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Text File | 1998-02-11 | 81.7 KB | 2,439 lines |
- hypertext.datatype/--arexx--
- hypertext.datatype/--datasheet--
- hypertext.datatype/AllocConvInfoA
- hypertext.datatype/AllocSegInfoA
- hypertext.datatype/AllocSegmentA
- hypertext.datatype/ConvertAttributes
- hypertext.datatype/FreeConvInfo
- hypertext.datatype/FreeSegInfo
- hypertext.datatype/FreeSegment
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_CLEARSELECTED
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_COPY
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_FRAMEBOX
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_GOTO
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_PRINT
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_SELECT
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_TRIGGER
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_WRITE
- hypertext.datatype/GM_GOACTIVE
- hypertext.datatype/GM_HANDLEINPUT
- hypertext.datatype/GM_LAYOUT
- hypertext.datatype/GM_RENDER
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_ALLOCVEC
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_ATTEMPT
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_CONVATTRIB
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_EXPORT
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_FREEVEC
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_GETFONT
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_GUISEARCH
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_HTPROC
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_LAYOUT
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_LOADNODES
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_OBTAIN
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_OBTAINPEN
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_RELEASE
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_RENDER
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_SAVENODES
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_SEARCH
- hypertext.datatype/OM_DISPOSE
- hypertext.datatype/OM_GET
- hypertext.datatype/OM_NEW
- hypertext.datatype/OM_NOTIFY
- hypertext.datatype/OM_SET
- hypertext.datatype/OM_UPDATE
- hypertext.datatype/--arexx-- hypertext.datatype/--arexx--
- arexx interface -- hypertext.datatype ARexx commands
- The hypertext.datatype provides a own ARexx port for each object.
- It's name is the port name passed via DTA_ARexxPortName plus a
- suffix of '.1' or if this port exists '.2' and so on.
- For example if you start MultiView with a hypertext object, MultiView
- passes "MULTIVIEW.1" for DTA_ARexxPortName to the hypertext object.
- The hypertext object tries to open a port named "MULTIVIEW.1.1".
- See a detailed list and description in the hypertext.hguide document.
- hypertext.hguide
- hypertext.datatype/--datasheet-- hypertext.datatype/--datasheet--
- hypertext.datatype -- hypertext base class datatype
- datatypesclass
- The hypertext datatype class implements all methods for layout,
- rendering and printing of hypertext and text objects. It supports
- searching within documents and embedding of other datatype objects.
- The following list gives an overview about the features of the
- hypertext datatype class :
- o embedding of other DataTypes objects (DTM_DRAW).
- the hypertext.datatype supports embedding of other datatypes using
- the DTM_DRAW method to render such objects. It's also possible to
- use a object multiple times in one document.
- o multiple fonts
- it supports more than one font in one document. Limit is only set
- by the available fonts and memory.
- o links to other DataTypes objects.
- o links to programs and ARexx-scripts
- o line separator like HTML <hr>
- o justification left,center,right
- o asyncron rendering (not in input task)
- o own ARexx port (See --arexx--)
- o a defined API
- see datatypes/hypertextclass.h and the following function
- description.
- o example HyperText subclass htdemo
- a full subclass implementation with source code is available to
- demonstrate the usage of the hypertext.datatype API.
- OM_NEW -- Create a new hypertext object.
- OM_GET -- Obtain the value of an attribute.
- OM_SET -- Set the values of multiple attributes.
- OM_UPDATE -- Updates the values of multiple attributes.
- OM_DISPOSE -- Dispose of a hypertext object and all of it's
- resources.
- OM_NOTIFY -- Snoops the notification of some attributes.
- GM_LAYOUT -- Layout the object and notify the application of the
- title and size.
- GM_GOACTIVE -- Tell the object to go active.
- GM_HANDLEINPUT -- Handle input.
- GM_RENDER -- Cause the object to render. This is done asyncron, so
- input task sends only messages to the hypertext support process.
- This method overwrites the superclass GM_RENDER method.
- DTM_GOTO -- Cause the object to load a other object or document.
- DTM_TRIGGER -- Trigger an event. Following are currently supported :
- STM_PREV_FIELD -- Select previous field/link.
- STM_NEXT_FIELD -- Select next field/link.
- STM_ACTIVATE_FIELD -- Activate actual selected field/link. And
- execute the appropriate command. Like running a program,
- start a ARexx-script or load a new object.
- STM_RETRACE -- Retrace to last visited node.
- STM_CONTENTS -- Show contents node.
- STM_INDEX -- Show index node.
- STM_BROWSE_PREV -- Go to the logical previous node.
- STM_BROWSE_NEXT -- Go to the logical next node.
- DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT -- Used to clear internal cached variables. Then
- directly passed to superclass.
- DTM_COPY -- Copies the current object or selected area to clipboard.
- DTM_FRAMEBOX -- Informs the application, which environment the object
- needs.
- DTM_WRITE -- Writes the contents of the current object to a file.
- DTM_PRINT -- Prints the current object.
- DTM_SELECT -- Selects a area of the current object.
- DTM_CLEARSELECTED -- Clears the selected area.
- HTDTM_LAYOUT -- Layout the hypertext segments. Caclulate
- justifications and other dynamical layout parameters.
- HTDTM_GETFONT -- Tries to open a specified font. The hypertext
- datatype handles all resource tracking, so that you can call this
- method much often without remembering the opened font.
- HTDTM_OBTAINPEN -- Tries to allocate a shared pen. The hypertext
- datatype handles all resource tracking.
- HTDTM_OBTAIN -- Obtain the hypertext object semaphore.
- HTDTM_RELEASE -- Release the hypertext object semaphore.
- HTDTM_ATTEMPT -- Attempt to obtain the hypertext object semaphore.
- HTDTM_ALLOCVEC -- Allocate a memory from the hypertext objects memory
- pool. Similar to AllocVec().
- HTDTM_FREEVEC -- Free memory allocatec by HTDTM_ALLOCVEC.
- HTDTM_HTPROC -- Check if the current method is invoked on the separate
- hypertext object process. Note: If you overwrite some methods like
- DTM_GOTO, you have to check first if you are in that special
- process context, and if not you have to pass this method directly
- to superclass, so that this can signal the hypertext object
- process to do this method on its context. This strategy is needed
- to avoid problems with input task based method invocations.
- HTDTM_RENDER -- Render the hypertext object on its separate process.
- HTDTM_LOADNODES -- Tries to load all node informations from a
- database to avoid scanning the whole file.
- HTDTM_SAVENODES -- Save all node information to a database. Currently
- the node information is only saved in the documents icon.
- HTDTM_SEARCH -- Searchs for occurence of the given pattern or string.
- NOTE: Only available in the registered version.
- HTDTM_GUISEARCH -- Opens the search requester on a separate process
- and waits for input from the user.
- NOTE: Only available in the registered version.
- HTDTM_EXPORT -- exports the current document to a specific format.
- NOTE: Only available in the registered version.
- HTDTM_CONVATTRIB -- used to convert additional HyperGuide style
- attributes during ConvertAttributes() call.
- DTA_Domain (struct IBox *) -- objects domain box. This is overwritten,
- if a control panel is used.
- Applicability is (G).
- DTA_TextFont (struct TextFont *) -- Text font to use for normal texts,
- not explicitly specified using the HTDTSA_TextFont text segment
- Tag.
- Defaults to the system standard font.
- Applicability is (G).
- DTA_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) -- Text attribute structure to use
- for normal texts. This corresponds to the DTA_TextFont attribute.
- Defaults to a system standard font TextAttr.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- DTA_Title (STRPTR) -- Title of the hypertext object, which is normally
- displayed in the windows title bar. The string is copied, so that
- after the set method returns you can free its resources.
- Defaults to NULL.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- DTA_NodeName (STRPTR) -- Name of node of this hypertext object.
- The set method copies the string.
- Defaults to "main".
- Applicability is (ISG).
- DTA_Methods (ULONG *) -- ~0 terminated MethodID list of supported
- methods.
- Applicability is (G).
- DTA_ControlPanel (BOOL) -- Indicates, if the hypertext datatype should
- (TRUE) create a control panel for the created object or not
- (FALSE).
- Defaults to TRUE.
- Applicability is (IG).
- AGA_Secure (BOOL) -- Indicates, if its permitted (FALSE) to start
- external programms or not (TRUE).
