home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* TODO:
- * #ifndef
- * #if/#elif - Bearbeitung
- * leere argument-/tokenlists erlauben
- * Anzahl der Argumente checken (auch zuviele ergeben einen Error)
- * bei REDEFINING und allowredefinition=0 tokenlist genau ueberpruefen
- * Aufteilen in mehrere Sourcen main.c pplists.c etc.
- * Einige Variablen umbenennen (x,y,i,j,l,n etc =8)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- * Verbesserungen:
- * - Nach malloc()/vor free() ueberpruefen ob NULL-Pointer
- * - Statt per dlen per Ptr2EOL abfragen..
- * Fragen an Volker:
- * - _ alleine ein Identifier ? Ja
- * - Token loeschen, wenn nur noch TokenList benutzt wird.
- * - ParseIdent.. optimieren
- * - Rest optimieren =8)
- * - PreParsing umschreiben.. __LINE__ muss mit der echten
- * Zeilennummer uebereinstimmen (die LFs drinlassen)
- */
- /*
- * PreProcessor
- * $VER: VBPP V0.00 (19 Sep 1995)
- * (w) 1995 by Thorsten Schaaps
- */
- #include <time.h>
- #include "vbc.h"
- #include "vbpp.h"
- /*vb: */
- static char FILE_[]=__FILE__;
- /*vb: */
- char pp_version[] = "vbpp V0.00 (w) 1995 by Thorsten Schaaps";
- /* #define MAXIFNESTING 1024 *//*vb: ifnesting==incnesting */
- FILE *in[MAXINCNESTING]; /* Sourcefiles */
- int zn[MAXINCNESTING]; /* Zeilennummern */
- char *filename[MAXINCNESTING]; /* Filenamen */
- int incnesting; /* aktuelle Verschachtelungstiefe */
- unsigned long linenr; /* Zeilennummer */
- char *incpath[MAXINCPATHS] =
- {"vinclude:"}; /* Includepfade */
- int incpathc = 1; /* Anzahl der Includepfade */
- char ppstring[MAXPPINPUT];
- int cmtnesting = 0; /* aktuelle Kommentar-Versch.-Tiefe */
- /*int ifnesting; *//*vb: *//* aktuelle IF-Tiefe */
- /*vb: ifnesting==incnesting */
- short ifstatus[MAXINCNESTING]; /* Array fuer Status-Verschachtelung */
- int if_cnt; /* Zaehler fuer #if's waehrend do_output=0 */
- int abs_if_cnt; /* zaehlt auch waehrend do_output */
- int do_output = 1; /* Flag zur Erzeugung eines Outputs */
- struct strnode *strlist;
- struct mnode *mlist;
- int did_expand;
- /* Temporaere Debugging-Routinen */
- void PrintSN(struct strnode *tl)
- {
- switch (tl->type) {
- case NORMAL:
- printf(" Normal........:");
- break;
- case PP_IDENT:
- printf(" Identifier....:");
- break;
- case ARGUMENT:
- printf(" Argument Nr.%2d:", tl->number);
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- printf(" Number........:");
- break;
- case PP_STR:
- printf(" String........:");
- break;
- case SPACE:
- printf(" Space.........:");
- break;
- case SPECIAL:
- printf(" Special..Nr.%2d:", tl->flags);
- break;
- default:
- printf(" unknown..Nr.%2d:", tl->type);
- break;
- }
- printf(" %s\n", tl->str);
- }
- void PrintTL(struct strnode *tl)
- {
- #ifdef bla
- if (tl) {
- printf("TokenList:\n");
- while (tl) {
- PrintSN(tl);
- tl = tl->next;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- /* ******* Listen-Funktionen ******* */
- /* AddMakroNode - Fuegt eine Node an den Anfang einer Liste ein */
- void AddMakroNode(struct mnode **list, struct mnode *node)
- {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("AddMakroNode");
- if (node) {
- node->prev = NULL;
- node->next = *list;
- *list = node;
- if (node->next)
- node->next->prev = node;
- }
- }
- /* AddStrNode - Fuegt eine Node in die Liste ein */
- void AddStrNode(struct strnode **list, struct strnode *node, char *str)
- {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("AddStrNode");
- if (node || str) {
- if (!node)
- node = (struct strnode *) malloc(sizeof(struct strnode));
- /* HIER: Rueckgabewert wegen Fehler ! */
- if (!node) {
- error(196);
- } else {
- node->prev = NULL;
- node->next = *list;
- if (str)
- node->str = str;
- *list = node;
- if (node->next)
- node->next->prev = node;
- }
- }
- }
- /* AddStrNodeBehind - Fuegt eine Node ans Ende der Liste ein */
- void AddStrNodeBehind(struct strnode **list, struct strnode *node, char *str)
- {
- struct strnode *listnode;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("AddStrNodeBehind");
- if (node || str) {
- if (!node)
- node = (struct strnode *) malloc(sizeof(struct strnode));
- if (!node) {
- error(196);
- } else {
- if (!*list) {
- node->prev = NULL;
- node->next = NULL;
- *list = node;
- } else {
- listnode = *list;
- while (listnode->next) {
- listnode = listnode->next;
- }
- node->prev = listnode;
- node->next = NULL;
- listnode->next = node;
- }
- if (str)
- node->str = str;
- }
- }
- }
- /* RemMakroNode - Entfernt eine Node aus der Liste ohne sie zu loeschen */
- void RemMakroNode(struct mnode **list, struct mnode *node)
- {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("RemMakroNode");
- if (node->prev) {
- if (node->next)
- node->next->prev = node->prev;
- node->prev->next = node->next;
- } else {
- if (node->next)
- node->next->prev = NULL;
- *list = node->next;
- }
- node->next = node->prev = NULL;
- }
- /* InsertMakroNode - Setzt eine Node hinter einer anderen ein */
- void InsertMakroNode(struct mnode **list, struct mnode *node, struct mnode *behind)
- {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("InsertMakroNode");
- if (behind) {
- node->prev = behind;
- node->next = behind->next;
- behind->next = node;
- if (node->next)
- node->next->prev = node;
- } else
- AddMakroNode(list, node);
- }
- /* RemStrNode - Entfernt eine Node aus der Liste ohne sie zu loeschen */
- void RemStrNode(struct strnode **list, struct strnode *node)
- {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("RemStrNode");
- if (node->prev) {
- if (node->next)
- node->next->prev = node->prev;
- node->prev->next = node->next;
- } else {
- if (node->next)
- node->next->prev = NULL;
- *list = node->next;
- }
- node->next = node->prev = NULL;
- }
- /* FindMakroNode - sucht den passenden Eintrag in der Liste
- * len=0 - der gesamte String muss uebereinstimmen
- * len>0 - die ersten len Zeichen muessen stimmen
- */
- struct mnode *FindMakroNode(struct mnode *list, char *str, int len)
- {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("FindMakroNode");
- while (list) {
- if (len) {
- if ((strlen(list->name) == len) && (!strncmp(list->name, str, len)))
- return (list);
- } else {
- if (!strcmp(list->name, str))
- return (list);
- }
- list = list->next;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /* DelMakroNode - gibt den gesamten Speicher einer Node frei, ist list#NULL
- * wird die Node vorher aus der Liste entfernt
- */
- void DelMakroNode(struct mnode **list, struct mnode *node)
- {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("DelMakroNode");
- if (node) {
- if (list && *list)
- RemMakroNode(list, node);
- if (node->name)
- free(node->name);
- if (node->args)
- free(node->args);
- if (node->token)
- free(node->token);
