Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #6
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C/C++ Source or Header
1,052 lines
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C O P Y R I G H T N O T I C E
// The code contained within this source file is copyright
// N. A. Balharrie, 1995. It may not be reproduced, used,
// or altered in any way without the above named copyright
// holders written permission.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO Wish List
// - Files extracted with the get command to have the same name as the CDROM.
// - Wildcards to be added to all file commands.
// - Directory stack (ie. pushd and popd)
// - cd should keep trying objects until it finds a match.
// - Allow for intialisation file.
// - Allow product information files to be viewed easily.
// - Allow an index file to be attached, thus allowing a file to be found
// via a whereis command.
// - Multiple file extractions
// - Recursive file extractions.
// H Filename completion (rudimentary version available via wildcards)
// - Modify last command.
// - Command history buffer.
// - Produce log file at users request.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <io.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define FALSE (0)
#define TRUE (1)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma pack(1)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int file_number = 0;
const int max_lines = 20;
char* output_dir = "";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ISO-9660 directory entry structure
typedef struct dir_entry
unsigned char len_dr; // length of this directory entry
unsigned char XAR_len; // XAR length in LBN's (logical blocks numbers)
unsigned long loc_extentI; // LBN of data Intel format
unsigned long loc_extentM; // LBN of data Molorola format
unsigned long data_lenI; // length of file Intel format
unsigned long data_lenM; // length of file Motorola format
unsigned char record_time[7]; // date and time
unsigned char file_flags_iso; // 8 flags
unsigned char il_size; // interleave size
unsigned char il_skip; // interleave skip factor
unsigned short VSSNI; // volume set sequence number Intel
unsigned short VSSNM; // volume set sequence number Motorola
unsigned char len_fi; // length of name
unsigned char file_id[256]; // variable length name upto 32 chars
} dir_entry;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Primary volume description
typedef struct prim_vol_desc {
unsigned char type;
char id[5];
unsigned char version;
char pad1;
char system_id[32];
char volume_id[32];
char pad2[8];
unsigned long space_size_i;
unsigned long space_size_m;
char pad3[32];
unsigned short set_size_i;
unsigned short set_size_m;
unsigned short sequence_i;
unsigned short sequence_m;
unsigned short block_size_i;
unsigned short block_size_m;
unsigned long path_size_i;
unsigned long path_size_m;
unsigned long i_table;
unsigned long opt_i_table;
unsigned long m_table;
unsigned long opt_m_table;
dir_entry root;
char volume_set_id[128];
char publisher_id[128];
char data_preparer[128];
char application_id[128];
char copyright[37];
char abstract_file_id[37];
char bibliographic_id[37];
char vol_creation[17];
char vol_modification[17];
char vol_expiration[17];
char vol_effective[17];
unsigned char file_structure_version;
char pad4;
char application_use[512];
char reserved[653];
} prim_vol_desc;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const int buffer_length = 2048;
class CDROM {
void make_string( char _far* string_in, int length );
void read_sector( unsigned long sector, unsigned char _far* buffer );
void read_voldesc( unsigned char _far* buffer );