- NOTE: Only supported for compatibility with amigaguide.datatype.
- Please use HTDTA_Secure instead.
- Defaults to FALSE.
- Applicability is (ISG)
- HTDTA_Secure (BOOL) -- Indicates, if its permitted (FALSE) to start
- external programms or not (TRUE).
- Defaults to FALSE.
- Applicability is (ISG)
- HTDTA_HyperText (BOOL) -- Indicates, if the object is a hypertext
- object.
- Defaults to TRUE.
- Applicability is (G).
- HTDTA_SegmentList (struct List *) -- List of linked segments of the
- current object.
- Applicability is (G).
- HTDTA_WordDelim (STRPTR) -- String, which describes the delimiter
- characters to use for separating words. The string is not
- copied.
- Defaults to " \t\n".
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_Buffer (UBYTE *) -- Pointer to the raw hypertext data buffer, if
- any is available. Subclasses which uses IFF files don't provide
- this buffer. See catalog.datatype for example.
- For ascii and binary files the entire file is loaded into this
- buffer.
- Applicability is (IG).
- HTDTA_BufferLen (ULONG) -- Length of raw hypertext data buffer.
- Defaults to length of the HTDS_Buffer.
- Applicability is (IG).
- HTDTA_LoadBuffer (BOOL) -- Indicates, if the hypertext base class
- should load (TRUE) the entire ascii or binary file into a
- buffer and provide it for the subclass via HTDA_Buffer and
- HTDA_BufferLen.
- Defaults to TRUE.
- Applicability is (G).
- HTDTA_Pool (APTR) -- Memory pool of the current hypertext object.
- Applicability is (G).
- HTDTA_EmbeddedList (struct List *) -- List of all embedded objects.
- This list can only be walked trough with intuition's NextObject()
- function.
- Applicability is (G).
- HTDTA_UnderlineLink (BOOL) -- Indicates, if links should be shown as
- buttons (FALSE) like AmigaGuide links or should be underlined
- (TRUE) like most Web browsers do.
- Defaults to FALSE.
- Applicability is (IG).
- HTDTA_Spacing (UWORD) -- Number of pixel between two lines. This value
- is used in HTDTM_LAYOUT method. Thus if you change the value you
- have to invoke DTM_PROCLAYOUT to reflect the change in the output.
- Defaults to 1.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_Contents (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the contents object of
- the current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- Defaults to global contents as specified in the prefs file or NULL
- is no global contents is specified.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_Index (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the index object of the
- current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- Defaults to NULL.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_Help (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the help object of the
- current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- Defaults to "HELP:<language>/HTDS_Help.hguide"
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_Previous (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the previous object of
- the current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- Defaults to NULL.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_Next (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the next object of the
- current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- Defaults to NULL.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_TabWidth (LONG) -- number of space characters to use for a
- tabulator character.
- Defaults to 8.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_Background (STRPTR) -- file name of a picture to use for
- the background.
- Defaults to value specified in the prefs (DEFBGPIC) file or
- NULL if nothing was specified.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_BackgroundPen (LONG) -- pen number to use for background
- color.
- Defaults to value specified in the prefs (DEFBGPEN) file or
- 0 if nothing was specified.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_ForegroundPen (LONG) -- pen number to use for foreground
- color. This is normaly all standard texts.
- Defaults to value specified in the prefs (DEFFGPEN) file or
- 1 if nothing was specified.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_AltForegroundPen (LONG) -- pen number to use for foreground
- color, if background and foreground color are the same.
- Defaults to value specified in the prefs (DEFALTFGPEN) file or
- 3 if nothing was specified.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_ObjectDir (BPTR) -- used to get a shared lock on the directory
- of the object. It handles all different datatypes source types
- like IFF, misc or files. The returned lock must be free'd after
- you have finished your job with UnLock().
- Applicability is (G).
- HTDTA_Depth (LONG) -- recommended color depth for the hypertext
- object. This is used by applications to open a appropriate
- custom screen with at least this depth.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_FileHandle (BPTR) -- file handle from Open() of the hypertext
- object. This is used for obtaining file informations from
- DTST_RAM objects, which are part of an normal file. For example
- the hypertext.datatype creates for each internal node a DTST_RAM
- object with HTDTA_Buffer and HTDTA_BufferLen set.
- NOTE: This attribute should be overwritten from SubClass
- implementors.
- Default is NULL.
- Applicability is (G).
- HTDTA_ARexxCommand (STRPTR) -- used to send an arexx command to the
- hypertext object.
- Applicability is (NU).
- HTDTA_NodeList (struct List *) -- used by the hypertext.datatype to
- obtain the list of internal nodes from the subclass.
- NOTE: This attribute should be overwritten from SubClass
- implementors.
- Defaults to NULL.
- Applicability is (G).
- HTDTA_ShowLink (BOOL) -- indicates, if a link should be shown in as
- DTA_Title when its activated via key or mouse actions.
- Defaults to value specified in the prefs (SHOWLINK) file or
- FALSE if nothing was specified.
- Applicability is (ISGN).
- HTDTA_SeparatorIsFF (BOOL) -- indicates, if a separator should be
- treated as a form feed within printing and AscII export.
- Defaults to FALSE.
- Applicability is (ISG).
- HTDTA_NodeIndexing (BOOL) -- indicates, if internal nodes should be
- saved in a database.
- NOTE: This attribute should be overwritten from SubClass
- implementors.
- Defaults to FALSE.
- Applicability is (G).
- HTDTA_PathList (struct List *) -- list of pathes to search of objects
- to go to. This list is object dependend and therefore relative
- pathes are relative to the objects directory.
- NOTE: This attribute should be overwritten from SubClass
- implementors.
- Defaults to NULL.
- Applicability is (G).
- HTDS.hguide
- hypertext.datatype/AllocConvInfoA hypertext.datatype/AllocConvInfoA
- AllocConvInfoA -- allocate ConvertAttributes() info structure
- AllocConvInfo -- varargs stub for AllocConvInfoA()
- convinfo = AllocConvInfoA(segInfo,segTagList,tagList);
- D0 A0 A1 A2
- struct HTConvInfo *AllocConvInfoA(struct HTSegInfo *,
- struct TagItem *,struct TagItem *);
- convinfo = AllocConvInfo(segInfo,segTagList,tag1,...);
- struct HTConvInfo *AllocConvInfo(struct HTSegInfo *,
- struct TagItem *,Tag ,...);
- This function allocates a structure for use with ConvertAttributes().
- It scans the given TagItem array segTagList and setup the appropriate
- pointers to convert the specified hypertext format to the given
- segment TagItem array.
- HTDTCIA_Format -- (STRPTR) format to use for conversion. This may be
- any hypertext format such as "hyperguide", "html" or "texinfo".
- Currently only "hyperguide" is supported.
- Defaults to "hyperguide".
- HTDTCIA_UserData -- (APTR) this data field is passed to the
- HTDTM_CONVATTRIB method in the UserData field of this message.
- segInfo -- (struct HTSegInfo *) info structure from AllocSegInfoA()
- segTagList -- (struct TagItem *) tag list to use for AllocSegment()
- tagList -- (struct TagItem *) tag list for this function.
- convinfo -- (struct HTConvInfo *) pointer to a ConvertInfo structure
- or NULL for failure.
- FreeConvInfo(), AllocSegInfoA(), ConvertAttributes()
- hypertext.datatype/AllocSegInfoA hypertext.datatype/AllocSegInfoA
- AllocSegInfoA -- allocates a segment info structure
- AllocSegInfo -- varargs stub for AllocSegInfoA()
- seginfo = AllocSegInfoA(tagList);
- D0 A0
- APTR AllocSegInfoA(struct TagItem *);
- seginfo = AllocSegInfo(tag1,...);
- APTR AllocSegInfo(Tag , ...);
- This function allocates a info structure to use for the
- AllocSegmentA() function. It stores informaions that this function
- need to know. And also it uses private fields for tempory storage
- between to calls to AllocSegmentA().
- HTDTSIA_Pool -- (APTR) pool header for use with AllocPooled().
- This Tag is Required !
- HTDTSIA_Object -- (Object *) pointer to the hypertext object to
- allocate segments for.
- This Tag is Required !
- HTDTSIA_GadgetInfo -- (struct GadgetInfo *) BOOPSI information
- structure.
