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Amiga HyperGuide | 1998-01-26 | 15.0 KB | 447 lines |
- @hyperguide SR.hguide
- @$VER: SR.hguide 40.12 (26.01.98)
- @macro m_prg "Information about Stefan Ruppert "
- @macro m_title "@{titlefont}@{b}@{m_prg}@{ub}@{line}@{line}@{deffont}"
- @macro m_sec "@{pari -3}@{lindent 6}@{par}@{sectfont}@{b}$1@{ub}@{deffont}@{pari 0}@{line}"
- @macro m_endsec "@{line}@{pard}"
- @macro m_bold "@{b}$1@{ub}"
- @macro m_sub "@{fg highlight}$1@{fg text}"
- @macro m_address "Stefan Ruppert@{line}Windthorststraße 5@{line}65439 Flörsheim am Main@{line}GERMANY "
- @macro listbullet "· "
- @listindent 6
- @smartwrap
- @include internet.hgm
- @depth 4
- @node main "Stefan Ruppert"
- @{jcenter}@{m_title}@{jleft}
- @{m_sec Menu}
- @{" About myself " link Info}@{line}
- @{" Addresses " link Addresses}@{line}
- @{" Likes " link Likes}@{line}
- @{" Dislikes " link Dislikes}@{line}
- @{" Politics " link Politics}@{line}
- @{" Music " link Music}@{line}
- @{" Internet " link Internet}@{line}
- @{" Aminet " link Aminet}@{line}
- @{" Computer stuff " link ComputerStuff}@{line}
- @{" Computer experience " link ComputerExperience}@{line}
- @{" Released Software " link Software}@{line}
- @{m_endsec}
- @endnode
- @node Info "Information about me"
- @{m_sec "Information about me"}
- I saw the light of the world first in august 1969. Twenty years later I finished
- graduation and began in october 1989 my alternative service in hospital. After
- 15 month of this service I matriculate in september 1991 in Wiesbaden Germany for
- computer science. I have finished my study in june 1997.
- @{m_endsec}
- @{m_sec Memberships}
- @{object FIfF.png}@{line}
- Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftlische Veranwortung e.V.
- (@{http "FIfF" "http://hyperg.uni-paderborn.de/~FIfF/"})
- @{m_endsec}
- @{m_sec "See Also"}
- @{" Likes " link Likes}, @{" Dislikes " link Dislikes}, @{" Politics " link Politics},
- @{" Music " link Music}, @{" Computer experience " link ComputerExperience}
- @{m_endsec}
- @{m_sec "Now heres a picture of me"}
- @{object me.png}
- @{m_endsec}
- @endnode
- @node Addresses "How to contact me"
- @{m_sec Home}
- @{m_address}
- @{m_endsec}
- @{m_sec Internet}
- @{m_bold EMail:}
- @{itemize}
- @{item}@{mailto_addr ruppert@amigaworld.com}
- @{item}@{mailto_addr ruppert@goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de}
- @{enditemize}
- @{m_bold WWW:}
- @{itemize}
- @{item}My HomePage : @{http_addr "http://home.pages.de/~Ruppert/"}
- @{item}Amiga related : @{http_addr "http://home.pages.de/~Ruppert/amiga/"}
- @{item}HTDS : @{http_addr "http://www.amigaworld.com/support/htds/"}
- @{item}UniView : @{http_addr "http://www.amigaworld.com/support/uniview/"}
- @{enditemize}
- @{m_bold News:}
- @{itemize}
- @{item}comp.sys.amiga.programmer
- @{item}de.soc.umwelt
- @{enditemize}
- @{m_bold "Mailing lists:"}
- @{itemize}
- @{item}HTDS: htds\@thule.no
- @{item}DTA: dta\@amigaworld.com
- @{item}BOOPSI: boopsi\@thule.no
- @{enditemize}
- @{m_endsec}
- @{m_sec PGP-Key}
- @{code}
- Version: 2.6.i
- P0OTObIidsUee2440p0VdsulHam0K9O8WOJWlW2YGTMxmLhCFPCvEntXRluEpD56
- PSM4CEkgLGgdVuPN70ug9PJJz95OLBtVtgwMpyPNLfi5FssEqBMWO0qfSyAtAAUR
- tDNTdGVmYW4gUnVwcGVydCA8cnVwcGVydEBpbmZvcm1hdGlrLmZoLXdpZXNiYWRl
- bi5kZT60L1N0ZWZhbiBSdXBwZXJ0IDxydXBwZXJ0QGdvb2Z5Lnpkdi51bmktbWFp
- bnouZGU+tDpTdGVmYW4gUnVwcGVydCA8c3RlZmFuLnJ1cHBlcnRAaW5mb3JtYXRp
- ay5maC13aWVzYmFkZW4uZGU+
- =/QS4
- @{body}
- @{m_endsec}
- @endnode
- @node Likes "Things I like"
- @{m_sec "Likes"}
- @{itemize}
- I like to ...
