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Text File | 1998-03-08 | 36.0 KB | 2,239 lines
; ; mathX.catalog ; ; English catalog description by Kai Nickel ; ; ; Please enter language of catalog here: ; MSG_CATLANG (1//) english ; ;************************************************************************* ; APPLICATION and COMMON THINGS ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_APPDESCRIPTION (1000//) Math program ; MSG_ERRREQTITLE (//) mathX error ; MSG_ERRREQGADGET (//) *_Ok ; MSG_ERRREQGADGETSYS (//) Ok ; MSG_NERV_TITLE (//) mathX nerv requester ; MSG_NERV_GADGETS (//) Ok |* _Register | Help ; MSG_NERV_TEXT (//) \n\ This copy of mathX is not registered.\n\ If you want to use mathX for more than\n\ a 30 days evaluation period, please\n\ register.\n\ \n\ See documentation for details.\n\ ; MSG_REQTITLE (//) mathX request ; MSG_OK (//) _Ok ; MSG_HELP_OK (//) Close this window ; MSG_MATHX_QUIT_TITLE (//) mathX request ; MSG_MATHX_QUIT_TEXT (//) Quit mathX now? ; MSG_MATHX_QUIT_GADGETS (//) * _Ok |_Cancel ; MSG_IFFSAVE_NOFILE (//) Error: Could not create IFF file! ; MSG_MATHX_EXECUTEREXX (//) Execute ARexx script ; MSG_CLOSE (//) _Close ; MSG_CLOSE_HELP (//) Close this window ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; ABOUT ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_ABOUT_TITLE (1500//) mathX <About> ; MSG_ABOUT_VERSION (//) \33cVersion %s\n\ \33c(%s) ; MSG_ABOUT_TEXT (//) mathX was written by and is under the copyright of Kai Nickel.\n\ The author cannot be made responsible for any program errors or possible damage that may be caused by mathX.\n\ \n\ The program is shareware, so it is freely distributable meaning that non-commercial copies are allowed as long as the programs archive remains complete and unchanged.\n\ If you want to use mathX for more than a 30 days evaluation period, you have to register. Please read documentation for details.\n\ \n\ This application uses MUI by Stefan Stuntz. ; MSG_ABOUT_NOTREG (//) \33cThis copy of mathX is not registered!\n\ \33cPlease think about doing that soon.\n\ \33cSee documentation for details. ; MSG_ABOUT_REGTO (//) \33cThis copy of mathX is registered to:\n\ \n\ ; MSG_ABOUT_REG (//) _Register... ; MSG_ABOUT_REG_HELP (//) Open registration tool ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; PRINT ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_PRINT_REQTITLE (2000//) mathX <Print> ; MSG_PRINT_REQGADGETS (//) * _Yes | _No ; MSG_PRINT_REQTEXT (//) \n\ Do you want to print now?\n\ ; ; ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; TERM GADGETS ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_TERMERR_REQTITLE (3000//) Expression error ; MSG_TERMERR_REQGADGETS (//) * _Ok |_Help ; MSG_TERMERR_UNKNOWN (//) Unknown expression error. ; MSG_TERMERR_EXPBRACKETSTART (//) Expected '('. ; MSG_TERMERR_EXPBRACKETEND (//) Expected ')'. ; MSG_TERMERR_EXPMATRIXEND (//) Expected ']'. ; MSG_TERMERR_EXPCOLON (//) Expected ','. ; MSG_TERMERR_EXPTEXTEND (//) Expected end of text. ; MSG_TERMERR_EXPNUMIDENTBRACKMAT (//) Expected number, identifier\n\ or brackets. ; MSG_TERMERR_WRONGARGCOUNT (//) Wrong argument count. ; MSG_TERMERR_EXPVAR (//) Expected variable. ; MSG_TERMERR_RECURSION (//) Recursive definition. ; MSG_TERMERR_UNASSIGNABLE (//) Not assignable. ; MSG_TERMSCRIPT_HELP (//) This is a termdisplay field.\n\ You can drag'n'drop terms to or\n\ from any other place. ; MSG_TERMVIEW_HELP (//) This field contains a mathematical term.\n\ You can drag'n'drop it to any other place. ; MSG_BUTTON_NEW (//) _New ; MSG_HELP_NEWTERM (//) Create a new term ; MSG_BUTTON_CUT (//) _Cut ; MSG_HELP_CUTTERM (//) Cut out the selected term ; MSG_BUTTON_PASTE (//) _Paste ; MSG_HELP_PASTETERM (//) Insert a formally cut out term ; MSG_HELP_TERMSTRING (//) Here you can enter a mathematical term\n\ or drag'n'drop one from somewhere else ; MSG_HELP_TERMLIST (//) You can drag'n'drop terms\n\ from or to any other place ; MSG_TERMERR_NUMERIC (//) Could not evaluate term. ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; TEXTLIST ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_TEXTLIST_SAVE_TITLE (4000//) Save ASCII text as ; MSG_TEXTLIST_SAVE (//) _Save ASCII... ; MSG_TEXTLIST_SAVE_HELP (//) Save list text as ASCII file ; MSG_TEXTLIST_PRINT (//) Print ; MSG_TEXTLIST_PRINT_HELP (//) Print list text ; MSG_TEXTLIST_SAVEERROR (//) Error: Could not save text! ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; MAIN WINDOW ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_CP_TITLE (5000//) mathX ; MSG_CP_SCREENTITLE (//) mathX (c)1995-98 by Kai Nickel ; MSG_CP_HELP_NEW2D (//) Open new 2D graph ; MSG_CP_HELP_NEW3D (//) Open new 3D graph ; MSG_CP_HELP_NEWSIRDS (//) Open new SIRDS (Magic3D) graph ; MSG_CP_HELP_SETTINGS (//) Change mathX settings ; MSG_CP_HELP_AREXX (//) Execute ARexx script ; MSG_CP_HELP_DISPLAY (//) Open new term display window ; MSG_CP_DERIVATION (//) _Derivative ; MSG_CP_DERIVATION_HELP (//) Create formal derivative\n\ of a function ; MSG_CP_INTEGRATION (//) _Integral ; MSG_CP_INTEGRATION_HELP (//) Calculate numerical integral\n\ in a selectable interval ; MSG_CP_TANGENTE (//) Tan_gente ; MSG_CP_TANGENTE_HELP (//) Create the tangente or normale\n\ at a selectable point ; MSG_CP_TAYLOR (//) _Taylor ; MSG_CP_TAYLOR_HELP (//) Create a taylor approximation\n\ around a selectable point ; MSG_CP_DISCUSSION (//) Di_scussion ; MSG_CP_DISCUSSION_HELP (//) Discuss function\n\ in a selectable range ; MSG_CP_DETERMINANTE (//) D_eterminant ; MSG_CP_DETERMINANTE_HELP (//) Calculate determinant and\n\ inverse of a matrix ; MSG_CP_LINEQ (//) _Lin. system ; MSG_CP_LINEQ_HELP (//) Solve linear system ; MSG_CP_CHARPOL (//) C_har. Polynom ; MSG_CP_CHARPOL_HELP (//) Characteristic polynom\n\ of a square matrix ; MSG_CP_EVAL (//) Si_mplify ; MSG_CP_EVAL_HELP (//) Simplify expression ; MSG_CP_MENU_PROJECT (//) Project ; MSG_CP_MENU_NEW2D (//) 2\0New 2D graph... ; MSG_CP_MENU_NEW3D (//) 3\0New 3D graph... ; MSG_CP_MENU_NEWSIRDS (//) I\0New SIRDS graph... ; MSG_CP_MENU_ABOUT (//) About... ; MSG_CP_MENU_ABOUTMUI (//) About MUI... ; MSG_CP_MENU_REGISTER (//) Register... ; MSG_CP_MENU_HELP (//) H\0Help... ; MSG_CP_MENU_ICONIFY (//) C\0Iconify ; MSG_CP_MENU_QUIT (//) Q\0Quit... ; MSG_CP_MENU_TERMS (//) Terms ; MSG_CP_MENU_NEW (//) New ; MSG_CP_MENU_CUT (//) Cut ; MSG_CP_MENU_PASTE (//) Paste ; MSG_CP_MENU_CLEARALL (//) Clear list ; MSG_CP_MENU_LOAD (//) L\0Load... ; MSG_CP_MENU_APPEND (//) Append... ; MSG_CP_MENU_SAVE (//) S\0Save... ; MSG_CP_MENU_DISPLAY (//) P\0Display... ; MSG_CP_MENU_ANALYSIS (//) Analysis ; MSG_CP_MENU_DERIVATION (//) D\0Derivative... ; MSG_CP_MENU_INTEGRATION (//) N\0Integral... ; MSG_CP_MENU_TANGENTE (//) T\0Tangente... ; MSG_CP_MENU_TAYLOR (//) Y\0Taylor... ; MSG_CP_MENU_DISCUSSION (//) U\0Discussion... ; MSG_CP_MENU_LINALG (//) LinAlg ; MSG_CP_MENU_CHARPOL (//) A\0Char. Polynom ; MSG_CP_MENU_DETERMINANTE (//) R\0Determinant... ; MSG_CP_MENU_LINEQ (//) E\0Linear system... ; MSG_CP_MENU_EVAL (//) F\0Simplify... ; MSG_CP_MENU_AREXX (//) ARexx ; MSG_CP_MENU_EXECUTE (//) X\0Execute script... ; MSG_CP_MENU_SETTINGS (//) Settings ; MSG_CP_MENU_MATHX (//) M\0mathX... ; MSG_CP_MENU_MUI (//) MUI... ; MSG_CP_TERMS_CLEAR_TITLE (//) mathX request ; MSG_CP_TERMS_CLEAR_TEXT (//) Clear list of terms now?\n\ (This will destroy all terms in the control panel) ; MSG_CP_TERMS_CLEAR_GADGETS (//) * Ok |Cancel ; MSG_CP_TERMS_SAVE_TITLE (//) Save terms as ; MSG_CP_TERMS_LOAD_TITLE (//) Load terms ; MSG_CP_TERMS_APPEND_TITLE (//) Append terms ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; EDIT-GRAPH COMMON THINGS ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_USE (6000//) _Use ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_USE_HELP (//) Use settings ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_SAVE (//) _Save... ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_SAVE_HELP (//) Save settings ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_LOAD (//) _Load... ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_LOAD_HELP (//) Load settings ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_CANCEL (//) _Cancel ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_CANCEL_HELP (//) Ignore settings ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_MENU_PROJECT (//) Project ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_MENU_USE (//) U\0Use ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_MENU_CANCEL (//) C\0Cancel ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_MENU_SAVE (//) S\0Save as... ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_MENU_LOAD (//) L\0Load... ; MSG_EDITGRAPH_MENU_SAVEDEFAULT (//) D\0Save as default ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; GRAPH 2D ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_EDIT2D_TITEL (7000//) mathX <2D Settings> ; MSG_GRAPH2D_ERROR (//) Error: Graph cannot be drawn ; MSG_GRAPH2D_NUMBERSERROR (//) Error: Wrong numbers! ; MSG_XFROM (//) _From ; MSG_XTO (//) _To ; MSG_XUNIT (//) U_nit ; MSG_XTYPE (//) Ty_pe ; MSG_XDRAWAXIS (//) _Axis ; MSG_XDRAWMARKS (//) Ma_rks ; MSG_XDRAWARROWS (//) Arro_w ; MSG_XMARKS (//) e_very ; MSG_XSUBMARKS (//) Subm_arks ; MSG_XDESIGN (//) Design ; MSG_XNUMBERS (//) _Numbers ; MSG_XDRAWRASTER (//) _Grid ; MSG_XRASTERDESIGN (//) Design ; MSG_YFROM (//) Fro_m ; MSG_YTO (//) T_o ; MSG_YUNIT (//) Un_it ; MSG_YTYPE (//) T_ype ; MSG_YDRAWAXIS (//) A_xis ; MSG_YDRAWMARKS (//) Mar_ks ; MSG_YDRAWARROWS (//) Arr_ow ; MSG_YMARKS (//) obsolete ; MSG_YSUBMARKS (//) Sub_marks ; MSG_YAUTORANGE (//) Auto_range ; MSG_YDESIGN (//) Design ; MSG_YNUMBERS (//) Num_bers ; MSG_YDRAWRASTER (//) Gr_id ; MSG_YRASTERDESIGN (//) Design ; MSG_WINTITLE (//) obsolete ; MSG_WINBUTTONS (//) _Buttons ; MSG_XTITLE (//) _Title ; MSG_YTITLE (//) T_itle ; MSG_AXISFONT (//) Axis _font ; MSG_CHOOSEAXISFONT (//) Select axis font ; MSG_MOUSEFONT (//) _Mouse font ; MSG_CHOOSEMOUSEFONT (//) Select mouse font ; MSG_SAVENOFILE (//) Could not create file! ; MSG_LOADNOFILE (//) Could not open file! ; MSG_SAVEERROR (//) Error while saving! ; MSG_LOADERROR (//) Error while loading! ; MSG_LOADWRONGTYPE (//) File not of requested type! ; MSG_SELECT2DGRAPH (//) Select 2D graph ; MSG_HELP_GRAPH_EDIT (//) Edit settings of this graph ; MSG_HELP_GRAPH2D_ZOOMIN (//) Zoom in ; MSG_HELP_GRAPH2D_ZOOMOUT (//) Zoom out ; MSG_HELP_GRAPH2D_ZOOMBOX (//) obsolete ; MSG_HELP_GRAPH_COPY (//) Copy graph to a new window ; MSG_HELP_GRAPH_CLEARTERMS (//) Delete functions in graph ; MSG_HELP_GRAPH_SAVEIFF (//) Save graph as IFF picture ; MSG_HELP_GRAPH_PRINT (//) Print graph ; MSG_HELP_XFROM (//) Start x axis at this value\n\ (multiplied by units) ; MSG_HELP_XTO (//) End x axis at this value\n\ (multiplied by units) ; MSG_HELP_XUNIT (//) Unit of x axis.\n\ All other values here are internally\n\ multiplied with this number. ; MSG_HELP_XTITLE (//) This text will be drawn besides the axis ; MSG_HELP_YFROM (//) Start y axis at this value\n\ (multiplied by units) ; MSG_HELP_YTO (//) End y axis at this value\n\ (multiplied by units) ; MSG_HELP_YUNIT (//) Unit of y axis.\n\ All other values here are internally\n\ multiplied with this number. ; MSG_HELP_YTITLE (//) This text will be drawn besides the axis ; MSG_HELP_AXISFONT (//) The numbers drawn on the axis are\n\ displayed in this font ; MSG_HELP_MOUSEFONT (//) This is the font for the mousepointer coordinates.\n\ The are displayed when you press\n\ left mouse button over the graph. ; MSG_HELP_2DWINTITLE (//) This text will be shown as\n\ title of the graph window ; MSG_HELP_GRAPH2D (//) Press left mouse for coordinates,\n\ use cursor keys to scroll around,\n\ press + or - to zoom in or out,\n\ drag'n'drop a term to draw it. ; MSG_HELP_XDRAWAXIS (//) Show the x axis? ; MSG_HELP_XDRAWARROWS (//) Draw an arrow at the end\n\ of the x axis? ; MSG_HELP_XDRAWMARKS (//) Draw marks at the x axis? ; MSG_HELP_XDRAWRASTER (//) Draw a grid for x values? ; MSG_HELP_YDRAWAXIS (//) Show the y axis? ; MSG_HELP_YDRAWARROWS (//) Draw an arrow at the end\n\ of the y axis? ; MSG_HELP_YDRAWMARKS (//) Draw marks at the y axis? ; MSG_HELP_YDRAWRASTER (//) Draw a grid for y values? ; MSG_HELP_AUTORANGE (//) Adapt y axis to the value range\n\ of the drawn functions ; MSG_HELP_WINBUTTONS (//) Show image buttons in the graph window ; MSG_HELP_MARKS (//) Draw marks every ... units ; MSG_HELP_SUBMARKS (//) Draw ... submarks between every mark ; MSG_HELP_NUMBERS (//) Draw number at every ... mark ; MSG_HELP_RASTER (//) Draw grid every ... marks ; MSG_HELP_AXISSTYLE (//) Linestyle of axis and marks ; MSG_HELP_RASTERSTYLE (//) Linestyle of the grid ; MSG_HELP_TYPE (//) Scaling type of the axis ; MSG_HELP_GRAPH2DTERMS (//) This is a list of all drawn functions in this graph.\n\ Here you can drag'n'drop terms\n\ from or to any other place. ; MSG_MENU_GRAPH2D (//) 2D graph ; MSG_MENU_ZOOM (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_ZOOMIN (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_ZOOMOUT (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_ZOOMBOX (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_COPYGRAPH (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_SAVEIFF (//) I\0Save IFF... ; MSG_MENU_PRINT (//) P\0Print... ; MSG_MENU_CLEARTERMS (//) Clear functions ; MSG_MENU_SCROLL (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_LEFT (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_RIGHT (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_UP (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_DOWN (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_CLOSE (//) C\0Close ; MSG_MENU_EDIT (//) Settings ; MSG_MENU_RANGE (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_SCALES (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_DESIGN (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_FUNCTIONS (//) obsolete ; MSG_MENU_MISC (//) obsolete ; MSG_EDIT2D_XAXIS (//) x axis ; MSG_EDIT2D_YAXIS (//) y axis ; MSG_EDIT2D_AXISDESIGN (//) S_ystem design ; MSG_EDIT2D_AXISDESIGN_HELP (//) Draw axes as cross or box ; MSG_EDIT2D_CROSS (//) obsolete ; MSG_EDIT2D_BOX (//) obsolete ; MSG_EDIT2D_RANGE (//) obsolete ; MSG_EDIT2D_SCALES (//) obsolete ; MSG_EDIT2D_DESIGN (//) obsolete ; MSG_EDIT2D_FUNCTIONS (//) obsolete ; MSG_EDIT2D_WINDOW (//) obsolete ; MSG_EDIT2D_LINEAR (//) linear ; MSG_EDIT2D_LOG (//) log ; MSG_EDIT2D_BACKGROUND (//) Background ; MSG_EDIT2D_BACKGROUND_HELP (//) Background color of the graph ; MSG_EDIT2D_BACKGROUND_CHOOSE (//) Background color ; MSG_EDIT2D_SCHAR (//) 2nd Argument ; MSG_EDIT2D_SCHARFROM (//) _From ; MSG_EDIT2D_SCHARFROM_HELP (//) Start of 2nd argument range ; MSG_EDIT2D_SCHARTO (//) _To ; MSG_EDIT2D_SCHARTO_HELP (//) End of 2nd argument range ; MSG_EDIT2D_SCHARSTEP (//) St_ep ; MSG_EDIT2D_SCHARSTEP_HELP (//) Increment of 2nd argument ; MSG_EDIT2D_LOOK (//) Look ; MSG_EDIT2D_TERMDESIGN (//) Design ; MSG_EDIT2D_TERMDESIGN_HELP (//) Linestyle of the selected function ; MSG_EDIT2D_ACCURACY (//) _Accuracy ; MSG_EDIT2D_ACCURACY_HELP (//) Distance between two calculated dots.\n\ The higher the faster drawing will be. ; MSG_EDIT2D_CONNECT (//) C_onnect ; MSG_EDIT2D_CONNECT_HELP (//) Connect all calculated dots WITH a line? ; MSG_GRAPH2D_SAVETITLE (//) Save graph as IFF graphic... ; MSG_GRAPH2D_NORP (//) Error: Could NOT create temporary\n\ rastport for IFF file! ; MSG_EDIT2D_NONE (//) none ; MSG_EDIT2D_TEST (//) Test ; MSG_EDIT2D_TEST_HELP (//) Preview settings ; MSG_EDIT2D_NEW (//) New ; MSG_EDIT2D_NEW_HELP (//) Add new function ; MSG_EDIT2D_REM (//) Rem ; MSG_EDIT2D_REM_HELP (//) Remove function ; MSG_WINDOW2D_TITLE (//) mathX <2D Graph> ; MSG_WINDOW2D_SCROLL_HELP (//) Move graph with mouse ; MSG_WINDOW2D_COORDS_HELP (//) Display coordinates\n\ at mouse position ; MSG_WINDOW2D_MENU_EDIT1 (//) R\0Range... ; MSG_WINDOW2D_MENU_EDIT2 (//) A\0Axes... ; MSG_WINDOW2D_MENU_EDIT3 (//) M\0Marks... ; MSG_WINDOW2D_MENU_EDIT4 (//) G\0Grid... ; MSG_WINDOW2D_MENU_EDIT5 (//) F\0Fonts... ; MSG_WINDOW2D_MENU_EDIT6 (//) W\0Window... ; MSG_EDIT2D_EDIT1 (//) Range ; MSG_EDIT2D_EDIT2 (//) Axes ; MSG_EDIT2D_EDIT3 (//) Marks ; MSG_EDIT2D_EDIT4 (//) Grid ; MSG_EDIT2D_EDIT5 (//) Fonts ; MSG_EDIT2D_EDIT6 (//) Window ; MSG_EDIT2D_MARKS_CUSTOM (//) Custom ; MSG_EDIT2D_MARKS_AUTO (//) Auto ; MSG_EDIT2D_MARKS_NONE (//) None ; MSG_EDIT2D_FUNCTION (//) Function ; MSG_EDIT2D_SCHARNAME (//) Name ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; GRAPH 3D ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_GRAPH3D_ERROR (8000//) Error: Graph cannot be drawn ; MSG_EDIT3D_SELECTFILE (//) Select a 3D file ; MSG_EDIT3D_FUNCTION (//) Function ; MSG_EDIT3D_PARAMETER (//) Parameter ; MSG_EDIT3D_COLORS (//) Colors ; MSG_EDIT3D_WINDOW (//) Window ; MSG_EDIT3D_TITEL (//) mathX <3D Settings> ; MSG_EDIT3D_XFROM (//) x: _from ; MSG_EDIT3D_XFROM_HELP (//) x axis from ; MSG_EDIT3D_XTO (//) _to ; MSG_EDIT3D_XTO_HELP (//) x axis to ; MSG_EDIT3D_YFROM (//) y: f_rom ; MSG_EDIT3D_YFROM_HELP (//) y axis from ; MSG_EDIT3D_YTO (//) t_o ; MSG_EDIT3D_YTO_HELP (//) y axis to ; MSG_EDIT3D_BUTTONS (//) _Image buttons ; MSG_EDIT3D_BUTTONS_HELP (//) Show image buttons and sliders ; MSG_EDIT3D_TITLE (//) _Window title ; MSG_EDIT3D_TITLE_HELP (//) Title of the 3D graph window ; MSG_EDIT3D_TERM (//) Fu_nction ; MSG_EDIT3D_PREC (//) _Precision ; MSG_EDIT3D_PREC_HELP (//) Number of 3D-points to be calculated. ; MSG_EDIT3D_MIN (//) Minimum ; MSG_EDIT3D_LOW (//) Low ; MSG_EDIT3D_MEDIUM (//) Medium ; MSG_EDIT3D_HIGH (//) High ; MSG_EDIT3D_MAX (//) Maximum ; MSG_EDIT3D_PERSPECTIVE (//) Perspective ; MSG_EDIT3D_CAVALIERI (//) Cavalieri ; MSG_EDIT3D_ISOMETRIC (//) Isometric ; MSG_EDIT3D_TYPE (//) _Type ; MSG_EDIT3D_TYPE_HELP (//) Projection type ; MSG_EDIT3D_PHI (//) P_hi ; MSG_EDIT3D_PHI_HELP (//) Angle phi in degrees ; MSG_EDIT3D_THETA (//) Th_eta ; MSG_EDIT3D_THETA_HELP (//) Angle theta in degrees ; MSG_EDIT3D_DISTANCE (//) _Magnification ; MSG_EDIT3D_DISTANCE_HELP (//) Magnification level ; MSG_EDIT3D_BACKGROUND (//) Background ; MSG_EDIT3D_BACKGROUND_HELP (//) Background color ; MSG_EDIT3D_AREA (//) Fill ; MSG_EDIT3D_AREA_HELP (//) Surface color ; MSG_EDIT3D_LINE (//) Line ; MSG_EDIT3D_LINE_HELP (//) Line color ; MSG_EDIT3D_CHOOSECOLOR (//) Select color ; MSG_WIN3D_GRAPH3D (//) 3D graph ; MSG_WIN3D_COPY (//) Y\0Copy... ; MSG_WIN3D_SAVEIFF (//) S\0Save IFF... ; MSG_WIN3D_PRINT (//) P\0Print... ; MSG_WIN3D_CLOSE (//) C\0Close ; MSG_WIN3D_EDIT (//) Edit ; MSG_WIN3D_FUNCTION (//) F\0Function... ; MSG_WIN3D_PARAMETER (//) A\0Parameter... ; MSG_WIN3D_COLOR (//) O\0Color... ; MSG_WIN3D_WINDOW (//) W\0Window... ; MSG_WIN3D_EDIT_HELP (//) Open 3D settings ; MSG_WIN3D_COPY_HELP (//) Copy graph ; MSG_WIN3D_SAVEIFF_HELP (//) Save graph as IFF image ; MSG_WIN3D_PRINT_HELP (//) Print graph ; MSG_GRAPH3D_SAVETITLE (//) Save IFF image as... ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; GRAPH SIRDS ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_GRAPHSIRDS_ERROR (9000//) Error: Graph cannot be drawn ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_SELECTFILE (//) Select a SIRDS file ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_RANGE (//) Range ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_FUNCTION (//) Function ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_WINDOW (//) Window ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_TITEL (//) mathX <SIRDS Settings> ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_XFROM (//) _x: from ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_XFROM_HELP (//) x axis from ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_XTO (//) _to ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_XTO_HELP (//) x axis to ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_YFROM (//) _y: from ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_YFROM_HELP (//) y axis from ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_YTO (//) t_o ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_YTO_HELP (//) y axis to ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_ZFROM (//) _z: from ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_ZFROM_HELP (//) z axis from ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_ZTO (//) to ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_ZTO_HELP (//) z axis to ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_BUTTONS (//) _Image buttons ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_BUTTONS_HELP (//) Show image buttons ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_TITLE (//) _Window title ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_TITLE_HELP (//) Title of the SIRDS graph window ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_TERM (//) _Function ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_PREC (//) _Precision ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_PREC_HELP (//) Number of 3D-points to be calculated. ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_LOW (//) Low ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_MEDIUM (//) Medium ; MSG_EDITSIRDS_HIGH (//) High ; MSG_WINSIRDS_GRAPHSIRDS (//) SIRDS graph ; MSG_WINSIRDS_COPY (//) Y\0Copy... ; MSG_WINSIRDS_SAVEIFF (//) S\0Save IFF... ; MSG_WINSIRDS_PRINT (//) P\0Print... ; MSG_WINSIRDS_CLOSE (//) C\0Close ; MSG_WINSIRDS_EDIT (//) Edit ; MSG_WINSIRDS_RANGE (//) R\0Range... ; MSG_WINSIRDS_FUNCTION (//) F\0Function... ; MSG_WINSIRDS_WINDOW (//) W\0Window... ; MSG_WINSIRDS_EDIT_HELP (//) Open SIRDS settings ; MSG_WINSIRDS_COPY_HELP (//) Copy graph ; MSG_WINSIRDS_SAVEIFF_HELP (//) Save graph as IFF image ; MSG_WINSIRDS_PRINT_HELP (//) Print graph ; MSG_GRAPHSIRDS_SAVETITLE (//) Save IFF image as... ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; LINESTYLE ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_LINESTYLE_TITLE (10000//) mathX <Linestyle> ; MSG_LINESTYLE_THICKNESS (//) _Thickness ; MSG_LINESTYLE_THICKNESS_HELP (//) Thickness of the line in pixels ; MSG_LINESTYLE_PATTERN (//) Pattern ; MSG_LINESTYLE_PATTERN_HELP (//) Activate or deactivate every single\n\ pixel of the line ; MSG_LINESTYLE_COLOR (//) Color ; MSG_LINESTYLE_COLOR_HELP (//) Color of the line ; MSG_LINESTYLE_CHOOSECOLOR (//) Line color ; MSG_LINESTYLE_PATTERN_FULL (//) _full ; MSG_LINESTYLE_PATTERN_HALF (//) _half ; MSG_LINESTYLE_PATTERN_MEDIUM (//) _medium ; MSG_LINESTYLE_PATTERN_EMPTY (//) _empty ; MSG_LINESTYLE_PATTERNDEF_HELP (//) These are predefined patterns ; MSG_LINESTYLE_USE_HELP (//) Use this linestyle ; MSG_LINESTYLE_CANCEL_HELP (//) Ignore this linestyle ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; SETTINGS ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_SETTINGS_TITEL (11000//) mathX <Settings> ; MSG_SETTINGS_TEXT (//) Configure the mathX program settings ; MSG_SAVE (//) _Save ; MSG_USE (//) _Use ; MSG_CANCEL (//) _Cancel ; MSG_HELP_SAVESETTINGS (//) Permanently use these settings ; MSG_HELP_USESETTINGS (//) Use these settings until the\n\ next time you start mathX ; MSG_HELP_CANCELSETTINGS (//) Ignore these settings ; MSG_SETTINGS_BUTTONS (//) _Textbuttons ; MSG_SETTINGS_BUTTONS_HELP (//) Show textbuttons\n\ in control panel window ; MSG_SETTINGS_BIGFONT (//) _Big font ; MSG_SETTINGS_BIGFONT_HELP (//) Big font used for term display fields ; MSG_SETTINGS_SMALLFONT (//) _Small font ; MSG_SETTINGS_SMALLFONT_HELP (//) Small font used for term display fields ; MSG_SETTINGS_TERMDISPLAY (//) Term display ; MSG_SETTINGS_DISPLAYFONT_CHOOSE (//) Choose display font ; MSG_SETTINGS_IFFX (//) _IFF save size ; MSG_SETTINGS_IFFX_HELP (//) Horizontal size in pixels ; MSG_SETTINGS_IFFY (//) _x ; MSG_SETTINGS_IFFY_HELP (//) Vertical size in pixels ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; INTEGRATION ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_INTEGRATION_TITLE (13000//) mathX <Integral> ; MSG_INTEGRATION_TEXT (//) Numerically calculate the integral\n\ of a continuous function in a\n\ certain interval ; MSG_INTEGRATION_CALCULATE (//) _Integrate ; MSG_INTEGRATION_HELP_CALCULATE (//) Calculate integral ; MSG_INTEGRATION_EXPRESSION (//) _Function ; MSG_INTEGRATION_FROM (//) f_rom ; MSG_INTEGRATION_TO (//) _to ; MSG_INTEGRATION_HELP_RANGE (//) Integration range ; MSG_INTEGRATION_PRECISION (//) _Precision: 10^ ; MSG_INTEGRATION_HELP_PRECISION (//) The expected calculation error\n\ is limited by this value ; MSG_INTEGRATION_ABSOLUTE (//) _Absolute area ; MSG_INTEGRATION_HELP_ABSOLUTE (//) Add negative areas instead of\n\ subtracting them ; MSG_INTEGRATION_RESULT (//) Integral: ; MSG_INTEGRATION_HELP_RESULT (//) Result of the calculation.\n\ Press 'Integrate' to start a\n\ new calculation. ; MSG_INTEGRATION_NOTERM (//) I cannot calculate an integral of the function you entered.\n\ Maybe the function is incorrect or you\n\ have used more than one variable? ; MSG_INTEGRATION_NORANGE (//) You have not specified a correct range\n\ for the integration. ; ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; DERIVATION ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_DERIVATION_TITLE (14000//) mathX <Derivative> ; MSG_DERIVATION_TEXT (//) Create the formal derivative\n\ of a continuous function ; MSG_DERIVATION_EXPRESSION (//) _Function ; MSG_DERIVATION_DEGREE (//) O_rder ; MSG_DERIVATION_DEGREE_HELP (//) Order of the derivative ; MSG_DERIVATION_RESULT (//) Derivative ; MSG_DERIVATION_DERIVE (//) _Derive ; MSG_DERIVATION_DERIVE_HELP (//) Create derivative ; MSG_DERIVATION_NOTERM (//) I cannot derive the function you entered.\n\ Maybe the function is incorrect or you\n\ have used more than one variable? ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; DISCUSSION ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TITLE (15000//) mathX <Discussion> ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT (//) Discuss a function\n\ in a selectable range ; MSG_DISCUSSION_FROM (//) _from ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TO (//) _to ; MSG_DISCUSSION_RANGE_HELP (//) Discussion range ; MSG_DISCUSSION_ZEROS (//) _Zeros ; MSG_DISCUSSION_ZEROS_HELP (//) Seek for zeros ; MSG_DISCUSSION_EXTREMA (//) _Extrema ; MSG_DISCUSSION_EXTREMA_HELP (//) Seek for extreme values ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TURNINGS (//) _Turning points ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TURNINGS_HELP (//) Seek for turning points ; MSG_DISCUSSION_SYMMETRY (//) _Symmetry ; MSG_DISCUSSION_SYMMETRY_HELP (//) Determine symmetrie to\n\ origin or y axis ; MSG_DISCUSSION_VALUETABLE (//) _Value table ; MSG_DISCUSSION_VALUETABLE_HELP (//) Create table of values ; MSG_DISCUSSION_STEP (//) _Step ; MSG_DISCUSSION_STEP_HELP (//) Distance between two calculated values ; MSG_DISCUSSION_CALCULATE (//) _Start ; MSG_DISCUSSION_CALCULATE_HELP (//) Start discussion ; MSG_DISCUSSION_STOP (//) _Stop ; MSG_DISCUSSION_STOP_HELP (//) Interrupt discussion ; MSG_DISCUSSION_COMPLETED_HELP (//) Indicates the progress\n\ of the discussion ; MSG_DISCUSSION_RESULT_HELP (//) This is the result\n\ of the discussion ; MSG_DISCUSSION_ERROR_TERM (//) There is no correct term to be discussed.\n\ Maybe you have used more than one variable? ; MSG_DISCUSSION_ERROR_NUMBER (//) You choosed incorrect numbers at 'from' or 'to'\n\ or 'Step'. ; MSG_DISCUSSION_STATUS_VALUETABLE (//) Value table ; MSG_DISCUSSION_STATUS_ZEROS (//) Zeros ; MSG_DISCUSSION_STATUS_EXTREMA (//) Extrema ; MSG_DISCUSSION_STATUS_TURNINGS (//) Turning points ; MSG_DISCUSSION_STATUS_MONOTONY (//) Monotony ; MSG_DISCUSSION_STATUS_SYMMETRY (//) Symmetry ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_BREAK (//) \n\ *** User break *** ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_EXPRESSION (//) Expression: ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_INTERVAL (//) \n\ Interval: [ ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_ZEROS (//) Zeros\n\ \n\ ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_EXTREMA (//) Extrema\n\ \n\ ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_TURNINGS (//) Turnings points\n\ \n\ ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_MONOTONY (//) Monotony\n\ \n\ ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_SYMMETRY (//) Symmetry\n\ \n\ ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_VALUETABLE (//) Value table\n\ \n\ ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_UNDEFINED (//) *** undefined *** ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_NONE (//) *** none *** ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_PLMI (//) (+-) ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_MIPL (//) (-+) ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_PLPL (//) (++) ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_MIMI (//) (--) ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_MAXIMUM (//) maximum ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_MINIMUM (//) mimimum ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_LEFTRIGHT (//) left->right ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_RIGHTLEFT (//) right->left ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_SYMORIG (//) symmetric to origin ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_SYMAXIS (//) symmetric to y axis ; MSG_DISCUSSION_TEXT_SYMNONE (//) not symmetric to y axis or origin ; MSG_DISCUSSION_ERROR_NOTDIFFABLE (//) Error: The term you entered cannot\n\ be derived! ; ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; TANGENTE ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_TANGENTE_TITLE (16000//) mathX <Tangente> ; MSG_TANGENTE_TEXT (//) Create the tangente or normale of\n\ a function at a selectable point ; MSG_TANGENTE_CALCULATE (//) C_reate ; MSG_TANGENTE_CALCULATE_HELP (//) Start creation of\n\ tangente or normale ; MSG_TANGENTE_EXPRESSION (//) _Function ; MSG_TANGENTE_AT (//) _at x0= ; MSG_TANGENTE_AT_HELP (//) Point on the x axis the\n\ tangente or normale will\n\ be calculated for. ; MSG_TANGENTE_RESULT (//) Result ; MSG_TANGENTE_NOPOINT (//) You have not selected a\n\ correct point in 'at'. ; MSG_TANGENTE_NOTERM (//) There is no correct function.\n\ Maybe you have used more than one variable? ; MSG_TANGENTE_TYPE (//) _Type ; MSG_TANGENTE_TYPE_HELP (//) Do you want to create\n\ a tangente or a normale? ; MSG_TANGENTE_TYPE_TANGENTE (//) Tangente ; MSG_TANGENTE_TYPE_NORMALE (//) Normale ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; TAYLOR ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_TAYLOR_TITLE (17000//) mathX <Taylor> ; MSG_TAYLOR_TEXT (//) Power series expansion of a function\n\ around point x0 using the\n\ Taylor formula ; MSG_TAYLOR_CALCULATE (//) C_reate ; MSG_TAYLOR_CALCULATE_HELP (//) Create taylor approximation now ; MSG_TAYLOR_EXPRESSION (//) _Function ; MSG_TAYLOR_AT (//) _at x0= ; MSG_TAYLOR_AT_HELP (//) Point on x axis around that\n\ the taylor approximation will\n\ be done. ; MSG_TAYLOR_DEGREE (//) _Degree ; MSG_TAYLOR_DEGREE_HELP (//) Degree of the result polynom ; MSG_TAYLOR_RESULT (//) _Result ; MSG_TAYLOR_ERROR_NOPOINT (//) You have not specified a correct\n\ point. ; MSG_TAYLOR_ERROR_TERM (//) There is no correct function.\n\ Maybe you have used more than one variable? ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; DETERMINANTE ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_DETERMINANTE_TITLE (18000//) mathX <Determinant> ; MSG_DETERMINANTE_TEXT (//) Calculate the determinant and\n\ inverse of a square matrix ; MSG_DETERMINANTE_CALCULATE (//) C_alculate ; MSG_DETERMINANTE_CALCULATE_HELP (//) Calculate determinant\n\ and inverse now ; MSG_DETERMINANTE_EXPRESSION (//) _Matrix ; MSG_DETERMINANTE_RESULT (//) Determinant ; MSG_DETERMINANTE_INVERSE (//) Inverse ; MSG_DETERMINANTE_ERROR_TERM (//) Error: There is no correct matrix.\n\ Maybe it is not square? ; MSG_DETERMINANTE_PROGRESS_HELP (//) Progress indicator ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; LINEQ ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_LINEQ_TITLE (19000//) mathX <Linear System> ; MSG_LINEQ_TEXT (//) Solve a linear system given\n\ by a square matrix A and an\n\ appropriate vector c ; MSG_LINEQ_CALCULATE (//) _Solve ; MSG_LINEQ_CALCULATE_HELP (//) Solve system now ; MSG_LINEQ_LEFT (//) _Matrix A= ; MSG_LINEQ_RIGHT (//) _Vector c= ; MSG_LINEQ_RESULT (//) Solution x= ; MSG_LINEQ_NOMATRIX (//) Error: The matrix isn't correct! ; MSG_LINEQ_NOSOLUTION (//) The system has no solution! ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; CHARPOL ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_CHARPOL_TITLE (20000//) mathX <Char. Polynom> ; MSG_CHARPOL_TEXT (//) Calculate the characteristic\n\ polynom of a square matrix ; MSG_CHARPOL_CALCULATE (//) C_alculate ; MSG_CHARPOL_CALCULATE_HELP (//) Calculate polynom now ; MSG_CHARPOL_EXPRESSION (//) _Matrix ; MSG_CHARPOL_RESULT (//) Char. polynom ; MSG_CHARPOL_ERROR_TERM (//) Error: There is no correct matrix.\n\ Maybe it is not square? ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; EVAL ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_EVAL_TITLE (21000//) mathX <Simplification> ; MSG_EVAL_TEXT (//) Simplify an expression ; MSG_EVAL_CALCULATE (//) _Simplify ; MSG_EVAL_CALCULATE_HELP (//) Simplify the expression ; MSG_EVAL_EXPRESSION (//) _Expression ; MSG_EVAL_RESULT (//) Simplification ; MSG_EVAL_NOEVAL (//) Could not generate simplification.\n\ Maybe the term is undefined? ; MSG_EVAL_NOTERM (//) There is no correct expression\n\ to be simplified. ; MSG_EVAL_MODE (//) _Type ; MSG_EVAL_MODE_HELP (//) Replace symbols like 'pi' by\n\ their value or not ; MSG_EVAL_MODE_SYMBOLIC (//) Symbolic ; MSG_EVAL_MODE_NUMERIC (//) Numeric ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; TERMWIN ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_TERMWIN_TITLE (22000//) mathX <Term Display> ; MSG_TERMWIN_SAVE_TITLE (//) Save IFF picture... ; MSG_TERMWIN_NORP (//) Error: Could not allocate rastport! ; MSG_TERMWIN_MENU_TITLE (//) Term display ; MSG_TERMWIN_MENU_SAVEIFF (//) S\0Save as IFF... ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;************************************************************************* ; R E G I S T R A T O R ;************************************************************************* ; MSG_REG_TITLE (25000//) mathX <Registration> ; MSG_REG_NAME (//) _Name ; MSG_REG_NAME_HELP (//) Your first and your family name ; MSG_REG_STREET (//) _Street ; MSG_REG_STREET_HELP (//) Your street and number ; MSG_REG_CITY (//) _City ; MSG_REG_CITY_HELP (//) Name and ZIP code of your city ; MSG_REG_COUNTRY (//) C_ountry ; MSG_REG_COUNTRY_HELP (//) Country you live in ; MSG_REG_EMAIL (//) _eMail ; MSG_REG_EMAIL_HELP (//) eMail address, if you have one ; MSG_REG_COMMENT (//) Co_mment ; MSG_REG_COMMENT_HELP (//) If you want to tell me\n\ something else... ; MSG_REG_DELIVERY (//) _Delivery ; MSG_REG_DELIVERY_HELP (//) Get your keyfile on a disc in\n\ a letter - or as file by email ; MSG_REG_DELIVERY_MAIL (//) Postal mail ; MSG_REG_DELIVERY_EMAIL (//) eMail ; MSG_REG_PAYMENT (//) _Payment ; MSG_REG_PAYMENT_HELP (//) You can pay with cash in your letter.\n\ If you live in Germany you may also use\n\ EuroCheque or bank draft ('German: Ueberweisung') ; MSG_REG_PAYMENT_CASH (//) Cash ; MSG_REG_PAYMENT_EC (//) EuroCheque (FRG only) ; MSG_REG_PAYMENT_BANK (//) Bank draft (FRG only) ; MSG_REG_CURRENCY (//) C_urrency ; MSG_REG_CURRENCY_HELP (//) The money you want to pay with ; MSG_REG_CURRENCY_US (//) US Dollar (US$) ; MSG_REG_CURRENCY_DM (//) Deutsche Mark (DEM) ; MSG_REG_PRICE (//) Price ; MSG_REG_PRICE_HELP (//) The price for mathX ; MSG_REG_PRINT (//) _Print ; MSG_REG_PRINT_HELP (//) Print registration form ; MSG_REG_SAVE (//) _Save ASCII... ; MSG_REG_SAVE_HELP (//) Save registration form as ASCII text ; MSG_REG_HELP (//) _Help... ; MSG_REG_HELP_HELP (//) Show documentation ; MSG_REG_INFO (//) Please complete the gadgets\n\ below and send the registration\n\ form to me by mail or email. ; MSG_REG_FORM_HEAD (//) To: Kai Nickel eMail:\n\ Herzogstrasse 29 un7x@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de\n\ 67435 Neustadt\n\ Germany\n\ \n\ --------------------------------------------------\n\ \n\ \n\ I would like to register for the shareware-program\n\ mathX. With the registration I will receive a\n\ personal keyfile that allows me to use mathX and\n\ future updates (if there will be any) permanently.\n\ I know that I am not allowed to give the keyfile\n\ to a third person.\n\ \n\ ; MSG_REG_FORM_NAME (//) Name....: ; MSG_REG_FORM_STREET (//) \n\ Street..: ; MSG_REG_FORM_CITY (//) \n\ City....: ; MSG_REG_FORM_COUNTRY (//) \n\ Country.: ; MSG_REG_FORM_EMAIL (//) \n\ eMail...: ; MSG_REG_FORM_COMMENT (//) \n\ Comment.: ; MSG_REG_FORM_PRICE (//) \n\ Price...: ; MSG_REG_FORM_DELMAIL (//) \n\ \n\ Delivery: I want to get a letter containing the\n\ disc with the keyfile and the latest\n\ version of mathX.\n\ ; MSG_REG_FORM_DELEMAIL (//) \n\ \n\ Delivery: I want the keyfile to be sent to my\n\ eMail address.\n\ ; MSG_REG_FORM_PAYCASH (//) \n\ \n\ Payment.: The registration fee is included to\n\ this letter in cash.\n\ ; MSG_REG_FORM_PAYEC (//) \n\ \n\ Payment.: The registration fee is included to\n\ this letter as EuroCheque.\n\ ; MSG_REG_FORM_PAYBANK (//) \n\ \n\ Payment.: I payed the registration fee via bank\n\ draft to:\n\ \n\ Name: Kai Nickel\n\ Konto#: 613 045 BLZ: 546 621 60\n\ Bank: Raiffeisenbank Mittelhaardt\n\ ; MSG_REG_FORM_FOOT (//) \n\ \n\ --------------------------------------------------\n\ Generated by mathX ; MSG_REG_FORM_HELP (//) This is the registration form\n\ just like it will be printed or\n\ saved. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; END OF CATALOG DESCRIPTION