- This Tag is Required !
- HTDTSIA_List -- (struct List *) list to append segments to.
- Defaults to the hypertext object HTDTA_SegmentList.
- tagList -- (struct TagItem *) list of attributes
- a pointer to a private segment info structure or NULL for failure.
- If something fails, a error code is returned in IoErr(). The
- following error codes are defined :
- ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING -- required tag is missing.
- ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE -- the passed Object isn't a hypertext
- object.
- The function uses the given pool header to allocate it's memory. So
- if you pass a pool, which is used in more than one task, you have to
- arbitriate by yourself.
- FreeSegInfo(), AllocSegmentA(), FreeSegment()
- hypertext.datatype/AllocSegmentA hypertext.datatype/AllocSegmentA
- AllocSegementA -- Allocate a hypertext segment
- AllocSegement -- varargs stub for AllocSegmentA()
- segment = AllocSegmentA(segInfo,type,tagList);
- D0 A0 D0 A1
- struct HTSegment *AllocSegmentA(APTR, ULONG, struct TagItem *);
- segment = AllocSegment(segInfo,type,tag1,...);
- struct HTSegment *AllocSegment(APTR, ULONG,
- Tag, ...);
- This function allocates a new hypertext segment and adds it to the
- list of the hypertext object given in the SegmentInfo structure.
- Currently there are the following types of segments, which the
- hypertext.datatype supports :
- HTST_NORMAL -- normal text
- HTST_DTOBJECT -- datatypes object, which supports DTM_DRAW method
- HTST_SEPARATOR -- horizontal separator line
- HTST_STARTPARAGRAPH -- start paragraph definition
- HTST_ENDPARAGRAPH -- end paragraph definition
- HTST_TAB -- a tabstop
- HTST_SETTABS -- tabulator array definition
- HTST_SETPARAGRAPH -- use current pixel width for paragraph
- indention
- Tags for HTST_NORMAL :
- HTDTSA_Text -- (STRPTR) text to render
- HTDTSA_TextLen -- (UWORD) length of text from HTDTSA_Text
- HTDTSA_XOffset -- (UWORD) x offset for this segment.
- Defaults to the end of the last segment.
- NOTE: Obsolete
- HTDTSA_YOffset -- (UWORD) y offset for this segment. This is only
- usefull, if you don't call the HTDTM_LAYOUT method. But this
- isn't recommended.
- NOTE: Obsolete
- HTDTSA_Width -- (UWORD) width of this segment. For all currently
- supported segment types (HTST_#?) this attribute is calculated.
- HTDTSA_Height -- (UWORD) height of this segment. For all currently
- supported segment types (HTST_#?) this attribute is calculated.
- HTDTSA_Flags -- (ULONG) flags used for this segment. The following
- Flags are currently supported :
- HTSF_LF -- line feed, end of line marker
- HTSF_BR -- line break even in smartwrap mode
- HTSF_LINK -- it's a link, a bevelborder would be drawn
- HTSF_ITEM -- segment is a first level item (like HTML <DT>
- tag)
- HTSF_ITEM2 -- segment is a second level item (like HTML
- <DD> tag)
- HTDTSA_LayoutFlags -- (ULONG) layout flags to use :
- HTSLF_JCENTER -- center this segment
- HTSLF_JRIGHT -- layout this segment most right
- HTSLF_WRAP -- this segment can be wrapped
- HTDTSA_FgPen -- (UBYTE) foreground pen for the text in this
- segment.
- HTDTSA_BgPen -- (UBYTE) background pen for the text in this
- segment.
- HTDTSA_Style -- (UBYTE) FSF_#? flags for the text style.
- HTDTSA_TextFont -- (struct TextFont *) font to use for the text.
- HTDTSA_LinkType -- (UWORD) type of the link, which describes the
- HTDTSA_LinkData attribute. Following types exists:
- HTLKT_NODE -- amigaguide style nodename
- HTLKT_OBJECT -- complete filename to a file, opened with
- NewDTObjectA().
- HTLKT_RX -- complete filename to a arexx macro
- HTLKT_RXS -- arexx commmand string
- HTLKT_SYSTEM -- a complete filename to a program
- HTLKT_QUIT -- just quit current application of this object
- by sending a SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C signal.
- HTLKT_USER -- user defined linktype (subclasses).
- HTDTSA_LinkData -- (APTR) link data. See HTDTSA_LinkType above.
- HTDTSA_AllocText -- (BOOL) if set to TRUE, the text given by the
- HTDTSA_Text tag should be copied in a own memory region. This
- is done by allocating new memory from the SegInfo pool.
- HTDTSA_AllocLink -- (BOOL) if set to TRUE, the text given by the
- HTDTSA_LinkData tag should be copied in a own memory region.
- This is done by allocating new memory from the SegInfo pool.
- Note the LinkData must be e zero terminated string to use
- this Tag!
- Tags for HTST_DTOBJECT :
- HTDTSA_Name -- (STRPTR) name of the object to open via
- NewDTObjectA()
- HTDTSA_Height -- (ULONG) height of the separator.
- Not implemented yet.
- HTDTSA_Style -- (ULONG) style of the separator bar. SEPS_#?
- values.
- HTDTSA_ParaIndent -- (LONG) number of chars to indent the first
- line of the paragraph. This can be negative.
- HTDTSA_BodyIndent -- (ULONG) number of chars to indent the body of
- the paragraph.
- none
- Tags for HTST_TAB :
- HTDTSA_NumTabs -- (ULONG) number of tabstops
- Tags for HTST_SETTABS :
- HTDTSA_TabStops -- (UWORD *) ~0 terminated array of character
- positions to use for tabs. This array is copied.
- none.
- HTDTSA_ListType -- (ULONG) type of the list HTSLIT_#? values.
- HTSLIT_ITEMIZE -- HTML <UL> style list
- Defaults to HTSLIT_ITEMIZE.
- HTDTSA_ListItemFormat -- (STRPTR) format string for each item
- introducer. Not implemented yet.
- Tags for HTST_ENDLIST :
- HTDTSA_ListType -- type of the list HTSLIT_#? values.
- Tags for HTST_LABEL :
- HTDTSA_Label -- (STRPTR) label name
- HTDTSA_LabelLen -- (ULONG) length of label name
- Tags for HTST_GADGET :
- Not implemented yet.
- segInfo -- (APTR) info structure from AllocSegInfoA()
- type -- (ULONG) type of the segment see HTST_#? values
- tagList -- (struct TagItem *) list of attributes for the segment
- pointer to a HTSegment or NULL for failure.
- The function uses the pool header specified in AllocSegInfoA()
- function to allocate it's memory. So if you pass a pool, which is
- used in more than one task, you have to arbitriate by yourself.
- FreeSegment(), exec.library/AllocPooled(),
- datatypes.library/NewDTObjectA(), datatypes/hypertextclass.h
- hypertext.datatype/ConvertAttributes hypertext.datatype/ConvertAttributes
- ConvertAttributes -- convert AmigaGuide style attributes to internal
- representation
- string = ConvertAttributes(convInfo,string,len)
- D0 A0 A1 D0
- STRPTR ConvertAttributes(struct HTConvInfo * ,STRPTR ,ULONG);
- This function converts all attributes in the passed string
- to internal representation. The format of the attribute must match
- the one you specified in the AllocConvInfoA() function.
- After you performed this function all converted attributes are set
- in the TagItem list, which you passed to AllocConvInfoA().
- Currently supported Tags are :
- HTDTSA_LayoutFlags -- for justifation attributes
- HTDTSA_FgPen -- text color
- HTDTSA_BgPen -- background color
- HTDTSA_Style -- font style
- HTDTSA_TextFont -- textfont
- The converting is stopped, if len characters are converted or if
- the next to convert character is not a attribute introducer of the
- specified format.
- If a attribute isn't known by this function, the HTDTM_CONVATTRIB
- method is invoked on the object.
- convInfo -- (struct HTConvInfo *) info struct from AllocConvInfoA()
- string -- (STRPTR) string to convert
- len -- (ULONG) maximal length of the string
- string -- pointer to the next to last converted character.
- @{apen <pennum>} -- Used to change the foreground color to a specific
- pen number.
- @{b} -- Turn bold on.
