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- % Copyright (C) 1994, 1996 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- %
- % This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
- %
- % Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
- % or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
- % or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
- % or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
- % License (the "License") for full details.
- %
- % Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
- % normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
- % the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
- % under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
- % License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
- % all copies.
- % pdf_2ps.ps
- % PDF to PostScript additions to PDF reader.
- GS_PDF_ProcSet begin
- pdfdict begin
- /.setlanguagelevel where { pop 2 .setlanguagelevel } if
- .currentglobal true .setglobal
- userdict /pdf2psdict 30 dict put
- pdf2psdict begin
- % Generate a sufficiently unique name (at least unique within the current
- % save/restore environment).
- /uniqueid#
- { userdict length
- { dup neg =string cvs dup 0 (_) putinterval cvn
- userdict 1 index known not { exch pop exit } if pop 1 add
- }
- loop
- } bdef
- % "Wrap" all the runtime operators so they call #exec.
- % Make sure we have enough room in the current dictionary for this.
- currentdict dup maxlength numargsdict length add .setmaxlength
- numargsdict
- { 1 index load exch 2 index exch /#exec cvx 4 packedarray cvx def
- }
- forall
- /pdfmark
- /pdfmark load dup type /operatortype eq { 1 packedarray cvx } if
- { /pdfmark counttomark 1 sub #exec } bind
- aload length 1 add packedarray cvx
- def
- % Define #exec so it also prints out its arguments.
- /dictwrite# % <file> <dict> dictwrite# -
- { dup length 240 le
- { 1 index (mark ) writestring
- { exch 2 index exch write#
- 1 index ( ) writestring 1 index exch write#
- 2 index (\n) writestring
- }
- forall dup (.dicttomark) writestring
- }
- { 2 copy length write=only 1 index ( dict\n) writestring
- { exch 2 index dup (dup ) writestring exch write#
- 1 index dup ( ) writestring exch write#
- dup ( put\n) writestring
- }
- forall
- }
- ifelse pop
- } bdef
- /fontwrite# % <file> <font> fontwrite# -
- { % Find the named font and then modify it.
- 2 copy /FontName get =string cvs
- { dup dup length 1 sub 1 getinterval (%) ne { exit } if
- 0 1 index length 1 sub getinterval
- }
- loop cvn write===only 1 index ( findfont ) writestring
- % Load the appropriate Encoding, by name if possible.
- dup /Encoding get
- dup dup StandardEncoding eq exch ISOLatin1Encoding eq or
- % Stack: file font encoding stdbool
- { StandardEncoding eq { (StandardEncoding) } { (ISOLatin1Encoding) } ifelse
- 2 index exch writestring
- }
- { 2 index exch write#
- }
- ifelse
- % Check for modified Metrics.
- dup /Metrics .knownget
- { 2 index ( ) writestring
- 2 index exch write#
- }
- { 1 index ( null) writestring
- }
- ifelse
- 1 index ( .updatefont { /_ exch definefont } if\n) writestring
- pop pop
- } bdef
- /write#dict 10 dict dup begin
- /arraytype
- { dup xcheck { (}) ({) } { (]) ([) } ifelse
- 2 index length 0 eq
- { 3 index exch writestring exch
- }
- { 3 -1 roll
- { 3 index 2 index writestring 3 index exch write# pop (\n) }
- forall
- }
- ifelse pop writestring
- } bdef
- /dicttype
- { null userdict { 3 index eq { exch pop exit } if pop } forall
- dup null eq
- { pop 2 copy dup /FID known { fontwrite# } { dictwrite# } ifelse
- 1 index ( userdict ) writestring
- uniqueid# 2 index 1 index write# 2 index ( 2 index put) writestring
- userdict exch 3 -1 roll put pop
- }
- { exch pop cvx write===only
- }
- ifelse
- } bdef
- /filetype
- { % Convert all files into currentfile, on the theory that
- % any file-based data will be copied in-line.
- pop (currentfile) writestring
- } bdef
- /marktype
- { pop ([) writestring
- } bdef
- /packedarraytype
- /arraytype load def
- /realtype
- { dup abs 16#ffffff le { dup dup cvi eq { cvi } if } if write=only
- } bdef
- end def
- /write#
- { dup type //write#dict exch .knownget { exec } { write===only } ifelse
- } bind def
- % Rebind the procedures that conditionally write out PostScript.
