Amiga MA Magazine 1997 #3
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Text File
317 lines
Continue (1//)
The string for Continue ?
About (//)
The string for About...
Quit (//)
Ende des Troubles
Correct (//)
The string for Correct Bootblock
Install (//)
The string for Install Bootblock
Make (//)
The string for Erstelle Bootblock
Drivechange (//)
The string for DriveChange
Show (//)
The string for Show Startupseuqnce
Vectorkill (//)
The string for correct all vectors...
Kicksave (//)
The string for Offsetsave
Init (//)
The string for "Reinitialize Device"
Filereq (//)
The string for Filerequester
Memmon (//)
The string for Memorymonitor
File (//)
The string for "File in the BB"
BB (//)
The string for "Put BB into file"
DriveI (//)
The string for "DriveInfo"
Showp (//)
The string for "Show physical sector 0"
backp (//)
The string for "Backup physical sector 0"
restp (//)
The string for "Restore physical sector 0"
Sectors (//)
The string for sectortest
Files (//)
The string for FileTest
Memory (//)
The string for Memorytest
Semaphores (//)
The string for Semaphores
rtp12 (//)
The string for "RT Patch 1.2 by Nico Francois found ! Delete it ?"
Info (//)
The string for "Information about the drive"
Surfaces (//)
The string for "Surfaces"
Device (//)
The string for device
Length (//)
The string for "Length from the BB"
Pstart (//)
The string for partitionstart
Pstop (//)
The string for partitionstop
Number (//)
The string for "Number of Buffers"
Blocks (//)
The string for "Number of blocks per Track"
Mask (//)
The string for Mask
Bootp (//)
The string for Bootpriority
Byti (//)
The string for "Byte pro Sector"
QuitVW (//)
The string for "Exit VirusWorkshop ?"
DF0 (//)
The string for "You can only use diskdrives"
GetAdr (//)
The string for "Get startadress"
HighAdr (//)
The string for "Increase adress"
LowAdr (//)
The string for "Decrease adress"
Ldevices (//)
The string for "List of found devices"
Lresources (//)
The string for "List of found resources"
Llibraries (//)
The string for "List of found libraries"
Ltasks (//)
The string for "List of found tasks"
Lports (//)
The string for "List of found ports"
Lsemaphores (//)
The string for "List of found semaphores"
gadtext (//)
The string for "_Yes!|_No!"
choiceboottext (//)
The string for "Length of BB ?"
dhderror (//)
The string for "No disk inserted ? Writeprotected ?"
title_all (//)
The string for "Select a file"
titlesave (//)
The string for "Select file to write"
titleload (//)
The string for "Select file to load"
boot_text (//)
The string FOR "Which bootblock ?"
CRAM (//)
The string for "Commodore RAM Disc found ! Remove ?"
correct_frage (//)
The string for "Really calculate new BB checksum and update BB ?
really_write (//)
The string for "You really want to write the new Bootblock"
sde2 (//)
The string for "points to $"
change_b (//)
The string for "Some OS vectors are not correct ! Shall VW correct it ?"
memreq (//)
The string for "Do you want to increase intern buffer ?"
kill_virus_2 (//)
The string for "Shall VW kill this virus ? This virus can be only deleted !"
wronguser (//)
The string for "Disc is writeprotected ! Try again "
warninghd (//)
The string for "VW uses a quite complex Device routine. If DriveInfo shows you bad\n values, then do not use this function !
idmade (//)
The string for "The FileID will be now used for formatrecognitions !"
lvd (//)
The string for "LVD 1.75 by P.Stuer was found in memory ! Remove ?"
sep (//)
The string for "Sepultura Virus found in memory ? Remove it ?"
kill_virus (//)
The string for "Shall VW try to repair the file ? Deprotect disc !"
filekill (//)
The string for "Caution ! Some vectors are changed ! Rewrite it ?"
abort (//)
The string for "_Auto|_Abort|_Continue"
alle (//)
The string for "All files have been checked"
boot (//)
The string for "Bootblock contents:"
b4eb9 (//)
The string for "A 4eb9 file was found ! Red documentation"
insta (//)
The string for "Install which bootblock ? "
bffs (//)
The string for "Use FastFileSystem ?"
bexp (//)
The string for "Use Expansionsbootblock ?"
bint (//)
The string for "Use Internationalen Mode ?"
bdir (//)
The string for "Use DirectoryCache Mode ?"
ramk (//)
The string for "You probably use a kickfile!\n This can cause systemcrahses ! Abort ?
enfo (//)
The string for "Enforcer 37.xx has patched the $74 vector in the vectorpage"
ono (//)
The string for "on!"
auso (//)
The string for "off!"
ascio (//)
The string for "ASCII BBS"
zeromem (//)
The string for "points to 0 ! abort !"
nokick (//)
The String for "Use newer Kickstart!"
dmswo (//)
The string for "where to find dms...."
empty_it (//)
The string for "Nothing found !"
r404 (//)
The string for "Results from Filecheck"
r405 (//)
The string for "Checked directories"
r406 (//)
The string for "Checked files"
r407 (//)
The string for "3e8... hunk found. Read manual (Dhunk.Guide)
r408 (//)
The string for "What to do?"
r409 (//)
The string for (NEW)loadseg was changed by Segtracker. It could hide a virus
r410 (//)
The string for "Logfile correct opened "
r411 (//)
The string for "Logfile closed"
r412 (//)
The string for "VW Request"
bugs (//)
The string for "Error opening the file"
dmsstart (//)
The string for "DMS is going to be started ! Destination device will be overwritten"
hunknot3f2 (//)
The string for "Hunk_END Symbol not found ! This could mean that the file was not loaded correctly or it`s damaged ! Better make a backup first !"
fileshort (//)
The string for "There was not enough memory to load the whole file ! Try to allocate some more buffers for VW and restart !"
RestTxt (//)
The string for "RDB restore process completed !"
nolhaarc (//)
The string for "This is no LHA archiv ! Aborting !"
nolhatxt (//)
The string for "LHA archiver couldn`t be found at the expected place !"
nolhadir (//)
The string for "The unpackdirectorie is not present ! Read the manual !"
nolhadel (//)
The string for "The command sys:c/delete is not present ! Abort !"
renameit (//)
The string for "Rename the archiv *.lha to *.lha.bak ?"
rptxt (//)
The string for "Repack archiv ?"