home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * whirlgif.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995,1996 by Kevin Kadow (kadokev@msg.net)
- *
- * Based on txtmerge.c
- * Copyright (C) 1990,1991,1992,1993 by Mark Podlipec.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software may be freely copied, modified and redistributed
- * without fee provided that this copyright notice is preserved
- * intact on all copies and modified copies.
- *
- * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software.
- * It is provided solely "as is". The author(s) disclaim(s) all
- * responsibility and liability with respect to this software's usage
- * or its effect upon hardware or computer systems.
- *
- */
- /*
- * Description:
- *
- * This program reads in a sequence of single-image GIF format files and
- * outputs a single multi-image GIF file, suitable for use as an animation.
- *
- * TODO:
- *
- * More options for dealing with the colormap
- *
- * Eventually, I'd like to have this program compare the current image
- * with the previous image and check to see if only a small section of
- * the screen changed from the previous image. Worth a shot.
- */
- /*
- * Rev 2.01 31Aug96 Kevin Kadow
- * disposal
- * Rev 2.00 05Feb96 Kevin Kadow
- * transparency, gif comments,
- * Rev 1.10 29Jan96 Kevin Kadow
- * first release of whirlgif
- *
- * txtmerge:
- * Rev 1.00 23Jul91 Mark Podlipec
- * creation
- * Rev 1.01 08Jan92 Mark Podlipec
- * use all colormaps, not just 1st.
- *
- *
- */
- #define DA_REV 2.01
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #ifdef _USE_STRINGS_H
- #include <strings.h>
- #else
- #include <string.h>
- #endif
- #include "whirlgif.h"
- #define MAXVAL 4100 /* maxval of lzw coding size */
- #define MAXVALP 4200
- /*
- * Set some defaults, these can be changed on the command line
- */
- unsigned int loop=DEFAULT_LOOP,loopcount=0,
- use_colormap=DEFAULT_USE_COLORMAP,
- debug_flag=0,
- verbose=0;
- int imagex = 0;
- int imagey = 0;
- int imagec = 0;
- /* global settings for offset, transparency */
- Global global;
- GIF_Color gif_cmap[256];
- ULONG GIF_Get_Code();
- void GIF_Decompress();
- void GIF_Get_Next_Entry();
- void GIF_Add_To_Table();
- void GIF_Send_Data();
- void GIF_Clear_Table();
- void GIF_Screen_Header();
- void GIF_Image_Header();
- void GIF_Read_File();
- void GIF_Comment();
- void GIF_Loop();
- void GIF_GCL();
- void Calc_Trans();
- void set_offset();
- GIF_Screen_Hdr gifscrn;
- GIF_Image_Hdr gifimage;
- GIF_Table table[MAXVALP];
- ULONG root_code_size,code_size,CLEAR,EOI,INCSIZE;
- ULONG nextab;
- ULONG gif_mask[16] = {1,1,3,7,15,31,63,127,255,511,1023,2047,4095,8191,0,0};
- ULONG gif_ptwo[16] = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,0,0};
- UBYTE gif_buff[MAXVALP];
- ULONG gif_block_size;
- int num_bits,bits;
- int pic_i;
- char gif_file_name[BIGSTRING];
- int screen_was_last;
- void TheEnd()
- {
- exit(0);
- }
- void TheEnd1(p)
- char *p;
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s",p);
- TheEnd();
- }
- Usage()
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"\nUsage: whirlgif [-o outfile] [-loop [count]] [-time #delay]\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"\t[-disp_none | -disp_back | -disp_prev | -disp_not]\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"\t[ -i listfile] file1 [ -time #delay] file2 ...\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- FILE * infile, *fout;
- char temp[BIGSTRING];
- int ret,i;
- int count=0;