- if (node->tokenlist)
- DelStrList(&node->tokenlist);
- free(node);
- }
- }
- /* DelStrNode - gibt den gesamten Speicher einer Node frei, ist list#NULL
- * wird die Node vorher aus der Liste entfernt
- */
- void DelStrNode(struct strnode **list, struct strnode *node)
- {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("DelStrNode");
- if (node) {
- if (list && *list)
- RemStrNode(list, node);
- if (node->str)
- free(node->str);
- free(node);
- }
- }
- void MergeStrNodes(struct strnode *prev, struct strnode *next)
- {
- /* next will now be deleted and prev->str will be */
- /* the joined strings from prev&next */
- char *newstr;
- /*vb: */
- char c, *s, *d;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("MergeStrNodes");
- newstr = (char *) malloc(prev->len + next->len + 1);
- /*vb: string-Routinen ersetzt (hoffentlich schneller)
- strcpy(newstr,prev->str);
- strcat(newstr,next->str);
- */
- d = newstr;
- s = prev->str;
- do {
- c = *s++;
- *d++ = c;
- } while (c);
- d--;
- s = next->str;
- do {
- c = *s++;
- *d++ = c;
- } while (c);
- if (prev->str)
- free(prev->str); /*vb: wenn prev->str==0 knallts doch schon oben? */
- prev->str = newstr;
- prev->len += next->len;
- DelStrNode(NULL, next);
- }
- /* DelMakroList - loescht eine gesamte Liste */
- void DelMakroList(struct mnode **list)
- {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("DelMakroList");
- while (*list)
- DelMakroNode(list, *list);
- /* *list=NULL; *//*vb: *list==0 */
- }
- /* DelStrList - loescht eine gesamte Liste samt der Nodes/Strings */
- void DelStrList(struct strnode **list)
- {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("DelStrList");
- while (*list)
- DelStrNode(list, *list);
- /* *list=NULL; *//*vb: *list==0 */
- }
- /* AllocSpace - erzeugt eine StrNode vom Typ Space */
- struct strnode *AllocSpace()
- {
- struct strnode *newnode;
- char *newstr;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("AllocSpace");
- newstr = (char *) malloc(2);
- if (newstr) {
- newstr[0] = ' ';
- newstr[1] = 0;
- newnode = (struct strnode *) malloc(sizeof(struct strnode));
- if (newnode) {
- newnode->str = newstr;
- newnode->type = SPACE;
- newnode->len = 1;
- newnode->next = newnode->prev = NULL;
- newnode->flags = newnode->number = 0;
- return (newnode);
- }
- }
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* CloneStrList - erstellt eine exakte Kopie der Liste oder eines Ausschnittes */
- /* wenn listend#NULL */
- struct strnode *CloneStrList(struct strnode *list, struct strnode *listend)
- {
- struct strnode *prevnode = NULL, *newnode, *newlist = NULL;
- char *newstr;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("CloneStrList");
- while (list) {
- newnode = (struct strnode *) malloc(sizeof(struct strnode));
- if (!newnode) {
- DelStrList(&newlist);
- return (NULL);
- }
- newstr = (char *) malloc(list->len + 1);
- if (!newstr) {
- free(newnode);
- DelStrList(&newlist);
- return (NULL);
- }
- strcpy(newstr, list->str);
- newnode->str = newstr;
- newnode->len = list->len;
- newnode->flags = list->flags;
- newnode->type = list->type;
- newnode->number = list->number;
- newnode->next = NULL;
- newnode->prev = prevnode;
- if (prevnode)
- prevnode->next = newnode;
- else
- newlist = newnode;
- prevnode = newnode;
- if (listend && list == listend)
- list = NULL;
- else
- list = list->next;
- }
- return (newlist);
- }
- /* DoMakroFunction - erstellt eine StrList entsprechend des Function-Makros */
- struct strnode *DoMakroFunction(struct mnode *makro)
- {
- struct strnode *result = NULL;
- char *newstr = NULL, *timestr = NULL;
- int len, type;
- time_t timevalue;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("DoMakroFunction");
- if (makro->flags & FUNCTION) {
- switch (makro->funcnum) {
- case FUNCLINE:
- newstr = (char *) malloc(11);
- if (!newstr)
- return (NULL);
- sprintf(newstr, "%lu", linenr);
- len = strlen(newstr);
- type = NUMBER;
- break;
- case FUNCFILE:
- len = strlen(filename[incnesting]);
- newstr = (char *) malloc(len + 1 + 2);
- if (!newstr)
- return (NULL);
- *newstr = '\"';
- strcpy((newstr + 1), filename[incnesting]);
- strcat(newstr, "\"");
- type = PP_STR;
- break;
- case FUNCDATE:
- type = PP_STR;
- newstr = (char *) malloc(14);
- if (!newstr)
- return (NULL);
- timevalue = time(0);
- timestr = ctime(&timevalue);
- newstr[0] = '\"';
- strncpy(newstr + 1, timestr + 4, 7); /* copy 'Mmm dd ' */
- strcpy(newstr + 8, timestr + 20); /* copy 'yyyy' */
- newstr[12] = '\"';
- newstr[13] = 0;
- len = 13;
- break;
- case FUNCTIME:
- type = PP_STR;
- newstr = (char *) malloc(11);
- if (!newstr)
- return (NULL);
- timevalue = time(0);
- timestr = ctime(&timevalue);
- newstr[0] = '\"';
- strncpy(newstr + 1, timestr + 11, 8); /* copy 'hh:mm:ss' */
- newstr[9] = '\"';
- newstr[10] = 0;
- len = 10;
- break;
- default:
- return (NULL);
- break;
- }
- result = (struct strnode *) malloc(sizeof(struct strnode));
- if (!result) {
- if (newstr)
- free(newstr);
- return (NULL);
- }
- result->prev = result->next = NULL;
- result->str = newstr;
- result->len = len;
- result->number = result->flags = 0;
- result->type = type;
- }
- return (result);
- }
- /* ******* String-Funktionen ****** */
- /* Str2List - parsed einen String in eine StrList */
- struct strnode *Str2List(char *str)
- {
- struct strnode *newlist = NULL, *newnode = NULL;
- char *temp, *string;
- int length, type, flags;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("Str2List");
- while (*str) {
- flags = 0;
- /*vb: casts eingefuegt */
- if (isspace((unsigned char) *str)) { /* Spaces parsen */
- temp = str + 1;
- length = 1;
- while (*temp && isspace((unsigned char) *temp)) {
- temp++;
- length++;
- }
- type = SPACE;
- } else if (*str == '\"') { /* String parsen */
- temp = str + 1;
- length = 2;
- while (*temp && *temp != '\"')
- if (*temp == '\\') {
- temp += 2;
- length += 2;
- } else {
- temp++;
- length++;
- }
- type = PP_STR;
- } else if (*str == '\'') { /* String parsen */
- temp = str + 1;
- length = 2;
- while (*temp && *temp != '\'')
- if (*temp == '\\') {
- temp += 2;
- length += 2;
- } else {
- temp++;
- length++;
- }
- type = PP_STR;
- } else if (isdigit((unsigned char) *str) || (*str == '.' && isdigit((unsigned char) *(str + 1)))) {
- /* Zahlen parsen */
- temp = str;
- length = 0;
- while (*temp && (isalnum((unsigned char) *temp) || *temp == '_')) {
- temp++;
- length++;
- }
- if (*temp == '.') {
- temp++;
- length++;
- if (isdigit((unsigned char) *temp) || *temp == 'e' || *temp == 'E')
- while (*temp && (isalnum((unsigned char) *temp) || *temp == '_')) {
- temp++;
- length++;
- }
- }
- if (*(temp - 1) == 'e' || *(temp - 1) == 'E')
- if (isdigit((unsigned char) *temp) || *temp == '+' || *temp == '-') {