void motorola_to_intel( unsigned long _far* motorola, unsigned long _far* intel );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDROM::motorola_to_intel( unsigned long _far* motorola, unsigned long _far* intel )
unsigned char old_val[ 4 ];
unsigned char new_val[ 4 ];
memcpy( (char*)old_val, (char*)motorola, 4 );
new_val[ 0 ] = old_val[ 3 ];
new_val[ 1 ] = old_val[ 2 ];
new_val[ 2 ] = old_val[ 1 ];
new_val[ 3 ] = old_val[ 0 ];
memcpy( (char*)intel, (char*)new_val, 4 );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDROM::read_sector( unsigned long sector, unsigned char _far* buffer )
short hi_sector, lo_sector;
short hi_buffer, lo_buffer;
lo_sector = (short)(sector & 0xffff);
hi_sector = (short)((sector >> 16) & 0xffff);
lo_buffer = (short)((unsigned long)buffer & 0xffff);
hi_buffer = (short)(((unsigned long)buffer >> 16) & 0xffff);
_asm {
mov ax,0x1500
int 0x2f
mov ax,0x1508
mov dx,0x0001
mov si,hi_sector
mov di,lo_sector
mov bx, hi_buffer
mov es,bx
mov bx, lo_buffer
int 0x2f
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDROM::read_voldesc( unsigned char _far* buffer )
short hi_buffer, lo_buffer;
lo_buffer = (short)((unsigned long)buffer & 0xffff);
hi_buffer = (short)(((unsigned long)buffer >> 16) & 0xffff);
_asm {
mov ax,0x1500
int 0x2f
mov ax,0x1505
mov dx,0x0001
mov bx, hi_buffer
mov es,bx
mov bx, lo_buffer
int 0x2f
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDROM::make_string( char _far* string_in, int length )
int pos;
for ( pos = length; (pos > -1) && (string_in[ pos ] == ' '); pos --)
string_in[ pos ] = '\0';
for ( pos = 0; string_in[ pos ] != '\0'; pos++ )
if (string_in[ pos ] == ';')
string_in[ pos ] = '\0';
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class volume : public CDROM {
unsigned char _far* buffer;
prim_vol_desc _far* vol_desc;
void show( void );
unsigned long root_sector( void ) { return (vol_desc->root.loc_extentI); }
unsigned long root_length( void ) { return (vol_desc->root.data_lenI); }
int type( void ) { return vol_desc->type; }
const char _far* get_std_ident( void ) { return &vol_desc->id[ 0 ]; }
const char _far* system_id( void ) { return &vol_desc->system_id[ 0 ]; }
const char _far* volume_id( void ) { return &vol_desc->volume_id[ 0 ]; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
buffer = new unsigned char[ buffer_length ];
vol_desc = (prim_vol_desc _far*)buffer;
read_voldesc( buffer );
// read_sector( 16, buffer );
// motorola_to_intel( &vol_desc->root.loc_extentM, &vol_desc->root.loc_extentI );
// motorola_to_intel( &vol_desc->root.data_lenM, &vol_desc->root.data_lenI );
make_string( &vol_desc->system_id[ 0 ], 32 );
make_string( &vol_desc->volume_id[ 0 ], 32 );
make_string( &vol_desc->volume_set_id[ 0 ], 128 );
make_string( &vol_desc->publisher_id[ 0 ], 128 );
make_string( &vol_desc->data_preparer[ 0 ], 128 );
make_string( &vol_desc->application_id[ 0 ], 128 );
make_string( &vol_desc->copyright[ 0 ], 37 );
make_string( &vol_desc->abstract_file_id[ 0 ], 37 );
make_string( &vol_desc->bibliographic_id[ 0 ], 37 );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete[] buffer;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void volume::show( void )
printf( "\n");
printf( "Volume Descriptor Type: %d\n", (int) vol_desc->type );
printf( "Standard Identifier: %s\n", (char *)vol_desc->id );
printf( "Volume Descriptor Version: %d\n", (int) vol_desc->version );
printf( "System Identifier: %s\n", (char *)vol_desc->system_id );
printf( "Volume Identifier: %s\n", (char *)vol_desc->volume_id );
printf( "Volume Space Size: %d\n", vol_desc->space_size_i );
printf( "Volume Set Size: %d\n", vol_desc->set_size_i );
printf( "Volume Sequence Number: %d\n", vol_desc->sequence_i );
printf( "Logical Block Size: %d\n", vol_desc->block_size_i );
