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Messiah (TM) Compatibility Test Version 2.0
- 0.0 Note About Version 2.0
- 1.0 Demo Prologue
- 2.0 Default Keyboard Commands
- 3.0 Bob's basic abilities
3.1 Running
3.2 Walking
3.3 Crawling
3.4 Grabbing Ledges
3.5 Shimmy
3.6 Strafing
3.7 Looking Around
- 4.0 Bob's special abilities
4.1 Possession
4.2 Armor
4.3 Keys
4.4 Camouflage
4.5 Health
4.6 Depossession
4.7 Flight
- 5.0 General Combat
5.1 Grabbing and dropping weapons
5.2 Weapon based combat
5.3 Targeting in weapon based combat
5.4 Targeting in sniper mode
5.5 Secondary weapons
5.6 Hand to hand combat
- 6.0 Standard Weapons Included in This Demo
6.1 Welding torch
6.2 Pump gun
6.3 Machine gun
6.4 Maimer
6.5 The Pak
6.6 Flame-Thrower
6.7 Bazooka
6.8 Rocket Propelled Harpoon
- 7.0 Secondary Weapons Included in This Demo
7.1 Grenade
7.2 Distortion Grenade
- 8.0 Helpful hints
- 9.0 Changes In Version 2.0
- 10.0 Troubleshooting
- 11.0 Common Switches
- 12.0 Messiah on the Internet
- 13.0 Technical Support and Contact Information
- 14.0 Software Use and Limitations License Agreement
If you have save games on your computer from the
Messiah Compatibility Test Version 1.0, your
save games will not work with Version 2.0.
Also, your config file which saves your user
settings will be replaced with a default config
file with Version 2.0.
The earth - a several thousand feet up - night
We are sailing over big fluffy clouds... the moon
shines in the night sky illuminating the cloud bed
below... we whisk across it like a bird flying
impossibly high.
A booming almighty voice breaks the silence.
and a small child-like voice answers
I've got something for you to do today.
...well... what?
I want you to clean something up for me
We dip into the cloudbank and begin to speed though the haze
That doesn't sound like fun.
It should be a pretty big job, actually.
Why would I want to do that?
Because I want you to and I think it would
build character.
I've got enough character... Couldn't someone
else do it?
We are now picking up speed as we plummet downwards.
I'm sending you to Earth. It's in pretty bad
shape and I'm hoping you might straighten it up
a little.
I'd rather not.
That's nice...enjoy your trip!
Suddenly, the anguished face of a cherub passes the
camera and tumbles away from us. It's Bob, and his
little winged cherub body is engulfed in a ball of fire....
...as the comet Bob flails towards earth the clouds part
to reveal it. A sparkling future city is below him...
and getting closer by the second.
dissolve to:
Somewhere in the city - meanwhile
Two police officers (BLUECOP and REDCOP) are strolling
along a metal catwalk engaged in shop talk. They are
in an industrial area and large, looming, smoke-spitting
buildings can be seen surrounding this roofless room.
They stop to have a conversation.
...so I'm goin "Lenny take your mom to the
hospital. If it's an emergency take her now,"
and he's like "oh don't worry about it. No, no,
no, she's asleep right now." Right?... Calls
me up two hours before the shift and makes
me come on...
RED COP lights up a cigarette.... takes a drag.
'course I gotta come in. This is the
second night in a row I gotta work for
that guy!
We see Bob's point of view as he screams towards
the future city... getting closer to the heart of it.
cut back to:
Somewhere in the city - meanwhile
RED COP smokes while BLUE COP continues his ranting.
You know what else I heard? I heard that
Father Prime has some scientist-goons
trying to open a doorway to another
dimension... Can you believe that?
RED COP nods and smokes while BLUE COP goes on.
That's crazy!
Another dimension.. jeez...Who do they
think they are?
RED COP has tuned out as he spies something
plummeting down from the heavens.
BLUE COP notices the RED COP is not paying attention.
What?... WHAT?!
We see Bob's comet streak out of the sky and
violently strike the BLUE COP from behind. Both
officers are thrown from the bridge to the floor
below. We drop down under the bridge to find the
BLUE COP writhing in pain. Blue blasts of light
and fire swirl around him. His back is smoking.