- @{item}discuss about @{" politics " link Politics}, computer science
- and all other things you can imagine.
- @{item}eat.
- Breakfast: Selfmade cherry jam with toast or rye-bread and some cups of transfair coffee.
- Dinner or supper: Tzaziki with fresh paprika and tomatos. Real good italian salads.
- @{item}listen @{"music" link Music} : Hard Rock, the good old groups from the end of the sixties
- and the mid of the seventies like Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and so on.
- @{item}program the AmigaOS.
- @{item}go swimming, biking or playing badminton or tennis, if I'm not too lazy
- @{item}playing pool billard and snooker
- @{enditemize}
- @{m_endsec}
- @{m_sec "See Also"}
- @{"Dislikes ..." link Dislikes}
- @{m_endsec}
- @endnode
- @node Dislikes "Things I don't like"
- @{m_sec "Dislikes"}
- @{itemize}
- I don't like ...
- @{item}to get excited about whats going on in the world, but it happens
- nearly every day.
- @{item}alcohol
- @{item}Techno and the "Love Parade" in Berlin
- @{item}rainy days and sitting home looking out (the|into) window(%|s)
- @{item}driving cars. There are too many people out there, who wants to
- be killed on the streets
- @{enditemize}
- @{m_endsec}
- @{m_sec "See Also"}
- @{"Likes ..." link Likes}
- @{m_endsec}
- @endnode
- @node Politics "Politics"
- @{m_sec "Politics"}
- There are many subjects I'm interested in. Especially environment pollution,
- energy problem, undemocratic tendencies.@{line}
- For people in Germany :@{line}
- @{m_high "16 years Bundeskanzler Kohl is enough !"}@{line}
- And now its out : @{parset}He breaks his promise, that he doesn't stand for
- the election in 1998.
- So think about it and do the right job in 1998! Also see below, there are some
- statements from our @{m_bold Bundeskanzler}.
- @{itemize}
- @{item}The Atom-Lobby (current government) and the power industry :@{line}
- They are absolutly unnecessary ! In germany they have a monopol since the
- beginning of this century. And all of such companies aren't willing to develop
- and use of alternatively energie sources. And thats clear, because they earn
- billions of DM with a product that can be get nearly free : energy.
- @{line}@{line}
- Only a person (so @{" I " link Info}) can do is to @{"demonstrate" link demo} against use
- of atomic energy and install solar collectors and cells. So to get enough money
- for that please @{" register " link HTDS.hguide/Registration}.
- @{item}Some quotation from our Helmut:@{line}
- @{code}
- 1.1.91 : "Our important task is to reduce unemployment and to make new
- place of work!"
- about 2,4 million unemployed.
- 1.1.93 : "Our important task is to improve economic situation and to reduce
- unemployment"
- about 3,2 million unemployed
- 1.1.96 : "Our important task is to stop growing unemployment and to improve
- economic situation"
- about 4.0 million unemployed
- And now :
- 1.2.97 : about 4.7 million unemployed@{line}
- This isn't the real quotation, but its right in its contents.@{line}
- And now some making me laugh :/|) :@{line}
- H.K. to R.R. (I think)
- "You can say you to me"@{line}
- H.K. about the information highway :
- "highways are subject of the federal states"
- @{body}
- @{enditemize}
- @{m_endsec}
- @endnode
- @node demo "Demonstration"
- @{m_sec "Demonstration"}
- For people in germany(/europe ?) :@{line}
- If you have the same opinion about atomical energy and you want to demomstrate that,
- please email me. I will go to the next "Castor Demonstration" in Gorleben.
- For information about the last "Castor Demonstration", please read
- @{http_addr "http://home.pages.de/~Ruppert/castor-demo.html"}.@{line}
- My intention by demonstrating is to stop usage of atomical energy and not to
- stop one Castor transport. From my point of view this is the only way to get
- publicity.
- See also @{http_addr "http://www.oneworldweb.de/castor/main.html"}.
- @{m_endsec}
- @endnode
- @node Music "Favorit music"
- @{m_sec "Favorit music"}
- If anybody of you want to get rid of a CD of the following groups, just send it me.