- /# % <arg1> ... <argN> <opname> <N> # -
- { 1 index load 3 1 roll #exec
- } bdef
- /#? % - #? <writing>
- { /PSout where { pop true } { false } ifelse
- } bdef
- /defined# % <name> defined# <bool>
- { dup where { exch get } { pop false } ifelse
- } bdef
- /#exec % <arg1> ... <argN> <proc|operator> <opname> <N> #exec -
- { /PSout where
- { pop dup ([) eq { pop counttomark 1 sub } if
- -1 1 { 1 add index PSout exch write# PSout ( ) writestring } for
- PSout exch write=
- }
- { pop pop
- }
- ifelse exec
- } bdef
- /#dsc % mark <obj1> ... #dsc -
- { /PSout where
- { pop counttomark
- { counttomark -1 roll PSout exch write=only }
- repeat pop PSout (\n) writestring
- }
- { cleartomark
- }
- ifelse
- } bdef
- /copyfile# % <filename> copyfile# -
- { findlibfile
- { exch pop }
- { (r) file } % let the error happen
- ifelse
- { dup =string readline pop (%BEGIN) eq { exit } if
- }
- loop
- { dup =string readline not { pop exit } if
- dup (%END) eq { pop exit } if
- { ( ) anchorsearch
- { pop }
- { (\t) anchorsearch { pop } { exit } ifelse }
- ifelse
- }
- loop
- dup () eq { true } { dup 0 1 getinterval (%) eq } ifelse
- { pop }
- { (%) search { exch pop exch pop } if mark exch #dsc }
- ifelse
- }
- loop closefile
- } bdef
- /#dscfile % <filename> #dscfile -
- { /PSout where
- { pop /PSNoProcSet defined#
- { PSout exch write===only PSout ( runlibfile\n) writestring }
- { copyfile# }
- ifelse
- }
- { pop
- }
- ifelse
- } bdef
- % Rebind Is, which constructs a data source for an image.
- % pdf_draw defined it to simply retrieve the stream.
- /ID_draw /ID load def
- /Is_draw /Is load def
- /EI_draw /EI load def
- userdict /Is_string null put % establish a binding
- userdict /Is_data null put % ditto
- /ID_proc1 {/ASCIIHexDecode filter} def % no bind
- /ID_proc2 {/ASCII85Decode filter /RunLengthDecode filter} def % no bind
- /ID
- { /PSout where
- { pop dup length 1 add dict copy
- dup /FilterProc PSLevel1 { /ID_proc1 } { /ID_proc2 } ifelse load
- /PSBinaryOK defined# { dup length 2 sub 2 exch getinterval } if
- dup length 0 eq { pop pop pop } { put } ifelse
- }
- if ID_draw
- } bdef
- /Is % <imagedict> Is <imagedict> <datasource>
- { /PSout where
- { pop dup /DataSource get string /Is_string exch store
- /Is_data [ PSout
- PSLevel1
- { /PSBinaryOK defined#
- { /NullEncode } { /ASCIIHexEncode } ifelse
- filter
- }
- { /PSBinaryOK defined#
- { Is_string length /RunLengthEncode filter
- }
- { /ASCII85Encode filter
- dup Is_string length /RunLengthEncode filter exch
- }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse ] store
- Is_draw
- { Is_string readstring pop Is_data 0 get 1 index writestring }
- aload length 1 add packedarray cvx
- }
- { Is_draw
- }
- ifelse
- } bdef
- /EI
- { /PSout where { pop Is_data { closefile } forall } { EI_draw } ifelse
- } bdef
- % Rebind readfontfilter, which constructs the filter that
- % reads the text of an embedded Type 1 (and eventually Type 3) font.
- /readfontfilter_orig /readfontfilter load def
- /readfontfilter { % <proc|file> readfontfilter <filter>
- dup type /filetype eq {
- cvlit 100 string /readstring cvx /pop cvx 4 array astore cvx
- } if
- /copyfontdata cvx 2 array astore cvx
- 0 () /SubFileDecode filter
- } bdef
- /copyfontdata { % <string> <origproc> copyfontdata <substring>
- exec /PSout where { pop PSout 1 index writestring } if
- } bdef
- currentdict readonly pop end % pdf2psdict
- .setglobal
- end % pdfdict
- end % GS_PDF_ProcSet