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- /* $VER: pasm errors.c V0.7 (02.01.98)
- *
- * This file is part of pasm, a portable PowerPC assembler.
- * Copyright (c) 1997-98 Frank Wille
- *
- * pasm is freeware and part of the portable and retargetable ANSI C
- * compiler vbcc, copyright (c) 1995-98 by Volker Barthelmann.
- * pasm may be freely redistributed as long as no modifications are
- * made and nothing is charged for it. Non-commercial usage is allowed
- * without any restrictions.
- *
- *
- * v0.7 (02.01.98) phx
- * Deleted "EHF" in warning 52.
- * v0.6 (30.10.97) phx
- * New error messages.
- * v0.5 (12.10.97) phx
- * New error messages.
- * v0.4 (05.07.97) phx
- * Program returns EXIT_FAILURE if an error occurs.
- * New error messages. Error 33 is a warning now.
- * v0.2 (25.03.97) phx
- * Writes ELF object for 32-bit PowerPC big-endian. Either absolute
- * or ELF output format may be selected. ELF is default for all
- * currently supported platforms. PPCasm supports nine different
- * relocation types (there are much more...).
- * Compiles and works also under NetBSD/amiga (68k).
- * Changed function declaration to 'new style' in all sources
- * (to avoid problems with '...' for example).
- * Warnings can be disabled.
- * v0.1 (11.03.97) phx
- * First test version with all PowerPC instructions and most
- * important directives. Only raw, absolute output.
- * v0.0 (14.02.97) phx
- * File created. Project started.
- */
- #define ERRORS_C
- #include "ppcasm.h"
- /* error flags */
- #define EF_NONE 0
- #define EF_WARNING 1
- #define EF_ERROR 2
- #define EF_FATAL 3
- #define EF_TYPEMASK 0xf
- #define EF_NOLINE 0x10
- void error(int,...);
- void ierror(char *,...);
- static struct {
- char *txt;
- int flags;
- } errors[] = {
- "No error",EF_NONE|EF_NOLINE,
- "Out of memory",EF_FATAL|EF_NOLINE, /* 01 */
- "Missing source file name",EF_FATAL|EF_NOLINE,
- "Missing output file name",EF_FATAL|EF_NOLINE,
- "Multiple source file names detected",EF_FATAL|EF_NOLINE,
- "File \"%s\" has a read error",EF_FATAL|EF_NOLINE, /* 05 */
- "Can't open \"%s\"",EF_FATAL|EF_NOLINE,
- "Symbol \"%s\" defined twice",EF_ERROR,
- "Macro \"%s\" defined twice",EF_ERROR,
- "Reference to undefined macro parameter \\%d",EF_ERROR,
- "Unknown opcode \"%s\"",EF_ERROR, /* 10 */
- "Too many macro parameters",EF_ERROR,
- "Colon expected",EF_ERROR,
- "Syntax error",EF_ERROR,
- "String constant expected",EF_ERROR,
- "Illegal section attribute \"%c\"",EF_ERROR, /* 15 */
- "Section attributes don't match",EF_ERROR,
- "Missing argument",EF_ERROR,
- "Extra characters on line",EF_ERROR,
- "Undefined symbol",EF_ERROR,
- "Double unary operator",EF_ERROR, /* 20 */
- "Missing closing parenthesis",EF_ERROR,
- "Illegal operation for a reloc expression",EF_ERROR,
- "Symbols reside in different sections",EF_ERROR,
- "Constant integer expression required",EF_ERROR,
- "Unable to create output file \"%s\"",EF_FATAL|EF_NOLINE, /* 25 */
- "Error while writing to \"%s\"",EF_FATAL|EF_NOLINE,
- "Instruction has too few operands",EF_ERROR,
- "Can't assign external symbol",EF_ERROR,
- "Can't assign reloc half word",EF_ERROR,
- "Immediate operand doesn't fit into %d bits",EF_WARNING, /* 30 */
- "Register operand out of range",EF_ERROR,
- "Reloc symbol required",EF_ERROR,
- "Branch destination is not in current section",EF_WARNING,
- "Branch operand out of range",EF_ERROR,
