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- $$VER: DigitalAlmanac.catalog 1.1 ()
- english
- Colors
- Export ephemeris
- Preferences
- Coordinates
- Telescope
- Animation
- Solar system
- Orbital elements
- Ephemeris
- Calendar
- Solar eclipse
- Lunar eclipse
- Pictures
- Saving animation
- Project
- About ...
- Screenmode ...
- Colors ...
- Save map as
- Export ...
- Window
- Preferences ...
- Coordinates ...
- Telescope ...
- Animation ...
- Solar system ...
- Asteroids ...
- Stars ...
- Objects ...
- Orbital elements ...
- Planetarium
- Local sky
- Redraw
- Update time
- Direction
- North
- Northeast
- Southeast
- South
- Southwest
- Northwest
- Extras
- Calendar ...
- Solar eclipse ...
- Lunar eclipse ...
- Pictures ...
- Configuration
- Load ...
- Save as ...
- Grid equatorial
- Grid ecliptic
- Grid local
- Grid galactic
- Constellation patterns
- Constellation names
- Constellation limits
- Other names
- Printer
- Stepsize
- Date
- Julian date
- Lo. time
- Un. time
- Side. time
- Hel. long.
- Hel. latt.
- Ecl. long.
- Ecl. latt.
- Ri. Asc.
- Declin.
- Azimuth
- Height
- Dist. S-P
- Dist. E-P
- Elong.
- Phase
- Mag.
- Diam.
- Rise
- Tran.
- Sett.
- Julian date
- Local time
- Universal time
- Sideral time
- Heliocentric longitude
- Heliocentric latitude
- Ecliptical longitude
- Ecliptical latitude
- Right ascension
- Declination
- Azimuth
- Height
- Dist. Sun
- Dist. Earth
- Elongation
- Phase
- Magnitude
- Diameter
- Rising
- Transit
- Setting
- Geogr. Longitude:
- Geogr. Latitude:
- _Look for
- _Center
- _Ephemeris
- Loading configuration
- Saving configuration
- Saving animation
- Display & Details
- Objects
- Magnitudes
- Asteroids
- Planets
- Milky way
- Messier
- Abell
- Zwicky
- Search list
- Objects found
- Asteroids found
- Accuracy
- Geocentric parallax
- Refraction
- Precession
- Nutation
- Proper motion
- Planetary abberation
- Stellar abberation
- Daily aberration
- Display
- Projection
- Globe
- Ecliptic
- Horizon
- Az/Hr system
- South = 0
- North = 0
- Night palette
- Equatorial
- Ecliptic
- Local
- Galactic
- Draw as
- Lines
- Distance
- Planetname
- Symbol
- Flamsteed
- Complete
- Asteroidname
- Orbit.name
- Number
- # of asteroids
- Show phase
- Show grid
- Texture
- Autozoom
- Earth shadow
- Constellations
- Figures
- Boundaries
- Names
- Latin
- English
- Shortcut
- Gray level (Pixel)
- Gray level (Area)
- Spectra (Pixel)
- Spectra (Area)
- Mag factor
- Objectnames
- Simple
- Image
- Min. mag. stars
- Min. mag. objects
- Darkest pen
- Place
- _Place
- Geogr. _latitude
- Geogr. l_ongitude
- _Elevation above sea
- Temperature
- Air pressure
- _Save
- _Julian date
- _Time
- _Meridian shift
- Autom. Update
- _Update time
- Point of view
- _Right ascension
- _Declination
- _Field
- _Azimuth
- A_ltitude
- _Latitude
- L_ongitude
- Realtime
- Seconds
- Minutes
- Hours
- Weeks
- Months
- Years
- Follow
- Telescope
- Object
- bLatin
- bEnglish
- bShortcut
- Asteroid
- Comet
- JD Epoche
- JD Perihelion
- Mean anomalie
- Argument of perihelion
- Long. of asc. node
- Inclination
- Eccentricity
- Semi major-axis
- Perihelion dist.
- Mag.parameter H
- Mag.parameter G
- _Save
- _Events
- _Year
- in opposition
- in conjunction
- in lower conjunction
- in upper conjunction
- in aphelion
- in perihelion
- Stepsize (min)
- Number of steps
- No eclipse
- Partial
- Annular (not central)
- Total (not central)
- Annular
- Total
- ADate Time Latitude Longitude Durat. Phase
- Graphics
- No eclipse
- Half shadow (partial)
- Half shadow (total)
- Main shadow (partial)
- Main shadow (total)
- Date Time Phase
- 6Doubleclick for objectinformation.
