home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ListLoad.rexx */
- options results; address MrMIDI; signal on syntax; parse arg mode
- ASLFR_DoPatterns = 0x8008002E; ASLFR_InitialDrawer = 0x80080009
- ASLFR_InitialFile = 0x80080008; ASLFR_InitialPattern = 0x8008000A
- MUIA_List_Active = 0x8042391c; MUIA_List_Entries = 0x80421654
- MUIA_Window_Sleep = 0x8042e7db; MUIV_List_Active_Top = -2
- MUIV_List_Insert_Active = -1; MUIV_List_Insert_Bottom = -3
- MUIV_List_Insert_Sorted = -2
- window ID WIND1 ATTRS MUIA_Window_Sleep 1
- window ID WIND2 ATTRS MUIA_Window_Sleep 1
- RC = 0
- if mode = 1 then do
- aslrequest ATTRS ASLFR_InitialDrawer '"ENVARC:"' ASLFR_InitialFile,
- '"MrMIDI.list"' ASLFR_InitialPattern '"#?.list"' ASLFR_DoPatterns 1,
- TITLE '"Load a list"'
- temp_list = result
- end
- else if mode = 2 then do
- aslrequest ATTRS ASLFR_InitialDrawer '"ENVARC:"' ASLFR_InitialFile,
- '"MrMIDI.list"' ASLFR_InitialPattern '"#?.list"' ASLFR_DoPatterns 1,
- TITLE '"Include a list"'
- temp_list = result
- end
- else temp_list = "ENV:MrMIDI.list"
- if RC = 0 then do
- if open(1, temp_list, 'r') then do
- if mode = 1 then call Clear.rexx
- list ID SLIST ATTRS MUIA_List_Entries; entries = result
- do forever
- temp = readln(1)
- if eof(1) then leave
- if entries = 0 then
- list ID SLIST INSERT POS MUIV_List_Insert_Bottom STRING temp
- else do
- list ID SLIST ATTRS MUIA_List_Entries; temp_max = result
- skip = 0
- do i = 0 to temp_max - 1
- list ID SLIST POS i
- if temp = result then do
- skip = 1
- break
- end
- end
- if ~skip then
- list ID SLIST INSERT POS MUIV_List_Insert_Active STRING temp
- end /* of if entries */
- end /* of do forever */
- call close(1)
- list ID SLIST ATTRS MUIA_List_Entries; temp_max = result
- setvar max temp_max
- text ID MAX LABEL "\033b\033r"right(temp_max, 3)
- temp_total_time = 0
- do i = 0 to temp_max - 1
- list ID SLIST POS i
- parse var result dummy','temp_song_time','dummy2
- temp_total_time = temp_total_time + left(temp_song_time, 2) * 60 + right(temp_song_time, 2)
- end
- temp_string = right(temp_total_time % 3600, 2, 0)||":"||,
- right(temp_total_time // 3600 % 60, 2, 0)":"right(temp_total_time // 60, 2, 0)
- setvar total_time temp_string
- text ID TOTAL LABEL "\033b\033r"temp_string
- if entries = 0 then list ID SLIST ATTRS MUIA_List_Active MUIV_List_Active_Top
- end /* of if open */
- else do
- temp_string = "Could not open the file '"temp_list"'."
- request ID WARN GADGETS '"OK"' temp_string
- end
- end /* of if RC */
- window ID WIND2 ATTRS MUIA_Window_Sleep 0
- window ID WIND1 ATTRS MUIA_Window_Sleep 0
- return
- syntax:
- request ID WARN GADGETS '"OK"' '"\033b\033cError 'RC' in line 'SIGL':\033n\012\033c'errortext(RC)'"'
- window ID WIND2 ATTRS MUIA_Window_Sleep 0
- window ID WIND1 ATTRS MUIA_Window_Sleep 0
- return