- "CR-specifier out of range",EF_ERROR, /* 35 */
- "Operand field \"%s\" out of range",EF_ERROR,
- "\"%s\" is a 64-bit instruction",EF_WARNING,
- "\"%s\" is an optional instruction",EF_WARNING,
- "\"%s\" is a supervisor-level instruction",EF_WARNING,
- "\"(rA)\" expected, after index expression",EF_ERROR, /* 40 */
- "Expression must be dividable by four",EF_ERROR,
- "Invalid register field mask",EF_ERROR,
- "Maximum nesting depth for conditional assembly exceeded",EF_ERROR,
- "%s without matching .if",EF_ERROR,
- "\"fail\" directive encountered",EF_FATAL, /* 45 */
- "Symbol is not part of a base-relative section",EF_ERROR,
- "Section \"%s\" was never defined",EF_ERROR,
- "Option -%c: argument expected",EF_FATAL|EF_NOLINE,
- "Unknown output format (%d)",EF_FATAL|EF_NOLINE,
- "\"%s\" is not a section base address",EF_ERROR, /* 50 */
- "Maximum of %d include paths reached. Path \"%s\" was ignored",
- "Section \"%s\" with type #%d is not supported and was "
- "Unsupported relocation type %s at offset %d in section \"%s\"",
- "Option -%c: integer expected",EF_FATAL|EF_NOLINE,
- "Absolute output doesn't allow external references. Symbol " /* 55 */
- "referenced was: %s",EF_ERROR|EF_NOLINE,
- "Option -%c: symbol name expected",EF_FATAL|EF_NOLINE,
- "Unknown assembler mode -m%s",EF_WARNING|EF_NOLINE,
- };
- void error(int errn,...)
- /* prints errors and warnings */
- {
- struct GlobalVars *gv = &gvars;
- va_list vl;
- char *errtype;
- int flags = errors[errn].flags;
- struct SourceThread *mst,*st = gv->cthread;
- if (((flags&EF_TYPEMASK) == EF_WARNING) && gv->dontwarn)
- return;
- switch(flags&EF_TYPEMASK) {
- case EF_WARNING:
- errtype = "Warning";
- break;
- case EF_ERROR:
- gv->returncode = EXIT_FAILURE;
- errtype = "Error";
- break;
- case EF_FATAL:
- gv->returncode = EXIT_FAILURE;
- errtype = "Fatal error";
- break;
- default:
- ierror("Illegal error type %d",flags&EF_TYPEMASK);
- gv->returncode = EXIT_FAILURE;
- errtype = "";
- break;
- }
- if (!(flags&EF_NOLINE))
- printf("\n%s\n",st->lineptr); /* display error line */
- /* print error message */
- printf("%s %d: ",errtype,errn);
- va_start(vl,errn);
- vprintf(errors[errn].txt,vl);
- va_end(vl);
- if (!(flags&EF_NOLINE)) {
- if (st->macro) {
- mst = st;
- do
- if (!(mst = mst->prev))
- ierror("There's no source text where macro \"%s\" is "
- "called from",st->csource->name);
- while (mst->macro);
- printf(" in line %d of macro \"%s\", called from line %d of "
- "file \"%s\"",(int)st->line,st->csource->name,
- (int)mst->line,mst->csource->name);
- }
- else
- printf(" in line %d of file \"%s\"",(int)st->line,st->csource->name);
- }
- printf(".\n");
- switch(flags&EF_TYPEMASK) {
- case EF_ERROR:
- /* check if maximum number of errors reached */
- if (++gv->errcnt >= gv->maxerrors) {
- gv->errcnt = 0;
- printf("Do you want to continue (y/n) ? ");
- fflush(stdin);
- if (toupper((unsigned char)getchar()) == 'N')
- cleanup(gv);
- }
- break;
- case EF_FATAL:
- printf("Aborting.\n"); /* fatal error aborts the assembler */
- cleanup(gv);
- break;
- }
- }
- void ierror(char *errtxt,...)
- /* display internal error and quit */
- {
- struct GlobalVars *gv = &gvars;
- struct SourceThread *st = gv->cthread;
- va_list vl;
- printf("\nINTERNAL ERROR: ");
- va_start(vl,errtxt);
- vprintf(errtxt,vl);
- va_end(vl);
- printf(" in line %d of \"%s\".\nAborting.\n",(int)st->line,
- st->csource->name);
- cleanup(gv);
- }