- fprintf(stderr,"whirlgif Rev %2.2f (C) 1996 by Kevin Kadow\n",DA_REV);
- fprintf(stderr," (C) 1991,1992 by Mark Podlipec\n");
- if (argc < 2) Usage();
- /* set global values */
- screen_was_last = FALSE;
- global.trans.type=TRANS_NONE;
- global.trans.valid=FALSE;
- global.time=DEFAULT_TIME;
- global.left=0;
- global.top=0;
- global.disposal=DEFAULT_DISPOSAL;
- fout=stdout;
- i = 1;
- while( i < argc)
- {
- char *p;
- p = argv[i];
- /*fprintf(stderr,"Option: %s\n",p);*/
- if ( (p[0] == '-') || (p[0] == '+') )
- {
- ++p; /* strip off the - */
- switch(p[0])
- {
- case 'v': /* Give lots of information */
- verbose++;
- i++;
- fprintf(stderr,"Verbose output\n");
- break;
- case 'd': /* either Debug mode or disposal setting */
- i++;
- if(!strncmp("disp",p,4)) {
- i++;
- p=argv[1];
- p++;
- if(verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Disposal method set\n");
- if(!strcmp("none",p))
- global.disposal = DISP_NONE;
- else if(!strcmp("not",p))
- global.disposal = DISP_NOT;
- else if(!strcmp("back",p))
- global.disposal = DISP_BACK;
- else if(!strcmp("prev",p))
- global.disposal = DISP_PREV;
- else global.disposal = DISP_NONE;
- }
- else {
- debug_flag++;
- fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: Debug Level %d\n",debug_flag);
- }
- break;
- case 'l': /* Enable looping */
- loop=TRUE;
- i++;
- if(*argv[i] !='-') {
- /* a loop count was given */
- loopcount=atoi(argv[i++]);
- if(verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Loop %d times\n",loopcount);
- }
- else {
- /* default to infinite loop */
- loopcount=0;
- if(verbose) fputs("Looping enabled\n",stderr);
- }
- break;
- case 'u': /* Use colormap? true or false */
- i++;
- if(atoi(argv[i]) || !strcmp("true",argv[i])) use_colormap=1;
- else use_colormap=0;
- i++;
- break;
- case 't': /* either time or transparent */
- i++;
- if(!strcmp("time",p)) {
- /* Delay time in 1/100's of a second */
- global.time=atoi(argv[i++]);
- }
- else if(!strncmp("trans",p,4)) Calc_Trans(argv[i++]);
- break;
- case 'o': /* Output file - send output to a given filename */
- i++;
- if(!strncmp("off",p,3)) set_offset(argv[i]);
- else
- /* It must be 'output, so do that */
- if(NULL==(fout=fopen(argv[i],"w")))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s for output\n",argv[i]);
- exit(1);
- }
- i++;
- break;
- case 'i': /* input file - file with a list of images */
- i++;
- if(NULL != (infile=fopen(argv[i],"r"))) {
- while(fgets(gif_file_name,BIGSTRING,infile)) {
- strtok(gif_file_name,"\n");
- if(!count) GIF_Read_File(fout,gif_file_name,1);
- else GIF_Read_File(fout,gif_file_name,0);
- count++;
- }
- fclose(infile);
- }
- else fprintf(stderr,"Cannot read list file %s\n",argv[i]);
- i++;
- break;
- default:
- Usage();
- exit(0);
- break;
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* Not an option, must be the name of an input file */
- if(!count) GIF_Read_File(fout,argv[i],1);
- else GIF_Read_File(fout,argv[i],0);
- count++;
- i++;
- }
- /* We're done with all the options, finish up */
- if(count >0)
- {
- fputc(';',fout); /* image separator */
- sprintf(temp,"whirlgif %2.2f (C) kadokev@msg.net. %d images",DA_REV,count);
- GIF_Comment(fout,temp);
- }
- fclose(fout);
- fprintf(stderr,"Processed %d files.\n",count);
- exit(0);
- }
- /*
- * Read a GIF file, outputting to fname as we go.
- * It would be faster to read and write the individual blocks,
- * but eventually we'd like to optimize based on changes from
- * previous images(ie only a small section of the image changed.
