(set #installtext (cat "Welcome to the BancaBase installation script.\n\nBancaBase3 V 1.3a (C) 1997 by Stefano Dardari\n\nAll rights reserved"))
(set #BB3dest-prompt "Please select the directory where you want the BancaBase drawer installed.\n(See help for details)")
(set #BB3dest-help (cat "Select the desidered disk/directory were install the program.\nA drawer named BancaBase will be created."))
(set #BB3lang-prompt "Select desired language (from availables) that program must use for menus and gadgets.")
(set #BB3lang-help "Selecting one of the listed languages, corresponding catalogs files will be copied. If the selected languages is ENGLISH, no files are copied, because it's the default built-in language.")
(set #BB3docs-prompt "Select desired language (from avaialbes) for the documentation amiga guide format files.")
(set #BB3docs-help "It's possible to select the language (from listed) for the documentation files. If you don't found your language translation install the English version now, but write to the author.")
(set #BB3patt-prompt "\n\n\nDo you want to install some pretty patterns to use with the GUI ?\nNOTE: you can use it, only with an WorkBench 3.0 or better.")
(set #BB3patt-help (cat "The backdrop patterns are to be considere as add-on.\nBancaBase work well also without them, but are very nice if used with the program's GUI.\n\nNote that program uses the Datatypes to load picture files\nso if you don't have an V39 (or better) kickstart ... choose the NO gadget."))
(set #BB3end (cat "Installation complete. Read the readme file before start."))
(set #BB3icon-prompt "\nSelect from available the ICON set to install :")
(set #BB3icon-help "Select desired type of icon-set to install for BancaBase and all the tools.\nIf for example your WorkBench use the MagicWB icons, you must select MagicWB.\nSame thing for the other types.")