printf( "Path Table Size: %d\n", vol_desc->path_size_i );
printf( "Location of Occ of M Path Table: %d\n", vol_desc->i_table );
printf( "Location of Occ of Opt M Path T: %d\n", vol_desc->opt_i_table );
printf( "Volume Set Identifier: %s\n", (char *)vol_desc->volume_set_id );
printf( "Publisher Identifier: %s\n", (char *)vol_desc->publisher_id );
printf( "Data Preparer Identifier: %s\n", (char *)vol_desc->data_preparer );
printf( "Application Identifier: %s\n", (char *)vol_desc->application_id );
printf( "Copyright File Identifier: %s\n", (char *)vol_desc->copyright );
printf( "Abstract File Identifier: %s\n", (char *)vol_desc->abstract_file_id );
printf( "Bibliographic File Identifier: %s\n", (char *)vol_desc->bibliographic_id );
printf( "File Structure Version: %d\n", (int) vol_desc->file_structure_version );
// printf( "\nROOT DIRECTORY RECORD:\n";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const int SHORT = 0;
const int LONG = 1;
const int NORMAL = 2;
class directory : public CDROM {
unsigned long start_sector;
unsigned long current_sector;
unsigned long length;
unsigned long overall_pos;
short buf_pos;
char* name;
unsigned char _far* dir_buffer;
unsigned char file_buffer[ buffer_length ];
short dir_pos;
dir_entry file;
void to_start_dir_entry( void );
int get_next_dir_entry( void );
char* wild_card;
int wild_card_cmp( char* string, char* wild );
void show_flags( void );
int is_directory( void ) { return (file.file_flags_iso & 0x02); }
int is_file( void ) { return !(file.file_flags_iso & 0xff); }
void show_long_entry( void );
void show_short_entry( void );
void show_normal( void );
int display_file( void );
int grab_file( int interactive = 0 );
directory( char* old_name, char* dir_name, unsigned long dir_sector, unsigned long dir_length );
directory( volume& CDROM_vol );
dir_entry* find_first( char* search );
dir_entry* find_next( void );
char* get_name( void ) { return name; }
void show_directory( char* search, int long_dir = NORMAL );
directory* change_dir( char* dir_name );
void show_file( char* filename );
void get_file( char* filename, int interactive );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
volume primary_VTOC;
directory* root;
directory* current_dir;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
directory::directory( char* old_name, char* dir_name,
unsigned long dir_sector, unsigned long dir_length )
current_sector = start_sector = dir_sector;
length = dir_length;
name = new char[ strlen( old_name ) + strlen( dir_name ) + 3 ];
wild_card = NULL;
name[ 0 ] = '\0';
if (!strcmp( dir_name, "." ))
strcpy( name, old_name );
else if (!strcmp( dir_name, ".."))
int found = 0;
strcpy( name, old_name );
for (int i = strlen( name ); (i > 0) && !found; i--)
if (name[ i ] == '\\')
found = 1;
name[ i ] = '\0';
else if (!strcmp( old_name, "\\" ))
strcpy( name, "\\" );
strcat( name, dir_name );
strcpy( name, old_name );
strcat( name, "\\" );
strcat( name, dir_name );
dir_buffer = new unsigned char[ 2048 ];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
directory::directory( volume& CDROM_vol )
current_sector = start_sector = CDROM_vol.root_sector();
length = CDROM_vol.root_length();
wild_card = NULL;
name = new char[ 3 ];
strcpy( name , "\\" );
dir_buffer = new unsigned char[ 2048 ];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (name)
delete[] name;
if (wild_card)
delete[] wild_card;
delete[] dir_buffer;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
directory* directory::change_dir( char* dir_name )
char* name;
char* rest;
int found = 0;
name = dir_name;
rest = NULL;
for (char* pos = name; !found & (*pos !='\0'); pos++)
if (*pos =='\\')
rest = pos + 1;
*pos = '\0';
found = 1;
if (strlen( name ) == 0)