He is losing his mind... to Bob... He passes out.
fade to black.
Arrow Up Move Forward
Arrow Down Move Backward
Arrow Left Turn Left
Arrow Right Turn Right
Z Strafe Left
X Strafe Right
CTRL Bob = Flap Wings
Possessed Characters = Jump
Backspace Depossess a Character
Spacebar First Press = Enter Combat Mode
Second Press = Fire Weapon
0 Possessed Characters = Throw Secondary
Weapon if in Character's Inventory
Enter Current Action
I Toggle Heads Up Display
Shift+Arrow Walk
Insert Bob = Crawl
Possessed Characters = Crouch
Caps Lock Look Behind Character
P Toggle Pause Game
Esc In Game Menu
Num Pad + First Press = Enter Look Around Mode
Second Press = Zoom In Sniper Mode in Cops
Num Pad - Zoom Out Sniper Mode and Exit Look Around
Num Pad * Quick Exit Look Around Mode
Left Mouse Same as SPACEBAR listed above
Right Mouse Freelook in Third Person Perspective
F2 Save
F3 Load
Right Shift + T Toggle Tutorial Help On/Off
Here is a list of ways to move around in the environments of
Messiah and some techniques to further explore your
surroundings and avoid meeting an early demise.
When you press either the "Forward Movement Key" or the "Backward
Movement Key" you will by default run in that particular
direction. Your speed is faster than most creatures on Earth, and
in combination with your quick turns, you are very agile compared
to the clumsy humans. Use your running ability for those sticky
situations where a quick escape is necessary.
Pressing the "Forward" or "Backward Movement Keys" in combination
with the "Walk Key" will cause you to slowly creep forward at a
much less hectic speed than your run. This is especially useful
for traversing small ledges where one false step will cause an
untimely demise. Also keep in mind that when you walk your
footsteps will be silent, allowing you to sneak up on your foes
Pressing the "Forward" or "Backward Movement Keys" in combination
with the "Crawl/Crouch Key" will allow you to drop down close to
the floor and crawl around. This ability is useful when trying
to hide behind an object without being seen or when trying to
move underneath an object which is too low to walk under.
If you press the "Flap/Jump Key" while also pressing the "Forward
Movement Key" and get close to the edge of a ledge, you will be
able to grab hold of the ledge and hang from it. Pressing the
"Forward Movement Key" again will pull you up to the next level.
This is great for moving up to another area which is normally too
high to simply fly up to. Pressing the "Backward Movement Key"
will cause you to drop back down to the next lower area.
While hanging on a ledge, you can use the "Left" and "Right Turn
Keys" to move side to side on the ledge in a hand over hand
motion. This skill will undoubtedly be required during your
While running and turning is often sufficient for evading most
foes and simply traversing around the environment, using the
"Strafe Left" and "Strafe Right" keys will allow you to move
around the environment while still maintaining focus on a
desired target. This can be especially useful while running
around your enemies while still keeping your eyes focused on
There are three ways to get a better look at your surroundings
while moving about the different Cities.
1) While in third person perspective, pressing and holding the
"Look Around Key "will allow you to use the Mouse to scroll
around you and get a better look at your surroundings.
While in this Third Person Look Around Mode, you will still
be able to move which makes this action especially useful
for peeking around corners. Releasing the "Look Around
Key" will return you to normal movement mode.
2) Another way to get a look at your surroundings is to press
the "Enter/Zoom Sniper Mode" key to go into a first person
perspective. Once in this mode, you can use the Mouse to
move the camera around and take a look at areas you might
want to examine. While in this Sniper mode View, you cannot
move or turn but can strafe left and right as well as
crouch. Strafing while in this mode allows you to hide
behind boxes and the like and just peek your head around
the corner to get a look. To exit the Sniper Mode View,
press the "Quick Sniper Mode Exit Key."
3) Finally, if you want to get a look behind you quickly, press
the "Quick Look Back Key" to move the camera quickly from
behind your body to the front of it. This can be useful
while being pursued or simply seeing who has snuck up behind
you. Pressing the key again reverts the camera to its
normal position.