- @{bg <colortext>} -- Used to change the background text color. Color
- can be :
- Text
- Shine
- Shadow
- Fill
- FillText
- Background
- Highlight
- @{bpen <pennum>} -- Used to change the background color to a specific
- pen number.
- @{stdfont} -- Reset to standard font.
- @{fg <colortext>} -- Used to change the foreground text color. The same
- colors can be used as in the bg command.
- @{font <fontname>[,<size>]} -- Used to set a TextFont, with name
- <fontname> and size <size>. If size isn't specified 8 is used.
- @{i} -- Turn italic on.
- @{jcenter} -- Turn centering on.
- @{jleft} -- Turn on left justification.
- @{jright} -- Turn on right justification.
- @{plain} -- reset font style to normal.
- @{u} -- Turn underline on.
- @{ub} -- Turn bold off.
- @{ui} -- Turn italic off.
- @{uu} -- Turn underline off.
- struct HTSegInfo *seginfo;
- if((seginfo = AllocSegInfo(HTDTSIA_Pool,pool,
- HTDTSIA_Object,obj,
- HTDTSIA_GadgetInfo,msg->gpl_GInfo,
- {
- struct HTConvInfo *convinfo;
- struct TagItem tags[5];
- /* AllocConvInfoA() setup defaults, so we only need to provide
- * the Tag id's
- */
- tags[0].ti_Tag = HTDTSA_Flags;
- tags[1].ti_Tag = HTDTSA_FgPen;
- tags[2].ti_Tag = HTDTSA_BgPen;
- tags[3].ti_Tag = HTDTSA_Style;
- tags[4].ti_Tag = TAG_DONE;
- /* allocate the convert info structure for the TagItem array
- * tags[]
- */
- if((convinfo = AllocConvInfoA(seginfo,tags,NULL)) != NULL)
- {
- STRPTR buffer = "@{fg highlight}highlighted Text@{fg text}";
- STRPTR ptr = buffer;
- STRPTR seg,endseg;
- seg = ptr;
- while(*ptr != '\0')
- {
- endseg = ptr;
- if(*ptr == '@')
- {
- /* is there a outstanding segment with old attributes ?
- * if there is, allocate a segment.
- */
- if(seg < endseg)
- AllocSegment(seginfo,HTST_NORMAL,
- HTDTSA_Text,seg,
- HTDTSA_TextLen,endseg-seg,
- TAG_MORE,tags);
- /* now convert the new attributes to the internal
- * data representation in the TagArray tags[]
- */
- ptr = ConvertAttributes(convinfo,ptr,strlen(ptr));
- /* set now the beginning of the next segment */
- seg = ptr + 1;
- }
- ptr++;
- }
- /* is there a outstanding segment ? */
- if(seg < endseg)
- AllocSegment(seginfo,HTST_NORMAL,
- HTDTSA_Text,seg,
- HTDTSA_TextLen,endseg-seg,
- TAG_MORE,tags);
- FreeConvInfo(convinfo);
- }
- FreeSegInfo(seginfo);
- }
- AllocConvInfoA(), HTDTM_CONVATTRIB, hyperguide.datatype,
- hypertext.datatype
- hypertext.datatype/FreeConvInfo hypertext.datatype/FreeConvInfo
- FreeConvInfo -- free's the structure allocated by AllocConvInfoA()
- FreeConvInfo(convinfo);
- A0
- void FreeConvInfo(struct HTConvInfo *);
- Free's all resources allocated by AllocConvInfoA() function.
- convinfo -- (struct HTConvInfo *) pointer from AllocConvInfoA().
- none
- AllocConvInfoA()
- hypertext.datatype/FreeSegInfo hypertext.datatype/FreeSegInfo
- FreeSegInfo -- free's resources allocated from AllocSegInfoA()
- FreeSegInfo(seginfo);
- A0
- void FreeSegInfo(APTR);
- This function free's all resources allocted by AllocSegInfoA().
- seginfo -- (APTR) pointer from AllocSegInfoA(). May be NULL.
- The function uses the pool header given by AllocSegInfoA(). So if
- this pool is used in more than one task, you have to arbitriate by
- yourself.
- AllocSegInfoA(), AllocSegmentA(), FreeSegment()
- hypertext.datatype/FreeSegment hypertext.datatype/FreeSegment
- FreeSegment -- Free's all resources allocated by AllocSegment()
- FreeSegment(segInfo,segment);
- A0 A1
- void FreeSegment(APTR ,struct HTSegment *);
- This function free's a segment allocated by AllocSegmentA().
- segInfo -- (APTR) info structure from AllocSegInfoA()
- segment -- (struct HTSegment *) structure from AllocSegmentA()
- The function uses the pool header specified in AllocSegInfoA()
- function to allocate it's memory. So if you pass a pool, which is
- used in more than one task, you have to arbitriate by yourself.
- AllocSegmentA()
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_CLEARSELECTED hypertext.datatype/DTM_CLEARSELECTED
- DTM_CLEARSELECTED -- clear the selected area
- This method clears a selected area and redraws the object if needed.
- none
- none
- Only available in the registered version!
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_COPY hypertext.datatype/DTM_COPY
- DTM_COPY -- copies selected or whole document to cliaboard
- This method copies a selected area or the whole document to clipboard.
- ANSI character control sequences are also included.
- struct dtGeneral
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dtg_GInfo;
- };
- TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_FRAMEBOX hypertext.datatype/DTM_FRAMEBOX
- DTM_FRAMEBOX -- provide rendering informations about the object
- This method provides rendering informations about the hypertext
- object, mainly the number of needed colors.
- struct dtFrameBox
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dtf_GInfo;
- struct FrameInfo *dtf_ContentsInfo;
- struct FrameInfo *dtf_FrameInfo;
- ULONG dtf_SizeFrameInfo;
- ULONG dtf_FrameFlags;
- };
- dtf_ContentsInfo -- information on the environment the application
- provides the object
- dtf_FrameInfo -- structure to put the information in
- dtf_SizeFrameInfo -- size of FrameInfo structure
- dtf_FrameFlags -- FRAMEF_SPECIFY
- non-zero for success, zero for failure
- datatypesclass/DTM_FRAMEBOX
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_GOTO hypertext.datatype/DTM_GOTO
- DTM_GOTO -- load and display an other object.
- This method is used to load and display an other object.
- There are some limitations for subclass implementors, which
- have to be observed. First a subclass implementation have to
- check if it runs on a process context using the HTDTM_HTPROC
- method (see EXAMPLES section) and if not it must call
- immediately the SuperClass and leave the method. Then
- SuperClass take care of calling the method on its process
- context. If HTDTM_HTPROC returns TRUE the subclass
- implementation can locate its object and pass the found
- object to the SuperClass. If the path to the object isn't
- a absolute path the following search algorithm is used by
- the SuperClass to locate the object :
- 1. It tries to locate the object relative to the base objects
- directory.
- 2. It tries to locate the object relative to the base objects path
- list directories.
- 3. It tries to locate the object relative to the current directory of
- the current process.
- 4. It tries to locate the object relative to a directory with the
- default language name of current directory of the current process.
- 5. It tries to locate the object relative to the list of pathes, which
- are configured through the hypertext.prefs file.
- For each entry in this list the directory itself and the directory
- with the default language name appended are searched.
- struct dtGoto
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dtg_GInfo;
- STRPTR dtg_NodeName;
- struct TagItem *dtg_AttrList;
- };
- dtg_NodeName -- name of the node to go to. This also can be a complete
- filename.
- dtg_AttrList -- list of attributes, which specifies the object to go to.
- Attributes, which can be used for dtg_AttrList :
- HTDTSA_LinkType (ULONG) -- specifies the type of the link to go to.
- This controls the object locating routine. There are two possible
- values. HTLKT_NODE indicates, that the given destination name is
- a AmigaGuide/HyperGuide style name. HTLKT_OBJECT indicates that
- the destination name is simple file name.
- Defaults to HTLKT_OBJECT.
- HTDTSA_LinkName (STRPTR) -- specifies the name of the object to go to.
- Defaults to dtg_NodeName.