- temp++;
- length++;
- while (*temp && (isalnum((unsigned char) *temp) || *temp == '_')) {
- temp++;
- length++;
- }
- }
- type = NUMBER;
- } else if (isalpha((unsigned char) *str) || *str == '_') { /* moegl. Identifier parsen */
- temp = str + 1;
- length = 1;
- while (*temp && (isalnum((unsigned char) *temp) || *temp == '_')) {
- temp++;
- length++;
- }
- type = PP_IDENT;
- } else if (*str) { /* alles andere als einzelne Zeichen */
- length = 1;
- type = NORMAL;
- }
- string = (char *) malloc(length + 1);
- if (!string) {
- error(196);
- DelStrList(&newlist);
- return (NULL);
- }
- strncpy(string, str, length);
- string[length] = 0;
- str += length;
- newnode = (struct strnode *) malloc(sizeof(struct strnode));
- if (!newnode) {
- error(196);
- if (string)
- free(string);
- return (NULL);
- }
- newnode->str = string;
- newnode->len = length;
- newnode->flags = flags;
- newnode->type = type;
- AddStrNodeBehind(&newlist, newnode, NULL);
- }
- return (newlist);
- }
- /* List2Str - schreibt eine Liste als String zurueck */
- int List2Str(struct strnode *list, char *str, int maxchars)
- {
- int len = 0;
- char c, *p;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("List2Str");
- *str = 0;
- if (list) {
- while (list) {
- if ((len + (list->len)) > (maxchars - 1)) {
- error(177);
- return (0);
- } else {
- /*vb: */
- p = list->str;
- do {
- c = *p++;
- *str++ = c;
- } while (c);
- str--;
- /* strcat(str,list->str); */
- len += list->len;
- }
- list = list->next;
- }
- return (len + 1);
- } else {
- *str = 0;
- return (1);
- }
- }
- /* ListLen - ermittelt die Laenge einer Str-Liste (in Zeichen) */
- int ListLen(struct strnode *list)
- {
- int len = 0;
- while (list) {
- len += list->len;
- list = list->next;
- }
- return (len);
- }
- /* ListStrLen - ermittelt die Laenge einer Str-List als String */
- /* d.h. mit " am Anfang und Ende, sowie einem \ vor */
- /* jedem \ und " */
- int ListStrLen(struct strnode *list)
- {
- int len = 2;
- while (list) {
- if (list->type == SPACE)
- len++;
- else {
- len += list->len;
- if (list->type == PP_STR && list->str[0] == '\"')
- len += 2;
- else if (list->type == NORMAL && list->str[0] == '\\')
- len++;
- }
- list = list->next;
- }
- return (len);
- }
- /* CopyList2StrStr - kopiert eine Str-List als String um */
- /* d.h. mit " am Anfang und Ende, sowie einem \ vor */
- /* jedem \ und " */
- CopyList2StrStr(struct strnode * list, char *str)
- {
- int len;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("CopyList2StrStr");
- str[0] = 0;
- if (list) {
- strcpy(str, "\"");
- len = 1;
- while (list) {
- if (list->type == SPACE) {
- len++;
- strcat(str, " ");
- } else {
- len += list->len;
- if (list->type == PP_STR && list->str[0] == '\"') {
- strcat(str, "\\");
- strncat(str, list->str, list->len - 1);
- strcat(str, "\\\"");
- } else if (list->type == NORMAL && list->str[0] == '\\') {
- strcat(str, "\\");
- strcat(str, list->str);
- } else
- strcat(str, list->str);
- }
- list = list->next;
- }
- strcat(str, "\"");
- len++;
- }
- return (len);
- }
- /* NextToSpecial - checked, ob die StrNode neben einem # oder ## steht */
- int NextToSpecial(struct strnode *node)
- {
- struct strnode *search;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("NextToSpecial");
- if (node->prev) {
- search = node->prev;
- while (search && search->type == SPACE)
- search = search->prev;
- if (search && search->type == SPECIAL)
- return (search->flags);
- }
- if (node->next) {
- search = node->next;
- while (search && search->type == SPACE)
- search = search->next;
- /* Hinter der Node ist ein # (ToString) ohne Bedeutung */
- if (search && search->type == SPECIAL
- && search->flags == KILLSPACES)
- return (KILLSPACES);
- }
- return (NONE);
- }
- /* FindBracket - sucht das passende Gegenstueck zu der (, auf die Node zeigt */
- /* dabei werden verschachtelte Klammern beachtet */
- struct strnode *FindBracket(struct strnode *node)
- {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("FindBracket");
- if (node && node->next && node->type == NORMAL && node->str[0] == '(') {
- do {
- node = node->next;
- if (node && node->type == NORMAL) {
- if (node->str[0] == ')')
- return (node);
- if (node->str[0] == '(')
- node = FindBracket(node);
- }
- } while (node);
- return (NULL);
- } else
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* CloneArg - gibt eine Liste zurueck, die das n. Argument des Makros enthaelt */
- struct strnode *CloneArg(struct strnode *list, int n, int *error)
- {
- int argnum = 0;
- struct strnode *start;
- if (error)
- *error = OK;
- if (list) {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("CloneArg\n");
- if (list->type == PP_IDENT)
- list = list->next;
- while (list && list->type == SPACE)
- list = list->next;
- if (list && list->type == NORMAL && list->str[0] == '(') {
- list = list->next; /* Skip ( */
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("- IDENT skipped, ( found\n");
- while (list && (argnum < n)) {
- if (list->type == NORMAL) {
- if (list->str[0] == ')')
- list = NULL;
- if (list && list->str[0] == '(')
- list = (FindBracket(list))->next;
- if (list && list->str[0] == ',')
- argnum++;
- }
- if (list)
- list = list->next;
- }
- while (list && list->type == SPACE)
- list = list->next;
- if (list) {
- if (list->type == NORMAL && (list->str[0] == ')' || list->str[0] == ',')) { /* HIER evtl. ein Space erzeugen */
- return (NULL);
- }
- start = list;
- } else {
- if (error)
- *error = ARG_EXPECTED;
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("- Okay, Arg-Start found: %s\n", start->str);
- while (list && (argnum == n)) {
- if (list->type == NORMAL) {
- switch (list->str[0]) {
- case ')':
- case ',':
- argnum++;
- list = list->prev;
- break;
- case '(':
- list = FindBracket(list);
- default:
- if (list)
- list = list->next;
- break;
- }
- } else if (list)
- list = list->next;
- }
- while (list && list->type == SPACE)
- list = list->prev;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("- Okay, Arg-End found: %s\n", list->str);
- return (CloneStrList(start, list));
- } else {
- if (error)
- *error = ARG_EXPECTED;
- return (NULL);
- }
- } else
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* ExpandArgMakro - ersetzt ein Makro mit Argumenten */
- int ExpandArgMakro(struct mnode *makro, struct strnode **list,
- struct strnode **pos)
- {
- struct strnode *clone, *temp, *temp1, *arg, *new;
- struct strnode *prev, *next;
- struct mnode *prevmakro;
- char *newstr;
- int spec, len, x;
- clone = CloneStrList(makro->tokenlist, NULL);
- if (!clone)
- return (OUT_OF_MEM);
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("ExpandArgMakro - Clone build.\n");
- temp = clone;
- while (temp) {
- if (temp->type == ARGUMENT) {
