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- name: StartupAssign
- short: Program fast executes assign to directories
- author: MELON/SubBlaBla (Grzegorz Chmiel) BLABLA PRODUCT
- uploader: [upload this somewhere and write here your handle]
- version: 3.1 (21.10.97)
- requires: OS 2.0+
- STATUS: CardWare
- * single command execute list of assign
- * create new directories
- * add buffers to drive
- * set wildstar for patterns ADOS (* = #?)
- * no click DF0:-DF3:
- * font-sensitive GUI
- * easy to use
- * iconify option
- * localization
- CONTACT WITH AUTHOR: snail: address in manual
- email: thufor@zeus.polsl.gliwice.pl
- CONTENTS of 2b_StartupAssign31.lha archive:
- StartupAssign - it's CLI command
- StartupAssignPrefs - it's editor assigns
- StartupAssignPrefs.info - icon
- Docs/StartupAssign.guide - it's instruction to program
- Docs/StartupAssign.guide.info - icon
- Docs/AFD-COPYRIGHT.pl - it's instruction to program
- Docs/AFD-COPYRIGHT - it's instruction to program
- Docs.info - icon
- Libs/gadutil.library - library
- Catalogs/polski/StartupAssignPrefs.catalog
- - it's catalog polish
- Catalogs/StartupAssignPrefs.cd - it's catalog description
- Catalogs/StartupAssignPrefs_pl.ct - it's polish catalog translation
- StartupAssign.readme - short info
- S/StartupAssign.prefs - example preferences file