- /* subclass DTM_GOTO implementation */
- /* make sure we are in the objects process context */
- if(!DoSuperMethod(cl,obj,HTDTM_HTPROC))
- rc = DoSuperMethodA(cl,obj,(Msg) msg);
- else
- {
- struct TagItem tags[3] =
- {
- {HTDTSA_LinkData,NULL},
- {TAG_DONE,0}
- };
- /* now do your locating stuff */
- tags[1].ti_Data = (ULONG) "Work:MyObject/To/Go/To";
- /* then pass your path/node to the super class */
- rc = DoSuperMethod(cl,obj,DTM_GOTO,msg->dtg_GInfo,NULL,&tags[0]);
- }
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_PRINT hypertext.datatype/DTM_PRINT
- DTM_PRINT -- print the current document
- This method prints the current document or the currently selected
- area. It supports only printing of texts and tries to layout the
- printing result as close as shown on the screen.
- struct dtPrint
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dtp_GInfo;
- union printerIO *dtp_PIO;
- struct TagItem *dtp_AttrList;
- };
- dtp_PIO -- functional IORequest structures.
- dtp_AttrList -- additional attributes (currently none)
- zero for success, non-zero for a failure.
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT hypertext.datatype/DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT
- DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT -- remove datatype object from a window
- This method is used to clear any cached variables like window pointer
- the object is attached to. After clearing all such variables the
- method is directly passed to its superclass.
- none
- superclass results
- datatypesclass/DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT, datatypes.library/AddDTObject(),
- datatypes.library/RemoveDTObject()
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_SELECT hypertext.datatype/DTM_SELECT
- DTM_SELECT -- selects the given rectangle
- This method selects the given rectangle and redraws the object.
- struct dtSelect
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dts_GInfo;
- struct Rectangle dts_Select;
- };
- dts_Select -- selected rectangle
- none
- Only available in the registered version!
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_TRIGGER hypertext.datatype/DTM_TRIGGER
- DTM_TRIGGER -- trigger a function of the hypertext object
- This method is used to trigger a special hypertext object function.
- The following trigger functions are supported by the
- hypertext.datatype :
- STM_NEXT_FIELD -- highlight next link
- STM_PREV_FIELD -- highlight previous link
- STM_ACTIVATE_FIELD -- activate actual highlighted link
- STM_RETRACE -- retrace to previously viewed node
- STM_COMMAND -- dtt_Data contains a ARexx command string, which
- will be executed
- STM_CONTENTS -- activate contents node of the actual viewed node
- STM_INDEX -- activate index node of actual viewed node
- STM_BROWSE_PREV -- activate logical previous node of actual viewed
- node
- STM_BROWSE_NEXT -- activate logical next node of actual viewed
- node
- struct dtTrigger
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dtt_GInfo;
- ULONG dtt_Function;
- APTR dtt_Data;
- };
- dtt_Function -- STM_#? functions
- dtt_Data -- user data for STM_#? values
- none
- datatypesclass/DTM_TRIGGER, DTM_GOTO
- hypertext.datatype/DTM_WRITE hypertext.datatype/DTM_WRITE
- DTM_WRITE -- write the current document to a file
- This method writes the current document or the selected area to a
- file. Only the DTWM_RAW mode is supported, which outputs the document
- in ASCII with ANSI escape control sequences. In future there might be
- an output of a new defined HyperText IFF standard.
- struct dtWrite
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dtw_GInfo;
- BPTR dtw_FileHandle;
- ULONG dtw_Mode;
- struct TagItem *dtw_AttrList;
- };
- dtw_FileHandle -- file to write to
- dtw_Mode -- DTWM_IFF or DTWM_RAW
- dtw_AttrList -- additional attributes (currently none)
- zero for success, non-zero for a failure
- hypertext.datatype/GM_GOACTIVE hypertext.datatype/GM_GOACTIVE
- GM_GOACTIVE -- handles the first input event for a hypertext object
- This method is exactly GM_HANDLEINPUT.
- hypertext.datatype/GM_HANDLEINPUT hypertext.datatype/GM_HANDLEINPUT
- GM_HANDLEINPUT -- handles all input events for a hypertext object
- This method handles all input events for a hypertext object. Currently
- only mouse events are processed. It handles all mouse event and render
- links according to their state. All mouse events, which doesn't
- corresond to link are passed to the superclass.
- hypertext.datatype/GM_LAYOUT hypertext.datatype/GM_LAYOUT
- GM_LAYOUT -- layout the hypertext object
- This method layouts the navigator gadget and calculates the new inner
- dimension of the hypertext object. Thus any subclass implementor have
- to call the superclass first and only invoke its own layout method, if
- the result of the call is zero! Typically a subclass allocates all
- hypertext segments within the first call of this method
- (gpl_Initial == TRUE). After this and for all !gpl_Initial invocations
- it have to invoke the HTDTM_LAYOUT method.
- struct gpLayout
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *gpl_GInfo;
- ULONG gpl_Initial;
- };
- gpl_Initial - First call of GM_LAYOUT for this object
- 0 - perform layout of the subclass
- 1 - don't perform layout of the subclass
- /* example GM_LAYOUT method for a subclass */
- ...
- case GM_LAYOUT:
- NotifyAttrs(obj, ((struct gpLayout *) msg)->gpl_GInfo, NULL,
- GA_ID, ((struct Gadget *) obj)->GadgetID,
- DTA_Busy, TRUE,
- if((rc = DoSuperMethodA(cl,obj,msg)) == 0)
- {
- /* we need to do this one asynchronously /*
- rc = DoAsyncLayout (obj, (struct gpLayout *) msg);
- }
- break;
- ...
- hypertext.datatype/GM_RENDER hypertext.datatype/GM_RENDER
- GM_RENDER -- render the object
- This method is used to render the object itself. This method is maybe
- invoked from input.device task, thus there are all limitations for
- exec tasks (e.g. no dos calls). Therefore this method is designed
- asyncronly. When this method is invoked it sends a message to the
- object privates process, which then renders the object on its context.
- This also provides a faster response to the user (e.g. if the user
- scrolls fast in an object).
- struct gpRender
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *gpr_GInfo;
- struct RastPort *gpr_RPort;
- LONG gpr_Redraw;
- };
- gpr_RPort -- rastport to draw into.
- gpr_Redraw -- redraw mode. Currently only GREDRAW_REDRAW available.
- This method uses internal structures, which are created during the
- initial layout. Thus this method have NOT to be overwritten!
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_ALLOCVEC hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_ALLOCVEC
- HTDTM_ALLOCVEC -- allocate memory from the hypertext objects pool.
- This method is used to allocate memory from the hypertext objects
- memory pool. This memory have to be freed using the HTDTM_FREEVEC
- method or its freed if the object is disposed through the OM_DISPOSE
- method. The sematics are equal to the AllocVec() of the exec.library,
- so you don't need to recognize the size of the allocated memory block.
- Also this method does the needed arbitration for the used memory pool.
- So if you don't know, if you are the only task which allocates memory
- from the objects memory pool just use this method.
- struct htAllocVec
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dt_GInfo;
- ULONG htav_Size;
- };
- htav_Size -- size of the memory block to allocate
- NULL for failure, otherwise a pointer to the new allocated memory.
- exec.library/AllocVec(), exec.library/AllocPooled(), HTDTM_FREEVEC
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_ATTEMPT hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_ATTEMPT
- HTDTM_ATTEMPT -- attempt exclusive access to the hypertext object.
- This method is used to attempt exclusive access to the hypertext
- object. Currently its the same as attempting access to the
- DTSpecialInfo semapore. But in future this might change so you have to
- use this method!
- none
- TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.
- exec.library/AttemptSemaphore(), HTDTM_OBTAIN, HTDTM_RELEASE
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_CONVATTRIB hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_CONVATTRIB
- HTDTM_CONVATTRIB -- converts additional HyperGuide style attributes.
- This method is used for SubClass implementations, which want to
- provide own HyperGuide style attributes. Each time the function
- ConvertAttributes() don't recognizes a attribute, it invokes this
- method.
- struct htConvAttrib
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dt_GInfo;
- STRPTR htca_Keyword;
- ULONG htca_KeywordLen;
- STRPTR htca_Arguments;
- ULONG htca_ArgumentsLen;
- struct TagItem *htca_TagList;
- struct HTSegInfo *htca_SegInfo;
- struct HTConvInfo *htca_ConvInfo;
- APTR htca_UserData;
- };
- htca_Keyword -- attribute name
- htca_KeywordLen -- length of the attribute name
- htca_Arguments -- additional arguments for the attribute
- htca_ArgumentsLen -- length of arguments
- htca_TagList -- TagList passed to AllocConvInfoA()
- htca_SegInfo -- segment info returned by AllocSgeInfoA()
- htca_ConvInfo -- convert info returned by AllocConvInfoA()
- htca_UserData -- userdata passed to AllocConvInfoA() via
- HTDTCIA_UserData.