- arg = CloneArg(*pos, temp->number, &x);
- if (!arg) {
- DelStrList(&clone);
- return (x);
- }
- if (DEBUG & 32) {
- printf("ARGUMENT:\n");
- PrintTL(arg);
- printf("Argument found - ");
- }
- if (spec = NextToSpecial(temp)) {
- /* nicht expandieren, nur einsetzen */
- if (spec == TOSTRING) {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("next to #\n");
- /* als String einsetzen */
- new = (struct strnode *) malloc(sizeof(struct strnode));
- if (!new) {
- DelStrList(&clone);
- DelStrList(&arg);
- return (OUT_OF_MEM);
- }
- len = ListStrLen(arg);
- newstr = (char *) malloc(len + 1);
- if (!newstr) {
- DelStrList(&clone);
- DelStrList(&arg);
- if (new)
- free(new);
- return (OUT_OF_MEM);
- }
- CopyList2StrStr(arg, newstr);
- DelStrList(&arg);
- new->len = len + 2;
- new->flags = new->number = 0;
- new->type = PP_STR;
- new->str = newstr;
- prev = temp->prev;
- next = temp->next;
- DelStrNode(NULL, temp); /* Argument */
- while (prev && prev->type == SPACE) {
- temp = prev->prev;
- DelStrNode(&clone, prev);
- prev = temp;
- }
- if (prev && prev->type == SPECIAL && prev->flags == TOSTRING) {
- temp = prev->prev;
- DelStrNode(&clone, prev);
- prev = temp;
- } else
- ierror(0);
- new->prev = prev;
- if (prev)
- prev->next = new;
- else
- clone = new;
- new->next = next;
- if (next)
- next->prev = new;
- temp = new;
- } else {
- /* Einfach nur einsetzen */
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("next to ##\n");
- prev = temp->prev;
- next = temp->next;
- DelStrNode(NULL, temp);
- arg->prev = prev;
- if (prev)
- prev->next = arg;
- else
- clone = arg;
- while (arg->next)
- arg = arg->next;
- arg->next = next;
- if (next)
- next->prev = arg;
- temp = arg;
- }
- } else {
- /* expandieren und einsetzen */
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("normal arg\n");
- if (x = ExpandList(&arg)) {
- DelStrList(&clone);
- DelStrList(&arg);
- return (x);
- }
- if (DEBUG & 32) {
- printf("expanded arg:\n");
- PrintTL(arg);
- }
- prev = temp->prev;
- next = temp->next;
- DelStrNode(NULL, temp);
- arg->prev = prev;
- if (prev)
- prev->next = arg;
- else
- clone = arg;
- while (arg->next)
- arg = arg->next;
- arg->next = next;
- if (next)
- next->prev = arg;
- temp = arg;
- } /* of N2Special */
- }
- if (temp)
- temp = temp->next;
- }
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("Arguments expanded.\n");
- temp = clone;
- while (temp) {
- if (temp->type == SPECIAL && temp->flags == KILLSPACES) {
- prev = temp->prev;
- next = temp->next;
- if ((prev->type == PP_IDENT || prev->type == NUMBER)) {
- switch (next->type) {
- case NUMBER: /* merge -> ident */
- case PP_IDENT:
- RemStrNode(&clone, next);
- MergeStrNodes(prev, next);
- next = temp->next;
- /* next will now be deleted and prev->str will be */
- /* the joined strings from prev&next */
- default: /* no merge / del ## */
- DelStrNode(&clone, temp);
- temp = next;
- break;
- } /* of switch */
- } else {
- DelStrNode(&clone, temp);
- temp = next;
- }
- }
- if (temp)
- temp = temp->next;
- }
- /* 'makro' aus mlist ausklinken */
- prevmakro = makro->prev;
- RemMakroNode(&mlist, makro);
- /* alles expandieren */
- if (!(x = ExpandList(&clone))) {
- /* akt. StrNode durch clone-Liste ersetzen */
- if (DEBUG & 32) {
- printf("Complete Makro expanded\n");
- PrintTL(clone);
- }
- /* clone anstelle von pos in list einsetzen */
- prev = (*pos)->prev;
- next = (*pos)->next;
- DelStrNode(NULL, *pos);
- #ifdef bla
- while (next && next->type == SPACE) {
- temp = next->next;
- DelStrNode(NULL, next); /* SPACE zwischen Makro und Args loeschen */
- next = temp;
- }
- #endif
- while (next && next->type == SPACE)
- next = next->next;
- /* SPACE hinter Makro ueberspringen */
- if (next && next->type == NORMAL && next->str[0] == '(') {
- temp = next;
- next = FindBracket(temp);
- if (next)
- next = next->next;
- do {
- temp1 = temp->next;
- DelStrNode(NULL, temp); /* ARG-List hinter Makro loeschen */
- temp = temp1;
- } while (temp != next);
- } else {
- ierror(0);
- }
- /* vor clone ein SPACE einsetzen, wenn nicht PREV==SPACE */
- /*vb: hier !prev|| wegen Enforcerhit eingesetzt; waere prev&& besser? */
- if (!prev || prev->type != SPACE) {
- if (temp = AllocSpace()) {
- temp->next = clone;
- if (clone)
- clone->prev = temp;
- clone = temp;
- }
- }
- clone->prev = prev;
- if (prev)
- prev->next = clone;
- else
- *list = clone;
- while (clone->next)
- clone = clone->next;
- /* nach clone ein SPACE einsetzen, wenn nicht NEXT==SPACE */
- /*vb: hier !next|| wegen Enforcerhit eingesetzt; waere next&& besser? */
- if (!next || next->type != SPACE) {
- if (temp = AllocSpace()) {
- temp->prev = clone;
- if (clone)
- clone->next = temp;
- clone = temp;
- }
- }
- *pos = clone;
- clone->next = next;
- if (next)
- next->prev = clone;
- /* 'makro' wieder einsetzen */
- InsertMakroNode(&mlist, makro, prevmakro);
- return (OK);
- } else {
- InsertMakroNode(&mlist, makro, prevmakro);
- return (x);
- }
- }
- /* ExpandList - ersetzt alle Makros in der Liste */
- int ExpandList(struct strnode **list)
- {
- struct mnode *found, *before;
- struct strnode *clone, *beforestr, *afterstr, *listtemp, *temp2,
- *temp3;
- int result = OK;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("ExpandList");
- listtemp = *list;
- while (listtemp) {
- if (listtemp->type == PP_IDENT) {
- found = FindMakroNode(mlist, listtemp->str, 0);
- if (found) {
- /*vb: merken, ob mind. ein Makro expandiert wurde */
- did_expand = 1;
- if (found->flags & PARAMETER) {
- /* Makro mit Argument(en) */
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("Makro with args\n");
- temp2 = listtemp->next;
- while (temp2 && temp2->type == SPACE)
- temp2 = temp2->next;
- if (temp2 && temp2->type == NORMAL && temp2->str[0] == '(')
- if (result = ExpandArgMakro(found, list, &listtemp))
- return (result);
- } else {
- /* Makro ohne Argument */
- /* ExpandNormMakro - expandiert ein Makro ohne Argumente */
- /* Parameter: s.o. */
- if (found->flags & FUNCTION) {
- clone = DoMakroFunction(found);
- } else {
- clone = CloneStrList(found->tokenlist, NULL);
- }
- if (!clone)
- return (OUT_OF_MEM);
- /* akt. MakroNode ausklinken um rekursive Exp. zu verhindern */
- before = found->prev;
- RemMakroNode(&mlist, found);
- if (!(result = ExpandList(&clone))) {
- /* akt. StrNode durch clone-Liste ersetzen */
- beforestr = listtemp->prev;
- afterstr = listtemp->next;
- DelStrNode(NULL, listtemp);
- listtemp = afterstr;
- clone->prev = beforestr;
- if (beforestr)
- beforestr->next = clone;
- else
- *list = clone;
- while (clone->next)
- clone = clone->next;
- clone->next = afterstr;
- if (afterstr)
- afterstr->prev = clone;
- /* akt. Makronode wieder einsetzen */
- InsertMakroNode(&mlist, found, before);
