100 PF5 Plasma Flares\nPlasma flares in a 5.56 mm short cartridge. A phase-decoupled plasma generator provides over 10k candelas of white light for up to 6 seconds to illuminate even the darkest areas effectively. \nArmour piercing: 0 cm\nClip size: 20\nCompatible with: all plasma weapons.\nDiameter: 5.56 mm\nLength: 24 mm\n
101 Plasma Carbine\nMorger MMP32C short plasma carbine rated at 32 Watts. Accepts both short and long 5.56mm caseless plasma rounds in any combination. Operates in burst fire mode for maximum firepower in confined spaces.\nAmmo: PL5 standard plasma rounds, PL5E enhanced plasma rounds, PF5 Plasma Flares, PL5H Heavy plasma rounds.\nRecharge Time: 1 s (between bursts)\nWeight: 2.85 kg\nLength: 67.5 cm\nBarrel: 22.5 cm\nMagazine capacity: 10-20 rounds.\n
102 Plasma Rifle\nMorger MMP40R 40 Watt plasma assault rifle. This is a full military specification infantry weapon that accepts all plasma rounds, including Auto-Lock Plasma Rounds due to a modified plasma chamber.\nAmmo: PL5 standard plasma rounds, PL5E enhanced plasma rounds, PF5 Plasma Flares, PL5H Heavy plasma rounds, PL5H-AL Auto-Lock Plasma Rounds.\nRecharge Time: 1 s (between 4 shot bursts)\nWeight: 3.1 kg\nLength: 76 cm\nBarrel: 29 cm\nMagazine capacity: 10-20 rounds.\n\n
103 Plasma Pistol\nMorger MMP18X single shot 18 Watt semi-automatic plasma pistol takes short 5.56mm caseless plasma rounds. The X variant has a plasma chamber that can accept plasma flare rounds.\nAmmo: PL5 standard plasma rounds, PL5E enhanced plasma rounds, PF5 Plasma Flares.\nRecharge Time: 2-3 seconds\nWeight: 1.25 kg\nLength: 19 cm\nBarrel: 8.8 cm\nMagazine capacity: 10-20 rounds.\n
104 Laser Pistol\nGrubertech GLP10 compact 10 Mega Watt laser pistol. A deuterium fluoride laser gain medium generates a sequence of pulsed laser beams at a wavelength of 3.8 micro metres in the Infra Red region.\nPower source: CP1 power pack, CP2 power pack.\nPower Drain: \nRecharge Time: 2 s\nArmour Piercing: 3-4.5 cm\nWeight:\nLength:\n
105 Medium Laser Rifle\nGrubertech GLM25 medium energy 25 Mega Watt X-Ray Laser Rifle. A fast discharge plasma generates coherent X-ray radiation at 15.98 nm using a Strontium laser gain medium.\nPower source: CP1 power pack, CP2 power pack.\nPower Drain: \nRecharge Time: 2 s\nArmour Piercing: 3-4.5 cm\nWeight:\nLength:\n
106 Heavy Laser Rifle\nGrubertech GLR50 heavy assault rifle operates at 50 Mega Watts. A Free Electron Laser gain medium provides a tuneable wavelength from 248 nm to 8 mm. \nPower source: CP1 power pack, CP2 power pack.\nPower Drain: \nRecharge Time: 2 s\nArmour Piercing: 3-4.5 cm\nWeight:\nLength:\n\n
107 Flame Thrower\nCytox CFT7 standard issue Flame Thrower takes a range of liquid fuels in quick-change fuel tanks. A long-life diamond-lined combustion chamber ignites the electrically pumped fuel.\nFuel: CFF1 flame thrower fuel, CFF2G Flame Thrower Gelled Fuel\nLength:\nWeight:\n\n
108 40mm Grenade launcher\nMorger MG404 grenade launcher takes 40mm standard-issue grenades and can act like a mortar with a high-arc trajectory. This is a reliable heavy infantry support weapon that is proven in battle.\nAmmo: G40 Grenades, G42H Heavy Grenades.\nReload time: 2-3 s\nWeight: 8.9 kg\nLength: 67 cm\nBarrel: 54 cm\n
109 Napalm Launcher
110 Missile Launcher\nMorger MMM105 Missile Launcher with autoloader. The "Triple-M" is a heavy infantry missile system that can take all M3 series 105 mm missiles for very effective anti-armour and anti-air capability. \nAmmo: M3A Light Missiles, M3X Medium Missiles.\nReload time: 2-3 s\nWeight: 16.7 kg\nLength: 197 cm\nBarrel: 160 cm\nDiameter: 105 mm \n\n