- none
- ConvertAttributes()
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_EXPORT hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_EXPORT
- HTDTM_EXPORT -- export the current document
- This method exports the current document to clipboard or a file with
- the specified format type.
- struct htExport
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dt_GInfo;
- STRPTR hte_Type;
- STRPTR hte_File;
- ULONG hte_Unit;
- STRPTR hte_Args;
- };
- hte_Type -- export format type (e.g. HTML)
- hte_File -- file to save the exported document
- hte_Unit -- unit number for clipboard (hte_File == NULL)
- hte_Args -- additional arguments for the export class
- zero for success, non zero for a failure.
- Only available in the registered version!
- HTDS.hguide
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_FREEVEC hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_FREEVEC
- HTDTM_FREEVEC -- free memory from the hypertext objects pool.
- This method is used to free memory from the hypertext objects
- memory pool, which was allocated by the HTDTM_ALLOCVEC method.
- Also this method does the needed arbitration for the used memory pool.
- So if you don't know, if you are the only task which allocates memory
- from the objects memory pool just use this method.
- struct htFreeVec
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dt_GInfo;
- ULONG htfv_Memory;
- };
- htfv_Memory -- pointer to the memory to free
- exec.library/FreeVec(), exec.library/FreePooled(), HTDTM_ALLOCVEC
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_GETFONT hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_GETFONT
- HTDTM_GETFONT -- opens and returns pointer of a TextFont
- This method opens and returns a pointer of a TextFont. It handles all
- needed calls to diskfont.library or graphics.library.
- struct htGetFont
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *htgf_GInfo;
- LONG htgf_FontNum;
- STRPTR htgf_FontName;
- ULONG htgf_FontSize;
- };
- htgf_FontNum - obsolete
- htgf_FontName - name of the font. With or without the ".font" suffix.
- htgf_FontSize - y size of the font.
- returns a pointer to the specified TextFont or NULL for failure.
- graphics.library/OpenFont(), diskfont.library/OpenDiskFont()
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_GUISEARCH hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_GUISEARCH
- HTDM_GUISEARCH -- opens the search requester
- This method is used to open the search requester to let the user input
- or change the search string or pattern.
- struct htSearch
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dt_GInfo;
- STRPTR hts_String;
- LONG hts_StringLen;
- ULONG hts_Flags;
- };
- hts_String -- string or pattern to search for
- hts_StringLen -- length of the given string or pattern
- hts_Flags -- flags, which controls the search. Following flags are
- currently supported :
- HTDTSF_NOCASE -- ignore case
- HTDTSF_PATTERN -- string is a pattern
- none
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_HTPROC hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_HTPROC
- HTDTM_HTPROC -- tests if its on a process context
- Check if the current method is invoked on the separate hypertext
- object process. Note: If you overwrite some methods like DTM_GOTO, you
- have to check first if you are in that special process context, and if
- not you have to pass this method directly to superclass, so that this
- can signal the hypertext object process to do this method on its
- context. This strategy is needed to avoid problems with input task
- based method invocations.
- none
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_LAYOUT hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_LAYOUT
- HTDTM_LAYOUT -- layout all hypertext object segments
- This method have to be invoked from the GM_LAYOUT method of subclasses
- of the hypertext.datatype. It layouts all allocated hypertext segments
- and calculate the correct positions of pictures and texts within a
- document. Thus it must be invoked after all segments are allocated
- during the GM_LAYOUT method. Then you invoke this method to layout the
- complete hypertext object. This method must also be invoked on any
- subsequent call of GM_LAYOUT, so it can calculate correct positions
- of centered or justified segments.
- struct htLayout
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dt_GInfo;
- struct TagItem *htl_AttrList;
- ULONG htl_Initial;
- };
- htl_AttrList - Additional attributes. Currently non defined.
- htl_Initial - First call of HTDTM_LAYOUT for this object
- returns total number of lines.
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_LOADNODES hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_LOADNODES
- HTDTM_LOADNODES -- loads nodes for the current document
- This method tries to load all needed node information of the current
- document. Currently node informations are only stored in the documents
- icon. But in the future there may be a real database to hold the node
- informations.
- struct htLoadNodes
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dt_GInfo;
- struct List *htln_List;
- ULONG htln_NodeSize;
- };
- htln_List -- list to append the loaded nodes
- htln_NodeSize -- size of your private node including the size of the
- struct HTNode.
- FALSE, if nothing could be loaded or TRUE if the node information are
- still actual and loaded.
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_OBTAIN hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_OBTAIN
- HTDTM_OBTAIN -- obtain exclusive access to the hypertext object.
- This method is used to get exclusive access to the hypertext object.
- Currently its the same as obtaining the DTSpecialInfo semapore. But in
- future this might change so you have to use this method!
- none
- exec.library/ObtainSemaphore(), HTDTM_RELEASE, HTDTM_ATTEMPT
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_OBTAINPEN hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_OBTAINPEN
- HTDTM_OBTAINPEN -- obtain a specific color pen
- This method is used to obtain a specific color pen. It is possible to
- pass a string, which will be converted by this method into the
- appropriate color. This string can be one of the following color
- names :
- Black, Green, Silver, Lime, Gray, Olive, White, Yellow, Maroon, Navy
- Red, Blue, Purple, Teal, Fuchsia, Aqua.
- Or a string which represents the RGB values with "#RRGGBB" format.
- Each letter represents a hexadecimal digit.
- If there is no string given (NULL), the method tries to obtain the
- color specified by the RGB values.
- struct htObtainPen
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dt_GInfo;
- STRPTR htop_String;
- ULONG htop_StringLen;
- ULONG htop_Red;
- ULONG htop_Green;
- ULONG htop_Blue;
- };
- htop_String -- pointer to the color string or NULL.
- htop_StringLen -- length of the htop_String.
- htop_Red -- red level 32 bit.
- htop_Green -- green level 32 bit.
- htop_Blue -- blue lebel 32 bit.
- returns the pen number or -1 for a failure.
- This method works only if the hypertext object was added to a window
- with the AddDTObject() function.
- graphics.library/ObtainBestPenA()
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_RELEASE hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_RELEASE
- HTDTM_RELEASE -- release exclusive access of a hypertext object.
- This method is used to release a exclusive access to a hypertext
- object done by the HTDTM_OBTAIN method. Currently its the same as
- releasing the DTSpecialInfo semapore. But in future this might change
- so you have to use this method!
- none
- exec.library/ReleaseSemaphore(), HTDTM_OBTAIN, HTDTM_ATTEMPT
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_RENDER hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_RENDER
- HTDTM_RENDER -- render the hypertext object on its own process.
- This function is used to render the hypertext object on its own
- process.
- none
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_SAVENODES hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_SAVENODES
- HTDTM_SAVENODES -- save node informations of the current document
- This method tries to save the node informations given by the specified
- list. The list have to contain HTNode structures.
- struct htSaveNodes
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dt_GInfo;
- struct List *htsn_List;
- };
- htsn_List -- list of node informations to save
- TRUE if the node information could be saved, otherwise FALSE.
- hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_SEARCH hypertext.datatype/HTDTM_SEARCH
- HTDTM_SEARCH -- search for a given string or pattern.
- This method searches for the occurance of the given string or pattern.
- If the HTDTSF_PROMPT flag is set it opens the search requester to let
- the user input the string or pattern to search for. If the
- HTDTSF_PATTERN flag is set the given string is interpreted as a
- pattern. HTDTSF_NOCASE ignores case in comparsion.
- struct htSearch
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct GadgetInfo *dt_GInfo;
- STRPTR hts_String;
- LONG hts_StringLen;
- ULONG hts_Flags;
- };
- hts_String -- string or pattern to search for
- hts_StringLen -- length of the given string or pattern
- hts_Flags -- flags, which controls the search. Following flags are
- currently supported :
- HTDTSF_NOCASE -- ignore case
- HTDTSF_PATTERN -- string is a pattern
- HTDTSF_PROMPT -- opens the search requester
- TRUE if something was found, otherwise FALSE.