- @{itemize}
- @{item}Led Zeppelin
- @{item}Deep Purple
- @{item}Jeff Healey Band
- @{item}Uriah Heep
- @{item}Supertramp
- @{item}Black Sabbath
- @{item}Thin Lizzy
- @{item}The Doors
- @{item}Queensrÿche
- @{item}Queen
- @{item}The Cross
- @{item}Rainbow
- @{item}Saga
- @{item}Flatsch
- @{item}Whitesnake
- @{item}Meat Loaf
- @{item}Gary Moore
- @{item}Black Crowes
- @{item}Jimi Hendrix
- @{item}Bad Company
- @{item}Lynyrd Skynyrd
- @{item}Marillion
- @{item}Rush
- @{item}and many, many more
- @{enditemize}
- @{separator}@{code}
- Is there anybody listing ?
- Is there anyone that sees what's going on ?
- Read between the lines
- critize the words they'ar selling
- think for your self and feel the walls
- Queensrÿche: Empire, "Anybody Listening ?"
- @{body}
- @{m_endsec}
- @endnode
- @node Internet "Internet activities"
- @{m_sec "Activities on Internet"}
- Mostly I use the Internet for email, usenet news, ftp and adt. Little bit fewer www
- and sporadically irc.@{line}
- At polytechnic Wiesbaden I installed a news server, did some adminstration work
- for ftp and www servers, worked in the distributed systems laboratory (see
- @{http_addr "http://wwwvs.informatik.fh-wiesbaden.de"}).
- @{line}@{line}
- Note:@{line}
- All usenet news user should get attention and take a look at
- @{http_addr "http://www.dejanews.com"}. Just enter your name in this
- search engine and you get all your articles from last 2 or 3 month.
- See section @{"Contact" link Addresses} for email and WWW addresses.
- @endnode
- @node Aminet "Aminet statement"
- @{m_sec "Aminet Statement"}
- The last few month there are discussions about Aminet policy, Aminet pricing,
- Aminet freebies and the number of sold Aminet CD's. Here is my opionion and
- my reaction :@{line}
- Aminet is the world largest archive of freely distributable programs. And
- therefore, I think, the administrators have to make public the number of
- sold CD's. All the authors of FD programs have the right to know, who and
- how much some people earn money with his product. I don't think the Aminet
- people shouldn't earn money for their work. But I think it has to be public,
- so that every author can make his own decision if it's ok for him or not.
- It seems to me, that the makers/administrators of Aminet are afraid of that.
- Earn they so much ? I don't know.@{line}
- Why do not want the most members of the German Federal Parliament to publish
- their complete income ? Just an analogy!@{line}
- If there are no authors of FD programs, there is no Aminet and no Aminet CD's.@{line}
- Because I use the Aminet ftpsites for the distribution of my programs, I decided to
- allow the distribution of all my Shareware programs (HTDS, XRef) on Aminet CD's.
- This should be my contribution for the administration of Aminet.
- For all my Freeware programs, I decided to disallow the distribution on Aminet CD's
- as long as there are no published informations about the number of sold Aminet CD's.
- Also I do not order any free CD until these informations are published!
- But recently I read the statement from Angela Schmidt that the Meeting-Pearls
- Freebies are distributated from Stefan Ossowski without any fee. And so the Aminet-CD
- Freebie fee is only a request from Urban Mueller, I think.
- Angela also estimate a five-digit income in DM for each Aminet-CD.
- So that isn't acceptable for me. With this income Urban should better support the
- Amiga developers, perhaps he should sponsor the Amiga-OS Replacement project for
- example.
- For all my projects a :
- @{code}
- Distribution: NoCD
- @{body}
- is obligatory unless a positiv reaction from Urban!
- @{line}@{separator}
- Aminet is a registered trademark of Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe GmbH.
- @{m_endsec}
- @endnode
- @node ComputerStuff "Computers I can call my own"
- @{m_sec "Computer equipment"}
- @{code}
- @{enumerate}
- @{item}@{m_sub A4000}
- 68040 at 25 MHz
- 16MB Fast-RAM, 2MB Chip-RAM
- A2091 with GuruROM
- Ariadne ethernet card
- Sony 17" monitor
- Quantum 50MB (AT-Bus)
- Quantum 850MB
- SyQuest 270MB
- Toshiba 4101 (CD-Rom)
- US-Robotics Sportster 28.8
- iomega Zip-drive
- @{item}@{m_sub A3000}
- 68030 at 25 MHz
- 12MB Fast-RAM, 2MB Chip-RAM
- 14" Monitor
- Quantum 100MB
- @{item}@{m_sub A500}
- 68000
- SCSI Quantum 100MB
- @{endenumerate}
- @{body}
- @{m_endsec}
- @endnode
- @node ComputerExperience "Computer experience"
- @{m_sec "Computer experience"}
- My first contact with computers was in 1982 or 1983, I don't know any more the
- exact date. This was the computer console for the Matel Intellivision game
- console with 2KB of RAM.@{line}
- The next step was in 1984, how could it be, to call a Commodore C64 my own.
