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- FBlit 2.4
- ---------
- 'FBlit' is © Stephen Brookes 1997-98
- Blah
- ----
- This software is experimental, incomplete and fundamentaly dangerous, so
- don't use it! I will take no responsibility for any undesirable effects
- resulting from the use of any software or information in this archive.
- Distribution
- ------------
- 'FBlit' is freely distributable.
- Required
- --------
- 020+ CPU, the faster the better.
- Fast RAM
- V39+
- The GUI requires MUI, but the GUI itself is not essential. Indeed, you are
- advised not to go anywhere near it!
- Installation
- ------------
- Put 'FBlit' and 'FBlitGUI' in 'C:'
- If you were using a pre v2.38 version of FBlit. Delete 'envarc:fblit.cfg'
- and reset after installing this one, otherwise you will not get the current
- task promotion list.
- Usage
- -----
- Type 'run >nil: fblit', or launch from the workbench.
- For a permanent installation. Add the line 'run >nil: c:fblit' to your
- 's:startup-sequence' soon after 'env:' and 'envarc:' have been set up.
- See separate doc for GUI usage, or better still, don't touch it. If you
- ever see the GUI, pressing 'cancel' is probably the best plan of action.
- What's That?
- ------------
- If you skipped the 'Blah' section, go and read it now!
- In case you still can't be bothered. This software is not complete. It is
- experimental and has only been released at this time due to pressure from
- people for whom it has worked, and the possibility that I may have had
- enough of developing it for now.
- FBlit patches some OS functions that normally use the blitter, such that
- they now use the CPU and consequently may function outside chip mem.
- The patched functions are also faster and will suffer less from colour
- flicker on non-interleaved data.
- In addition, FBlit allows non-displayable bitmaps to be allocated in fast
- mem for named tasks.
- The current version of FBlit with default config will do the following.
- - Minor OS rendering speed up.
- - Reduction in colour flicker.
- - Allow NewIcons to be stable in RTG mode on a standard Amiga (if you can
- live with corrupt icons while dragging them, or are running DopusMag)
- - Forces the following programmes to use fast ram for some graphics data.
- Voyager 288
- IBrowse
- AWeb
- IPrefs (workbench/window backdrops)
- Note that FBlit must be run early in the startup sequence if default
- wbpatterns are to be promoted, and similarly if NewIcons is to be launched
- in its RTG mode.
- Trouble And Strife
- ------------------
- FBlit appears to function perfectly on the majority of systems, but it can
- never be 100% compatible. There is much scope for other software to cause
- problems and some certainly does.
- Unfortunately, none has been identified at this time. If FBlit causes
- corrupt graphics on your system you will have to either forget about FBlit,
- or find the software causing the problems and then decide which is more
- important to you.
- Other software that patches the same functions as FBlit may also cause
- trouble. MCX, MCP, CPUBlit etc... though I run MCP here without problems.
- Short Tech Bit
- --------------
- FBltBitMap is fully functional and the most complete/tested patch.
- FBltClear is also fully functional, but probably pretty pointless.
- FBltTemplate only intercepts and discards operations in Fast RAM.
- FBltPattern will only work in Fast RAM with JAM2 and no mask/area pattern.
- FBitMapScale is fully functional, but a very early version.
- FAllocMem and FAllocBitMap are of no interest.
- The fact that 'BltBitMap' is patched also effects a large number of other
- OS functions. I don't know exactly how much of the OS can now operate in
- Fast RAM, 'DrawGList' (BOBs etc.) probably won't, 'BltTemplate' (text) and
- 'BltPattern' certainly won't. 'BltBitMapRastPort', 'ClipBlit',
- 'BltMaskBitMapRastPort' and 'DrawImage' are useful ones that will. Super
- bitmap stuff also appears to work.
- 'FBLITPLANES' is a special default task name recognized by FBlit. If FBlit
- is running, and your task has that name during a call to 'allocbitmap' (for
- a non-displayable bitmap), you will get a bitmap with all planes in fast
- ram, or nothing. Of course, if FBlit isn't running, or is set up in certain
- ways, you will get a perfectly normal 'allocbitmap' call.
- FBlit also maintains a public message port 'FBlit', but since this version
- can be set up such that it does not process data in fast mem it is not
- advisable to take the presense of the port as a licence to keep all your
- intuition images etc. in fast ram. Have an RTG switch instead.
- More techy nonsense is in the GUI doc...
- Past
- ----
- There has been loads of that, and I'm not going into it here.
- Future
- ------
- Functional patches for 'blttemplate' and 'bltpattern' may make FBlit
- considerably more usefull, but I'm not sure I can be bothered.
- Built With Amiga?
- -----------------
- Development machine is...
- A1200 040/40 V40 etc.
- Please Crash My Computer
- ------------------------
- Thanks to some people who like corrupt displays so much, they tried this
- software...
- Evan Tuer et@enterprise.net
- http://homepages.enterprise.net/et
- (Endless Testing and icon)
- Gary Colville gary@empire.u-net.com
- 2:250/366.12
- http://www.personal.u-net.com/~empire
- (Testing)
- James L Boyd jamesboyd@velvety.demon.co.uk
- (More testing)
- Colin Wenzel colstv@pronet.net.au
- http://www.pronet.net.au/~colstv
- (Yet more testing)
- Contact
- -------
- Stephen Brookes 2:258/4.15
- sbrookes@tpec.u-net.com