- hypertext.datatype/OM_DISPOSE hypertext.datatype/OM_DISPOSE
- OM_DISPOSE -- frees all allocated resources of a hypertext object
- This method tries to free all allocated resources of a hypertext
- object :
- 1. It tries to quit all spawned applications.
- 2. Dispose any cached objects
- 3. Closes all fonts
- 4. Dispose any embedded objects
- 5. Dispose possibly background image
- 6. Releases all allocated color pens
- After this it calls the superclass OM_DISPOSE method.
- none
- none
- datatypesclass/OM_DISPOSE, OM_NEW, datatypes.library/DisposeDTObject()
- hypertext.datatype/OM_GET hypertext.datatype/OM_GET
- OM_GET -- get attributes of a hypertext object.
- The OM_GET method is used to get attributes of a hypertext.datatype
- object. This method is processed first and then passed to the
- superclass if the attribute isn't recognized.
- struct opGet
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- ULONG opg_AttrID;
- ULONG *opg_Storage;
- };
- opg_AttrID -- attributes long word id
- opg_Storage -- pointer to a data area to hold the value of the
- attribute
- zero for unsupported attributes, non-zero for supported attributes.
- DTA_Domain (struct IBox *) -- objects domain box. This is overwritten,
- if a control panel is used.
- DTA_TextFont (struct TextFont *) -- Text font to use for normal texts,
- not explicitly specified using the HTDTSA_TextFont text segment
- Tag.
- DTA_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) -- Text attribute structure to use
- for normal texts. This corresponds to the DTA_TextFont attribute.
- DTA_Title (STRPTR) -- Title of the hypertext object, which is normally
- displayed in the windows title bar. The string is copied, so that
- after the set method returns you can free its resources.
- DTA_NodeName (STRPTR) -- Name of node of this hypertext object.
- The set method copies the string.
- DTA_Methods (ULONG *) -- ~0 terminated MethodID list of supported
- methods.
- DTA_ControlPanel (BOOL) -- Indicates, if the hypertext datatype should
- (TRUE) create a control panel for the created object or not
- (FALSE).
- AGA_Secure (BOOL) -- Indicates, if its permitted (FALSE) to start
- external programms or not (TRUE). Only supported for compatibility
- with amigaguide.datatype. Please use HTDTA_Secure instead.
- HTDTA_Secure (BOOL) -- Indicates, if its permitted (FALSE) to start
- external programms or not (TRUE).
- HTDTA_HyperText (BOOL) -- Indicates, if the object is a hypertext
- object.
- HTDTA_SegmentList (struct List *) -- List of linked segments of the
- current object.
- HTDTA_WordDelim (STRPTR) -- String, which describes the delimiter
- characters to use for separating words. The string is not
- copied.
- HTDTA_Buffer (UBYTE *) -- Pointer to the raw hypertext data buffer, if
- any is available. Subclasses which uses IFF files don't provide
- this buffer. See catalog.datatype for example.
- HTDTA_BufferLen (ULONG) -- Length of raw hypertext data buffer.
- HTDTA_LoadBuffer (BOOL) -- Indicates, if the hypertext base class
- should load (TRUE) the entire ascii or binary file into a
- buffer and provide it for the subclass via HTDA_Buffer and
- HTDA_BufferLen.
- HTDTA_Pool (APTR) -- Memory pool of the current hypertext object.
- HTDTA_EmbeddedList (struct List *) -- List of all embedded objects.
- This list can only be walked trough with intuition's NextObject()
- function.
- HTDTA_UnderlineLink (BOOL) -- Indicates, if links should be shown as
- buttons (FALSE) like AmigaGuide links or should be underlined
- (TRUE) like most Web browsers do.
- HTDTA_Spacing (UWORD) -- Number of pixel between two lines. This value
- is used in HTDTM_LAYOUT method. Thus if you change the value you
- have to invoke DTM_PROCLAYOUT to reflect the change in the output.
- HTDTA_Contents (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the contents object of
- the current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- HTDTA_Index (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the index object of the
- current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- HTDTA_Help (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the help object of the
- current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- HTDTA_Previous (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the previous object of
- the current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- HTDTA_Next (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the next object of the
- current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- HTDTA_TabWidth (LONG) -- number of space characters to use for a
- tabulator character.
- HTDTA_Background (STRPTR) -- file name of a picture to use for
- the background.
- HTDTA_BackgroundPen (LONG) -- pen number to use for background
- color.
- HTDTA_ForegroundPen (LONG) -- pen number to use for foreground
- color. This is normaly all standard texts.
- HTDTA_AltForegroundPen (LONG) -- pen number to use for foreground
- color, if background and foreground color are the same.
- HTDTA_ObjectDir (BPTR) -- used to get a shared lock on the directory
- of the object. It handles all different datatypes source types
- like IFF, misc or files. The returned lock must be free'd after
- you have finished your job with UnLock().
- HTDTA_Depth (LONG) -- recommended color depth for the hypertext
- object. This is used by applications to open an appropriate
- custom screen with at least this depth.
- HTDTA_FileHandle (BPTR) -- file handle from Open() of the hypertext
- object. This is used for obtaining file informations from
- DTST_RAM objects, which are part of an normal file. For example
- the hyperguide.datatype creates for each internal node a DTST_RAM
- object with HTDTA_Buffer and HTDTA_BufferLen set. ATTENTION this
- filehandle *must* not be closed !
- NOTE: This attribute should be overwritten from SubClass
- implementors.
- HTDTA_NodeList (struct List *) -- used by the hypertext.datatype to
- obtain the list of internal nodes from the subclass.
- NOTE: This attribute should be overwritten from SubClass
- implementors.
- HTDTA_ShowLink (BOOL) -- indicates, if a link should be shown in as
- DTA_Title when its activated via key or mouse actions.
- HTDTA_SeparatorIsFF (BOOL) -- indicates, if a separator should be
- treated as a form feed within printing and AscII export.
- HTDTA_NodeIndexing (BOOL) -- indicates, if internal nodes should be
- saved in a database.
- NOTE: This attribute should be overwritten from SubClass
- implementors.
- HTDTA_PathList (struct List *) -- list of pathes to search of objects
- to go to. This list is object dependend and therefore relative
- pathes are relative to the objects directory.
- NOTE: This attribute should be overwritten from SubClass
- implementors.
- datatypesclass/OM_GET, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE, intuition.library/GetAttr()
- hypertext.datatype/OM_NEW hypertext.datatype/OM_NEW
- OM_NEW -- create a hypertext object
- This method first calls the superclass OM_NEW method and if this
- returns a non-NULL Object pointer, allocates all needed resources for
- a hypertext object. This method is really complex. Here is a short
- description whats going on :
- 1. calls superclass to create the object
- 2. initializes all fields with their defaults
- 3. initializes some fields according to their hypertext.prefs values
- 4. creates navigator buttons
- 5. allocates the objects memory pool
- 6. loads the file into a buffer and offers it via HTDTA_Buffer
- attribute (only for ASCII files)
- 7. spawn a new process
- 8. creates the ARexx port
- struct opSet {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct TagItem *ops_AttrList;
- struct GadgetInfo *ops_GInfo;
- };
- ops_AttrList -- initial attribute values
- ops_GInfo -- always NULL for OM_NEW
- DTA_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) -- Text attribute structure to use
- for normal texts. This corresponds to the DTA_TextFont attribute.
- Defaults to a system standard font TextAttr.
- DTA_Title (STRPTR) -- Title of the hypertext object, which is normally
- displayed in the windows title bar. The string is copied, so that
- after the set method returns you can free its resources.
- Defaults to NULL.
- DTA_NodeName (STRPTR) -- Name of node of this hypertext object.
- The set method copies the string.
- Defaults to "main".
- DTA_ControlPanel (BOOL) -- Indicates, if the hypertext datatype should
- (TRUE) create a control panel for the created object or not
- (FALSE).
- Defaults to TRUE.
- AGA_Secure (BOOL) -- Indicates, if its permitted (FALSE) to start
- external programms or not (TRUE). Only supported for compatibility
- with amigaguide.datatype. Please use HTDTA_Secure instead.
- Defaults to FALSE.
- HTDTA_Secure (BOOL) -- Indicates, if its permitted (FALSE) to start
- external programms or not (TRUE).
- Defaults to FALSE.