- */
- void
- GIF_Read_File(fout,fname,first_image)
- FILE * fout;
- char *fname;
- int first_image;
- {
- FILE *fp;
- int ret,i,exit_flag;
- if ( (fp=fopen(fname,"r"))==0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't open %s for reading.\n",fname);
- TheEnd();
- }
- GIF_Screen_Header(fp,fout,first_image);
- /*** read until , separator */
- do
- {
- i=fgetc(fp);
- if ( (i<0) && feof(fp))
- {
- fclose(fp);
- TheEnd1("GIF_Read_Header: Unexpected End of File\n");
- }
- } while(i != ',');
- if(first_image)
- {
- /* stuff we only do once */
- if(loop) GIF_Loop(fout,loopcount);
- }
- if(global.time||(global.trans.type!=TRANS_NONE && global.trans.valid))
- GIF_GCL(fout,global.time);
- fputc(',',fout); /* image separator */
- GIF_Image_Header(fp,fout,first_image);
- /*FOO*/
- /*** Setup ACTION for IMAGE */
- GIF_Decompress(fp,fout,0);
- fputc(0,fout); /* block count of zero */
- fclose(fp);
- }
- void GIF_Decompress(fp,fout)
- FILE *fp,*fout;
- {
- register ULONG code,old;
- pic_i = 0;
- bits=0;
- num_bits=0;
- gif_block_size=0;
- /* starting code size of LZW */
- root_code_size=(fgetc(fp) & 0xff); fputc(root_code_size,fout);
- GIF_Clear_Table(); /* clear decoding symbol table */
- code=GIF_Get_Code(fp,fout);
- if (code==CLEAR)
- {
- GIF_Clear_Table();
- code=GIF_Get_Code(fp,fout);
- }
- /* write code(or what it currently stands for) to file */
- GIF_Send_Data(code);
- old=code;
- code=GIF_Get_Code(fp,fout);
- do
- {
- if (table[code].valid==1) /* if known code */
- {
- /* send it's associated string to file */
- GIF_Send_Data(code);
- GIF_Get_Next_Entry(fp); /* get next table entry (nextab) */
- GIF_Add_To_Table(old,code,nextab); /* add old+code to table */
- old=code;
- }
- else /* code doesn't exist */
- {
- GIF_Add_To_Table(old,old,code); /* add old+old to table */
- GIF_Send_Data(code);
- old=code;
- }
- code=GIF_Get_Code(fp,fout);
- if (code==CLEAR)
- {
- GIF_Clear_Table();
- code=GIF_Get_Code(fp,fout);
- GIF_Send_Data(code);
- old=code;
- code=GIF_Get_Code(fp,fout);
- }
- } while(code!=EOI);
- }
- void GIF_Get_Next_Entry(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- /* table walk to empty spot */
- while( (table[nextab].valid==1)
- &&(nextab<MAXVAL)
- ) nextab++;
- /*
- * Ran out of space?! Something's gone sour...
- */
- if (nextab>=MAXVAL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Error: GetNext nextab=%d\n",nextab);
- fclose(fp);
- TheEnd();
- }
- if (nextab==INCSIZE) /* go to next table size (and LZW code size ) */
- {
- /* fprintf(stderr,"GetNext INCSIZE was %d ",nextab); */
- code_size++; INCSIZE=(INCSIZE*2)+1;
- if (code_size>=12) code_size=12;
- /* fprintf(stderr,"<%d>",INCSIZE); */
- }
- }
- /* body is associated string
- next is code to add to that string to form associated string for
- index
- */
- void GIF_Add_To_Table(body,next,index)
- register ULONG body,next,index;
- {
- if (index>MAXVAL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Error index=%d\n",index);
- }
- else
- {
- table[index].valid=1;
- table[index].data=table[next].first;
- table[index].first=table[body].first;
- table[index].last=body;
- }
- }
- void GIF_Send_Data(index)
- register int index;
- {
- register int i,j;
- i=0;
- do /* table walk to retrieve string associated with index */
- {
- gif_buff[i]=table[index].data;
- i++;
- index=table[index].last;
- if (i>MAXVAL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Error: Sending i=%d index=%d\n",i,index);
- TheEnd();
- }
- } while(index>=0);
- /* now invert that string since we retreived it backwards */
- i--;
- for(j=i;j>=0;j--)
- {
- /*pic[pic_i] = gif_buff[j] | gif_pix_offset;*/
- pic_i++;
- }
- }
- /*
- * initialize string table
- */
- void GIF_Init_Table()
- {
- register int maxi,i;
- if (debug_flag) fprintf(stderr,"Initing Table...");
- maxi=gif_ptwo[root_code_size];
- for(i=0; i<maxi; i++)
- {
- table[i].data=i;
- table[i].first=i;
- table[i].valid=1;
- table[i].last = -1;
- }