- } else {
- /* akt. Makronode wieder einsetzen */
- InsertMakroNode(&mlist, found, before);
- return (result);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (listtemp)
- listtemp = listtemp->next;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /* ParseIdentifier - parsed den Input-Define-String und haengt das Makro */
- /* in die Liste */
- struct mnode *ParseIdentifier(char *str)
- {
- int x, numargs = 0, flags = 0, len = 0;
- char *name = NULL, *args = NULL, *token = NULL, *temp, *temp2, *argtemp;
- struct mnode *newmakro, *found;
- struct strnode *tokenlist = NULL, *templist, *arglist = NULL, *templist2;
- struct strnode *next, *prev;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("ParseIdentifier");
- /*vb: casts eingefuegt */
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *str)) {
- str++;
- }
- if (!(isalpha((unsigned char) *str) || *str == '_')) {
- error(178);
- return (0);
- }
- temp = str;
- while (isalnum((unsigned char) *temp) || (*temp == '_')) {
- temp++;
- len++;
- }
- /* auf schon vorhandene (evtl. FESTE) Definition suchen */
- found = FindMakroNode(mlist, str, len);
- if (found && (found->flags & NOREDEF)) {
- error(179);
- return (0);
- }
- /*vb: */
- if (1) {
- /* Okay, ist egal, wie das alte Makro aussah */
- /*vb: */
- if (found && !(c_flags[15] & USEDFLAG)) {
- error(197);
- }
- temp = name = (char *) malloc(len + 1); /* Speicher fuer Name-String belegen */
- if (!name) {
- error(196);
- return (0);
- }
- for (x = 0; x < len; x++) {
- *temp++ = *str++;
- } /* Namen kopieren */
- *temp = 0;
- if (*str == '(') {
- flags |= PARAMETER;
- str++; /* jump over '(' */
- temp = str;
- len = 0;
- /*vb: casts eingefuegt */
- while (*temp && (*temp != ')'))
- if (!(isspace((unsigned char) *temp))) {
- len++;
- temp++;
- } else {
- temp++;
- }
- if (*temp == 0) {
- error(180);
- if (name)
- free(name);
- return (0);
- }
- args = temp = (char *) malloc(len + 1);
- if (!args) {
- error(196);
- if (name)
- free(name);
- return (0);
- }
- for (x = 0; x < len;)
- if (!(isspace((unsigned char) *str))) {
- x++;
- *temp++ = *str++;
- } else {
- str++;
- }
- *temp = 0;
- str++; /* jump over ')' */
- /* Argumentliste parsen und auf Fehler pruefen */
- temp = args;
- while (*temp && (isalpha((unsigned char) *temp) || *temp == '_')) {
- temp++;
- while (*temp && (isalnum((unsigned char) *temp) || *temp == '_')) {
- temp++;
- }
- if (!(*temp) || *temp == ',') {
- numargs++;
- if ((*temp == ',') && (isalpha((unsigned char) *(temp + 1)) || *(temp + 1) == '_'))
- temp++;
- }
- }
- if (*temp) {
- if (args)
- free(args);
- if (name)
- free(name);
- if (*temp == ',') {
- error(181);
- } else {
- error(182);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- }
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *str))
- str++; /* Skip Spaces */
- /* HIER: pruefen, ob tokenlist erstellt werden konnte (leere tokenlist->ok) */
- tokenlist = Str2List(str);
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf(" - build TokenList\n");
- templist = tokenlist;
- while (templist) {
- if ((templist->type == NORMAL) && (!strcmp(templist->str, "#"))) {
- if ((templist->next) && (templist->next->type == NORMAL)
- && (!strcmp(templist->next->str, "#"))) {
- /* ## KILLSPACES */
- if ((templist->prev) && (templist->next->next)) {
- templist->type = SPECIAL;
- templist->flags = KILLSPACES;
- DelStrNode(&tokenlist, templist->next);
- } else {
- error(183);
- if (name)
- free(name);
- if (args)
- free(args);
- if (tokenlist)
- DelStrList(&tokenlist);
- return (0);
- }
- }
- }
- templist = templist->next;
- }
- /* Token parsen/kopieren */
- if ((flags & PARAMETER)) { /* Argumente parsen */
- arglist = NULL;
- temp = temp2 = args;
- while (*temp) {
- len = 0;
- while (*temp && *temp != ',') {
- temp++;
- len++;
- }
- if (*temp == ',')
- temp++;
- argtemp = (char *) malloc(len + 1);
- if (!argtemp) {
- error(196);
- if (name)
- free(name);
- if (args)
- free(args);
- if (arglist)
- DelStrList(&arglist);
- if (tokenlist)
- DelStrList(&tokenlist);
- return (0);
- }
- strncpy(argtemp, temp2, len);
- temp2 = temp;
- *(argtemp + len) = 0;
- AddStrNodeBehind(&arglist, NULL, argtemp);
- }
- templist = tokenlist;
- while (templist) {
- if (templist->type == PP_IDENT) {
- x = 0;
- templist2 = arglist;
- while (templist2) {
- if (!strcmp(templist->str, templist2->str)) {
- templist->type = ARGUMENT;
- templist->number = x;
- }
- x++;
- templist2 = templist2->next;
- }
- }
- templist = templist->next;
- }
- DelStrList(&arglist);
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf(" - Arguments found.\n");
- /* #-Specials korrigieren, nachdem die Argumente erkannt wurden */
- templist = tokenlist;
- while (templist) {
- if ((templist->type == NORMAL) && (!strcmp(templist->str, "#"))) {
- if ((templist->next) && (templist->next->type == ARGUMENT)) {
- templist->type = SPECIAL;
- templist->flags = TOSTRING;
- } else {
- error(184);
- if (name)
- free(name);
- if (args)
- free(args);
- if (arglist)
- DelStrList(&arglist);
- if (tokenlist)
- DelStrList(&tokenlist);
- return (0);
- }
- }
- templist = templist->next;
- }
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf(" - Special-# corrected.\n");
- } else { /* Token kopieren */
- temp = str;
- len = 0;
- while ((*temp) && (*temp != '\n')) {
- temp++;
- len++;
- }
- temp = token = (char *) malloc(len + 1);
- if (!token) {
- error(196);
- if (name)
- free(name);
- if (args)
- free(args);
- if (tokenlist)
- DelStrList(&tokenlist);
- return (0);
- }
- for (x = 0; x < len; x++) {
- *temp++ = *str++;
- }
- *temp = 0;
- }
- templist = tokenlist;
- while (templist) {
- if (templist->type == SPECIAL && templist->flags == KILLSPACES) {
- next = templist->next;
- prev = templist->prev;
- /* Kill Spaces before/after ## */
- while (prev && prev->type == SPACE) {
- templist2 = prev->prev;
- DelStrNode(&tokenlist, prev);
- prev = templist2;
- }
- while (next && next->type == SPACE) {
- templist2 = next->next;
- DelStrNode(&tokenlist, next);
- next = templist2;
- }
- if ((!next) || (!prev))
- ierror(0);
- if (next->type != ARGUMENT && prev->type != ARGUMENT) {
- if ((prev->type == PP_IDENT || prev->type == NUMBER)) {
- switch (next->type) {
- case NUMBER: /* merge -> ident */
- case PP_IDENT:
- RemStrNode(&tokenlist, next);
- MergeStrNodes(prev, next);
- next = templist->next;
- /* next will now be deleted and prev->str will be */
- /* the joined strings from prev&next */
- default: /* no merge / del ## */
- DelStrNode(&tokenlist, templist);
- templist = next;
- break;
- } /* of switch */
- } else {
- DelStrNode(&tokenlist, templist);
- templist = next;
- }
- }
- }
- if (templist)
- templist = templist->next;
- }
- /* erst HIER bei allowredefinition=0 abfragen ?? */