111 Nanofragmenter\nCytox CN4 Nanofragmenter. Very high power drain - needs E Cell\n\n
112 Napalm Sprayer\nBurning chemicals inflict serious damage on opponents, but your supply is very limited.
113 PL5 Standard Plasma Rounds
114 PL5E Enhanced Plasma Rounds
115 PL5H Heavy Plasma Rounds
116 PL5H-AL Autolock Plasma Rounds
117 CP1 Power Pack\nCytox CP1 640V medium drain Power Pack is a compact power source designed to power most laser weapons.\nCapacity:\nCompatible with: GLP10 Laser Pistol, GLM25 Medium Laser Rifle, GLR50 Heavy Laser Rifle.\nDimensions: x x mm\n
118 CP2 Power Pack\nCytox CP2 640V high drain Power Pack is a full military specification power source. The Power Pack has been optimised to power medium and heavy laser rifle.\nCapacity:\nCompatible with: GLP10 Laser Pistol, GLM25 Medium Laser Rifle, GLR50 Heavy Laser Rifle.\nDimensions: x x mm\n
119 G40 Grenades\nStandard-issue military grade 40 mm grenades for use in MG404 Grenade Launchers. The High Explosive warhead is launched by a small propellant charge.\nArmour piercing: 7 cm\nClip size: 5\nCompatible with: MG404 Grenade Launcher.\nDiameter: 40 mm\nLength: 105 mm\n
120 G40H Heavy Grenades\nHeavy 40 mm grenades have a double warhead for improved armour piercing capability. Primary HESH (high-explosive squash-head) warhead is backed by a shaped charge secondary warhead.\nArmour piercing: 9 cm\nClip size: 5\nCompatible with: MG404 Grenade Launcher.\nDiameter: 40 mm\nLength: 112 mm\n
121 Epulsar lightning gun
122 Flame Thrower Fuel\nCytox CFF1 standard issue Flame Thrower hydrocarbon fuel has additives for free flow and stabilisers for increased storage life.\nCompatible with: CFT7 Flame Thrower\nVolume: \nSize:\nWeight:\n
123 Flame Thrower Gelled Fuel\nCytox CFF2G Gelled Flame Thrower Fuel. An improved fuel with greater target adhesion and thermite micro-particles for increased burn temperature.\nCompatible with: CFT7 Flame Thrower\nVolume: \nSize:\nWeight:\n
124 Terrain Scanner\nDisplays a map of your local environment.
125 Audio Suppressor\nSilences your movement.
126 Armour Pickup\nIncrease your base armour - will decrease with damage.
127 Shield Generator\nCytox CESG6 self-powered Electronic Shield Generator is effective at neutralising most plasma, laser and projectile weapons. Each impact reduces shield efficiency, the impact energy is dispersed in the near infra red region so can create a red halo effect.\nArmour rating:\nSize: x x mm\nWeight:\n
128 Hologram Generator\nMimics an enemy robot's video and audio characteristics. Will not support local energy discharge (weapons fire).
