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;******************************************************************************** ; ______ __ ; /_ __/ /_/ ; / / ______ __ ______ ; / / / ____// / / ____/ ; __/ /_ _\__ // /_ _\__ / PPC ; /_____//_____//___//_____/ ; ; $VER: Isis 0.86 (January-29-1998) ; Installer by Robert C. Reiswig ©1997,1998 ; Isis @1997-1998 by phase5 digital products ; ; If you wish to use any part of this installer you must ask. May not be ; integrated/placed into any other package! You many not make any changes! ; Changes, suggestions or problems: vgr@best.com ;******************************************************************************** (set vernum1 (getversion "IsisPPC")) (set ver1 (/ vernum1 65536)) (set rev1 (- vernum1 (* ver1 65536) ) ) (set isisver (cat ver1 "." rev1)) (set where "ram:") ;******************************************************************************** ; Set Defaults Strings (English) ;******************************************************************************** (if (= ver1 0) (set isisver "")) (set #about (cat "\n\n\nWelcome to IsisPPC " isisver "\n\nMPEG Player for CyberGraphX V3 and PowerPC with Direct CyberVision64/3D Support.\n\n©1997-1998 by phase5 digital products") ) (set #needPPC "\n\nIsisPPC must have a PPC installed. The installer did not find 'libs:ppc.library, this is just a note.\n\nIf you have a PPC please press 'Proceed'.") (set #todo-prompt "\nWhat would you like to do?\n") (set #copybin " Install/Update IsisPPC") (set #updatelibs " Install/Update Isis Libs") (set #copydocs " Copy Isis Docs") (set #wherePPC "Where would you like to install IsisPPC? A directory called 'IsisPPC' will be created there.") (set #wheredocs "Where would you like to install the IsisPPC Docs?") (set #wheregtlibs "Where do you wish to install gtlayout.library used by IsisPPC? The default is 'SYS:Libs'") (set #byebye (cat "\nIsisPPC Install Complete!\n\n" )) (set #whatcdrom "What MPEG-Video CD track driver would you like to install?") (set #whatcdplace "\nWhere do you wish to install the CD track driver for the: ") ;********************************************************************************* ; German Strings ;********************************************************************************* (if (= @language "deutsch") ( (set #about (cat "\n\n\nWillkommen zu IsisPPC " isisver "\n\nMPEG Player für CyberGraphX V3 und PowerPC mit direkter CyberVision64/3D Unterstützung.\n\n©1997-1998 by phase5 digital products") ) (set #needPPC "\n\nIsisPPC benötigt einen PPC. Der Installer konnte 'libs:ppc.library' nicht finden, dies ist nur eine Warnung.\n\nWenn Sie einen PPC haben, klicken Sie bitte auf 'Weiter'.") (set #todo-prompt "\nWas möchten Sie tun?\n") (set #copybin " Installieren/Updaten von IsisPPC") (set #updatelibs " Installieren/Updaten der Isis Libs") (set #copydocs " Kopieren der Isis Docs") (set #wherePPC "Wo möchten Sie IsisPPC installieren? Ein Verzeichnis namens 'IsisPPC' wird erstellt.") (set #wheredocs "Wo möchten Sie die IsisPPC Docs installieren?") (set #wheregtlibs "Wo möchten Sie die von IsisPPC benutzte gtlayout.library installieren? Voreingestellt ist 'SYS:Libs'") (set #byebye (cat "\nIsisPPC Installation komplett!