The Games Machine 95
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Text File
860 lines
// n.b. when multiple inclusion is prevented some of these will be automatically included by others as required
// default things to inherit our objects from
#include "defaults.gsh"
// good guys
#include "gunlok.gsh"
#include "hark.gsh"
#include "frend.gsh"
#include "elint.gsh"
#include "maskelyn.gsh"
// bad guys
#include "runner.gsh"
#include "walking_mine.gsh"
#include "drone.gsh"
#include "centipede.gsh"
#include "sneeker.gsh"
#include "warflash.gsh"
#include "oilfire.gsh"
#include "redlight.gsh"
#include "pulsax.gsh"
// neutral things
#include "crate.gsh"
#include "technoboxB_multifrag.gsh"
// fires
/* NOTES */
/* SHAPES */
// world objects
shape Shp_nuke_detonator
file "objects\nuke detonator.rif
name "nuke detonator"
shape Shp_carlift
file "levels\junkyard.rif
name "carlift"
shape Shp_barrelheap
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "barrelheap"
shape Shp_buttona
file "objects\liftswitch C_up.rif"
name "liftswitch C_up"
shape Shp_bin
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "bin"
shape Shp_carriage
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "carriage"
shape Shp_digger
file "objects\new_digger_2.rif"
name "new digger 2"
shape Shp_doora
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "door A"
shape Shp_doorb
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "door B"
shape Shp_girderjunk
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "girderjunk"
shape Shp_gun
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "gun"
shape Shp_jeep
file "objects\jeep.rif"
name "jeep"
shape Shp_lega
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "leg A"
shape Shp_legd
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "leg D"
shape Shp_pumpbase
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "pumpbase"
shape Shp_robodozer
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "robodozer"
shape Shp_satdisha
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "satdish A"
shape Shp_sattopa
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "sattop A"
shape Shp_sofa
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "sofa"
/*shape Shp_technoboxa
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "technobox a"
/*shape Shp_torsoa
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "torso A"
shape Shp_torsob
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "torso B"
shape Shp_torsod
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "torso D"
shape Shp_torsoh
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "torso H"
shape Shp_torsog
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "torso G"
shape Shp_tank
file "objects\tank.rif"
name "tank"
shape Shp_truckc
file "objects\cab_3.rif"
name "truckC"
shape Shp_truckb
file "objects\cab_2.rif"
name "truckB"
shape Shp_trucka
file "objects\armytruck.rif"
name "armytruck"
shape Shp_vana
file "objects/van.rif"
name "van"
shape Shp_wirebox
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "wirebox"
shape Shp_garbage_e
file "objects\garbage E.rif"
name "garbage E"
shape Shp_garbage_g
file "objects\garbage G.rif"
name "garbage G"
shape Shp_garbage_h
file "objects\garbage H.rif"
name "garbage H"
shape Shp_garbage_i
file "objects\garbage I.rif"
name "garbage I"
shape Shp_garbage_j
file "objects\garbage J.rif"
name "garbage J"
shape Shp_garbage_k
file "objects\garbage K.rif"
name "garbage K"
shape Shp_garbage_l
file "objects\garbage L.rif"
name "garbage L"
character Chr_Laser : Chr_DefaultBaddie
turning speed 0 // this is in revolutions per second
walking speed 0.0 // this is in animation cycles per second
weapon enemy laser
strength 1000 // initial strength points
aim 1 // how many degrees off target he can be at most
sight angle 50 // in degrees
sight range 8 // in metres
hearing range 8 // in metres
aggression 1 // from 0 to 1
gun yaw angle 0 // in degrees
/* ROLES */
// world objects
role Rol_nuke_detonator : Rol_DefaultPickup
shape Shp_nuke_detonator
identifier "nukedetonator"
role Rol_carlift : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_carlift
ai track object
destination selectable yes
role Rol_barrelheap : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_barrelheap
role Rol_bin : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_bin
role Rol_buttona : Rol_DefaultPickup
shape Shp_buttona
role Rol_carriage : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_carriage
ai track object
destination selectable yes
role Rol_doora : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_doora
ai track object