129 PF5 Plasma Flares
130 Plasma Carbine
131 Plasma Rifle
132 Plasma Pistol
133 Laser Pistol
134 Medium Laser Rifle
135 Heavy Laser Rifle
136 Flame Thrower
137 Grenade Launcher
138 Missile Launcher
139 Nanofragmenter
140 Napalm Sprayer
141 PL5 Standard Plasma Rounds
142 PL5E Enhanced Plasma Rounds
143 PL5H Heavy Plasma Rounds
144 PL5H-AL Autolock Plasma Rounds
145 CP1 Power Pack
146 CP2 Power Pack
147 G40 Grenades
148 G40H Heavy Grenades
149 E-Pulsar
150 Flame Thrower Fuel
151 Flame Thrower Gelled Fuel
152 Terrain Scanner
153 Audio Suppressor
154 Armour
155 Shield Generator
156 Hologram Generator
157 M3A Light Missile
158 M3X Medium Missile
159 Portable Repair Unit
160 Self Repair Kit
161 Vision System Upgrade
162 Vision System Enhancer
163 Audio Decoys\nWhen triggered these devices generate a unique audio pulse every few seconds that will attract any hostiles within hearing range.\nPress A to place an audio decoy.\nPress CNTRL to confirm activation key for each audio decoy.\nPress displayed activation key to trigger individual decoys.
164 Proximity mine\nTriggered by any hostile coming within a 2 metre radius. High yield charge capable of destroying heavily armoured hostiles. Press P to lay mine.
165 Remote detonated mines\nRadio signal detonated with a high yield charge capable of destroying even heavily armoured hostiles.\nPress R to lay a mine, Press CNTRL to confirm detonation function key for each individual mine. Press displayed detonation key to trigger mine.\nPress D to detonate ALL remote mines layed simultaneously.
166 Timed mines\n10 second timer. High yield charge capable of destroying heavily armoured hostiles. Press T to lay mine.
167 Proximity Mines
168 Audio Decoys
169 Timed Mines
170 Remote Mines
171 Target Imager
172 Target Imager\nGrubertech GTI20 Target Imager has increased image processing power and anti-jamming filters for improved target tracking stability and lock-on. The result is greater weapon accuracy. Interfaces with all known weapon types.\nSize: 12 x 12 x 4 cm\nWeight: 2 kg\n
173 Interface Arm
174 Interface Arm\nElint's Interface Arm, for deactivating things.
200 Start Game with these Players:
201 Dedicated Server Only
202 Play and Host
203 Continue
204 Your Name:
205 IP Address:
206 Game Name:
207 Game Type:
208 Cooperative
209 Deathmatch
210 Rescue The President
211 Battle
212 Capture The Flag.
213 Reserved (type 5).
214 Reserved (type 6).
215 Basic Missile: High-powered missile but with no tracking capability. Easily takes out groups of smaller enemies.
216 Missile Plus: Massive damage capability and blast radius. Use at long-range only.
217 Repair Arm\nCytox CRA10 Repair Arm. Heavy weight Repair Attachment requires extreme power supplies to energise the repair nanobots.\nPower sources: CEC45 Energy Cell.\nArmour repair: \nLength:\nWeight:\n\n
219 NEXT
220 Return to Previous Menu
221 This Game Has Now Already Started
222 The service provider could not be initialized.
223 The connection could not be established.
224 Self Repair Kit \nCytox CRK1 single shot emergency armour and electrical systems repair kit contains micro-robots that realign damaged atomic structure of steel and composite armour. \nArmour Repair:\nSize:\nWeight:\n
225 Vision System \nGrubertech GVS1 Vision System. Rapid change enhanced optical subsystem plugs into standard optical upgrade slot and is most suitable for use in reconnaissance robots.\nRange Increase: +2\nSize: x x mm\nWeight: kg\n\n
226 Vision System Upgrade\nGrubertech GVS2 Vision System Upgrade. Rapid change enhanced optical subsystem plugs into standard optical upgrade slot and is most suitable for use in reconnaissance robots.\nRange Increase: +2\nSize: x x mm\nWeight: kg\n\n
