Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #6
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$VER: License.Txt 1.0 (24.7.1997) #TEXT © Msi Software
Copyright © Msi Software 1997, All Rights Reserved.
Msi Software is a trademark of Msi Galactica
Amiga is a trademark of Amiga Technologies
The files in this archive are provided "AS-IS" and subject to change
without notice, no warranties are made. All use is at your own risk.
No liability or responsibility is assumed.
The files in this archive may be reproduced and distributed subject to
agreement with the following terms and conditions:
1. These files may be reproduced but may not be modified in any way
with the exception of unarchiving for unarchived distribution.
2. The files in this archive may only be distributed as an integral
part of a software product solely for Amiga computers.
3. Msi Software and Amiga International shall be held harmless from any
and all claims, damages and liabilities resulting from or
arising out of the use or distribution of these files.
4. The copyright, trademarks, and disclaimer shown above must be
distributed with all copies of these files.
5. These files may not be installed on a user's system or Workbench
unless the installation procedure has determined that the user's
system or Workbench does not contain a more recent version
of these files.
7. Any files or technical information as is contained in these files
(and any product thereof) or in the related documentation,
utilities, and examples may not be used in products sold for
profit unless given permission from Msi Software to do so.
8. Msi Software may terminate permission to distribute
these files at any time, with or without cause.
This permission will automatically terminate upon any breach of
these terms and conditions.
9. All the conditions above must be followed,
unless stated otherwise in the software's native documentation.