Amiga MA Magazine 1997 #3
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Module to Sample
Release 0.73 and 0.73g
© 1995 Hali of Union
The program with documentation is freely distributable as long as no
money is charged for it. Mod2Smp is MODULEWARE, you can use it without any
limits, but you have to send me all effects of your work, I mean modules of
course. If you send me self addressed envelope, disk and stamps you will
get the next update of Mod2Smp as fast as possible. The best way of
getting this is downloading it from any Aminet site.
1. ........................................................ Introduction
2. .............................................................. Usage
3. ................................................................. GUI
4. ............................................................ Features
5. .............................................................. Future
6. ............................................................. Message
7. ............................................................. History
1. Intoduction
Mod2smp is a great tool which makes possible to convert part of your
module into a one sample. With mod2smp it is easy to create your own
SUPER-POWER-TECHNO-DRUM-SECTION-TRACK without wasting all amiga channels.
This is only a preview so abilities are limited, but I hope you will find
it useful.
2. Usage
Mod2Smp should be used from CLI.
Mod2Smp <modulename> <samplename> <pattern>
<start> <stop> <volume> <pitch note> [options]
modulename - module name with (or) path. If the name has spaces you
should enclose it in double quotes
samplename - the same to sample
pattern - pattern number ( not position in module :-)
start - start position in pattern
stop - end position in pattern
volume - volume in percent (0..100)
pitch note - target note in ProTracker style (eg C-3)
-f?? VBlank speed
-c??? CIA speed
-v VBlank only
-r? Resampling method (0,1)
?? - decimal values
Few words about option 'r'. If output sample sounds like after
flitration, try 'r1', it should help.
3. GUI
Options at bottom of the window:
QUIT - yes, you 're right!
LOAD - load ProTracker module from disk
SAVE - save RAW sample to disk
MIX - create sample using actual parameters
PLAY - play mixed sample
Other options:
PAL/NTSC - influences on playback speed computing
CIA/VBLANK - type of player interrupt server
RES1/RES2 - resampling method
Mixing parameters:
Pattern - pattern number
Start pos. - first position in pattern
End pos. - last position in pattern
CIA Speed - playback speed in CIA mode
VBL Speed - playback speed
Pitch - pitch of target sample
Volume - volume of target sample (percent)
4. Features
Slow - mod2smp is not fast, because I want to give you some time
to relax yourself
FineTunning - there's no
Commands - only A00, C00 and F00, other in the future
5. Future
in future mod2smp will:
- support all protracker commands
- finetunning
- and many, many more
6. Message
If you found some bugs please let me know it. Remember to send me
module, sample and version of your Mod2Smp. Here's my address:
, ,
Karol Gozlinski
Stanislawowska 1/24
05-300 Minsk Maz.
or you can send e-mail at address: muszynsk@ipeneuro.ipe.pw.edu.pl
7. Mod2Smp a Brief History
V0.001 - hmm... great idea (thanks to Bzyk).
V0.1 - and even works!
V0.2 - first interactive version.
V0.3 - Great ReqTools library added.
V0.4 - Great ReqTools library removed.
V0.5 - YES!!!!! First fully working CLI version.
V0.6 - Option system added now you are able to set VBLANK speed,
CIA speed and NTSC.
V0.61 - Fatal error removed. Now, if sample is longer than 64Kb
it's just equal to 64Kb. Command recognition bug also fixed.
V0.62 - I made few changes in sources to make it more clear.
V0.63 - Resampling included, now mod2smp recognizes notes.
New option added to interface, now you are able to select
pitch note.
V0.63g - Amazing GUI by Thom/Union, this is the first released version!
V0.64 - Another bug in command recognition fixed.
V0.7 - Sample loops, you can use it now.
V0.7g - Thom strikes again!
V0.71 - VBlank only and debug option added to CLI version
V0.72 - Bug removed in A00 command.
V0.73 - Resampling imporoved.
signed by:
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