- if (newmakro = (struct mnode *) malloc(sizeof(struct mnode))) {
- newmakro->name = name;
- newmakro->args = args;
- newmakro->token = token;
- newmakro->tokenlist = tokenlist;
- newmakro->flags = flags;
- newmakro->funcnum = 0;
- AddMakroNode(&mlist, newmakro);
- } else {
- error(196);
- if (name)
- free(name);
- if (token)
- free(token);
- if (args)
- free(args);
- if (tokenlist)
- DelStrList(&tokenlist);
- }
- return (newmakro);
- } else {
- /*vb: das ist irgendwie Unsinn hier, glaube ich */
- ierror(0);
- /* HIER: ueberpruefen, ob Macrodefinitionen uebereinstimmen, sonst Error */
- if (*temp == '(') {
- if (found->flags & PARAMETER) {
- temp++; /* skip ( */
- } else {
- error(185);
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- /* HIER nur noch tokenlisten vergleichen */
- }
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("ParseIdent falls of\n");
- }
- /* PreParse - 3-Zeichen-Folgen ersetzen, \+CR Zeilen anhaengen, usw.. */
- int PreParse()
- {
- char *src, *dest, *dest2;
- int slen, dlen = 0;
- int cat = 0; /*vb: um zu merken, ob Zeilen mit \ verbunden werden */
- dest2 = string;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("PreParse");
- if (!fgets(ppstring, MAXPPINPUT, in[incnesting])) {
- if (cmtnesting)
- error(186);
- /*vb: */
- /* if(ifstatus[incnesting]) error(186); */
- /* ifnesting--; */
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("-- end of file ifnesting-1:%d\n\n", incnesting);
- if (incnesting) {
- fclose(in[incnesting]);
- incnesting--;
- return (pp_nextline());
- } else
- return (0);
- } else if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("gets1:%s\n", ppstring); /*vb: */
- if ((strlen(ppstring) == (MAXPPINPUT - 1)) && (ppstring[MAXPPINPUT - 2] != '\n')) {
- error(177);
- return (0);
- }
- zn[incnesting]++;
- linenr = zn[incnesting];
- do {
- /* Zeilen einlesen, bis kein Kommentar mehr */
- /* Zeilen einlesen bis kein \ mehr am Ende */
- do {
- /* Source-String an Dest-String anhaengen und ??x-Folgen ersetzen */
- /*vb: das killt sonst das angehaengte wieder */
- if (cat == 0) {
- dest = src = ppstring;
- slen = 0;
- }
- do {
- if (*src != '\n') {
- if ((*src == '?') && (*(src + 1) == '?') && !(c_flags[16] & USEDFLAG)) {
- switch (*(src + 2)) {
- case '=':
- *dest++ = '#';
- src += 2;
- break;
- case '/':
- *dest++ = '\\';
- src += 2;
- break;
- case '\'':
- *dest++ = '^';
- src += 2;
- break;
- case '(':
- *dest++ = '[';
- src += 2;
- break;
- case ')':
- *dest++ = ']';
- src += 2;
- break;
- case '!':
- *dest++ = '|';
- src += 2;
- break;
- case '<':
- *dest++ = '{';
- src += 2;
- break;
- case '>':
- *dest++ = '}';
- src += 2;
- break;
- case '-':
- *dest++ = '~';
- src += 2;
- break;
- default:
- *dest++ = *src;
- break;
- } /* of switch */
- } else {
- *dest++ = *src;
- }
- if (slen < MAXPPINPUT) {
- slen++;
- } else {
- error(177);
- return (0);
- }
- }
- } while (*src++);
- src = dest;
- /* dest->lastchar+2/NULL+1 (dest-1)-> 0 (dest-2)->lastchar */
- if (*(dest - 2) == '\\') {
- /*vb: sollte das slen statt dlen sein? */
- if (fgets(src, MAXPPINPUT - dlen, in[incnesting])) {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("gets2:%s\n", src); /*vb: */
- /* Hier auf LF+0 abfragen */
- dest -= 2;
- zn[incnesting]++;
- cat = 1; /*vb: merken, dass Zeilen verbunden wurden */
- }
- }
- } while (*dest == '\\');
- src = ppstring;
- while (*src) {
- /* ' Strings ueberlesen */
- if ((*src == '\'') && (!cmtnesting)) {
- if (dlen < MAXINPUT) {
- *dest2++ = *src++;
- dlen++;
- } else {
- error(177);
- return (0);
- }
- while (*src && *src != '\'') {
- if (*src == '\\') {
- *dest2++ = *src++;
- dlen++;
- };
- if (dlen < MAXINPUT) {
- *dest2++ = *src++;
- dlen++;
- } else {
- error(177);
- return (0);
- }
- }
- if (dlen < MAXINPUT) {
- *dest2++ = *src++;
- dlen++;
- } else {
- error(177);
- return (0);
- }
- }
- /* " Strings ueberlesen */
- if ((*src == '\"') && (!cmtnesting)) {
- *dest2++ = *src++;
- dlen++;
- while (*src && *src != '\"') {
- if (*src == '\\') {
- *dest2++ = *src++;
- dlen++;
- };
- if (dlen < MAXINPUT) {
- *dest2++ = *src++;
- dlen++;
- } else {
- error(177);
- return (0);
- }
- }
- if (dlen < MAXINPUT) {
- *dest2++ = *src++;
- dlen++;
- } else {
- error(177);
- return (0);
- }
- }
- /* Kommentare weglassen */
- if ((*src == '/') && (*(src + 1) == '*')) {
- src += 2;
- if (dlen < MAXINPUT) {
- *dest2++ = ' ';
- dlen++;
- } else {
- error(177);
- return (0);
- }
- if ((cmtnesting && (c_flags[13] & USEDFLAG)) || (!cmtnesting))
- cmtnesting++;
- else
- error(198);
- } else {
- if ((*src == '*') && (*(src + 1) == '/') && cmtnesting) {
- src += 2;
- cmtnesting--;
- }
- }
- /* C++-Comment weglassen */
- if ((!cmtnesting) && (*src == '/') && (*(src + 1) == '/') && (c_flags[14] & USEDFLAG))
- *src = 0;
- if (!cmtnesting) {
- if (*src) {
- *dest2++ = *src++;
- }
- if (dlen < MAXINPUT) {
- dlen++;
- } else {
- error(177);
- return (0);
- }
- } else {
- if (*src)
- src++;
- }
- }
- if (cmtnesting) {
- if (!fgets(ppstring, MAXPPINPUT, in[incnesting])) {
- if (cmtnesting)
- error(186);
- if (incnesting) {
- fclose(in[incnesting]);
- incnesting--;
- return (pp_nextline());
- } else
- return (0);
- } else if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("gets2:%s\n", ppstring); /*vb: */
- if ((strlen(ppstring) == (MAXPPINPUT - 1)) && (ppstring[MAXPPINPUT - 2] != '\n')) {
- error(177);
- return (0);
- }
- zn[incnesting]++;
- }
- } while (cmtnesting);
- /*vb: das ueberschreibt den Speicher */
- #if 0
- *dest2-- = 0;
- while (isspace(*dest2))
- *dest2-- = 0; /* Spaces killen */
- #endif
- /*vb: hoffe, das ist besser */
- *dest2 = 0;
- while (dest2 > string && isspace((unsigned char) *--dest2))
- *dest2 = 0;
- return (1);
- }
- /* **************** PreProcessor ***************** */
- int pp_init(void)
- {
- char *macroname;
- struct mnode *macronode;
- if (!(c_flags[6] & USEDFLAG))
- printf("%s\n", pp_version);
- incnesting = /*ifnesting= */ -1; /*vb: */
- cmtnesting = if_cnt = abs_if_cnt = 0;
- mlist = NULL;
- strlist = NULL;
- macroname = (char *) malloc(9);
- if (!macroname)
- return (0);
- strcpy(macroname, "__LINE__");
- macronode = (struct mnode *) malloc(sizeof(struct mnode));
- if (!macronode) {
- if (macroname)
- free(macroname);
- return (0);
- }
- macronode->name = macroname;
- macronode->args = macronode->token = NULL;
- macronode->tokenlist = NULL;
- macronode->flags = FUNCTION | NODELETE | NOREDEF;
- macronode->funcnum = FUNCLINE;
- AddMakroNode(&mlist, macronode);
- macroname = (char *) malloc(9);
- if (!macroname)
- return (0);
- strcpy(macroname, "__FILE__");
- macronode = (struct mnode *) malloc(sizeof(struct mnode));
- if (!macronode) {
- if (macroname)
- free(macroname);
- DelMakroList(&mlist);