When you move around the environment, there are a number of items
in the world in which you can interact with. When you are in
another creature, there are many more possibilities, but more on
that later. In the bottom right corner of the screen there is
an icon called the Action Icon which will change depending on
the context of the situation you are in. Normally, the icon
appears signifying there is no current action. However, there
are instances in which you as Bob can interact with certain
world elements.
1) When you see the Action Icon for open door, you can press the
"Action Key" to open the door. This open door icon will only
appear when you are standing at the center of a door facing
2) Another instance where you can interact with the environment
while outside of a possessed character is to activate certain
electronic buttons and consoles. As a rule of thumb, Bob can
activate any low-tech consoles or switches in the environment.
Examples of low-tech devices are on/off buttons and elevator
switches. Examples of a high-tech device is a computer
terminal. Those high-tech devices with keyboards will require
a possessed character trained in their usage to activate them.
When a low-tech device can be interacted with, a use icon will
appear in the bottom right corner of the screen.
3) When an elevator can be activated, the elevator icon will be
displayed which means that the player must not only activate
the elevator but also tell it which direction to travel. To
do so, press the "Action Key" in combination with the
"Forward" or "Backward Movement Key." Pressing "Forward" in
combination with the "Action Key" will cause the elevator to
travel up, while the "Backward Key" in combination with the
"Action Key" will cause the elevator to go down.
Here is an overview of Bob's special abilities and how to apply
them to your Messiah experience.
Some of the natives of Earth will not be receptive to your
presence while others will be merely curious about you. Take
care, if you are spotted you may come under attack. To help
achieve your goals, you have been granted the ability of
possession. You may possess any entity in City Faktur as long
as they are organic in composition. Any creatures that are
mechanical in nature are immune to your power of possession
and thus must be dealt with carefully. The inhabitants of
Earth are a great many things. Though they may initially seem
to be just getting in the way of achieving your goals, City
Faktur's residents open up many possibilities.
Here's a step-by-step example of how to possess your prey.
1) Try to stay out of sight until you have a good
opportunity to possess a creature from behind.
2) Once your opportunity presents itself, make haste
to overtake the subject from behind.
3) While running up behind your prey, flap your wings
once or twice and spring toward the target's shoulder
4) If all goes as planned, you will dive into the
creature's back and thus into their spirit and
consciousness. When you have possessed a character,
you will see a halo over the creature's head
indicating to you which creature you are in control of.
Other creatures in the world will not see the halo,
it is merely there for your benefit to help you easily
pick which creature you are controlling even if you're
in a crowd. You now have complete control of this
entity and will possess all of their individual
strengths, weaknesses, and special abilities until
they are killed or you choose to depossess.
When Bob possesses a character in the game, the character becomes
armor. Since Bob is very fragile and can be killed relatively
easily, it is in Bob's best interest to possess a character and
use it like armor, absorbing any damage that is inflicted upon
him. Once the possessed character has taken significant damage,
Bob can depossess and find another character to absorb damage.
Bob himself cannot be damaged while in possession of a creature.
4.3 KEYS
Many areas in the City are only accessible to certain characters,
just as in real life. A Security Facility, for instance, is not
open for prostitutes to explore. In order to take a peek inside,
Bob must first possess a Cop who can then reasonably move freely
around the facility without arousing suspicion.
When Bob possesses a character in Messiah, he must then
effectively be the character. Once in a worker for instance,
Bob can't just go traipsing around a Security Facility at his
leisure. After all, he is a worker. Once in a character's
body Bob will have to act like the character or his cover will
be blown. When the whistle blows and the Cops all head out for
their lunch break, Bob better go too or the Cops will surely
get suspicious
When Bob is running low on health, he can replenish his own
body by jumping into another creature. When Bob is damaged
and he possesses another creature he will take health from his
host in proportion to the amount he has already been damaged.
You can depossess a creature at any time by simply pressing
the "Depossess Key." Once you depossess a creature they will
be stunned for a moment or two while they try to get their
bearings again. During those few moments that the creature
is disconcerted, you must either find a place to hide or find
a new host. Once those few moments have passed and the subject
regains its senses, the creature will begin to return to their
normal behavior and can again pose a threat if you are spotted.