destination selectable yes
role Rol_doorb : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_doorb
ai track object
destination selectable yes
role Rol_girderjunk : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_girderjunk
role Rol_gun : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_gun
role Rol_jeep : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_jeep
role Rol_lega : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_lega
role Rol_legd : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_legd
role Rol_pumpbase : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_pumpbase
hit test ignore yes
role Rol_robodozer : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_robodozer
role Rol_satdisha : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_satdisha
hit test ignore yes
role Rol_sattopa : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_sattopa
role Rol_sofa : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_sofa
role Rol_technoboxa : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_technoboxa
role Rol_torsoa : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_torsoa
role Rol_torsob : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_torsob
role Rol_torsod : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_torsod
role Rol_torsoh : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_torsoh
role Rol_torsog : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_torsog
role Rol_trucka : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_trucka
role Rol_truckb : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_truckb
role Rol_truckc : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_truckc
role Rol_tank : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_tank
role Rol_vana : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_vana
role Rol_wirebox : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_wirebox
role Rol_garbage_e : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_e
role Rol_garbage_g : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_g
role Rol_garbage_h : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_h
role Rol_garbage_i : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_i
role Rol_garbage_j : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_j
role Rol_garbage_k : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_k
role Rol_garbage_l : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_l
/* THE MAP */
map /* _THE_ map - doesnt need a label */
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "Land"
bitmap "bitmaps\\JUNKYARD.rim"
camera plane none
max camera distance 100 // TBD exactly
// max camera focus height "max focus height"
// min camera focus height "min focus height"
// TEAM 1
use Rol_GunLok in team 1 for
"Goodie B" as "gunlok"
use Rol_Hark in team 1 for
"Goodie A" as "hark"
use Rol_Frend in team 1 for
"Goodie C" as "frend"
use Rol_Elint in team 1 for
"Goodie D" as "elint"
use Rol_nuke_detonator in team 0 for
"nuke detonator" as "nuke_detonator"
use Rol_barrelheap in team 0 for
use Rol_bin in team 0 for
use Rol_buttona in team 0 for
"button a" as "button_a"
use Rol_buttona in team 0 for
"button b" as "button_b"
use Rol_buttona in team 0 for
"button c" as "button_c"
use Rol_buttona in team 0 for
"button d" as "button_d"
use Rol_carlift in team 0 for
"carlift" as "carlift"
use Rol_carriage in team 0 for
"carriage" as "carriage"
use Rol_doora in team 0 for
"door a" as "door_a"
use Rol_doorb in team 0 for
"door b" as "door_b"
use Rol_girderjunk in team 0 for
use Rol_gun in team 0 for
use Rol_jeep in team 0 for
"jeep" and
use Rol_lega in team 0 for
"leg a" and
"leg b" and
"leg c" and
"leg e"
use Rol_legd in team 0 for
"leg d"
use Rol_pumpbase in team 0 for
use Rol_robodozer in team 0 for
use Rol_satdisha in team 0 for
"satdish A"
use Rol_sattopa in team 0 for
"sattop A"
use Rol_sofa in team 0 for
use Rol_Technobox in team 0 for
"technobox a" as "technobox_a"
use Rol_Technobox in team 0 for
"technobox b" as "technobox_b"
/* use Rol_torsoa in team 0 for
"torso a"
use Rol_torsob in team 0 for
"torso b" and
"torso c" and
"torso f"
use Rol_torsod in team 0 for
"torso a" and
"torso b" and
"torso c" and
"torso d" and
"torso e" and
"torso f" and
"torso g" and
"torso h"
use Rol_torsoh in team 0 for
"torso h"
use Rol_torsog in team 0 for
"torso g"
use Rol_trucka in team 0 for
"truck A"
use Rol_truckb in team 0 for
use Rol_truckc in team 0 for
use Rol_tank in team 0 for
use Rol_vana in team 0 for
"van A" and
"van B"
use Rol_wirebox in team 0 for
use Rol_garbage_e in team 0 for
"GARBAGE E" as "garbage_e"
