Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #7
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C/C++ Source or Header
400 lines
/*--- Block recoverer program for bzip2 ---*/
/*--- bzip2recover.c ---*/
This program is bzip2recover, a program to attempt data
salvage from damaged files created by the accompanying
bzip2-0.1 program.
Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 by Julian Seward.
Guildford, Surrey, UK
email: jseward@acm.org
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file LICENSE.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h> /*-- or try string.h --*/
#define UInt32 unsigned int
#define Int32 int
#define UChar unsigned char
#define Char char
#define Bool unsigned char
#define True 1
#define False 0
Char inFileName[2000];
Char outFileName[2000];
Char progName[2000];
UInt32 bytesOut = 0;
UInt32 bytesIn = 0;
/*--- I/O errors ---*/
void readError ( void )
fprintf ( stderr,
"%s: I/O error reading `%s', possible reason follows.\n",
progName, inFileName );
perror ( progName );
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: warning: output file(s) may be incomplete.\n",
progName );
exit ( 1 );
void writeError ( void )
fprintf ( stderr,
"%s: I/O error reading `%s', possible reason follows.\n",
progName, inFileName );
perror ( progName );
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: warning: output file(s) may be incomplete.\n",
progName );
exit ( 1 );
void mallocFail ( Int32 n )
fprintf ( stderr,
"%s: malloc failed on request for %d bytes.\n",
progName, n );
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: warning: output file(s) may be incomplete.\n",
progName );
exit ( 1 );
/*--- Bit stream I/O ---*/
struct {
FILE* handle;
Int32 buffer;
Int32 buffLive;
Char mode;
BitStream* bsOpenReadStream ( FILE* stream )
BitStream *bs = malloc ( sizeof(BitStream) );
if (bs == NULL) mallocFail ( sizeof(BitStream) );
bs->handle = stream;
bs->buffer = 0;
bs->buffLive = 0;
bs->mode = 'r';
return bs;
BitStream* bsOpenWriteStream ( FILE* stream )
BitStream *bs = malloc ( sizeof(BitStream) );
if (bs == NULL) mallocFail ( sizeof(BitStream) );
bs->handle = stream;
bs->buffer = 0;
bs->buffLive = 0;
bs->mode = 'w';
return bs;
void bsPutBit ( BitStream* bs, Int32 bit )
if (bs->buffLive == 8) {
Int32 retVal = putc ( (UChar) bs->buffer, bs->handle );
if (retVal == EOF) writeError();
bs->buffLive = 1;
bs->buffer = bit & 0x1;
} else {
bs->buffer = ( (bs->buffer << 1) | (bit & 0x1) );
Returns 0 or 1, or 2 to indicate EOF.
Int32 bsGetBit ( BitStream* bs )
if (bs->buffLive > 0) {
bs->buffLive --;
return ( ((bs->buffer) >> (bs->buffLive)) & 0x1 );
} else {
Int32 retVal = getc ( bs->handle );
if ( retVal == EOF ) {
if (errno != 0) readError();
return 2;
bs->buffLive = 7;
bs->buffer = retVal;
return ( ((bs->buffer) >> 7) & 0x1 );
void bsClose ( BitStream* bs )
Int32 retVal;
if ( bs->mode == 'w' ) {
while ( bs->buffLive < 8 ) {
bs->buffer <<= 1;
retVal = putc ( (UChar) (bs->buffer), bs->handle );
if (retVal == EOF) writeError();
retVal = fflush ( bs->handle );
if (retVal == EOF) writeError();
retVal = fclose ( bs->handle );
if (retVal == EOF)
if (bs->mode == 'w') writeError(); else readError();
free ( bs );
void bsPutUChar ( BitStream* bs, UChar c )
Int32 i;
for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
bsPutBit ( bs, (((UInt32) c) >> i) & 0x1 );
void bsPutUInt32 ( BitStream* bs, UInt32 c )
Int32 i;
for (i = 31; i >= 0; i--)
bsPutBit ( bs, (c >> i) & 0x1 );
Bool endsInBz2 ( Char* name )
Int32 n = strlen ( name );
if (n <= 4) return False;
(name[n-4] == '.' &&
name[n-3] == 'b' &&
name[n-2] == 'z' &&
name[n-1] == '2');
/*--- ---*/
#define BLOCK_HEADER_HI 0x00003141UL
#define BLOCK_HEADER_LO 0x59265359UL
#define BLOCK_ENDMARK_HI 0x00001772UL
#define BLOCK_ENDMARK_LO 0x45385090UL
Int32 main ( Int32 argc, Char** argv )
FILE* inFile;
FILE* outFile;
BitStream* bsIn, *bsWr;
Int32 currBlock, b, wrBlock;
UInt32 bitsRead;