227 Game server must restart.
228 Single Player
229 Multiplayer (Not Available)
230 Options Menu
231 Exit Game
232 Load Game
233 Choose Level
234 New Game
235 Training Level
236 Test Level (Assault Course)
237 Return to Main Menu
238 Change Screen Mode
239 Change Graphics Card
240 Edit Keyboard Controls
241 Edit Mouse Controls
242 Game Preferences
243 Difficulty Menu
244 Easy
245 Medium (not implemented)
246 Hard
247 Linear MipMapping
248 Anisotropic Filtering
249 Triple Buffering
250 32 Bit Textures
251 Main Menu
252 Options
253 Screen Mode
254 Graphics Card
255 Mission Menu
256 Controls Menu
257 Mouse Menu
258 Single Player Menu
259 Multiservice
260 Multisessions
261 IP Address
262 Multiple Create
263 Multiple Player
264 Waiting for players to join...
265 Preferences
266 << Go Up
267 That key is already in use and cannot be assigned twice.
268 Game save version differs from current version number and may be incompatible.
269 Claw: The humanoid Claw model makes up in ferocity what it lacks in speed and vision range.
270 Stalker: Powerful weaponry make this a foe to avoid in prolonged battles. Unable to access certain areas due to its size.
271 Drone: Fast and vicious adversary, whose weakness is its wide turning circle.
272 Repair Energy: Used to repair mechanical or cybernetic devices.
273 This character cannot use that item.
274 At least one player is required.
275 Confirm Screen Mode
276 Click here to keep screen mode.
277 Scroll Speed
278 Unable to create game.
279 Gunlok running Dedicated Server
280 Load Game
281 Drag Box Edge Scroll
282 Your Flag Has Been Captured
283 The Enemy Flag Has Been Captured
284 Cannot equip whilst attacking
285 Gunlok\nUnknown manufacturer and model number. Male organic humanoid, age 32 years, military rank Commander. Advanced armour/ weapons capability.\n\nWeapons Capability: unknown\nMax armour: unknown\nMax speed: 30 mph for limited periods\nHeight: 184 cm\nWeight: 30 kg with armour\nCPU: water/organic neural network known as a "brain".
286 Hark\nGrubertech GTSA3H light scout/recon droid with advanced imaging vision system. compact design enables it to go places that larger and heavier androids cannot. \n\n\nWeapons Capability: light Plasma weapons.\nInventory slots: 6\nUpgrade slots: 3 slots.\nMax armour: 8 cm composite\nMax speed: 70 mph sustained\nHeight: 150 cm\nWeight: 45 kg\nCPU: 1.4 THz neural net
287 Frend\nMorger Heavy Plant MHP01F military specification heavy construction robot with CPU roll-bar. The F variant has been upgraded with heavy weapons capability by sacrificing the CPU size. \n\nWeapons Capability: all heavy infantry\nInventory slots: 24\nUpgrade slots: 5 slots\nMax armour: 50 cm composite equivalent\nMax speed: 20 mph standard\nHeight: 225 cm\nWeight: 250 kg\nCPU: 100 GHz RISC CPU
288 Elint\nSelf-assembled android constructed from various recycled mechanical parts and built around a damaged bomb-disposal robot core. Superior mechanical and electronic systems repair, modification and deactivation capability. \n\nWeapons: most heavy infantry\nInventory slots: 15.\nUpgrade slots: 5 slots\nMax armour: 10 cm composite\nMax speed: 30 mph standard\nHeight: 199 cm\nWeight: 149 kg\nCPU: 1.5 THz twin neural net
289 Maskelyn\nUnknown manufacturer and model number.\nUnknown genetic structure and age.\nUnknown weapons and armour capability.\n\nStrong magnetic energy field present. Unknown purpose.\n
290 Scroll Button
291 Press detonation key when ready.
292 default
293 player
294 Continue (Leave blank for default)
295 (No games found)
296 Oil Rig (Multiplayer)
297 The Ruins (Multiplayer)
298 Prison (Multiplayer)
299 Zorro (Multiplayer)
300 Atlantic (Multiplayer)
301 Car Park (Multiplayer)
302 Bomb Site (Multiplayer)
303 Dockyard (Multiplayer)
304 Rorschasch (Multiplayer)
305 Mountain (Multiplayer)
306 Canyon (Multiplayer)
307 Warehouse (Multiplayer)
308 Training Level
309 The Beginning
310 Recycling Plant
311 Storm Drain
312 Crash Land
313 Rescue
314 Satellite Park
315 Docks
316 Oil Rig
317 Supertanker
318 Industrial Complex
319 Junkyard
320 City Wall
321 Earth Power Amplifier
322 City Ruins
323 Skorn's Stronghold
324 Remove
326 Choose Multiplayer Arena
327 There are too many players to start the game.
328 You have been removed from the game by the host.
329 Message:
330 This game is full.
1000 Congratulations - the mission was a success.
1002 MISSION 2: THE RECYCLING PLANT\n\nEnter into the bowels of the sewer system, for it leads onto a facility deeper in Corporation territory where decommissioned robots are melted down into vast pools of molten metal, glowing orange among the blackened machinery. \n\n\nExplore the area carefully as powerful weapons maybe salvaged from their remains.
