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- #include "supp.h"
- static char FILE_[]=__FILE__;
- char *typname[]={"strange","char","short","int","long","float","double","void",
- "pointer","array","struct","union","enum","function"};
- char *storage_class_name[]={"strange","auto","register","static","extern","typedef"};
- char *ename[]={"strange","sequence","move","set+","set-","set*","set/","set%",
- "set&","set^","set|","set<<","set>>","?:","lor","land","or",
- "eor","and","equal","unequal","lt","le","gt","ge","lsl",
- "lsr","add","sub","mul","div","mod","negate",
- "not","preinc","postinc","predec","postdec","neg",
- "dref-pointer","address-of","cast","call","index",
- "dref-struct-pointer","dref-struct","identifier","constant",
- "string","member",
- "convert-char","convert-short","convert-int","convert-long",
- "convert-float","convert-double","convert-void","convert-pointer",
- "convert-uchar","convert-ushort","convert-uint","convert-ulong",
- "address-of-array","first-element-of-array","pmult",
- "allocreg","freereg","pconstant","test","label","beq","bne",
- "blt","bge","ble","bgt","bra","compare","push","pop",
- "address-of-struct","add-int-to-pointer","sub-int-from-pointer",
- "sub-pointer-from-pointer","push-reg","pop-reg","pop-args",
- "save-regs","restore-regs","identifier-label","dc","align",
- "colon","get-return","set-return","move-from-reg","move-to-reg",
- "nop"};
- char *empty="";
- zchar vchar; zuchar vuchar;
- zshort vshort; zushort vushort;
- zint vint; zuint vuint;
- zlong vlong; zulong vulong;
- zfloat vfloat; zdouble vdouble;
- zpointer vpointer;
- #ifndef DEBUG
- int DEBUG;
- #endif
- int label;
- int regs[MAXR+1],regused[MAXR+1];
- struct Var *regsv[MAXR+1];
- int goto_used;
- int ic_count;
- zlong max_offset;
- int function_calls;
- int multiple_ccs;
- int lastlabel,return_label;
- int only_inline;
- struct IC *err_ic;
- long maxoptpasses=10;
- long optflags;
- long inline_size=100;
- long unroll_size=200;
- long fp_assoc,noaliasopt;
- int fline;
- char errfname[FILENAME_MAX+1];
- struct IC *first_ic,*last_ic;
- int float_used;
- /* Das haette ich gern woanders */
- struct Var *vl1,*vl2,*vl3;
- struct Typ *clone_typ(struct Typ *old)
- /* Erzeugt Kopie eines Typs und liefert Zeiger auf Kopie. */
- {
- struct Typ *new;
- if(!old) return(0);
- new=mymalloc(TYPS);
- *new=*old;
- if(new->next) new->next=clone_typ(new->next);
- return(new);
- }
- void free_IC(struct IC *p)
- /* Gibt IC-Liste inkl. Typen frei. */
- {
- struct IC *merk;
- if(DEBUG&1) printf("free_IC()\n");
- while(p){
- if(p->q1.am) free(p->q1.am);
- if(p->q2.am) free(p->q2.am);
- if(p->z.am) free(p->z.am);
- merk=p->next;
- free(p);
- p=merk;
- }
- }
- void remove_IC(struct IC *p)
- /* Entfernt IC p aus Liste. */
- {
- if(p->prev) p->prev->next=p->next; else first_ic=p->next;
- if(p->next) p->next->prev=p->prev; else last_ic=p->prev;
- if(p->q1.am) free(p->q1.am);
- if(p->q2.am) free(p->q2.am);
- if(p->z.am) free(p->z.am);
- free(p);
- }
- void freetyp(struct Typ *p)
- /* Gibt eine Typ-Liste frei, aber keine struct_declaration oder so. */
- {
- int f;struct Typ *merk;