- HTDTA_WordDelim (STRPTR) -- String, which describes the delimiter
- characters to use for separating words. The string is not
- copied.
- Defaults to " \t\n".
- HTDTA_Buffer (UBYTE *) -- Pointer to the raw hypertext data buffer, if
- any is available. Subclasses which uses IFF files don't provide
- this buffer. See catalog.datatype for example.
- For ascii and binary files the entire file is loaded into this
- buffer.
- HTDTA_BufferLen (ULONG) -- Length of raw hypertext data buffer.
- Defaults to length of the HTDS_Buffer.
- HTDTA_UnderlineLink (BOOL) -- Indicates, if links should be shown as
- buttons (FALSE) like AmigaGuide links or should be underlined
- (TRUE) like most Web browsers do.
- Defaults to FALSE.
- HTDTA_Spacing (UWORD) -- Number of pixel between two lines. This value
- is used in HTDTM_LAYOUT method. Thus if you change the value you
- have to invoke DTM_PROCLAYOUT to reflect the change in the output.
- Defaults to 1.
- HTDTA_Contents (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the contents object of
- the current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- Defaults to global contents as specified in the prefs file or NULL
- is no global contents is specified.
- HTDTA_Index (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the index object of the
- current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- Defaults to NULL.
- HTDTA_Help (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the help object of the
- current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- Defaults to "HELP:<language>/HTDS_Help.hguide"
- HTDTA_Previous (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the previous object of
- the current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- Defaults to NULL.
- HTDTA_Next (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the next object of the
- current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- Defaults to NULL.
- HTDTA_TabWidth (LONG) -- number of space characters to use for a
- tabulator character.
- Defaults to 8.
- HTDTA_Background (STRPTR) -- file name of a picture to use for
- the background.
- Defaults to value specified in the prefs (DEFBGPIC) file or
- NULL if nothing was specified.
- HTDTA_BackgroundPen (LONG) -- pen number to use for background
- color.
- Defaults to value specified in the prefs (DEFBGPEN) file or
- 0 if nothing was specified.
- HTDTA_ForegroundPen (LONG) -- pen number to use for foreground
- color. This is normaly all standard texts.
- Defaults to value specified in the prefs (DEFFGPEN) file or
- 1 if nothing was specified.
- HTDTA_AltForegroundPen (LONG) -- pen number to use for foreground
- color, if background and foreground color are the same.
- Defaults to value specified in the prefs (DEFALTFGPEN) file or
- 3 if nothing was specified.
- HTDTA_Depth (LONG) -- recommended color depth for the hypertext
- object. This is used by applications to open a appropriate
- custom screen with at least this depth.
- HTDTA_ShowLink (BOOL) -- indicates, if a link should be shown in as
- DTA_Title when its activated via key or mouse actions.
- Defaults to value specified in the prefs (SHOWLINK) file or
- FALSE if nothing was specified.
- pointer to the newly created hypertext object or NULL for a failure.
- If this method fails, a possible reason for failure is provided via
- the IoErr() function.
- datatypesclass/OM_NEW, OM_DISPOSE, OM_SET,
- datatypes.library/NewDTObjectA()
- hypertext.datatype/OM_NOTIFY hypertext.datatype/OM_NOTIFY
- OM_NOTIFY -- notify attributes changes to the object
- This method is used to snoop some attributes like DTA_Busy to
- syncronize some internal variables. After snooping the method is
- directly passed to its superclass.
- struct opUpdate
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct TagItem *opu_AttrList;
- struct GadgetInfo *opu_GInfo;
- ULONG opu_Flags;
- };
- opu_AttrList -- list of notification attributes
- opu_GInfo -- GadgetInfo structure
- opu_Flags -- flag OPUF_INTERIM or zero
- superclass results
- datatypesclass/OM_NOTIFY, rootclass/OM_NOTIFY, rootclass/OM_UPDATE,
- hypertext.datatype/OM_SET hypertext.datatype/OM_SET
- OM_SET -- sets attributes of a hypertext object
- The OM_SET method is used to set attributes of a hypertext.datatype
- object. This method is processed first and then passed to the
- superclass.
- struct opSet
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct TagItem *ops_AttrList;
- struct GadgetInfo *ops_GInfo;
- };
- ops_AttrList - list of new attributes
- ops_GInfo - GadgetInfo structure
- non zero if the hypertext object needs rendering, zero if not.
- DTA_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) -- Text attribute structure to use
- for normal texts. This corresponds to the DTA_TextFont attribute.
- DTA_Title (STRPTR) -- Title of the hypertext object, which is normally
- displayed in the windows title bar. The string is copied, so that
- after the set method returns you can free its resources.
- DTA_NodeName (STRPTR) -- Name of node of this hypertext object.
- The set method copies the string.
- AGA_Secure (BOOL) -- Indicates, if its permitted (FALSE) to start
- external programms or not (TRUE). Only supported for compatibility
- with amigaguide.datatype. Please use HTDTA_Secure instead.
- HTDTA_Secure (BOOL) -- Indicates, if its permitted (FALSE) to start
- external programms or not (TRUE).
- HTDTA_WordDelim (STRPTR) -- String, which describes the delimiter
- characters to use for separating words. The string is not
- copied.
- HTDTA_Buffer (UBYTE *) -- Pointer to the raw hypertext data buffer, if
- any is available. Subclasses which uses IFF files don't provide
- this buffer. See catalog.datatype for example.
- HTDTA_BufferLen (ULONG) -- Length of raw hypertext data buffer.
- HTDTA_UnderlineLink (BOOL) -- Indicates, if links should be shown as
- buttons (FALSE) like AmigaGuide links or should be underlined
- (TRUE) like most Web browsers do.
- HTDTA_Spacing (UWORD) -- Number of pixel between two lines. This value
- is used in HTDTM_LAYOUT method. Thus if you change the value you
- have to invoke DTM_PROCLAYOUT to reflect the change in the output.
- HTDTA_Contents (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the contents object of
- the current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- HTDTA_Index (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the index object of the
- current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- HTDTA_Help (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the help object of the
- current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- HTDTA_Previous (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the previous object of
- the current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- HTDTA_Next (STRPTR) -- Defines the name of the next object of the
- current hypertext object. The string is copied.
- HTDTA_TabWidth (LONG) -- number of space characters to use for a
- tabulator character.
- HTDTA_Background (STRPTR) -- file name of a picture to use for
- the background.
- HTDTA_BackgroundPen (LONG) -- pen number to use for background
- color.
- HTDTA_ForegroundPen (LONG) -- pen number to use for foreground
- color. This is normaly all standard texts.
- HTDTA_AltForegroundPen (LONG) -- pen number to use for foreground
- color, if background and foreground color are the same.
- HTDTA_Depth (LONG) -- recommended color depth for the hypertext
- object. This is used by applications to open a appropriate
- custom screen with at least this depth.
- HTDTA_ShowLink (BOOL) -- indicates, if a link should be shown in as
- DTA_Title when its activated via key or mouse actions.
- HTDTA_SeparatorIsFF (BOOL) -- indicates, if a separator should be
- treated as a form feed within printing and AscII export.
- datatypesclass/OM_SET, OM_GET, OM_UPDATE, OM_NEW,
- datatypes.library/SetDTAttrsA()
- hypertext.datatype/OM_UPDATE hypertext.datatype/OM_UPDATE
- OM_UPDATE -- updates attributes of a hypertext object.
- The OM_UPDATE method is used to update attributes of a
- hypertext.datatype object. This method is processed first and then
- passed to the superclass. This method calls directly the OM_SET
- method, thus all attributes of this method are also supported. The
- following ATTRIBUTES section lists all attributes, which are only
- supported by the the OM_UPDATE method.
- struct opUpdate
- {
- ULONG MethodID;
- struct TagItem *opu_AttrList;
- struct GadgetInfo *opu_GInfo;
- ULONG opu_Flags;
- };
- opu_AttrList -- list of new attributes
- opu_GInfo -- GadgetInfo structure
- opu_Flags -- flags indicating the status of this update method
- HTDTA_ARexxCommand -- (STRPTR) arexx command, which should be invoked
- on the object.
- Non zero if the object needs to be rendered. Zero if there has nothing
- changed, so that rendering isn't needed.
- datatypesclass/OM_UPDATE, OM_SET, rootclass/OM_NOTIFY