1003 MISSION 1: CROSSING THE BORDER\n\nA journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step. Enter the arena of the Corporation.\n\nScavenge the wasteland for junk piles that may hide equipment hidden by the Resistance.\n\nTread stealthily for you may hide in the junk piles to avoid the enemy. \n
1004 MISSION 3: STORM DRAIN\nThis is the end of the beginning. The land here is dominated by a huge Storm Drain. Rusted bones of a forgotten city. \nThere is another here who you need. Shattered concrete pillars are all that remain of our once proud heritage. \n
1005 MISSION 4: CRASH-LAND \n\nA pre-war bunker buried deep in the landscape, like a rustflea on a robot's armour, holds vital data we need. The way is not obvious, but needs to be found.\n
1006 MISSION 5: RESCUE\n\nA bloated Corporation device nearby is probing for sources of Earth Power, leaching power for unknown reasons.\nLocate and rescue a heavy works robot that may assist you. \n
1007 MISSION 6: SATELLITE PARK\n\nOnce proud minds craned their faces upwards unto the heavens here in their search for truth. This place of ghosts was once a Satellite Park, seeking out new life. Now the Corporation uses it for its own twisted ends. Now it is used to destroy what it was once designed to discover.\n
1008 MISSION 7: DOCKS\n\n\nThe spirits of great weapons stalk the place. You must find evidence of movement of nuclear weapons through this facility.\n\nLocate a huge transport crate that may contain more tools for your crusade.\n
1009 MISSION 8: OIL RIG\n\n\nThis mighty platform to draw out black oil from the earth has another purpose. It is being used by The Corporation to extract nuclear devices. \n\nChannelled nuclear explosions are being used to drive fissures deep into the Earth's crust and release the Earth Power locked up in its core.\n\nSearch the area thoroughly to find the nuclear devices and disarm them to prevent their use. Some of the original machines here may still be working and\nuseful. \n\nLocate and disarm any nuclear devices you find.\n
1010 Make your way through the junkyard, taking advantage of any opportunity to collect discarded equipment.
1011 Locate the CyberBay to remove tracking devices.
1012 MISSION 9: SUPERTANKER\nThe evil one, Skaran, is here on this wrecked hypertanker collecting military data files on combining Earth Power with nuclear technology. He is surrounded by robot protectors and will be difficult to approach. The Human resistance now know of Skaran's location, help may be on hand.\n
1013 Find a way into the city.
1014 Rendezvous with Maskelyn.
1015 Locate and destroy 5 energy nodes.
1016 Kill Skorn.
1017 INTRODUCTION\n\nAt the end of the 21st Century we made the mistake of relinquishing control to the machines. Unrestrained, the machines waged war against themselves and mankind. \n\nFaced with losing the war a crash program was instigated to create a break-through weapons technology - a combination of power armour and a radical new energy technology which tapped into a resonance at the Earth's core - Earth Power. \n\nAn Advanced Special Forces Group had just begun testing the battle armour prototypes when the machines triggered the orbital weapon platforms to bombard the Earth's surface with neutron bombs. There were few survivors. We had lost the war.
1018 Some years after the bombardment, the machines driven by imperatives programmed into them by the business empires of the early 21st century have consolidated into Corporations led by the evil Skaran. \n\nNow these Corporations rule the Earth. The last remaining pockets of human resistance fight on, but are slowly but surely being eliminated...