- CLEAR=maxi;
- EOI=maxi+1;
- nextab=maxi+2;
- INCSIZE = (2*maxi)-1;
- code_size=root_code_size+1;
- }
- /*
- * clear table
- */
- void GIF_Clear_Table()
- {
- register int i;
- if (debug_flag) fprintf(stderr,"Clearing Table...\n");
- for(i=0;i<MAXVAL;i++) table[i].valid=0;
- GIF_Init_Table();
- }
- /*CODE*/
- ULONG GIF_Get_Code(fp,fout) /* get code depending of current LZW code size */
- FILE *fp,*fout;
- {
- ULONG code;
- register int tmp;
- while(num_bits < code_size)
- {
- /**** if at end of a block, start new block */
- if (gif_block_size==0)
- {
- tmp = fgetc(fp);
- if (tmp >= 0 )
- {
- fputc(tmp,fout);
- gif_block_size=(ULONG)(tmp);
- }
- else TheEnd1("EOF in data stream\n");
- }
- tmp = fgetc(fp); gif_block_size--;
- if (tmp >= 0)
- {
- fputc(tmp,fout);
- bits |= ( ((ULONG)(tmp) & 0xff) << num_bits );
- num_bits+=8;
- }
- else TheEnd1("EOF in data stream\n");
- }
- code = bits & gif_mask[code_size];
- bits >>= code_size;
- num_bits -= code_size;
- if (code>MAXVAL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"\nError! in stream=%x \n",code);
- fprintf(stderr,"CLEAR=%x INCSIZE=%x EOI=%x code_size=%x \n",
- CLEAR,INCSIZE,EOI,code_size);
- code=EOI;
- }
- if (code==INCSIZE)
- {
- if (code_size<12)
- {
- code_size++; INCSIZE=(INCSIZE*2)+1;
- }
- else if (debug_flag) fprintf(stderr,"<13?>");
- }
- return(code);
- }
- /*
- * read GIF header
- */
- void GIF_Screen_Header(fp,fout,first_time)
- FILE *fp,*fout;
- int first_time;
- {
- int temp,i;
- for(i=0;i<6;i++)
- {
- temp = fgetc(fp);
- if(i==4 && temp == '7') temp='9';
- if (first_time==TRUE) fputc(temp,fout);
- }
- gifscrn.width = GIF_Get_Short(fp,fout,first_time);
- gifscrn.height = GIF_Get_Short(fp,fout,first_time);
- temp=fgetc(fp); if (first_time==TRUE) fputc(temp,fout);
- gifscrn.m = temp & 0x80;
- gifscrn.cres = (temp & 0x70) >> 4;
- gifscrn.pixbits = temp & 0x07;
- gifscrn.bc = fgetc(fp);
- if (first_time==TRUE)
- {
- /* we really should set the background color to the transparent color */
- fputc(gifscrn.bc,fout);
- }
- temp=fgetc(fp); if (first_time==TRUE) fputc(temp,fout);
- imagec=gif_ptwo[(1+gifscrn.pixbits)];
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"Screen: %dx%dx%d m=%d cres=%d bkgnd=%d pix=%d\n",
- gifscrn.width,gifscrn.height,imagec,gifscrn.m,gifscrn.cres,
- gifscrn.bc,gifscrn.pixbits);
- if(global.trans.type==TRANS_RGB) global.trans.valid=0;
- if (gifscrn.m)
- {
- for(i=0;i<imagec;i++)
- {
- gif_cmap[i].cmap.red = temp = fgetc(fp);
- if (first_time==TRUE) fputc(temp,fout);
- gif_cmap[i].cmap.green = temp = fgetc(fp);
- if (first_time==TRUE) fputc(temp,fout);
- gif_cmap[i].cmap.blue = temp = fgetc(fp);
- if (first_time==TRUE) fputc(temp,fout);
- if(global.trans.type==TRANS_RGB && !global.trans.valid)
- if(global.trans.red==gif_cmap[i].cmap.red &&
- global.trans.green==gif_cmap[i].cmap.green &&
- global.trans.blue==gif_cmap[i].cmap.blue) {
- if(debug_flag>1) fprintf(stderr," Transparent match at %d\n",i);
- global.trans.map=i;
- global.trans.valid=TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- screen_was_last = TRUE;
- }
- void GIF_Image_Header(fp,fout,first_time)
- FILE *fp,*fout;
- int first_time;
- {
- int temp,tnum,i,r,g,b;
- gifimage.left = GIF_Get_Short(fp,fout,1);
- if(global.left) gifimage.left+=global.left;
- gifimage.top = GIF_Get_Short(fp,fout,1);
- if(global.top) gifimage.top+=global.top;
- gifimage.width = GIF_Get_Short(fp,fout,1);
- gifimage.height = GIF_Get_Short(fp,fout,1);
- temp=fgetc(fp);
- gifimage.i = temp & 0x40;
- gifimage.pixbits = temp & 0x07;
- gifimage.m = temp & 0x80;
- /* this sets the local colormap bit to true */
- if (screen_was_last && (first_time==FALSE)) temp |= 0x80;
- temp &= 0xf8;
- temp |= gifscrn.pixbits;
- fputc(temp,fout);
- imagex=gifimage.width;
- imagey=gifimage.height;
- tnum=gif_ptwo[(1+gifimage.pixbits)];
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"Image: %dx%dx%d (%d,%d) m=%d i=%d pix=%d \n",