- return (0);
- }
- macronode->name = macroname;
- macronode->args = macronode->token = NULL;
- macronode->tokenlist = NULL;
- macronode->flags = FUNCTION | NODELETE | NOREDEF;
- macronode->funcnum = FUNCFILE;
- AddMakroNode(&mlist, macronode);
- macroname = (char *) malloc(9);
- if (!macroname)
- return (0);
- strcpy(macroname, "__DATE__");
- macronode = (struct mnode *) malloc(sizeof(struct mnode));
- if (!macronode) {
- if (macroname)
- free(macroname);
- DelMakroList(&mlist);
- return (0);
- }
- macronode->name = macroname;
- macronode->args = macronode->token = NULL;
- macronode->tokenlist = NULL;
- macronode->flags = FUNCTION | NODELETE | NOREDEF;
- macronode->funcnum = FUNCDATE;
- AddMakroNode(&mlist, macronode);
- macroname = (char *) malloc(9);
- if (!macroname)
- return (0);
- strcpy(macroname, "__TIME__");
- macronode = (struct mnode *) malloc(sizeof(struct mnode));
- if (!macronode) {
- if (macroname)
- free(macroname);
- DelMakroList(&mlist);
- return (0);
- }
- macronode->name = macroname;
- macronode->args = macronode->token = NULL;
- macronode->tokenlist = NULL;
- macronode->flags = FUNCTION | NODELETE | NOREDEF;
- macronode->funcnum = FUNCTIME;
- AddMakroNode(&mlist, macronode);
- macroname = (char *) malloc(9);
- if (!macroname)
- return (0);
- strcpy(macroname, "__STDC__");
- macronode = (struct mnode *) malloc(sizeof(struct mnode));
- if (!macronode) {
- if (macroname)
- free(macroname);
- DelMakroList(&mlist);
- return (0);
- }
- macronode->name = macroname;
- macronode->args = NULL;
- macroname = (char *) malloc(2);
- if (!macroname) {
- if (macronode->name)
- free(macronode->name);
- if (macronode)
- free(macronode);
- DelMakroList(&mlist);
- return (0);
- }
- strcpy(macroname, "1");
- macronode->token = macroname;
- macronode->tokenlist = Str2List(macroname);
- if (!macronode->tokenlist) {
- if (macronode->name)
- free(macronode->name);
- if (macronode->token)
- free(macronode->token);
- if (macronode)
- free(macronode);
- DelMakroList(&mlist);
- return (0);
- }
- macronode->flags = NODELETE;
- macronode->funcnum = 0;
- AddMakroNode(&mlist, macronode);
- return (1);
- }
- void pp_free(void)
- {
- int i;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("pp_free");
- /*vb: Schleifenindex korrekt gesetzt */
- for (i = incnesting; i >= 0; i--)
- if (in[i])
- fclose(in[i]);
- DelMakroList(&mlist);
- DelStrList(&strlist);
- }
- int pp_include(char *f)
- {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("trying to include %s\n", f); /*vb: */
- if (incnesting >= MAXINCNESTING - 1) {
- error(187);
- return (0);
- }
- /*vb: */
- /* if(ifnesting>=MAXIFNESTING-1) {error("Too many nested #ifs or #includes",0);return(0);} */
- incnesting++;
- /* ifnesting++; *//*vb: */
- ifstatus[incnesting] = 0; /*vb: */
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("-- include: ifnesting:%d ifstatus:0 \n\n", incnesting);
- in[incnesting] = fopen(f, "r");
- if (!in[incnesting]) {
- incnesting--;
- return (0);
- }
- filename[incnesting] = f;
- zn[incnesting] = linenr = 0;
- return (1);
- }
- /* ********************** Main-Function ******************* */
- int pp_nextline(void)
- {
- char *src, *dest, *temp;
- int complete_len, len, i, result;
- struct mnode *makro;
- struct strnode *linelist, *inclinelist;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- puts("pp_nextline");
- dest = string;
- dest[0] = 0;
- /* String vorbereiten, 3ZF ersetzen, \-Zeilen anhaengen, Kommentare loeschen */
- if (!PreParse())
- return (0);
- /* Ueberpruefung auf PreProcessor-Commands */
- src = string;
- /*vb: casts eingefuegt */
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- src++;
- } /* SkipSpaces */
- if (*src == '#') { /* #-Direktive gefunden */
- src++; /* # ueberlesen */
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- src++;
- } /* SkipSpaces */
- /*vb: Direktiven, die nichts mit #if etc. zu tun haben, nach hinten */
- /* IFDEF */
- if (!strncmp(src, "ifdef", 5)) {
- src += 5;
- abs_if_cnt++; /*vb: */
- if (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- src++;
- }
- /* identifier suchen */
- if (do_output) {
- /*vb: */
- /* if(ifnesting>=MAXIFNESTING-1) {error("Too many nested #if's",0); return(0);} */
- /* ifnesting++; */
- temp = src;
- len = 0;
- while ((isalnum((unsigned char) *temp)) || (*temp == '_')) {
- temp++;
- len++;
- }
- makro = FindMakroNode(mlist, src, len);
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("-- #ifdef found, ");
- if (makro) {
- /*vb: */
- ifstatus[incnesting] = 1; /* Bedingung == TRUE */
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf(" condition '%s' found (TRUE)\n", makro->name);
- } else {
- /*vb: */
- ifstatus[incnesting] = 2; /* Bedingung == FALSE */
- do_output = 0;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf(" condition not found (FALSE)\n\n");
- }
- } else {
- if_cnt++;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("-- #ifdef found and if_cnt increased\n\n");
- }
- string[0] = 0; /*vb: yo */
- return (1);
- }
- } /* EO IFDEF */
- /* IFNDEF */
- if (!strncmp(src, "ifndef", 6)) {
- src += 6;
- abs_if_cnt++; /*vb: */
- if (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- src++;
- }
- /* identifier suchen */
- if (do_output) {
- /*vb: */
- /* if(ifnesting>=MAXIFNESTING-1) {error("Too many nested #if's",0); return(0);} */
- /* ifnesting++; */
- temp = src;
- len = 0;
- while ((isalnum((unsigned char) *temp)) || (*temp == '_')) {
- temp++;
- len++;
- }
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("-- FindMakroNode: len=%d temp=%p\n", len, (void*)temp);
- makro = FindMakroNode(mlist, src, len);
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("-- #ifndef found, ");
- if (!makro) {
- /*vb: */
- ifstatus[incnesting] = 1; /* Bedingung == TRUE (Makro not existing) */
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf(" condition not found (TRUE)\n\n");
- } else {
- /*vb: */
- ifstatus[incnesting] = 2; /* Bedingung == FALSE */
- do_output = 0;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf(" condition '%s' found (FALSE)\n\n", makro->name);
- }
- /* HIER: string[0]=0; */
- } else {
- if_cnt++;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("-- #ifndef found and if_cnt increased\n\n");
- }
- string[0] = 0; /*vb: */
- return (1);
- }
- } /* EO IFNDEF */
- /* IF */
- if (!strncmp(src, "if", 2)) {
- src += 2;
- abs_if_cnt++; /*vb: */
- if (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- src++;
- }
- /* Bedingung auswerten */
- printf("****** WARNING ******* #if is not yet implemented\n");
- string[0] = 0; /*vb: */
- return (1);
- }
- } /* EO IF */
- /* ELIF */
- if (!strncmp(src, "elif", 4)) {
- src += 4;
- if (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- src++;