1019 MISSION 6: SATELLITE PARK\n\nYour objective is to release the stored power by activating the main Energy Node. You will need to use the rocks and walls as cover and deploy your allies carefully to penetrate this heavily defended area.\n\nExtend the bridge to gain access to the center of the Energy Node so you can activate it. Gunlok and at least two of his allies must survive in order to complete this mission.\n
2000 WRITE ME !
2001 Laser fence destroyed.
2002 remaining.
2004 Disable both laser fence systems preventing your escape.
2005 Find a way out of this canyon.
3000 Ouch! Where am I? Do I want to be here? Gunlok, is that you?
3001 Thank the big hard drive in the sky you found me! I've got urgent news. I was on a recon mission. This dock is meant to be deserted!
3002 Instead, it's heavily guarded. Supplies are coming in from an unknown corporate source. We don't know anything about it.
3003 Try and steal some of the new supplies, to find out what they are. There's bound to be a corporate transport somewhere for a quick get away.
3004 I've got a plasmic torpedo launcher here. You better take it. It's out of ammo though. If you find some, use it wisely! And don't forget to take my chip!
3005 One of the humans thanks you for freeing them.
3006 He warns you that they have had tracking bugs implanted.
3007 They beg you to help remove them!
3008 They also have this strange orange item, which is the key to the the Vat area.
3009 This forcegate requires a key - it looks like a barrel
3010 Your character has been debugged!
3011 O.K. The debugging process is complete. Let's get out of here.
3012 It looks like we need a key to open this strange crate.
3013 Way is blocked!
3014 I will make a way through!
3015 Aaaagh! Death to all robots!
3016 We had better get out of here.
3017 There must be a way to the dried seabed.
3018 I saw an unused transporter there earlier!
3019 Follow me. I know where the mine exit is.
3020 This forcegate requires a key
3021 This is the main power switch for this area
3022 Look! They're holding some humans captive.
3023 There must be a switch somewhere to free them.
3024 Guys, there's a very big gun up ahead...
3025 If you don't do something fast, I'm gonna be scrap metal!
3026 What the... I've opened the door, but...
3027 I'm on some sort of transport! I can't get off!
3028 If my programming allowed me to swear, now would be a good time.
3029 There's something very scary up ahead, so please, SAVE ME!
3030 There's a monster on the ground beneath the village, if you destroy it for me I'll give you a way in to the city. Once you've killed the monster, come to the other end of this lift.
3031 I need you four to get to the ring around the crater, there are four platforms on it, one of you needs to be on each one.
3032 Take the skyways to get there, the enemy has heavy units at ground level so it'll be safer...Now hurry, we don't have much time!