- imagex,imagey,tnum,gifimage.left,gifimage.top,
- gifimage.m,gifimage.i,gifimage.pixbits);
- /* if there is an image cmap, then use it */
- if (gifimage.m)
- {
- if(debug_flag) fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG:Transferring colormap of %d colors\n",
- imagec);
- for(i=0;i<tnum;i++)
- {
- gif_cmap[i].cmap.red = r = fgetc(fp);
- gif_cmap[i].cmap.green = g = fgetc(fp);
- gif_cmap[i].cmap.blue = b = fgetc(fp);
- fputc(r,fout);
- fputc(g,fout);
- fputc(b,fout);
- }
- } /* else if screen was last not 1st time */
- else if (screen_was_last && (first_time==FALSE))
- {
- if(debug_flag>1) fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG:Writing colormap of %d colors\n",
- imagec);
- for(i=0;i<imagec;i++)
- {
- fputc(gif_cmap[i].cmap.red ,fout);
- fputc(gif_cmap[i].cmap.green,fout);
- fputc(gif_cmap[i].cmap.blue ,fout);
- }
- }
- screen_was_last = FALSE;
- }
- /*
- *
- */
- int GIF_Get_Short(fp,fout,first_time)
- FILE *fp,*fout;
- int first_time;
- {
- register int temp,tmp1;
- temp=fgetc(fp); if (first_time==TRUE) fputc(temp,fout);
- tmp1=fgetc(fp); if (first_time==TRUE) fputc(tmp1,fout);
- return(temp|( (tmp1) << 8 ));
- }
- void GIF_Comment(fout,string)
- FILE *fout;
- char *string;
- {
- if(!string || !strlen(string))
- {
- /* Bogus string */
- if(debug_flag) fprintf(stderr,"GIF_Comment: invalid argument");
- return;
- }
- fputc(0x21,fout);
- fputc(0xFE,fout);
- fputs(string,fout);
- fputc(0,fout);
- }
- /*
- * Write a Netscape loop marker.
- */
- void GIF_Loop(fout,repeats)
- FILE *fout;
- unsigned int repeats;
- {
- UBYTE low=0,high=0;
- if(repeats) {
- /* non-zero repeat count- Netscape hasn't implemented this yet */
- high=repeats / 256;
- low=repeats % 256;
- }
- fputc(0x21,fout);
- fputc(0xFF,fout);
- fputc(0x0B,fout);
- fputs("NETSCAPE2.0",fout);
- fputc(0x03,fout);
- fputc(0x01,fout);
- fputc(low,fout); /* the delay count - 0 for infinite */
- fputc(high,fout); /* second byte of delay count */
- fputc(0x00,fout); /* terminator */
- if(verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Wrote loop extension\n");
- }
- /*
- * GIF_GCL - add a Control Label to set an inter-frame delay value.
- */
- void GIF_GCL(fout,delay)
- FILE * fout;
- unsigned int delay;
- {
- UBYTE low=0,high=0,flag;
- if(delay) {
- /* non-zero delay, figure out low/high bytes */
- high=delay / 256;
- low=delay % 256;
- }
- fputc(0x21,fout);
- fputc(0xF9,fout);
- fputc(0x04,fout);
- flag = global.disposal <<2;
- if(delay) flag |=0x80;
- if(global.trans.valid) flag |=0x01;
- fputc(flag,fout);
- fputc(low,fout); /* the delay speed - 0 is instantaneous */
- fputc(high,fout); /* second byte of delay count */
- fputc(global.trans.map,fout);
- fputc(0,fout);
- if(debug_flag>1) {
- fprintf(stderr,"GCL: delay %d",delay);
- if(global.trans.valid) fprintf(stderr," Transparent: %d",global.trans.map);
- fputc('\n',stderr);
- }
- }
- void Calc_Trans(string)
- char * string;
- {
- if(string[0] != '#') {
- global.trans.type=TRANS_MAP;
- global.trans.map=atoi(string);
- global.trans.valid=1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* it's an RGB value */
- int r,g,b;
- string++;
- if(3==sscanf(string,"%2x%2x%2x",&r,&g,&b)) {
- global.trans.red=r;
- global.trans.green=g;
- global.trans.blue=b;
- global.trans.type=TRANS_RGB;
- if(debug_flag) fprintf(stderr,"Transparent RGB=(%x,%x,%x)\n",r,g,b);
- }
- }
- if(debug_flag) fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG:Calc_trans is %d\n",global.trans.type);
- }
- void set_offset(string)
- char * string;
- {
- char *off_x,*off_y;
- off_x=(char *) strtok(string,",");
- off_y=(char *)strtok((char *)NULL,",");
- if(off_x && off_y) {
- /* set the offset */
- global.left=atoi(off_x);
- global.top=atoi(off_y);
- if(debug_flag>1) fprintf(stderr,"Offset changed to %d,%d\n",
- global.left,global.top);
- return;
- }
- if(debug_flag>1) fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't parse offset values.\n");
- exit(1);
- }