Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #6
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Author: Achim Siebert, Nobileweg 67, D-7000 Stuttgart 40
Copyright: Public Domain ( or Gift Ware - see bottom!)
Compiler: Amiga Oberon V3.00d
Requirements: Kickstart V 37.x or higher.
Credits: Thanks for the IFF-conversion code to Christian Stiens
(BrushToOberon on AMOK50)
CLI-Usage: Brush2Icon BrushOrIcon/A, BrushOrFile/A, FilesOrWildCards/M,
T=DefaultTool/K, REPLACE/S, DIRS/S
What is this?
Brush2Icon takes one or two brushes or an existing icon and produces an
icon for the named files, drawers or disks. Only the images of existing
icons will be altered, tooltypes etc. will be left as they are.
If only the first argument is an brush, the produced icon(s) will be
complemented when you click on them. If two brushes are given, the second
brush will be used as alternate image.
If the first argument is an icon, then its imagery will be copied to the
icons of the given files. If those files don't have an icon yet, they will
get one.
You may also change the default tool of existing project icons with
Brush2Icon via a workbench tooltype or CLI argument.
Start from Workbench:
Click on Brush2Icon, click on a brush, optionally shift-click on a second
brush and then shift-click on all the files you wish to give the new icon,
doubleclick on the last one. If the given files don't have an icon yet
(i.e., you only may click them because you selected "Show all files" from
the Workbench menu before), they will get one - a tool icon for
executables, a disk icon for disks, a drawer icon for drawers, a project
icon else.
Second possibility: Click on a file with an existing icon, then on all the
files to get the imagery of that icon (like IIToI from AMOK50).
Workbench Tooltypes:
1. DEFTOOL : If this tooltype is filled in, then Brush2Icon will put the
given string in the default tool field of a produced project icon.
If DEFTOOL is not given, then if the fist argument is an icon, the default
tool of that icon will be used for the new icon. Example:
2. REPLACE : If BrushToIcon finds this tooltype, then also already
existing project icon will get the default tool given with DEFTOOL. I.E.,
you may change the default tool of an arbitrary number of icons by this.
Start from CLI:
The corresponding CLI-arguments to the workbench tooltypes are:
1. T=DefaultTool
2. Replace
There's one more argument: DIRS. If you use wildcards, icons are produced
only for files. If DIRS is given, the icon will be put to drawers only.
1> Brush2Icon Brush1 Brush2 file1 file2 file3
will produce an icon for the three given files with the images of Brush1
and Brush2. If the files already have an icon, only the imagery will be
2> Brush2Icon Brush1 file1 file2 file3
- same as above, only one brush will be used, highlighting method for the
produced icons will be "complement".
3> Brush2Icon Brush1 Brush2 Oberon:Module/#?.mod
will give an icon made of Brush1 and Brush2 to every file in the directory
Oberon:Module/ ending with ".mod".
4> Brush2Icon Icon.info file1.info file2.info
the imagery of the given icon will be used for file1.info and file2.info.
You may as well leave out the trailing ".info", so that
5> Brush2Icon Icon file1 file2
has the same result as Example 4, if "Icon" doesn't happen to be a brush
file - in that case the brush would be used for the icon image.
6> Brush2Icon ENV:SYS/def_drawer RAM:#? dirs
all drawers residing in RAM: will get the default drawer icon. Be
careful: if you left the keyword "dirs" away, all files in RAM: would get
that icon!
7> Brush2Icon MyDoc.info DH0:Docs/#?.doc T=:c/MuchMore replace
will give all files in the directory DH0:Docs/ ending with .doc the icon
MyDoc.info and the default tool ":c/MuchMore", even if they had a different
default tool before.
If you want to change a disk icon, you may type
8> Brush2Icon firstBrush secondBrush RAM:
9> Brush2Icon DF0:Disk RAM:Disk.info RAD:Disk DF2:
- as you see, you may always leave away the ".info"
I think this program is easiest to use from workbench and you won't need
the CLI-features very often. If you want an "appicon", so that you only
have to drop the icons on Brush2Icon, then try ToolManager (Fish 551) like
I do - or keep on double-clicking.
Best wishes, _
nice workbench /
Achim. _/ \_
PS: If you like this proggy, what about sending me a disk full of the
nicest icons you got (preferably for an interlaced Workbench screen)!?!