ng_Width=Window->Width-36;
- listview.ng_Height=Window->Height-20-fhoehe;
- if(!(VisualInfo=GetVisualInfo(Screen,TAG_END)))
- closethings();
- if(!(Gadget=CreateContext(&GadgetList)))
- closethings();
- /* hier werden die Gadgets initialisiert */
- listview.ng_VisualInfo=VisualInfo; /* VisualInfo und Font eintragen */
- listview.ng_TextAttr=&ta;
- Gadget=CreateGadget(LISTVIEW_KIND,Gadget,&listview,GTLV_Labels,&list,
- GTLV_ScrollWidth,scrollwidth,GTLV_ShowSelected,0,
- GTLV_Selected,selected,GTLV_Top,top,TAG_END);
- if(!Gadget) closethings();
- AddGList(Window,GadgetList,100,-1,0);
- SetRast(Window->RPort,0);
- RefreshGList(GadgetList,Window,0,-1);
- GT_RefreshWindow(Window,0);
- RefreshWindowFrame(Window);
- /* puts("NEWSIZE");*/
- }
- break;
- }
- GT_ReplyIMsg(IMsg);
- }
- while(msg=GetMsg(myport)){
- struct Node *p;int l;char *text;
- text=((struct mymsg *)msg)->text;count++;
- /* printf("Message received: %s\n",text);*/
- l=strlen(text);
- p=malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
- if(!p) closethings();
- p->ln_Name=malloc(l+1);
- if(!p->ln_Name) closethings();
- strcpy(p->ln_Name,text);
- p->ln_Type=0;
- p->ln_Pri=0;
- /* printf("adding %s\n",p->ln_Name);*/
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(Gadget,Window,0,GTLV_Labels,~0,TAG_END);
- AddTail(&list,p);
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(Gadget,Window,0,GTLV_Labels,&list,GTLV_Top,count,TAG_END);
- ReplyMsg(msg);
- }
- }
- }