Next to his possession ability, Bob's next most powerful
attribute is his ability for flight. To flap your wings
and take to the air, press the "Flap/Jump Key" and your wings
will flap once. If you continue to press the "Flap/Jump Key"
in succession, you will notice that your wings will continue
to flap and you can stay in the air for sustained periods of
time. Flapping while moving forward will allow you to cover
ground quite quickly and will enable you to move over
obstacles in your path quite effortlessly.
When on a high ledge, you can leap off and press and hold
the "Flap/Jump Key" to spread your wings and glide to another
destination. By using the glide ability, you will be able to
leap off of even the highest structures and glide like a
feather to the ground while taking little or no damage.
Gliding is also useful if you want to soar to a far off
landing area without having to flap your wings rapidly in
As Bob, you are very fragile and defenseless. As such, it
is necessary to possess Earth's inhabitants and use their
bodies and weapons whenever force is necessary to get
through a tight spot. The following will help you learn
how to engage Earth's inhabitants in both weapon and hand
to hand combat. Note that the creatures in City Faktur can
only carry one primary weapon at a time though some can
carry secondary grenades and mines as well. If you want to
use a different weapon than the one a character is currently
using, you will have to swap it with another when you come
across it.
The easiest way to get a weapon is to possess a character
who already has a weapon in their hands. In the event
that the possessed character does not have a weapon or
their weapon runs out of ammo, look for a weapon in the
room and stand over it to pick it up. Once over a weapon
one of two action icons will appear in the bottom right
of the screen; the pick up weapon icon or the swap weapon
icon. While standing directly over the desired weapon,
pressing the "Action Key" will cause the character to
either pick up or swap the current weapon. To drop a
weapon, make sure that the possessed character is not
standing over a weapon and then press the "Action Key"
to drop the weapon. You will know that you can drop
your current weapon because the drop weapon icon will
appear in the bottom right corner of the screen.
When possessing various characters in City Faktur you will find
that many carry weaponry. When you possess someone who is
carrying a weapon you of course then have control of not only
the character but also his knowledge of weapon based combat.
If you come under hostile fire, you can fight back with the
character's weapon by following the next steps:
1) First, press the "Enter Combat/Fire Weapon Key" once
to enter combat mode. When you enter combat mode the
possessed human will take an aggressive combat stance
but you can also tell you are in combat mode by
looking to the bottom right corner of the screen
where the combat icon will change from normal mode
to a combat mode version. Make sure that when you
enter combat mode you are ready for a fight. Once you
pull a weapon or put up your fists other creatures will
automatically assume that you are hostile and therefore
take appropriate measures.
2) Now that you are in combat mode, pressing the "Enter
Combat/Fire Weapon Key" will cause the possessed
creature to fire his primary weapons. Pressing and
holding the "Enter Combat/Fire Key" will make the
character fire their weapon in succession.
3) While in combat mode, the exit combat mode icon will
appear in the bottom right corner of the screen. To
exit combat mode, press the "Action Key" and the
possessed character will drop back into their normal
When you are in combat mode and sweep across the room, your
targeting cursor will move from creature to creature as you
move, highlighting each target in succession. When the
targeting cursor is highlighting the desired target, fire
away to take the target down. Keep in mind that weapons all
have different ranges so they will do various damage to your
target depending on whether they are nearby or off in the
distance. The pump gun, for example, can often take a
character down in a single shot at close range but is
miserable for long range combat.
Another way to fight with weapons is to enter sniper mode
and target from there. To enter sniper mode, press the
"Enter/Zoom Sniper Mode" key once to enter the first person
perspective. If the possessed character's weapon is not
already drawn, press the "Enter Combat/Fire Weapon Key"
once to draw their weapon. Once the weapon is drawn, a
targeting cursor will appear in the center of the screen
indicating that you are ready to fire. The targeting
crosshairs will not snap to your target as in third person
combat mode, but instead will stay solid all the while you
are in sniper mode. Each time that the "Enter
Combat/Fire Weapon Key" is pressed a shot will be fired at
the point the targeting crosshairs are over. In sniper mode
it is very easy for you to take accurate shots at your
enemies to target specific body parts. Experiment with
shooting the different areas of an enemy's body to achieve
different effects.