use Rol_garbage_g in team 0 for
"GARBAGE G" as "garbage_g"
use Rol_garbage_g in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GB" as "garbage_gb"
use Rol_garbage_g in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GC" as "garbage_gc"
use Rol_garbage_g in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GD" as "garbage_gd"
use Rol_garbage_g in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GE" as "garbage_ge"
use Rol_garbage_g in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GF" as "garbage_gf"
use Rol_garbage_g in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GG" as "garbage_gg"
use Rol_garbage_g in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GH" as "garbage_gh"
use Rol_garbage_g in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GI" as "garbage_gi"
use Rol_garbage_g in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GJ" as "garbage_gj"
use Rol_garbage_h in team 0 for
"GARBAGE H" as "garbage_h"
use Rol_garbage_h in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HB" as "garbage_hb"
use Rol_garbage_h in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HC" as "garbage_hc"
use Rol_garbage_h in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HD" as "garbage_hd"
use Rol_garbage_h in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HE" as "garbage_he"
use Rol_garbage_h in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HF" as "garbage_hf"
use Rol_garbage_h in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HG" as "garbage_hg"
use Rol_garbage_h in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HH" as "garbage_hh"
use Rol_garbage_h in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HI" as "garbage_hi"
use Rol_garbage_i in team 0 for
"GARBAGE I" as "garbage_i"
use Rol_garbage_i in team 0 for
"GARBAGE IB" as "garbage_ib"
use Rol_garbage_i in team 0 for
"GARBAGE IC" as "garbage_ic"
use Rol_garbage_i in team 0 for
"GARBAGE ID" as "garbage_id"
use Rol_garbage_i in team 0 for
"GARBAGE IE" as "garbage_ie"
use Rol_garbage_i in team 0 for
"GARBAGE IF" as "garbage_if"
use Rol_garbage_i in team 0 for
"GARBAGE IG" as "garbage_ig"
use Rol_garbage_i in team 0 for
"GARBAGE IJ" as "garbage_ij"
use Rol_garbage_i in team 0 for
"GARBAGE IH" as "garbage_ih"
use Rol_garbage_i in team 0 for
"GARBAGE II" as "garbage_ii"
use Rol_garbage_j in team 0 for
"GARBAGE J" as "garbage_j"
use Rol_garbage_j in team 0 for
"GARBAGE JB" as "garbage_jb"
use Rol_garbage_j in team 0 for
"GARBAGE JC" as "garbage_jc"
use Rol_garbage_j in team 0 for
"GARBAGE JD" as "garbage_jd"
use Rol_garbage_j in team 0 for
"GARBAGE JE" as "garbage_je"
use Rol_garbage_j in team 0 for
"GARBAGE JF" as "garbage_jf"
use Rol_garbage_j in team 0 for
"GARBAGE JG" as "garbage_jg"
use Rol_garbage_j in team 0 for
"GARBAGE JH" as "garbage_jh"
use Rol_garbage_j in team 0 for
"GARBAGE JI" as "garbage_ji"
use Rol_garbage_j in team 0 for
"GARBAGE JJ" as "garbage_jj"
use Rol_garbage_k in team 0 for
"GARBAGE K" as "garbage_k"
use Rol_garbage_k in team 0 for
"GARBAGE KB" as "garbage_kb"
use Rol_garbage_k in team 0 for
"GARBAGE KC" as "garbage_kc"
use Rol_garbage_k in team 0 for
"GARBAGE KD" as "garbage_kd"
use Rol_garbage_k in team 0 for
"GARBAGE KE" as "garbage_ke"
use Rol_garbage_k in team 0 for
"GARBAGE KF" as "garbage_kf"
use Rol_garbage_k in team 0 for
"GARBAGE KG" as "garbage_kg"
use Rol_garbage_l in team 0 for
"GARBAGE L" as "garbage_l"
use Rol_garbage_l in team 0 for
"GARBAGE LB" as "garbage_lb"
use Rol_garbage_l in team 0 for
"GARBAGE LC" as "garbage_lc"
use Rol_garbage_l in team 0 for
"GARBAGE LD" as "garbage_ld"
use Rol_pulsax in team 2 for
"turret a"
use Rol_pulsax in team 2 for
"turret b"
use Rol_pulsax in team 2 for
"turret c"
use Rol_pulsax in team 2 for
"turret d"
use Rol_pulsax in team 2 for
"turret e"
use Rol_pulsax in team 2 for
"turret f"
use Rol_pulsax in team 2 for
"turret g"
use Rol_pulsax in team 2 for
"turret h"
use Rol_Redlight in team 0 for
"lighta" and
use Rol_OilFire in team 0 for
"firea" and
"fireb" and
"firec" and
"fired" and
"firee" and
"firef" and
"fireg" and
"fireh" and
"firei" and
"firej" and
"firek" and
"firel" and
"firem" and
"firen" and
"fireo" and
"firep" and
"fireq" and
"firer" and
"fires" and
"firet" and
"fireu" and
"firev" and
"firew" and
"firex" and
"firey" and
"firez" and
"fireaa" and
camera track
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "scene 18a"
camera track
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "scene 18b"
camera track
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "scene 18c"
camera track
file "levels\junkyard.rif"
name "scene 19"