\n\n" )) (set #whatcdrom "Welchen MPEG-Video CD Treiber möchten Sie installieren?") (set #whatcdplace "\nWo möchten Sie den CD Treiber installieren für das Laufwerk: ") ) ) ;********************************************************************************* ; Welcome Message ;********************************************************************************* (message #about) (welcome) (if (= (exists ("libs:ppc.library")) 0) (message #needPPC)) ;********************************************************************************* ; Ask what to do ;********************************************************************************* (set whattodo 15) (set ToDo (askoptions (choices #copybin #updatelibs #copydocs) (prompt #todo-prompt) (help #todo-prompt) (default whattodo) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Copy Isis bin if wanted ;******************************************************************** (if (IN ToDo 0) ( (set where (askdir (prompt #wherePPC) (help #wherePPC) (default "RAM:") ) ) (if (< (exists (tackon where "IsisPPC")) 2) (makedir (tackon where "IsisPPC") (infos)) ) (set whereisis (tackon where "IsisPPC")) (if (exists "IsisPPC") (if (= (exists (tackon whereisis "IsisPPC.info")) 0) (copylib (source "IsisPPC") (dest whereisis) (newname "IsisPPC") (infos) (optional "nofail")) (copylib (source "IsisPPC") (dest whereisis) (newname "IsisPPC") (optional "nofail")) ) ) ) ) ;********************************************************************************* ; Ask where & Copy lib ;********************************************************************************* (if (IN ToDo 1) ( (if (> (exists "libs/gtlayout.library") 0) ( (set wherelibs (askdir (prompt #wheregtlibs) (help #wheregtlibs) (default "SYS:libs") ) ) (copylib (source "libs/gtlayout.library") (dest wherelibs) (optional "nofail") ) ) ) (set cdrom (askchoice (choices "None" "JVC" "MMC" "NEC" "Philips" "Philips CDD2000" "Philips CDD2600" "Pioneer" "Plextor" "Ricoh 1420" "Sony" "Teac" "Toshiba" "Yamaha" (prompt #whatcdrom) (help #whatcdrom) (default 0) ) ) ) (if (= cdrom 1) (set cd "JVC")) (if (= cdrom 2) (set cd "MMC")) (if (= cdrom 3) (set cd "NEC")) (if (= cdrom 4) (set cd "Philips")) (if (= cdrom 5) (set cd "PhilipsCDD2000")) (if (= cdrom 6) (set cd "PhilipsCDD2600")) (if (= cdrom 7) (set cd "Pioneer")) (if (= cdrom 8) (set cd "Plextor")) (if (= cdrom 9) (set cd "Ricoh1420")) (if (= cdrom 10) (set cd "SONY")) (if (= cdrom 11) (set cd "Teac")) (if (= cdrom 12) (set cd "Toshiba")) (if (= cdrom 13) (set cd "Yamaha")) (if (> cdrom 0) ( ;(if (= whereisis 0) (set cddefault 1) (set cddefault 0) ) (if (= whereisis 0) (set whereisis "RAM:")) (set cdplace (askchoice (choices (cat whereisis "") (cat wherelibs "") (prompt (cat #whatcdplace cd "\n")) (help (cat #whatcdplace cd "\n")) (default 0) ) ) ) (if (= cdplace 0) (set wherecd whereisis)) (if (= cdplace 1) (set wherecd wherelibs)) (if (< (exists (tackon wherecd "BurnIt_Drivers")) 2) (makedir (tackon wherecd "BurnIt_Drivers")) ) (if (< (exists (tackon wherecd "BurnIt_Drivers/BurnIt_CDRom")) 2) (makedir (tackon wherecd "BurnIt_Drivers/BurnIt_CDRom")) ) (copylib (source "libs/BurnIt_Master.driver") (dest wherecd) (optional "nofail") ) (copylib (source (cat "libs/BurnIt_Drivers/BurnIt_CDRom/" cd "_CDRom.driver")) (dest (tackon wherecd "BurnIt_Drivers/BurnIt_CDRom")) (optional "nofail") ) ) ) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Copy Docs ;******************************************************************* (if (IN ToDo 2) ( (set wheredocs (askdir (prompt #wheredocs) (help #wheredocs) (default whereisis) ) ) (set guidelanguage "E") (if (= @language "deutsch") (set guidelanguage "D")) (copyfiles (source (cat "IsisPPC_" guidelanguage ".guide")) (dest wheredocs) (infos)) ) ) ;********************************************************************************* ; Exit ;********************************************************************************* (set @default-dest (tackon where "IsisPPC")) (if (> (exists ("c:multiview")) 0) (set #mpath "c:") ) (if (> (exists ("sys:Utilities/multiview")) 0) (set #mpath "sys:Utilities") ) (run (cat "run " #mpath "/multiview " (cat "IsisPPC_" guidelanguage ".guide") ) ) (exit #byebye)