3033 We'd better move, There's an old bunker near to here I think.
3036 We've run out of fuel, and landed near an old deserted dock.
3037 The resistance has an agent posted here, but they've lost contact with him.
3038 We've got to find the agent. Maybe he can get us some transport out of here!
3039 We've got into the Industrial Complex by the South Entrance.
3040 We've got into the Industrial Complex by the South Entrance.
3041 That's where we can have these tracking bugs removed!
3042 Well, my work here is done...
3043 See you in The Chequers, boys!
3044 Umm.. shouldn't something have happened.
3045 Guess someone better tell Dan.
3046 Drop a proximity mine
3047 Drop a timed mine
3048 Drop a remote mine
6020 Move left
6021 Move right
6022 Move up
6023 Move down
6024 Increase camera elevation
6025 Decrease camera elevation
6026 Select the next character
6027 Select the previous character
6028 Centre / free the camera
6029 Toggle pause mode
6030 Quit to the desktop
6031 Cycle through characters
6032 Toggle command console
6033 Switch viewpoints
6034 Detonate remote mine
6035 Crouch / conceal
6036 Unit customisation screen
6037 Drop an Audio Decoy
6038 Quickfires a Flare
6040 An error occurred while attempting to save the keyboard and mouse configuration.
6041 Maximum allowed queue size is 200 messages.
6042 Maximum allowed history buffer size is 100 messages.
6043 Unrecognised first argument.
6044 No operator in conditional expression.
6045 Unrecognised second argument.
6046 Invalid condition.
6047 I cannot do that. The minimum number of lines is 1.
6048 I cannot do that. The maximum number of lines is 14.
6049 No command of that name found.
6050 Limit of bound keys already reached.
6051 More than one key cannot be bound in a single BIND statement.
6052 No string to bind to.
6053 Limit of tokens already reached.
6054 No identifier provided.
6055 Error occurred while attempting to open batch file.
6056 This command may only be used in the main game.
6057 Invalid cursor position.
6058 No role with that identifier was found in the script file.
6059 The specified team does not exist.
6060 Current queue size is
6061 Queue size set successfully.
6062 Current history buffer size is
6063 CONSOLE APPEAR is currently
6064 History buffer size set successfully.
6065 Press any key for more.
6066 CONSOLE APPEAR set to ON.
6068 Echo mode is currently
6069 Echo mode set to ON.
6070 Echo mode set to OFF.
6071 Batch file successfully executed.
6072 No unit currently selected. Enter HELP SELECT in the console for more information.
6073 The specified unit does not exist.
6074 Invalid (negative) unit number.
6075 Invalid unit number (exceeds array size).
6076 No token of that name exists.
6077 No unit at that cursor position.
6078 Return to main menu
6079 Joystick control is currently
6080 reserved for joystick menu
6081 reserved for joystick menu
6082 reserved for joystick menu
6083 reserved for joystick menu
6084 reserved for joystick menu
6085 Shadow Detail
6086 Detail Level
6087 Screen colour depth
6088 An error occurred while attempting to save the game.
6089 An error occurred while attempting to load the game.
6090 Invert Mouse
6091 Landscape Shadows are currently
6092 Direct Control is currently
6093 Loading AI and UI
6094 Loading sounds
6095 Loading level data
6096 Loading textures
6097 Loading miscellaneous data
6098 Loading shadows
6099 Pregenerating level data
6100 Landscape shadows are not recommended on lower-end PCs
6101 Waiting for other players
6102 - Cooperative
6103 - Deathmatch
6104 - President
6105 - Battle
6106 - Capture flag
6108 Reserved
6109 Reserved
6110 Server Type:
7004 TAB
7006 GRAVE
7007 ON
7008 OFF
7009 TRUE
7010 FALSE
7011 Token
7012 created.
7013 New unit number
7014 Binding key
7015 SPACE
7016 to
7017 mission added.
7018 under current cursor control.
7019 Current date is
7020 January
7021 February
7022 March
7023 April
7024 May
7025 June
7026 July
7027 September
7028 August
7029 October
7030 November
7031 December
7032 Unit number
7033 GunLok version
7034 with role
7035 [blank]
7036 Delete failed.
7037 Delete successful.
7038 Current system time is
7039 GunLok
7040 WATCH
7042 Cursor Location is
7043 Frames Per Second
7044 Name
7045 under the cursor.
7046 Team
7047 Number
7048 Unnamed unit
7049 GLClass
7050 ammo changed
7051 out of ammo
7054 Please Wait
7055 Network Error
7058 0
7059 1
7060 2
7061 3
7062 16
7063 24
7064 32
7065 Load Game
7066 Save Game
7067 Restart Level
7068 Exit to Menu
7069 Game Time :
7070 Level :
7071 SLOW
7073 FAST
7074 Equipped
7075 Ammo Equipped
7076 Hologram Generator Unequipped
7077 Resume Play
7078 LOW
7079 HIGH
7084 RIGHT
7086 Junkpile Empty
7087 Flares Unavailable
7088 Plasma Pistol Unavailable
8000 Format: SPEAK 'unit_number' 'message'. Any players within earshot of the specified unit will receive 'message' (a string).
8001 Prints the current date, and stores the month in Res.
8002 Prints the current real-world time, and stores the hour in Res.
8003 Adds a new mission to the menu select screen. Takes the level script name as its parameter, e.g. ADD MISSION crash.gls. If a second filename is passed, this is used as the console script file for that level.
8004 Centres the camera on a specified unit (use unit number).
8005 Exits the game and returns to the desktop.
8006 Quits the game and returns to the desktop.
8007 Quits the current game and returns to the menu.
8008 Prints a list of currently available console commands.
8009 Alters the number of visible lines on the console.
8010 Format 'ADD identifier position'. Adds a unit at the specified position. If no position is specified the current cursor position is used. The unit is automatically added to the enemy team if it has a weapon, otherwise it is added to the neutral team. If you wish to specify a different team for the unit, use the ADDTEAM command.