- }
- /* Bedingung auswerten */
- printf("****** WARNING ******* #elif is not yet implemented\n");
- string[0] = 0; /*vb: */
- return (1);
- }
- } /* EO ELIF */
- /* ELSE */
- if (!strncmp(src, "else", 4)) {
- src += 4;
- if (isspace((unsigned char) *src) || *src == 0) {
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- src++;
- }
- if (!if_cnt) {
- switch (ifstatus[incnesting]) { /*vb: */
- case 0:
- error(188);
- return (0);
- break;
- case 1:
- do_output = 0;
- /* HIER: auf #endif suchen SearchENDIF(); */
- /* HIER: ifnesting--; do_output=1; */
- break;
- case 2:
- ifstatus[incnesting] = 3; /*vb: */
- do_output = 1;
- break;
- case 3:
- error(189);
- return (0);
- break;
- }
- }
- string[0] = 0; /*vb: */
- return (1);
- }
- } /* EO ELSE */
- /* ENDIF */
- if (!strncmp(src, "endif", 5)) {
- src += 5;
- abs_if_cnt--; /*vb: */
- if (isspace((unsigned char) *src) || *src == 0) {
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- src++;
- }
- /* HIER: Auf Zeilenende testen */
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("-- #endif found, ");
- if (if_cnt) {
- if_cnt--;
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("if_cnt decreased (to %d)\n", if_cnt);
- } else {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("ifnesting: %d ifstatus: %d\n", incnesting, ifstatus[incnesting]);
- if (abs_if_cnt < 0 /*(incnesting==-1)||ifstatus[incnesting]==0 */ ) { /*vb: */
- error(190);
- return (0);
- }
- /* ifnesting--; *//*vb: */
- /* HIER: evtl. do_output entsprechend ifstatus[] setzen */
- /*vb: natuerlich */
- do_output = 1;
- ifstatus[incnesting] = abs_if_cnt > 0; /*vb: 1 oder 0 */
- }
- string[0] = 0; /*vb: ja */
- return (1);
- }
- } /* EO ENDIF */
- /*vb: andere Direktiven gegebenenfalls ueberspringen */
- if (!do_output) {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("do_output==0 => skipping: %s\n", src);
- string[0] = 0;
- return (1);
- }
- /* DEFINE */
- if ( /*(do_output)&& */ (!strncmp(src, "define", 6))) { /*vb: */
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("#define found\n");
- src += 6;
- if (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- src++;
- }
- if (ParseIdentifier(src)) {
- string[0] = 0;
- return (1);
- } else {
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("ParseIdent returned 0\n");
- return (0);
- }
- }
- } /* EO DEFINE */
- /* UNDEF */
- if ( /*(do_output)&& */ (!strncmp(src, "undef", 5))) { /*vb: */
- src += 5;
- if (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- src++;
- }
- temp = src;
- len = 0;
- while ((isalnum((unsigned char) *temp)) || (*temp == '_')) {
- temp++;
- len++;
- }
- makro = FindMakroNode(mlist, src, len);
- if (makro->flags & NODELETE) {
- error(199);
- } else {
- DelMakroNode(&mlist, makro);
- }
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *temp)) {
- temp++;
- }
- if (*temp != 0 && *temp != '\n') {
- error(200);
- }
- string[0] = 0;
- return (1);
- }
- } /* EO UNDEF */
- /* INCLUDE */
- if ( /*(do_output)&& */ (!strncmp(src, "include", 7))) { /*vb: */
- src += 7;
- if (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- src++;
- }
- if (*src != '<' && *src != '\"') {
- /* Versuchen den Rest zu expandieren */
- inclinelist = Str2List(src);
- if (!ExpandList(&inclinelist)) {
- if (List2Str(inclinelist, src, MAXINPUT - (src - string))) {
- /* HIER exit ? */
- }
- } else {
- error(191); /* HIER exit ? */
- }
- }
- /*vb: geaendert, so dass #include "..." auch noch im Standardpfad sucht */
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("includename=%s\n", src);
- if (*src == '<' || *src == '\"') {
- char *m = src, c;
- if (*src == '<')
- c = '>';
- else
- c = '\"';
- if (*src == '\"') {
- /* im aktuellen Verzeichnis suchen und includen */
- src++;
- temp = src;
- len = 0;
- while (*temp != '\"') {
- temp++;
- len++;
- }
- temp++;
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *temp))
- temp++;
- if (*temp) {
- error(200);
- }
- temp = (char *) malloc(len + 1);
- if (temp) {
- strncpy(temp, src, len);
- *(temp + len) = 0;
- if (pp_include(temp)) {
- AddStrNode(&strlist, NULL, temp);
- string[0] = 0;
- return (1);
- } else {
- if (temp)
- free(temp);
- /*vb:
- error("pp: cannot open file to include",0);
- return(0); */
- }
- } else {
- error(196);
- } /* HIER: Exit? */
- }
- /* in den Standard-Verzeichnissen suchen und includen */
- src = m;
- src++;
- temp = src;
- len = 0;
- while (*temp != c && *temp != 0) {
- temp++;
- len++;
- } /*vb: sicherer */
- temp++;
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *temp))
- temp++;
- if (*temp) {
- error(200);
- }
- temp = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < incpathc; i++) {
- complete_len = strlen(incpath[i]) + len;
- temp = (char *) malloc(complete_len + 1);
- if (temp) {
- strcpy(temp, incpath[i]);
- strncat(temp, src, len);
- *(temp + complete_len) = 0;
- if (pp_include(temp)) {
- AddStrNode(&strlist, NULL, temp);
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- printf("include <%s> found\n", temp);
- string[0] = 0;
- return (1);
- } else {
- if (temp)
- free(temp);
- }
- } else {
- error(196);
- } /* HIER: Exit ? */
- } /* of FOR i */
- error(191);
- return (0);
- } else {
- error(192);
- return (0);
- }
- } else {
- error(193);
- return (0);
- }
- } /* EO INCLUDE */
- /* LINE */
- if (!strncmp(src, "line", 4)) {
- src += 4;
- if (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- return (1); /* Ignorieren und an Compiler weiterreichen */
- }
- } /* EO LINE */
- /* ERROR */
- if (!strncmp(src, "error", 5)) {
- src += 5;
- if (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- src++;
- }
- return (1);
- }
- } /* EO ERROR */
- /* PRAGMA */
- if (!strncmp(src, "pragma", 6)) {
- src += 6;
- if (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- while (isspace((unsigned char) *src)) {
- src++;
- }
- return (1);
- }
- } /* EO PRAGMA */
- /* Unknown */
- /* if(do_output){ */
- /*vb: */
- error(193);
- return (0);
- /* } *//*vb: */
- } else if (do_output) {
- /* Normale Anweisung. Komplette Zeile expandieren */
- /*vb: */
- linelist = Str2List(string);
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- PrintTL(linelist);
- /*vb: */
- did_expand = 0;
- if (result = ExpandList(&linelist)) {
- switch (result) {
- case OUT_OF_MEM:
- error(196);
- break;
- case NUM_OF_ARGS:
- error(194);
- break;
- error(195);
- break;
- default:
- ierror(0);
- break;
- }
- DelStrList(&linelist);
- return (0);
- }
- if (DEBUG & 32)
- PrintTL(linelist);
- /*vb: List2Str nur aufrufen, falls etwas expandiert wurde */
- if (did_expand && !List2Str(linelist, string, MAXINPUT)) {
- DelStrList(&linelist);
- return (0);
- }
- DelStrList(&linelist);
- /*vb: */
- } else
- string[0] = 0;
- return (1);
- }