directory* new_dir;
new_dir = new directory( primary_VTOC );
delete current_dir;
current_dir = new_dir;
else if (find_first( name ))
directory* new_dir;
new_dir = new directory( current_dir->name, (char*)file.file_id, file.loc_extentI, file.data_lenI );
delete current_dir;
current_dir = new_dir;
return NULL;
if (rest != NULL)
return current_dir->change_dir( rest );
return current_dir;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int directory::display_file( void )
char ans;
if (is_file())
printf( "Do you wish to view [%s] (Y/N/A) ?\n", file.file_id );
ans = _getch();
if ((ans == 'y') || (ans == 'Y'))
unsigned long sector = file.loc_extentI;
unsigned long display_len = file.data_lenI;
int sector_pos = 0;
int lines = 0;
read_sector( sector++, (unsigned char _far*)file_buffer );
while (display_len > 0)
printf( "%c", file_buffer[ sector_pos ] );
if (file_buffer[ sector_pos ] == '\n')
if (lines == max_lines)
lines = 0;
printf( "Paused - Return to continue, Q to quit, A to abort all\n" );
ans = _getch();
if ((ans == 'q') || (ans == 'Q'))
return 0;
if ((ans == 'a') || (ans == 'A'))
return 0;
if (sector_pos == 2048)
read_sector( sector++, (unsigned char _far*)file_buffer );
sector_pos = 0;
return 0;
else if ((ans == 'n') || (ans == 'N'))
return 0;
return 1;
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void directory::show_file( char* filename )
int aborted;
if (find_first( filename ))
aborted = display_file();
while (find_next() && !aborted)
aborted = display_file();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int directory::grab_file( int interactive )
FILE* out_file;
int length;
char new_filename[ 128 ];
char ans;
if (interactive && is_file())
printf( "Do you wish to get [%s] (Y/N/A) ?\n", file.file_id );
ans = _getch();
if ((ans == 'A') || (ans == 'a'))
return 1;
if ((!interactive || (ans == 'y') || (ans == 'Y')) && is_file())
strcpy( new_filename, output_dir );
if (length = strlen( new_filename ))
if (new_filename[ length - 1 ] != '\\')
strcat( new_filename, "\\" );
strcat( (char*)new_filename, (char*)file.file_id );
if ((out_file = fopen( new_filename, "wb" )) == NULL)
strcpy( new_filename, output_dir );
if (length = strlen( new_filename ))
if (new_filename[ length - 1 ] != '\\')
strcat( new_filename, "\\" );
char temp_str[ 20 ];
sprintf( temp_str, "%08x.cdr", file_number++ );
strcat( (char*)new_filename, temp_str );
out_file = fopen( new_filename, "wb" );
if (out_file != NULL)
unsigned long file_length = file.data_lenI;
unsigned long sector = file.loc_extentI;
printf( "Writing file %s to %s %lu bytes\n", file.file_id, new_filename, file_length );
while (file_length)
int block_size;
if (file_length >= 2048 )
block_size = 2048;
block_size = file_length;
read_sector( sector++, file_buffer );
fwrite( file_buffer, 1, (size_t)block_size, out_file );
file_length -= block_size;
fclose( out_file );
printf( "Failed to write %s\n", new_filename );
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void directory::get_file( char* filename, int interactive )
int aborted;
if (find_first( filename ))
aborted = grab_file( interactive );
while (find_next() && !aborted)
aborted = grab_file( interactive );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void directory::show_long_entry( void )
printf( "File Identifier: %s\n", file.file_id );
printf( "Data Length: %lu\n", file.data_lenI );
printf( "File Identifier Length: %d\n", (int)file.len_fi );
printf( "Extended Attr Record Length: %u\n", (int) file.XAR_len );
printf( "Location of Extent: %lu\n", file.loc_extentI );
printf( "Recording Date and Time: %02d.%02d.19%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",
(int) file.record_time[ 2 ], (int) file.record_time[ 1 ], (int) file.record_time[ 0 ],
