Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #6
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C/C++ Source or Header
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/* platform.h - computer platform customization for PGP
multiprecision math package. #Included in mpilib.h.
#ifndef PLATFORM_H
#define PLATFORM_H
/* Platform customization:
* A version which runs on almost any computer can be implemented by
* defining PORTABLE and MPORTABLE, preferably as a command line
* parameter. Faster versions can be generated by specifying specific
* parameters, such as size of unit and MULTUNIT, and by supplying some
* of the critical in assembly.
* This file holds customizations for different environments.
* This is done in one of two ways:
* 1. A symbol is defined on the command line which designates a
* particular environment, such as MSDOS. This file detects the
* environment symbol and sets the appropriate low-level defines.
* 2. If no environment is named, the low-level defines are set in
* the same manner as for PGP 2.0, thereby providing an easy upgrade.
* Following are a description of the low-level definition symbols:
* The following preprocessor symbols should be conditionally set to
* optimize for a particular environment.
* Define one of the following:
* UNIT8, UNIT16, or UNIT32 - specifies size of operands for
* multiprecision add, subtract, shift, and initialization operations.
* Define one of the following:
* MUNIT8, MUNIT16, MUNIT32 - specified size of operands for
* multiprecision multiply and mod_mult. This must be less than or
* equal to unit size. It should be the word size for the native
* atomic multiply instruction. For a 16x16 bit multiply yielding a
* 32-bit product, MUNIT16 should be set.
* Define one (or more) of the following:
* PEASANT, MERRITT, UPTON, SMITH -algorithm used for modmult. All defined
* algorithms are compiled, but the first defined name listed will be
* assigned to the generic entry point symbols. Multiple algorithms are
* used primarily for testing.
* HIGHFIRST - specified if longs are stored with the most significant
* bit at the lowest address (Motorola), undefined otherwise. This should
* be defined on the command line, normally in the makefile.
* The following symbol, if initialized, is set to specific values:
* ALIGN - variable declaration attribute which forces optimum alignment
* of words, e.g. for VAX C: ALIGN=_align(quadword)
* The following symbols correspond to individual multiprecision routines
* that may be implemented with assembly language. If they are implemented
* in assembly, the symbols should be defined with the name of the
* corresponding external entry points, e.g., mp_addc=P_ADDC
* mp_setp - set precision for external routines
* mp_addc - add with carry
* mp_subb - subtract with borrow
* mp_rotate_left - rotate left
* mp_compare - compare
* mp_move - move
* unitfill0 - zero fill
* mp_smul - multiply vector by single word *
* mp_smula - multiply vector by single word and accumulate *
* mp_dmul - full multiply
* mp_set_recip - setup for mp_quo_digit
* mp_quo_digit - quotient digit for modulus reduction
* Either mp_smul or mp_smula should be defined. mp_smula provides
* for accumulation to an existing value, while mp_smul is for use of the
* older definition of mp_smul, used in PGP 2.0, which assumed that the high
* order accumulator word is zero. Use of mp_smula causes one less word of
* precision to be used, thereby slightly increasing speed.
* Environment customization. Please send any additions or corrections
* to Philip Zimmermann.
#ifndef PORTABLE
#ifdef MSDOS
#ifndef i386 /* gcc */
#define UNIT16
#define MUNIT16
#define mp_setp P_SETP
#define mp_addc P_ADDC
#define mp_subb P_SUBB
#define mp_rotate_left P_ROTL
#define mp_smula P_SMULA
#define mp_quo_digit P_QUO_DIGIT
#define mp_set_recip P_SETRECIP
#define SMITH
#endif /* i386 */
#endif /* MSDOS */
#ifdef VMS
#define UNIT32 /* use 32-bit units */
#define MUNIT32 /* not used in C code, only in assembler */
#define UPTON
#define mp_setp p_setp
#define mp_addc p_addc
#define mp_subb p_subb
#define mp_rotate_left p_rotl
#define mp_smul p_smul
#define mp_dmul p_dmul
#define mp_compare p_cmp
#define ALIGN _align(quadword)
#ifdef VAXC
* A VAX is a CISC machine. Unfortunately C is at to low a level to use
* many of the instruction set enhancements so we define some macros
* here that implement fast moves and fast zero fills with single
* instructions.
#pragma builtins
#define mp_move( dst, src) _MOVC3( global_precision*4, (char *) src, (char *) dst)
#define unitfill0( r, unitcount) _MOVC5( 0, (char *) 0, 0, unitcount*4, (char *) r)
#define mp_burn(r) _MOVC5(0, (char *) 0, 0, global_precision*4, (char *) r)
#define mp_init0(r) mp_burn(r) /* Just for documentation purposes */
#endif /* VAXC */
#endif /* VMS */
#ifdef mips
* Needs r3kd.s and r3000.s (or r3000.c)
#define UNIT32
#define MUNIT32
#define SMITH
#define mp_dmul p_dmul
#define mp_setp p_setp
#define mp_addc p_addc
#define mp_subb p_subb
#define mp_rotate_left p_rotl
#define mp_smula p_smula
#define mp_quo_digit p_quo_digit
#define mp_set_recip p_setrecip
#endif /* mips */
#ifdef i386
* Needs 80386.S
#define UNIT32
#define MUNIT32
#define SMITH
#define mp_setp P_SETP
#define mp_addc P_ADDC
#define mp_subb P_SUBB
#define mp_rotate_left P_ROTL
#define unitfill0(r,ct) memset((void*)r, 0, (ct)*sizeof(unit))
#define mp_smula P_SMULA
#define mp_quo_digit p_quo_digit
#define mp_set_recip p_setrecip
#endif /* i386 */
#ifdef sparc
* Needs sparc.s
#define UNIT32
#define MERRITT
#define mp_setp P_SETP
#define mp_addc P_ADDC
#define mp_subb P_SUBB
#define mp_rotate_left P_ROTL
#define unitfill0(r,ct) memset((void*)r, 0, (ct)*sizeof(unit))
#endif /* sparc */
#if defined(mc68000) || defined(mc68020)
* Needs mc68020.S
#define UNIT32
#define mp_setp P_SETP
#define mp_addc P_ADDC
#define mp_subb P_SUBB
#define mp_rotate_left P_ROTL
#define unitfill0(r,ct) memset((void*)r, 0, (ct)*sizeof(unit))
#if defined(sun3) || defined(mc68020)
# define UPTON
# define MUNIT32
# define mp_smul P_SMUL
/* # define mp_dmul P_DMUL */ /* mc68020.s has a bug in P_DMUL */
# define SMITH
# define MUNIT16
#endif /* mc68000 */
/* Add additional platforms here ... */
/**************** End of system specification ************************/
/* No platform explicitly selected. Customization is controlled by
#define mp_setp P_SETP
#define mp_addc P_ADDC
#define mp_subb P_SUBB
#define mp_rotate_left P_ROTL
#define UPTON
#define unitfill0(r,ct) memset((void*)r, 0, (ct)*sizeof(unit))
#define mp_smul P_SMUL
#endif /* MPORTABLE */
#endif /* PORTABLE */
#endif /* PLATFORM_H */