- if(DEBUG&8){printf("freetyp: ");prd(stdout,p);printf("\n");}
- while(p){
- merk=p->next;
- f=p->flags&NQ;
- if(merk&&f!=ARRAY&&f!=POINTER&&f!=FUNKT){ierror(0);return;}
- free(p);
- p=merk;
- }
- }
- zlong falign(struct Typ *t)
- /* Liefert Alignment eines Typs. Funktioniert im Gegensatz zum */
- /* align[]-Array auch mit zusammengesetzten Typen. */
- {
- int i,f; zlong al,alt;
- f=t->flags&NQ;
- al=align[f];
- if(f<=POINTER) return al;
- if(f==ARRAY){
- do{
- t=t->next;
- f=t->flags&NQ;
- }while(f==ARRAY);
- alt=falign(t);
- if(zlleq(al,alt)) return alt; else return al;
- }
- if(f==UNION||f==STRUCT){
- for(i=0;i<t->exact->count;i++){
- alt=falign((*t->exact->sl)[i].styp);
- if(!zlleq(alt,al)) al=alt;
- }
- return al;
- }
- return al;
- }
- zlong szof(struct Typ *t)
- /* Liefert die benoetigte Groesse eines Typs in Bytes. */
- {
- int i=t->flags&NQ,j;zlong size,m;
- if(i<=POINTER) return sizetab[i];
- if(i==ARRAY){
- size=zlmult((t->size),szof(t->next));
- m=align[ARRAY];
- return zlmult(zldiv(zladd(size,zlsub(m,l2zl(1L))),m),m); /* align */
- }
- if(i==UNION){
- for(j=0,size=l2zl(0L);j<t->exact->count;j++){
- m=szof((*t->exact->sl)[j].styp);
- if(zleqto(m,l2zl(0L))) return(l2zl(0L));
- if(!zlleq(m,size)) size=m;
- }
- m=falign(t);
- return zlmult(zldiv(zladd(size,zlsub(m,l2zl(1L))),m),m); /* align */
- }
- if(i==STRUCT){
- for(j=0,size=0;j<t->exact->count;j++){
- struct Typ *h=(*t->exact->sl)[j].styp;
- m=falign(h);
- size=zlmult(zldiv(zladd(size,zlsub(m,l2zl(1L))),m),m);
- m=szof(h);
- if(zleqto(m,l2zl(0L))) return(l2zl(0L));
- size=zladd(size,m);
- }
- m=falign(t);
- return zlmult(zldiv(zladd(size,zlsub(m,l2zl(1L))),m),m); /* align */
- }
- return sizetab[i];
- }
- void printval(FILE *f,union atyps *p,int t,int verbose)
- /* Gibt atyps aus. */
- {
- if(t==CHAR){if(verbose)fprintf(f,"C");vlong=zc2zl(p->vchar);printzl(f,vlong);}
- if(t==(UNSIGNED|CHAR)){if(verbose)fprintf(f,"UC");vulong=zuc2zul(p->vuchar);printzul(f,vulong);}
- if(t==SHORT){if(verbose)fprintf(f,"S");vlong=zs2zl(p->vshort);printzl(f,vlong);}
- if(t==(UNSIGNED|SHORT)){if(verbose) fprintf(f,"US");vulong=zus2zul(p->vushort);printzul(f,vulong);}
- if(t==FLOAT){if(verbose)fprintf(f,"F");vdouble=zf2zd(p->vfloat);printzd(f,vdouble);}
- if(t==DOUBLE){if(verbose)fprintf(f,"D");printzd(f,p->vdouble);}
- if(t==INT){if(verbose)fprintf(f,"I");vlong=zi2zl(p->vint);printzl(f,vlong);}
- if(t==LONG){if(verbose)fprintf(f,"L");printzl(f,p->vlong);}
- if(t==(UNSIGNED|INT)){if(verbose)fprintf(f,"UI");vulong=zui2zul(p->vuint);printzul(f,vulong);}
- if(t==(UNSIGNED|LONG)){if(verbose)fprintf(f,"UL");printzul(f,p->vulong);}
- /* das hier ist nicht wirklich portabel */
- if(t==POINTER){if(verbose)fprintf(f,"P");vulong=zp2zul(p->vpointer);printzul(f,vulong);}
- }
- void pric2(FILE *f,struct IC *p)
- /* Gibt ein IC aus. */
- {
- if(p->next&&p->next->prev!=p) ierror(0);
- if(p->code>=LABEL&&p->code<=BRA){
- if(p->code==LABEL)
- fprintf(f,"L%d",p->typf);
- else{
- fprintf(f,"\t%s L%d",ename[p->code],p->typf);
- if(p->q1.flags){ fprintf(f,",");probj(f,&p->q1,0);}
- }
- }else{
- fprintf(f,"\t%s ",ename[p->code]);
- if(p->typf&UNSIGNED) fprintf(f,"unsigned ");