Many of the characters you will meet in City Faktur carry
secondary weapons in addition to their primary firearms.
To use the characters secondary weapon, press the
"Secondary Weapon Key" to throw a projectile weapon.
There will inevitably come a time in your travels where
you are hopelessly outnumbered in a fight and the ammo
clips you are carrying will not be enough to get you through
the situation. Fear not, most of the Earth's inhabitants
are proficient in the art of hand to hand combat. To fight
most effectively in hand to hand combat mode, you should
first drop your weapon, though some moves can be pulled off
even with a weapon in your hands. To fight in hand to hand
combat mode, you must first press the "Enter Combat/Fire
Weapon Key" once to enter combat mode. If there is no
weapon in the character's hands they will put of their
fists once in combat mode. Combat mode is also designated
by the combat icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Now that you are in combat mode, you must get close to your
desired target and then press the "Enter Combat/Fire Weapon
Key." Pressing this key alone will cause the possessed
character to strike out at their opponent. Pressing the
"Enter Combat/Fire Weapon Key" in combination with the
"Forward Movement Key" will cause the character to do other
combat moves as will attacking characters from behind.
Experiment with the different moves in hand to hand combat
mode to not only take down your enemies quietly but even
disarm them if so desired. While in hand to hand combat
mode, the exit combat mode icon will appear in the bottom
right corner of the screen. To exit combat mode, press the
"Action Key" and the possessed character will drop back into
their normal mode.
Here is a list of the weapons that you might some across in
your adventures through Faktur.
Intended only for welding, this weapon has a higher
probability of causing your foes to laugh themselves
to death when attacked than actually inflicting critical
amounts of damage. Even so, it could technically kill
someone if the person were to hold still long enough
for it.
The pump gun is standard issue for the Light Cops in
City Faktur. This weapon shoots 5 gauge slugs that
fire in a spread pattern when triggered. Though the
weapon has excellent stopping power at close range, it
is miserable at any distance. Don't even think about
trying to use this weapon in sniper mode due to it's
long range weakness.
Usually carried by Medium Cops, the machine gun is
excellent at long range and has superior accuracy.
Firing devastating slugs in rapid succession via
it's twin barrels, the machine gun is equally
impressive at clearing rooms of foes as it is
putting a bullet in someone's head from ╜ a mile
away in sniper mode.
Roughly as effective as its machine gun brethren,
the maimer has a rapid-fire mechanism, is equally
effective at short and long range, and delivers
more than enough stopping power to take down all
but the toughest foes. The maimer fires razor
sharp titanium blades that slice and dice any
unfortunate soul in its path.
Based on the opposite technology from the flame
thrower, the pak weapon fires needle like shards
of frozen ice at the intended target, skewering
them repeatedly. When one of the pak's icy
projectiles pierces the victim, they will begin
to freeze causing their targets movements to slow
down. Each successive projectile that hits the
target will further chill the victim making
their actions slower and slower. A few seconds
after last exposure, the victim begin to thaw
and once again regain their normal attributes.
Effective at both long and short range, the
pak is an excellent choice for both hectic
combat situations and strategic sniper mode
hits. The pak weapon also gives characters
the ability of limited flight via the
device's propeller like blades.
The flame thrower spews a flammable fuel mixture
in jelly form that's ignited when emitted. When
the jelly makes contact with another character
they will burst into flame causing them to run
and scream in agony until they can roll themselves
out. Though the weapon is useless at distances,
there is simply no substitute in close range combat
situations. Care must be taken with this weapon,
however, if an ignited character comes in contact
with you there is a good chance that he'll turn
you into a human torch as well.
The bazooka fires a frighteningly lethal missile
along a direct path to its targeted victim. With
infinite range, fast reload, zero trajectory arc,
and a speedy velocity, the bazooka is a handy toy
for long range combat. If fired at close range
the bazooka can be quite dangerous as the
subsequent missile explosion will most likely
damage the user as well as the target.