- I programmed this little thing first in Basic and later in assembly language.
- After a half year of 'computerlessness' in 1987 I bought an Amiga 500 in october.
- First I started programming with AmigaBASIC (at this time I didn't know anything
- about a company called MacroHard), but this programming language was so terrible.
- So I changed to GFABasic directly after its release (still even now there are
- running some programs on my A500 under 1.2 in GFABasic, they are too big to
- rewrite). In spring 1992 I started learning C using DICE. Also at this time I
- had to learn (use) pascal in my study. In 1994 I get a C++ certification in a
- optional subject. In 1995 I visited the distributed systems subject at our college.
- So upto now, I worked in this area especially in instrumenting distributed
- applications, performance managment of distributed applications and instrumenting
- CORBA applications (orbix). Also I have done a little bit of X programming.
- @{line}
- Here is a short overview about my knowlegde :@{line}
- @{m_sub "Programming Languages"}
- @{itemize}
- @{item}C/C++
- @{item}Pascal
- @{item}a little bit (Emacs) Lisp
- @{item}68k Assembler
- @{item}a little bit x86 Assembler
- @{item}(A)Rexx
- @{item}Basic
- @{enditemize}
- @{m_sub "Operating Systems"}
- @{itemize}
- @{item}Amiga
- @{item}Unix (NetBSD, Linux, HP-UX, SunOS 4.x/5.x, Ultrix)
- @{item}Macintosh
- @{enditemize}
- @{m_sub "Themes"}
- @{itemize}
- @{item}Amiga programming
- @{item}CORBA (orbix) programming
- @{item}OODB (poet) programming
- @{item}Unix programming
- @{item}socket programming
- @{enditemize}
- @{m_endsec}
- @endnode
- @node Software "Released Software"
- @{code}
- @{m_sec "Amiga Software I have done so far"}
- @{settabs 40} Aminet@{tab}Short description@{separator}
- @{m_sub "Datatypes"}
- @{aminet_addr util/dtype/MultiPrint.lha }@{tab}print a file via datatypes
- @{aminet_addr util/dtype/binarydt_39.11.lha}@{tab}show any binary file as hex dump
- @{aminet_addr util/dtype/cdt_39.15.lha }@{tab}highlight C/C++ source code
- @{aminet_addr util/dtype/cli_dtc.lha }@{tab}display stdout of a programm used for a file
- @{aminet_addr util/dtype/mandt_v39.4.lha }@{tab}display ASCII unix man pages
- @{aminet_addr util/dtype/textdtptch39_3.lha}@{tab}add search function to text.datatype
- @{m_sub "HTDS"}
- @{aminet_addr util/dtype/hypertext_dtc.lha }@{tab}hypertext.datatype baseclass
- @{aminet_addr util/dtype/hguide_hdtc.lha }@{tab}hyperguide.datatype subclass
- @{aminet_addr util/dtype/html_hdtc.lha }@{tab}html.datatype subclass
- @{aminet_addr util/dtype/ascii_hdtc.lha }@{tab}htdsascii.datatype subclass
- @{m_sub Development}
- @{aminet_addr dev/c/c2man-2.0pl33.lha }@{tab}unix port generates man pages/html out of c source
- @{aminet_addr dev/misc/makedoc_v1.1.lha }@{tab}extracts autodocs out of c source
- @{aminet_addr dev/misc/extrdargs_v1.5.lha}@{tab}extended ReadArgs(), handles WB startup
- @{aminet_addr dev/misc/XRefGED20API.lha }@{tab}GoldED API client for xref_v1.1.lha
- @{aminet_addr dev/misc/xref_v1.1.lha }@{tab}Cross-Reference-System using AmigaGuide
- @{m_sub Utilities}
- @{aminet_addr util/text/PED-PhrCmp.lha }@{tab}phrase completion for ProgEd:
- @{m_sub Handlers}
- @{aminet_addr util/cli/StdIOHandler12.lha}@{tab}standard IO handler
- @{aminet_addr disk/misc/root-handler.lha }@{tab}lists all assigns/volumes
- @{cleartabs}
- @{m_endsec}
- @{m_sec "Unix Software"}
- @{point} @{http "VISCO" "http://wwwvs.informatik.fh-wiesbaden.de/"} - VISualizing Corba Objects
- @{m_endsec}
- @{body}
- @endnode