Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
Text File
155 lines
This file has been updated since the release of 2.1/2.0 of
Ldos and Lserial so PLEASE read it carefully!
From now on Ldos and Lserial are refered to as 'Ldos'.
Residents in north America can now register via the AMOS Club
USA & PD Library in the USA. They have the full rights to process
registrations and will charge $16 at the time when this document
was written (92-09-15). They will process registrations until (at
least) June of 1993.
AMOS Club USA & PD Library
P.O. Box 11434
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Users who register via a registration center will receive a
disk with the latest release of Ldos. The registration centre do
NOT need to supply users with a free update but may, if they
wish, sell the latest version of Ldos to already registered users
for the (low) price of a normal PD-disk.
If you are not a registered user you will only have access to
the demo versions of Lserial and Ldos. These are fully
functional. The only thing that has been changed are the error-
handling routines. Every time an error is generated from the
extension an alert will pop up and ask the author of the program
to register. I hope this will cause all serious users to
The demoversions may be uploaded anywhere, put on any PD-disk
by any PD-group as long as the fee for the disk is less than, or
equal to, the price for a disk from Fred Fish. Docs, binaries
(executable and libraies), may not be omitted from the disk or
the archive. Example programs may be excluded.
You may not use the demoversions for more than four weeks and
you may not release any programs to the public without using a,
by you, registered copy of Ldos/Lserial.
These versions are much smaller than the demoversions due to
removed error-routine and doesn't contain that anoying requester
each time an error is generated. By registering you also gain the
right to use Ldos or Lserial in any type of program,
PD/SW/commercial or whatsoever. You do NOT have the right to
modify or disassemble any of the code in Ldos.lib or Lserial.lib.
You also receive expandable online help to all Ldos and Lserial
commands by just pressing the help-key plus manuals in hypertext
format (AmigaGuide format)
The registration fee includes a disk with the latest version
of Ldos and possibly some other extensions or programs. If Ldos
gets a major update you will receive one free update. I can not
guarantee that there will be future versions of Ldos. First of
all I must get enough feedback and registrations, secondly Ldos
seems to be quite complete for the moment (ie. all commands I
have found useful have been implemented) My goal is to get Ldos
and Lserial as fast and bug free as possible. If you have any
good ideas or suggestions, please contact me (see below).
I would hereby like to clearly state that ALL registrations
have been processed as fast as possible, most of them within one
or two days, and there is no chance that a registration that has
reached me (there always is a small chance that your letter could
disappear in the post-handling) has been, or will be ignored.
Other authors of shareware states (like me) that it is quite safe
to put cash in an envelope, AS LONG AS YOU COVER THE BILLS WITH A
NOTE! PLEASE! Check the current rate of exchange BEFORE sending cash
NOTE! Pound sterling among others seems to be quite unstable at the
NOTE! moment!!
I from now on accept cash in american dollars, british pounds
and swedish crowns (SEK). The registration fee is ONLY 100
crowns! (You don't get much for that sum today, except Ldos :)
At this moment of writing this is about £10 or $20. People living
in Scandinavia could use the Postgiro (account # 710803-4716) but
please note that residents outside Sweden need to add 25 crowns
since the Postoffice charges me this for every transfer outside
Sweden. If you send me any other currency than listed above *I
can't gurantee that your registration will be processed* (The
bank may charge more than the cash is worth!) If you include one
or two IRCs I will see to that your cash will be sent back to
you, however, I can't see that it should be hard for anybody to
get dollars, pounds or crowns. Of course crowns (SEK) is best, if
you have a choice.
I really hope that the fact that I now accept other currency
than crowns and that there is a registration centre in the U.S.A
will result in more registered users. There have been less than
ten registered users so far, and I think many of you are afraid
that your money will disappear in the post-handling or even that
I would rip you of in order to save money for disk, stamps etc
(which are quite expensive as a matter of fact!). Otherwise the
general interest in Ldos seems to be quite large.
I will always try to support registered users and answer
questions from unregistered users but **PLEASE** only via E-mail
or normal snail-mail. I've spent to much time hanging in the
phone lately and I often need to test things before I can give a
straight answer. All snail-mail will be answered but ONLY if you
include one or even two International Reply Copuons (IRC, can be
bought at your local post-office). All E-mail that reach me will
be answered.
Please register Ldos and Lserial! I have spent a LOT of time
on programming, fixing bugs and writing manuals. It is not fun to
receive more questions and phone calls (on the most weird hours)
than registrations.
Send bug reports, cash and comments to:
Niklas Sjöberg
Karolineborgsvägen 8
S-302 41 Halmstad
E-mail to
"Niklas Sjoberg" 2:203/415.3@Fidonet
Reachable on OCC-BBS +46 (0)35 60970 "Niklas Sjoberg"