(int) file.record_time[ 3 ], (int) file.record_time[ 4 ], (int) file.record_time[ 5 ] );
printf( "Flags: (%d ", (int) file.file_flags_iso );
printf( ")\n\n" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void directory::show_short_entry( void )
printf( " %12lu ", file.data_lenI );
printf( "%02d.%02d.19%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ",
(int) file.record_time[ 2 ], (int) file.record_time[ 1 ], (int) file.record_time[ 0 ],
(int) file.record_time[ 3 ], (int) file.record_time[ 4 ], (int) file.record_time[ 5 ] );
printf( " %s\n" , file.file_id );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void directory::show_normal( void )
if (is_file())
printf( "%-32s ", file.file_id );
printf( "%%%-32s ", file.file_id );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void directory::show_flags( void )
if (file.file_flags_iso == 0)
printf( "file " );
if (file.file_flags_iso & 1)
printf( "existence " );
if (file.file_flags_iso & 2)
printf( "dir " );
if (file.file_flags_iso & 4)
printf( "associated " );
if (file.file_flags_iso & 8)
printf( "record " );
if (file.file_flags_iso & 16)
printf( "protection " );
if (file.file_flags_iso & 128)
printf( "multi-extent " );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void directory::show_directory( char* search, int long_dir )
int finished = 0;
int lines = 0;
int column = 0;
char ans;
if (find_first( search ))
if (long_dir == LONG)
lines = 1;
else if (long_dir == SHORT)
lines = 1;
column = 1;
lines = 0;
while (find_next() && !finished)
if (long_dir == LONG)
else if (long_dir == SHORT)
if (column >= 2)
column = 0;
printf( "\n" );
if (lines == max_lines)
lines = 0;
printf( "Paused - Return to continue, Q to quit\n" );
ans = _getch();
if ((ans == 'q') || (ans == 'Q'))
finished = 1;
if (long_dir == NORMAL)
if (column)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void directory::to_start_dir_entry( void )
buf_pos = 0;
overall_pos = 0;
current_sector = start_sector;
read_sector( start_sector, dir_buffer );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the next directory entry in the list, and sets file to point to it.
// Returns a 1 if another entry was found otherwise it returns a 0
int directory::get_next_dir_entry( void )
if (overall_pos < length)
if (buf_pos >= buffer_length)
buf_pos = 0;
read_sector( current_sector, dir_buffer );
memcpy( &file, (dir_entry *)&dir_buffer[ buf_pos ], sizeof(dir_entry) );
file.file_id[ file.len_fi ] = '\0';
make_string( (char *)file.file_id, file.len_fi );
if (file.file_id[ 0 ] == 0)
strcpy( (char *)file.file_id, "." );
file.len_fi = 1;
if ((file.loc_extentI != start_sector) && (file.len_dr))
return 0;
else if (file.file_id[ 0 ] == 1)
strcpy( (char *)file.file_id, ".." );
file.len_fi = 2;
if (file.len_dr == 0)
file.len_dr = 34;
buf_pos += file.len_dr;
overall_pos += file.len_dr;
// if (file.loc_extentI == 0)
// {
// buf_pos = 2048;
// return get_next_dir_entry();
// }
// else
if (file.len_dr == 0)
if (file.loc_extentI == start_sector)
return 0;
buf_pos = 2048;
return get_next_dir_entry();
return 1;
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dir_entry* directory::find_first( char* search_name )
if (wild_card)
delete[] wild_card;
wild_card = new char[ strlen( search_name ) + 1 ];
strcpy( wild_card, search_name );
return find_next();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dir_entry* directory::find_next( void )
int found = 0;
int no_more = 0;
while (!found && !no_more)
no_more = !get_next_dir_entry();
found = wild_card_cmp( (char *)file.file_id, wild_card );
if (no_more)
return NULL;
return &file;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Someday I will have to re-write this!