6.8 R.P.H.
The rocket propelled harpoon is the most
devastating weapon ever to appear on the streets
of City Faktur. The R.P.H. pierces the intended
target, lifting them off the ground and impaling
them on a nearby wall where they will wither in
agony before eventually collapsing. Good at both
close and long range, the R.P.H. is absolutely
devastating since it's capable of killing a
person with one shot.
Standard issue to medium and heavy Cops, the grenade behaves
just as one might expect, exploding in a shower of shrapnel
which is lethal in direct hits, and still quite effective for
those standing near it when it detonates.
The most powerful of the secondary weapons, the distortion
grenade is tossed like a normal grenade but creates a warping
anomaly that can literally bend solid objects. Any creature
caught in the path of the distortion grenade will be thrown
as if they were standing next to a violent explosion and will
sustain similar amounts of damage. Like a standard grenade,
the distortion grenade can be banked off walls due to its
built in three second timer.
╖ To possess a character, flap your wings and fly into the
character's back. You can de-possess at any time by
pressing the depossess key.
╖ Try to possess characters when no one else is looking.
Characters won't attack if you appear to be like them.
╖ Bob is very fragile and defenseless. Whenever possible,
possess other characters and use them for camouflage as
well as armor. If you possess a Cop without being seen
for instance, other Cops won't pay attention to you. If
you do get in a fight, the possessed Cop takes the
damage, not Bob.
╖ Keep those weapons holstered! Running around with your
gun ready is a sign of aggression to other characters.
╖ Elevators in Messiah are a bit different than other games
but are quite easy to operate once you get the hang of it.
Stand in front of the elevator console you wish to operate
and turn the character to face it. Press the action key
while pressing forward or backward depending on which way
you want to go.
╖ Keep an eye out for better weapons and ammo. Explore
your environment whenever possible.
╖ Characters each have their own set of skills, use
different characters to access different areas or
╖ Bob can regain health by possessing another character
and taking some of their life essence to replenish his
╖ The Cops and the Chots have a natural aversion to one
another. When these two classes of characters come in
contact with one another, expect a firefight. If you
don't understand why you're being shot at, chances are
that another character may not get along with the class
of character that you are currently in possession of.
- Fixed problem where player was harpooned to floor
- Fixed some hiding issues
- Fixed translucent viewing system being activated on
Red cops
- Fixed female characters being held by electric
- Fixed female reload animation
- Added some Fear Factory music
- Added Fear Factory sample to main menu
- Increased Messiah priority so that other running
programs would not steal so much horsepower
- Fixed some save/load issues
- Clear screen at beginning on all cards
- Fixed sample overwrite
- Get rid of 32 bit resolution check
- Fixed invalid sample error message
- Fixed intro to menu bug
- Mip mapping enabled (speed increase...looks better)
- Fixed 3DFX palette error bug
- Font cleaned up
- Fixed TnL buffer size (Nvidia GeForce 3D card issue)
- Scripts compile box now displayed on screen
- Fixed A3D bug in their audio card detect code
- Added sound menu selector
- All sound slow downs fixed internally as well as
extra options allowed to the user in the menu
- Memory preinitialize to avoid swapping
- New installation graphic added called "The Art of
Possession" to help people figure out possession easier
- New sound headers to allow for easy implementation
of character voices
- New Voices for Cop, Commander, Scientists & Welder added
- Added ability to use strafe keys when hanging
- Added invert y axis option as requested
- Added custom camera tension control
- Added freelook mode as requested
- 8 new hand to hand fighting aminations added to Commander
- 2 new hand to hand animations added to Chots
- Updated some AI states, improving gun-fights
- Fixed a bug with the configuration input to use the
mouse wheel on some systems
- Fixed bug where enemies would fail to "see" the player
after completing the Test and immediately restarting
- Some doors adjusted which lead to momentary "black
voids" when the cpu was heavily taxed
- More testing.
Windows 95/98
DirectX 7 Required
Pentium II 233
3D Accelerator Card (Demo Supports Voodoo and TNT Cards)
Direct Sound Compliant Sound Card
Microsoft Compatible Mouse
Pentium II 300
PCI or AGP 3D Accelerator Card with 16MB RAM
Shiny Entertainment, Inc. cannot be held responsible for
any errors or incompatibilities which the Messiah
Compatibility Test may cause.
