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- Short: HTDS html.datatype 40.8 for HTML documents
- Author: ruppert@amigaworld.com (Stefan Ruppert)
- Uploader: ruppert@amigaworld.com (Stefan Ruppert)
- Type: util/dtype
- Version: 40.8
- Distribution: NoCD
- ***************************************************************************
- * *
- * html.datatype 40.8 *
- * *
- * Written by Stefan Ruppert *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************
- The html.datatype is used for displaying HTML documents using the
- hypertext.datatype base class. It supports currently not all HTML 3.2
- tags. The main missing tags are for tables and forms. For all
- supported tags and tag attributes see the included HyperGuide
- documentation. With this html.datatype and from version 40.20 of the
- hypertext.datatype it is possible to use HTML documents for online
- help using the amigaguide.library.
- This software is Shareware. See documentation for copyright notice and
- Shareware fee.
- It's strictly forbidden to include this archive in any kind of software
- collection except Fred Fish's AmigaLibrary, Aminet FileServer , Meeting
- Pearls CD's and BBS Fileareas or by a explicit permission from me !
- This software is provided "as is". No representations or warranties are
- made with respect to the accuracy, reliability, performance, currentness,
- or operation of this software, and all use is at your own risk !
- If you have any suggestion or comments please contact me :
- Stefan Ruppert
- Windthorststraße 5
- 65439 Flörsheim am Main
- EMail:
- ruppert@amigaworld.com
- ruppert@goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de
- ruppert@informatik.fh-wiesbaden.de
- WWW:
- http://home.pages.de/~Ruppert/
- http://www.amigaworld.com/support/htds/
- Changes since last release :
- html.datatype 40.8 (8.12.97) :
- - fixed IMG align bug, which caused all following texts to be aligned
- like the image
- html.datatype 40.7 (1.12.97) :
- - paragraph alignment wasn't reset by other block elements,
- which uses alignments
- - fixed </DIV> alignment bug, which didn't set correctly the old
- alignment
- html.datatype 40.6 (21.11.97) :
- - changed to new classbase.(c|h) sources (ClassLib)
- - fixed Enforcer hit within META tag, if NAME wasn't specified
- - added COLORS LINK preference option
- - fixed various parser bugs