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- WBTunnel 0.4a
- -------------
- The entire contents of this archive remain © Stephen Brookes 1997, but may
- be freely distributed.
- Hmmm
- ----
- You use this software at your own risk, I will accept no responsibility for
- any undesirable effects resulting from the use of any software or
- information in this archive. If you don't accept this, don't use the
- software.
- Requirements
- ------------
- To run this you will need at least an 020+ processor and probably V39.
- Developement machine is 040 and V39, no other has been tested!
- Usage
- -----
- Double click the lovely blitzy icon. You can play with the window, change
- from RTG/Chip mode, get a palette allocation (slighty random and not good
- on shallow screens) and you can quit. Funky stuff.
- New in 0.3a, you can also turn on/off the random shape changes with the
- menus morph option, and attract the tunnel to your mouse in the window
- (while selected).
- OverView
- --------
- This is just some pointless code to test out the feasability of running
- stuff in a window, in a fashion that might work on RTG systems.
- There is no double buffering. Even when running at high speed in RTG mode
- you will see some glitches/artifacts caused by the usual things (crossing
- the live raster, being interupted by... ummm... well, interrupts).
- ICBA doing a backdrop for it, or making it allways render to the window
- edge (it's only 32bit aligned) so it's not even very pretty to look at.
- RTG mode will NOT work on a standard amiga! It may even be dangerous,
- though I doubt it. If you want to try RTG mode on standard mig, you must
- install 'FBlit', or other hack that allows intuition images to be rendered
- from fast RAM. Without 'FBlit' you will also get unbearable colour flicker!
- Note that there may be little difference between Chip and RTG mode on
- shallow screens, and with small windows.
- This also uses 'PRend24'. Anyone else looking at using that code should
- see also the bug report in this archive!
- Strewth! That's slow.
- ---------------------
- Excuses to be dog slow.
- - the code that generates the scene is crummy, slow Basic.
- - the scene often contains over 200 surfaces.
- - the scene is allways rendered in 256 colours.
- - my CPU is faster than yours.
- - big window. 320*256 is equivalent to full screen low-res 256 colour
- rendering before you even start the image->screen render.
- - PRend is a 32bit renderer, images are 16bit structures.
- - Chip mode will be real slow on anything but the most modest screen mode.
- - No partial updates are done.
- Note that the scene->image render is not effected much by running in RTG
- mode (unless you have really fast CPU) due to the way PRend works. Only the
- image->screen render time is really effected in this code.
- Speed is just about bearable on 704*564*6bit DblPal with 320*256 window and
- fblit installed (RTG mode) on here.
- Speed is limited by only one 'vwait' call per loop (see end of doc for
- update on this), so it may steal most of your cycles, but task priority is
- at -10 so it shouldn't be too bad. More important, multi-tasking is
- suspended during the actual 'DrawImage' call and in extreme cases this can
- take seconds! (eg. 800*600 window on 8bit screen in Chip mode)
- Bugs
- ----
- None known, but given the state of some of the scene generation code in
- here... ;)
- Future
- ------
- No point, no future.
- Past
- ----
- v0.1a
- -----
- Initial release.
- v0.2a
- -----
- Internal
- v0.3a
- -----
- - scene generation code rebuilt with several preset tunnel shapes, instead
- of badly generated on-the-fly circle.
- - occasional random shape change added. ('morph' option in the menu)
- - tunnel now chases the mouse arround in the window, if window is
- currently selected.
- - speed is now limited (hopefully) to 50/3 frames per second (maybe 60/3 if
- that's your mains frequency).
- - point projection routine converted to asm.
- - virtual screen is now square (meaning shapes will appear slightly
- squashed in your average rectangular window)
- - grid resolution increased to 13*12 (264 surfaces)
- - the new, angular, shapes introduce a minor 'artifact' that I am NOT going
- to deal with. You may notice, at sharp edges, some punch-through from
- surfaces that should be hidden.
- - altered green palette to make it a little less horrible.
- v0.4a
- -----
- This is identical to the 0.3a release, except 'FBlit' has been removed from
- the archive.
- Send feedback to...
- Stephen Brookes (2:258/4.15) (*** NOTE *** 2:259/2.15 is no longer valid,
- but may still appear elsewhere in this archive!)
- sbrookes@tpec.u-net.com