8011 Format 'ADDTEAM team identifier position'. Adds a unit to the specified team at the specified position. If no position is specified the current cursor position is used.
8012 Format 'ADD TEAM team identifier position'. Adds a unit to the specified team at the specified position. If no position is specified the current cursor position is used.
8013 Deletes the unit specified by unit number, e.g. 'DELETE 100'.
8014 Selects the unit specified by unit number, e.g. 'SELECT 10'
8015 Format 'BIND key string'. Binds a key to any string.
8016 Ignore the whole of this command line.
8017 Determines the overhead angle of the sun. Takes a floating point parameter in degrees (default is 220).
8018 Determines the brightness of red, green, blue and alpha components of the sun. Takes four parameters from 0 to 1.
8019 Determines the specular level of red, green, blue and alpha components of the sun. Takes four parameters from 0 to 1.
8020 Lists all current units.
8021 Lists all units on a specified team. Takes an integer parameter (the team number).
8022 Deletes a specified console command. Not currently implemented.
8023 'CONSOLE APPEAR ON' tells the console to just appear on screen. 'CONSOLE APPEAR OFF' will produce the drop down effect, and 'CONSOLE APPEAR' with no parameter returns the current state (ON/OFF).
8024 Returns a description of the specified function.
8025 With a parameter sets the queue size. Without a parameter, it returns the current queue size.
8026 Clears the history buffer.
8027 'TOKEN identifier'. Specifies the identifier as a new token.
8028 Format: 'SET token value'. Sets the specified token to the specified value (a float by default).
8029 Lists all tokens on the system.
8030 With a parameter sets the history buffer size. Without a parameter, it returns the current history buffer size.
8031 Sets the absolute camera position. Takes X, Y and Z which are the world co-ordinates.
8032 Alters the camera position by X and Y offsets. An offset of 0 is no displacement; 1 is a complete screen width or height.
8033 Format: IF 'condtion' 'COMMAND'. Provided the condition holds, COMMAND will be executed.
8034 Executes this line only with no output to the console.
8035 Allows you to change what the currently selected (using SELECT) unit is doing. Valid activities include PATROL, STOP, GOTO.
8036 Adds a new waypoint to the currently selected unit's itinerary. Either takes three parameters (X, Y, and Z coordinates) or uses the current cursor position for the waypoint.
8037 Fakes a miniature nuclear blast (complete with mushroom cloud) at the cursor position.
8038 Adds a new (large) explosion at the cursor position.
8039 See SELECT.
8040 Prints the text stirng following TEXT to the console window.
8041 Stores the current camera position in an internal data variable. This camera psoition can then be restored with RESTORE CAMERA.
8042 Restores a cemera position previously stored with SAVE CAMERA.
8043 Prints the current camera position and orientation on the screen.
8044 Sets the camera orientation. Take 3 floating point parameters - roll, pitch, and yaw in that order.
8045 Sets the camera distance from the focal point.
8046 Followed by ON or OFF. Determines whether the rain effect is on or off.
8047 Followed by ON or OFF. Determines whether the snow effect is on or off.
8048 Type of the pathfinding tile at that location.
8049 Set either on or off. When off, no console functions cuase output to the console window.
8050 Tells the currently selected unit to head for specified (vector) or cursor location.
8051 Sets the R G B components of the current console text colour. (0,0,0) is black and (1,1,1) is white.
8052 Sets the R G B components of the console cursor colour. (0,0,0) is black and (1,1,1) is white.
8054 Returns the unit number of the currently selected (friendly) unit.
8055 Pauses the execution of batched commands by roughly n seconds, where n is the unique parameter passed with the command.
8056 Returns the current project build number.
8057 Sets the current mode of the status window. Valid options are GENERAL, WATCH, OFF.
8058 Format: 'BATCH filename'. Executes the batch file specified by filename. Currently the command expects the file to be located in the local Scripts directory.