- if(p->typf) fprintf(f,"%s ",typname[p->typf&NQ]);
- probj(f,&p->q1,p->typf);
- if(p->q2.flags){fprintf(f,",");probj(f,&p->q2,p->typf);}
- if(p->z.flags){fprintf(f,"->");probj(f,&p->z,p->typf);}
- if(p->code==ASSIGN||p->code==PUSH||p->code==POP) fprintf(f," size=%ld",zl2l(p->q2.val.vlong));
- if((p->code==SAVEREGS||p->code==RESTOREREGS)&&p->q1.reg) fprintf(f," except %s",regnames[p->q1.reg]);
- }
- fprintf(f,"\n");
- }
- void pric(FILE *f,struct IC *p)
- /* Gibt IC-Liste auf dem Bildschirm aus. */
- {
- while(p){
- pric2(f,p);
- /* if(p->q1.am||p->q2.am||p->z.am) ierror(0);*/
- p=p->next;
- }
- }
- void printzl(FILE *f,zlong x)
- /* Konvertiert zlong nach ASCII. */
- /* Basiert noch einigermassen auf */
- /* Zweierkomplementdarstellung (d.h. -MIN>MAX). */
- /* Ausserdem muss max(abs(long))<=max(unsigned long). */
- {
- zlong zl;zulong zul;
- zl=l2zl(0L);
- if(zlleq(x,zl)&&!zleqto(x,l2zl(0L))){
- fprintf(f,"-");zl=zul2zl(t_max[LONG]);
- if(zlleq(x,zlsub(l2zl(0L),zl))&&!zleqto(x,zlsub(l2zl(0L),zl))){
- /* aufpassen, da -x evtl. >LONG_MAX */
- zul=t_max[LONG];
- x=zladd(x,zl);
- } else zul=ul2zul(0UL);
- x=zlsub(l2zl(0L),x);
- vulong=zl2zul(x);
- zul=zuladd(zul,vulong);
- }else zul=zl2zul(x);
- printzul(f,zul);
- }
- void printzul(FILE *f,zulong x)
- /* Konvertiert zulong nach ASCII. */
- {
- zulong zul;unsigned long l;
- zul=ul2zul(10UL);
- if(!zuleqto(zuldiv(x,zul),ul2zul(0UL))) printzul(f,zuldiv(x,zul));
- zul=zulmod(x,zul);l=zul2ul(zul);
- fprintf(f,"%c",(int)(l+'0'));
- }
- void printzd(FILE *f,zdouble x)
- /* Konvertiert zdouble nach ASCII, noch nicht fertig. */
- {
- fprintf(f,"fp-constant");
- }
- void *mymalloc(size_t size)
- /* Belegt Speicher mit Abfrage. */
- {
- void *p;static int safe;
- /* Um ein Fehlschlagen bei size==0 zu vermeiden; nicht sehr schoen, */
- /* aber das einfachste... */
- if(size==0) size=1;
- if(!(p=malloc(size))){
- error(12);
- raus();
- }
- return(p);
- }
- void probj(FILE *f,struct obj *p,int t)
- /* Gibt Objekt auf Bildschirm aus. */
- {
- if(p->am) ierror(0);
- if(p->flags&DREFOBJ) fprintf(f,"(");
- if(p->flags&VARADR) fprintf(f,"#");
- if(p->flags&VAR) {
- printval(f,&p->val,LONG,1);
- if(p->v->storage_class==AUTO||p->v->storage_class==REGISTER){
- if(p->flags®)
- fprintf(f,"+%s",regnames[p->reg]);
- else
- fprintf(f,"+%ld(FP)", zl2l(p->v->offset));
- }else{
- if(p->v->storage_class==STATIC){
- fprintf(f,"+L%ld",zl2l(p->v->offset));
- }else{
- fprintf(f,"+_%s",p->v->identifier);
- }
- }
- fprintf(f,"(%s)",p->v->identifier);
- if(p->v->reg) fprintf(f,":%s",regnames[p->v->reg]);
- }
- if((p->flags®)&&!(p->flags&VAR)) fprintf(f,"%s",regnames[p->reg]);
- if(p->flags&KONST){
- fprintf(f,"#");printval(f,&p->val,t&NU,1);
- }
- if(p->flags&DREFOBJ) fprintf(f,")");
- }
- void prl(FILE *o,struct struct_declaration *p)
- /* Gibt eine struct_declaration auf dem Bildschirm aus. */
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<p->count;i++) {fprintf(o," %d.:",i); prd(o,(*p->sl)[i].styp);}
- }
- void prd(FILE *o,struct Typ *p)
- /* Gibt einen Typ auf dem Bildschirm aus. */
- {
- int f;
- if(!p) {fprintf(o,"empty type ");return;}
