home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- (set #UpDateNo "Do not update")
- (set #UpDateIfNew "Update, if newer")
- (set #AlwaysUpDate "Update Always.")
- (set #installwhat "What do you install of the Following?")
- (set #guidedocs "AmigaGuide File")
- (set #WhereToPut "Select where to put the files.\n(A directory called \"RTGMaster_User\" will be created at that place!)")
- (set #ctp "Install the rtgmaster c2p package ?")
- (set #install "RtgMaster c2p Package")
- (set #Demos "RtgMaster Demos")
- (set #Nope "No")
- (set #Yeah "Yes")
- (set app-name "Rtgmaster")
- (if(<(/(getversion)65536)36)
- (abort "Rtgmaster needs at least OS2.0\n"))
- (complete 0)
- (if(not(exists("libs:rtg")))
- (makedir("libs:rtg")(infos)))
- (if(not(exists("libs:rtgc2p")))
- (makedir("libs:rtgc2p")(infos)))
- (if(askchoice(choices #Nope #Yeah)
- (prompt("Do you want to delete any old versions of rtgmaster? \nThis is recommended, if old versions did not run on your system.\n"))
- (help "")(default 1))
- ((delete "libs:rtg/#?")
- (delete "libs:rtgmaster.library")
- (delete "libs:rtgc2p/c2p-garbage/#?")
- (delete "libs:rtgc2p/strange_c2p/#?")
- (delete "libs:rtgc2p/#?")
- (delete "envarc:rtgmaster/#?")
- (delete "env:rtgmaster/#?")))
- (set rtg1 (/(getversion "libs:rtgmaster.library")65536))
- (set rtg2 (-(getversion "libs:rtgmaster.library")(* rtg1 65536)))
- (set rtg3 (/(getversion "libs/rtgmaster.library")65536))
- (set rtg4 (-(getversion "libs/rtgmaster.library")(* rtg3 65536)))
- (set upd (askchoice
- (choices #UpDateNo #UpDateIfNew #AlwaysUpDate)
- (help "rtgmaster.library is the main-library of rtgmaster. You HAVE TO install it. ")
- (default 1)
- (prompt("Currently installed rtgmaster.library :\nVersion : %ld.%ld\n\nVersion from Update : %ld.%ld\n\nInstall Version %ld.%ld of 'rtgmaster.library' from Update ?\n" rtg1 rtg2 rtg3 rtg4 rtg3 rtg4))))
- (if(= upd 1)(copylib (source "libs/rtgmaster.library")(dest "libs:")))
- (if(= upd 2)(copyfiles
- (prompt("Copying now 'rtgmaster.library' to Libs:"))
- (source"libs/rtgmaster.library")
- (dest"libs:")(confirm)(infos)(help "")))
- (complete 20)
- (set upd (askchoice
- (choices #Nope #Yeah)
- (prompt("Sublibraries :\nDo you wish to install the needed Sublibraries ?\nThis is recommended, because rtgmaster won't work without them.\n"))
- (help "In order to work rtgmaster needs the sublibraries.")
- (default 1)))
- (set rtg1(/(getversion "libs:cgxsystem.library")65536))
- (if(= upd 1)
- ((if(> rtg1 0)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying now 'rtgCGX.library' to Libs:rtg")
- (source "libs/rtg/rtgCGX.library")(dest "libs:rtg")
- (confirm)(infos)(help "")(set upd 2)))))
- (set rtg1(/(getversion "libs:egs.library")65536))
- (if(= upd 1)
- ((if(> rtg1 0)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying now 'rtgEGS.library' to Libs:rtg")
- (source "libs/rtg/rtgEGS.library")(dest "libs:rtg")
- (confirm)(infos)(help "")))))
- (set rtg1(/(getversion "libs:cybergraphics.library")65536))
- (if(= upd 1)
- ((if(> rtg1 0)(copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying now 'rtgCGX.library' to Libs:rtg")
- (source "libs/rtg/rtgCGX.library")(dest "libs:rtg:")
- (confirm)(help "")(infos)(set upd 2)))))
- (set rtg1(/(getversion "libs:Picasso96API.library")65536))
- (if(= upd 1)
- ((if(> rtg1 2)(copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying now 'rtgP96.library' to Libs:Rtg")
- (source "libs/rtg/rtgP96.library")(dest "libs:rtg")
- (help "")(confirm)(infos)(set upd 2)))))
- (set rtg1(/(getversion "libs:hrgsystem.library")65536))
- (if(= upd 1)
- ((if(> rtg1 0)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying 'libs:rtg/rtgCGX.library' to Libs:Rtg")(help "")
- (source "libs/rtg/rtgCGX.library")(dest "libs:rtg")
- (confirm)(infos)(set upd 2)))))
- (if(= upd 1)
- ((copyfiles (help "")
- (prompt "Copying now 'libs:rtg/rtgAMI.library' to Libs:rtg")
- (source "libs/rtg/rtgAMI.library")(dest "libs:rtg")
- (confirm)(infos))))
- (if(= upd 2)
- ((copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying npw 'libs:rtg/rtgAMI.library' to Libs:rtg")
- (source "libs/rtg/rtgAMI.library")(dest "libs:rtg")
- (help "")(confirm)(infos))))
- (complete 50)
- (set Additional(askoptions(choices #guidedocs #demos)
- (help "")(prompt #installwhat)(default 3)))
- (if(<> Additional 0)
- ((set RtgMaster(askdir(prompt #WhereToPut)
- (help #WhereToPut)
- (default "Sys:")))
- (if(< (exists(tackon RtgMaster "RtgMaster_User")) 2)
- (makedir(tackon RtgMaster "RtgMaster_User")(infos)))
- (set whereput(tackon RtgMaster "RtgMaster_User"))
- (set @default-dest RtgMaster)
- (if (IN Additional 0)
- (((copyfiles(source "rtgmaster_user.guide")(dest whereput)(infos)(help "")(newname "rtgmaster_user.guide")))))
- (complete 60)
- (if(IN Additional 1)
- ((if(< (exists(tackon whereput "Demos"))2)
- (makedir(tackon whereput "Demos")(infos)))
- (copyfiles(source "demos")(help "")(dest(tackon whereput "demos"))(all))))
- (complete 80)
- (set RtgMaster whereput)
- (set c2p(askoptions(choices #install)(prompt "\nThe c2p algorithms are needed for ECS/AGA\nDo you wish to install them ?\n")
- (help #install)(default 1)))
- (if(IN c2p 0)((copyfiles(source "libs/rtgc2p")(help"")(dest("libs:rtgc2p"))(all))))))
- (complete 100)
- (exit "You should reboot now. "
- "Check your devs:monitors directory, if you have "
- "installed a monitor driver there. GFX Board users "
- "always have something installed there, ECS/AGA "
- "users not always. If you are a ECS/AGA user "
- "and do not have something installed there, "
- "please copy PAL or NTSC from sys:Storage to "
- "devs:monitors. ")