int directory::wild_card_cmp( char* string, char* wild )
int match = TRUE;
int finished = FALSE;
char *str_pos = string;
char *wild_pos = wild;
if ((*str_pos != '\0') || (*wild_pos != '\0'))
do {
switch (*wild_pos)
case '*':
while ((*wild_pos != '\0') && ((*wild_pos == '?') || (*wild_pos == '*')))
if (*wild_pos != '\0')
do {
if (!match)
while ((*str_pos != '\0') && (tolower(*str_pos) != tolower(*wild_pos)))
match = wild_card_cmp( str_pos, wild_pos );
} while (!match && (*str_pos != '\0'));
finished = match;
finished = TRUE;
case '?':
if (tolower( *str_pos ) == tolower( *wild_pos ))
match = FALSE;
} while ((*str_pos != '\0') && (*wild_pos != '\0') && match && !finished);
if ((*str_pos == '\0') && (*wild_pos !='\0'))
while ((*wild_pos != '\0') && (*wild_pos == '*'))
if (!finished && ((*wild_pos != '\0') || (*str_pos != '\0')))
match = FALSE;
match = FALSE;
return match;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void show_copyright( void )
puts("\nGo Fishing, Version 1.1");
puts(" AMIGA CDROM handler for MS-DOS");
puts(" (c) 1995 N. A. Balharrie\n");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int command_line ( char *cmd_line )
char command[ 256 ];
char parameter[ 256 ];
int finished = FALSE;
if (strlen(cmd_line))
command[ 0 ] = '\0';
parameter[ 0 ] = '\0';
sscanf( cmd_line, "%s %s", command, parameter );
if ((!strcmp("quit", command )) || (!strcmp("lo", command )))
finished = TRUE;
// else if (!strcmp( "r", command ))
// list_rec( &curr_dir );
else if (!strcmp( "voldesc", command))
else if (!strcmp( "ls", command ))
if (parameter[ 0 ] == '\0')
current_dir->show_directory( "*", NORMAL );
current_dir->show_directory( parameter, NORMAL );
else if (!strcmp( "ex", command ))
current_dir->show_directory( parameter, LONG );
else if (!strcmp( "ll", command ))
if (parameter[ 0 ] == '\0')
current_dir->show_directory( "*", SHORT );
current_dir->show_directory( parameter, SHORT );
else if (!strcmp( "cd", command ))
if (current_dir->change_dir( parameter ) == NULL)
printf( "No such directory\n" );
else if (!strcmp( "pod", command ))
printf("%s\n", output_dir );
else if (!strcmp( "cod", command ))
delete[] output_dir;
output_dir = new char[ strlen( parameter ) + 1 ];
strcpy( output_dir, parameter );
else if (!strcmp( "more", command) || !strcmp( "m", command))
current_dir->show_file( parameter );
else if (!strcmp( "get", command ))
current_dir->get_file( parameter, 0 );
else if (!strcmp( "iget", command ))
current_dir->get_file( parameter, 1 );
// else if (!strcmp( "exec", command ))
// exec_cmd( cmd_line );
else if (!strcmp( "?", command ) || !strcmp( "help", command ))
puts( "Available commands\n" );
puts( "quit - Quit the program" );
puts( "voldesc - Display the CDROM descriptor");
puts( "ls - List directory" );
puts( "ll - Detailed directory list" );
puts( "cd dir - Change to the `dir' directory" );
puts( "cod dir - Change the current output directory to be `dir'" );
puts( " (must include the final /, ie. /etc/ )" );
puts( "pod - Display the current output directory" );
puts( "get file - Get the specified file and place it in the 'cod'" );
puts( "iget file - Interactively get the specified file and place it in the 'cod'" );
puts( "more file - Display `file' on the terminal");
puts( "m file - Shorthand for more" );
puts( "exec file - Execut the script file `file'" );
puts( "" );
printf("%s is not recognised as a command.\n", command );
return finished;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void main( void )
char cmd_line[ 256 ];
root = new directory( primary_VTOC );
current_dir = root;
output_dir = new char[ 2 ];
output_dir[ 0 ] = '\\';
output_dir[ 1 ] = '\0';
// exec_script( "fish-init", 0 );
puts( "Type help or ? for a list of the commands\n" );
do {
printf("%s %% ", current_dir->get_name() );
gets( cmd_line );
} while ( !command_line( cmd_line ) );
delete root;
delete[] output_dir;