- f=p->flags;
- /* fprintf(o,"(Sizeof=%ld,flags=%d)",zl2l(szof(p)),f);*/
- /* if(type_uncomplete(p)) {fprintf(o,"incomplete ");}*/
- if(f&CONST) {fprintf(o,"const ");f&=~CONST;}
- if(f&STRINGCONST) {fprintf(o,"string-const ");f&=~STRINGCONST;}
- if(f&VOLATILE) {fprintf(o,"volatile ");f&=~VOLATILE;}
- if(f&UNSIGNED) {fprintf(o,"unsigned ");f&=~UNSIGNED;}
- if(f==FUNKT){
- fprintf(o,"function with parameters (");
- prl(o,p->exact);
- fprintf(o,") returning ");prd(o,p->next);return;
- }
- if(f==STRUCT){
- fprintf(o,"struct with components {");
- prl(o,p->exact);fprintf(o,"} ");
- return;
- }
- if(f==UNION){
- fprintf(o,"union with components {");
- prl(o,p->exact);fprintf(o,"} ");
- return;
- }
- if(f==POINTER) {fprintf(o,"pointer to ");prd(o,p->next);return;}
- if(f==ARRAY) {fprintf(o,"array [size %ld] of ",zl2l(p->size));prd(o,p->next);return;}
- fprintf(o,"%s",typname[f]);
- }
- void insert_const2(union atyps *p,int t)
- /* Traegt Konstante in entprechendes Feld ein. */
- {
- if(!p) ierror(0);
- t&=NU;
- if(t==CHAR) {p->vchar=vchar;return;}
- if(t==SHORT) {p->vshort=vshort;return;}
- if(t==INT) {p->vint=vint;return;}
- if(t==LONG) {p->vlong=vlong;return;}
- if(t==(UNSIGNED|CHAR)) {p->vuchar=vuchar;return;}
- if(t==(UNSIGNED|SHORT)) {p->vushort=vushort;return;}
- if(t==(UNSIGNED|INT)) {p->vuint=vuint;return;}
- if(t==(UNSIGNED|LONG)) {p->vulong=vulong;return;}
- if(t==FLOAT) {p->vfloat=vfloat;return;}
- if(t==DOUBLE) {p->vdouble=vdouble;return;}
- if(t==POINTER) {p->vpointer=vpointer;return;}
- }
- void eval_const(union atyps *p,int t)
- /* Weist bestimmten globalen Variablen Wert einer CEXPR zu. */
- {
- int f=t&NQ;
- if(!p) ierror(0);
- if(f>=CHAR&&f<=LONG){
- if(!(t&UNSIGNED)){
- if(f==CHAR) vlong=zc2zl(p->vchar);
- if(f==SHORT)vlong=zs2zl(p->vshort);
- if(f==INT) vlong=zi2zl(p->vint);
- if(f==LONG) vlong=p->vlong;
- vulong=zl2zul(vlong);
- vdouble=zl2zd(vlong);
- }else{
- if(f==CHAR) vulong=zuc2zul(p->vuchar);
- if(f==SHORT)vulong=zus2zul(p->vushort);
- if(f==INT) vulong=zui2zul(p->vuint);
- if(f==LONG) vulong=p->vulong;
- vlong=zul2zl(vulong);
- vdouble=zul2zd(vulong);
- }
- vpointer=zul2zp(vulong);
- }else{
- if(f==POINTER){
- vulong=zp2zul(p->vpointer);
- vlong=zul2zl(vulong);vdouble=zul2zd(vulong);
- }else{
- if(f==FLOAT) vdouble=zf2zd(p->vfloat); else vdouble=p->vdouble;
- vlong=zd2zl(vdouble);
- vulong=zl2zul(vlong);
- }
- }
- vfloat=zd2zf(vdouble);
- vuchar=zul2zuc(vulong);
- vushort=zul2zus(vulong);
- vuint=zul2zui(vulong);
- vchar=zl2zc(vlong);
- vshort=zl2zs(vlong);
- vint=zl2zi(vlong);
- }
- struct function_info *new_fi(void)
- /* Belegt neue function_info-Struktur und initialisiert sie. */
- {
- struct function_info *new;
- new=mymalloc(sizeof(*new));
- new->first_ic=new->last_ic=0;
- new->vars=0;
- new->inline_asm=0;
- new->translation_unit=0;
- new->used=new->modified=new->calls=0;
- return new;
- }
- void free_fi(struct function_info *p)
- /* Gibt ein function_info mit Inhalt frei. */
- {
- if(p->first_ic) free_IC(p->first_ic);
- if(p->vars) free_var(p->vars);
- free(p->calls);
- free(p->used);
- free(p->modified);
- free(p->inline_asm);
- free(p);
- }