- Break with ESC key.
- De(activate) an object.
- Accuracy of calculation.
- Stepsize during
- drawing in deg.
- ONorthern latitude [0;90[
- Southern latitude ]-90;0[
- Format XX.YY
- or DD
- MM'SS"
- QWestern longitude [-180;0]
- Eastern longitude [0;180]
- Format XX.YY
- or DD
- MM'SS"
- Elevation above sealevel (m)
- Format: HH:MM:SS
- &West of UT [-12;0]h
- East of UT [0;12]h
- &Move telescope 1/4 of according angle.
- Point of view
- and resolution.
- UCalculates course of a solar eclipse on Earth
- according parameters in 'Coordinates'.
- UCalculates course of a lunar eclipse on Earth
- according parameters in 'Coordinates'.
- 5Difference between ephemeris time
- and universal time.
- Airtemperature (
- Airpressure (mbar, kPa)
- 'Display planets with
- a surface texture.
- )Automatic zoom when
- centering an object.
- >Accuracy of planetcalculation.
- 4 = fast, >1"
- 25 = slow, <0.1"
- )Drawing of the first [1;36448] asteroids
- &Observing site
- Drag an object to here.
- %Object export
- Drag an object to here.
- List of choices
- Export list
- No Workbench.
- Input error
- Angle [0;24[h
- Format HH:MM:SS
- Angle [-90;90]
- Angle ]0;180]
- Angle [0;360[
- Zoom A.U. >0
- Error while saving animation.
- #Error while initializing animation.
- Can't save map.
- Messier number [1;110]
- Date is invalid !
- Please wait. Loading data.
- Message
- %s is not visible.
- Frame #%lu
- Saving map
- Begin of spring
- Begin of summer
- Begin of autumn
- Begin of winter
- New moon
- First quarter
- Last quarter
- Full moon
- Begin
- Right ascen..:
- Declination:
- _Picture
- Position
- Equatorial system (geoc.):
- Equatorial system (topo.):
- Ecliptical system (geoc.):
- Ecliptical system (topo.):
- Local system:
- Heliocentric system:
- Planetocentric system:
- Right. A.
- Declina.:
- Latitude:
- Longitude:
- Azimuth:
- Height:
- Distance:
- Equation of time:
- Physical ephemeris
- Distance from Sun:
- Illumination:
- Position angle of bright limb:
- Selenographic coordinates:
- Planetographic coordinates:
- Position angle of axis:
- Latitude:
- Longitude:
- Appearance
- Spectra:
- Proper motion
- In RA. :
- In Decl.:
- Description
- Remark
- Rising:
- Transit:
- Setting:
- Azimuth:
- Height:
- Circumpolar
- Never visible
- Solar system
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
- Pluto
- Europa
- Ganymede
- Callisto
- Mimas
- Enceladus
- Tethys
- Dione
- Titan
- Hyperion
- Iapetus
- Andromeda
- Machine
- Bird of Paradise
- Aquarius
- Eagle
- Altar
- Charioteer
- Herdsman
- Burin
- Giraffe
- Hunting Dogs
- Great Dog
- Lesser Dog
- Sea Goat
- Cassiopeia
- Centaur
- Whale
- Chameleon
- Compasses
- Berenices Hair
- Southern Crown
- Northern Crown
- Southern Cross
- Dolphin
- Dorado
- Dragon
- Little Horse
- River
- Stove
- Twins
- Crane
- Hercules
- Clock
- Hydra
- Hydrus
- Indian
- Lezard
- Lesser Lion
- Scales
- Table
- Microscope
- Unicorn
- Ruler
- Octant
- Ophiuchus
- Orion
- Peacock
- Pegasus
- Perseus
- Phoenix
- Painter
- Southern Fish
- Stern
- Compass
- Reticle
- Arrow
- Saggitarius
- Scorpion
- Sculptor
- Shield
- Serpent
- Sextant
- Telescope
- Triangle
- Southern Triangle
- Toucan
- Great Bear
- Lesser Bear
- Virgin
- Volans
- Little Fox
- Galaxy
- Globular cluster
- Open cluster
- Diffuse nebula
- Planetary nebula
- Reflection nebula
- Asterism
- Dark nebula
- Galaxy cluster
- Quasar
- Stars
- Shareware register
- cDigital Almanac is Shareware !
- Please register !
- cYou are registered !!
- cYou are not registered !!