1) The Messiah Compatibility Test does not have 32bit
support currently. As such, you will need to set
your Windows desktop to 16bit. Right click on your
desktop, choose Properties, select Settings, under
Colors pull the menu down and choose High Color 16bit.
Click ok, and the Test will run normally.
2) Though other D3D compatible video cards will run the
Messiah demo, the demo is compiled specifically for
use with the Voodoo and TNT family of video
3) For the demo version of Messiah we recommend using the
3DFX executable for any of the Voodoo family cards.
4) There is a problem on the Voodoo 3 card running the
D3D version with certain drivers installed with
regard to Messiah's mip mapping.
If you experience frequent crashes or graphic
corruption with your Voodoo 3 card with the latest
drivers, enable the -v switch to disable mip mapping.
For switch usage, see section 11.0, Common Switches.
5) If your desktop resolution is set to to less than
or equal to the in-game resolution of Messiah while
using a 3DFX Banshee or a Voodoo 3, you may experience
crashes to Windows when Messiah initially loads.
To work around this issue, adjust your desktop setting
higher than the resolution you wish to run Messiah
in and the game should load normally.
6) Be sure to close resource intensive applications before
running Messiah. Virus scanners are particularly
problematic as they will reduce Messiah's overall
performance significantly.
7) If you satisfy all the system requirements for Messiah
and are still having problems running the game make sure
to get the latest drivers for your hardware devices.
Interplay Quality Assurance has found that installing
the latest reference or card manufacturer's video
drivers corrected many problems found with older drivers.
8) Some systems may not multitask properly while playing
Messiah. Switching programs while Messiah is running
is not supported.
11.0 Common Switches
Though we recommend leaving the executable settings in
the same condition as when unzipped, it is possible
to work around some known issues and optimize performance
with some common switches.
To add a switch to your executable file, first create
a shortcut icon on your Windows desktop to the
executable to either glide3x.exe or d3d.exe.
Next, right click on the icon and enter properties.
On the line titled "Target," add the switch desired at
the end of the line.
An example of a line with the "-s" switch enabled would
C:\messiah\MessiahD3D.exe -s
More than one switch can be added to the executable line
to affect system performance.
-s Disable sound
Visit the official Messiah web site at:
And to give the team immediate feedback on the demo,
check out the official Messiah message board at
Though there is no immediate technical support
available for the Messiah demo, reported issues will
be fixed for the final release build. To report a
problem with Messiah on your computer system, please
e-mail us at:
Please be sure to include the following information in
your e-mail message:
-Computer manufacturer
-Operating system (Windows 95, Windows 98, etc.)
-CPU type and speed in MHz
-Amount of RAM
-Sound card type and settings (address, IRQ, DMA)
-Video card
-CD-ROM-Mouse driver and version
-Joystick and game card (if any)
-A copy of the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files from
your hard drive
-A description of the problem you're having
⌐1999 Shiny Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.
Shiny, the Shiny logo are trademarks of Shiny
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⌐1999 Shiny Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.
Messiah, the Messiah logo, Interplay, the Interplay
logo, and "By Gamers. For Gamers." are trademarks
of Interplay Entertainment Corp. Shiny, the Shiny
logo are trademarks of Shiny Entertainment Inc. All
rights reserved. Published and distributed by
Interplay Entertainment Corp.
If the Software contains modem or network play, you
may play the Software via modem transmission with
another person or persons directly without
transmission through a third party service or
indirectly through a third party service only if
such service is an authorized licensee of Interplay.
For the purposes of this license, a third party
service refers to any third party service which
provides a connection between two or more users of
the Software, manages, organizes, or facilitates
game play, translates protocols, or otherwise
provides a service which commercially exploits the
Software, but does not include a third party
service which merely provides a telephonic
connection (and nothing more) for modem or network
play. Authorized licensee services are listed on
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commercial services licensed by Interplay) which
translates the protocols or manages or organizes
game play sessions. If you would like information
about obtaining a pay-for-play or commercial license
to the Software, please call Interplay Productions
in the US at +(949) 553-6655.
By acquiring and retaining this Software, you assent
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