UInt32 bStart[20000];
UInt32 bEnd[20000];
UInt32 buffHi, buffLo, blockCRC;
Char* p;
strcpy ( progName, argv[0] );
inFileName[0] = outFileName[0] = 0;
fprintf ( stderr, "bzip2recover: extracts blocks from damaged .bz2 files.\n" );
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: usage is `%s damaged_file_name'.\n",
progName, progName );
strcpy ( inFileName, argv[1] );
inFile = fopen ( inFileName, "rb" );
if (inFile == NULL) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: can't read `%s'\n", progName, inFileName );
bsIn = bsOpenReadStream ( inFile );
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: searching for block boundaries ...\n", progName );
bitsRead = 0;
buffHi = buffLo = 0;
currBlock = 0;
bStart[currBlock] = 0;
while (True) {
b = bsGetBit ( bsIn );
if (b == 2) {
if (bitsRead >= bStart[currBlock] &&
(bitsRead - bStart[currBlock]) >= 40) {
bEnd[currBlock] = bitsRead-1;
if (currBlock > 0)
fprintf ( stderr, " block %d runs from %d to %d (incomplete)\n",
currBlock, bStart[currBlock], bEnd[currBlock] );
} else
buffHi = (buffHi << 1) | (buffLo >> 31);
buffLo = (buffLo << 1) | (b & 1);
if ( ( (buffHi & 0x0000ffff) == BLOCK_HEADER_HI
&& buffLo == BLOCK_HEADER_LO)
( (buffHi & 0x0000ffff) == BLOCK_ENDMARK_HI
&& buffLo == BLOCK_ENDMARK_LO)
) {
if (bitsRead > 49)
bEnd[currBlock] = bitsRead-49; else
bEnd[currBlock] = 0;
if (currBlock > 0)
fprintf ( stderr, " block %d runs from %d to %d\n",
currBlock, bStart[currBlock], bEnd[currBlock] );
bStart[currBlock] = bitsRead;
bsClose ( bsIn );
/*-- identified blocks run from 1 to currBlock inclusive. --*/
if (currBlock < 1) {
fprintf ( stderr,
"%s: sorry, I couldn't find any block boundaries.\n",
progName );
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: splitting into blocks\n", progName );
inFile = fopen ( inFileName, "rb" );
if (inFile == NULL) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: can't open `%s'\n", progName, inFileName );
bsIn = bsOpenReadStream ( inFile );
/*-- placate gcc's dataflow analyser --*/
blockCRC = 0; bsWr = 0;
bitsRead = 0;
outFile = NULL;
wrBlock = 1;
while (True) {
b = bsGetBit(bsIn);
if (b == 2) break;
buffHi = (buffHi << 1) | (buffLo >> 31);
buffLo = (buffLo << 1) | (b & 1);
if (bitsRead == 47+bStart[wrBlock])
blockCRC = (buffHi << 16) | (buffLo >> 16);
if (outFile != NULL && bitsRead >= bStart[wrBlock]
&& bitsRead <= bEnd[wrBlock]) {
bsPutBit ( bsWr, b );
if (bitsRead == bEnd[wrBlock]+1) {
if (outFile != NULL) {
bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 0x17 ); bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 0x72 );
bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 0x45 ); bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 0x38 );
bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 0x50 ); bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 0x90 );
bsPutUInt32 ( bsWr, blockCRC );
bsClose ( bsWr );
if (wrBlock >= currBlock) break;
} else
if (bitsRead == bStart[wrBlock]) {
outFileName[0] = 0;
sprintf ( outFileName, "rec%4d", wrBlock );
for (p = outFileName; *p != 0; p++) if (*p == ' ') *p = '0';
strcat ( outFileName, inFileName );
if ( !endsInBz2(outFileName)) strcat ( outFileName, ".bz2" );
fprintf ( stderr, " writing block %d to `%s' ...\n",
wrBlock, outFileName );
outFile = fopen ( outFileName, "wb" );
if (outFile == NULL) {
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: can't write `%s'\n",
progName, outFileName );
bsWr = bsOpenWriteStream ( outFile );
bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 'B' ); bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 'Z' );
bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 'h' ); bsPutUChar ( bsWr, '9' );
bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 0x31 ); bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 0x41 );
bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 0x59 ); bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 0x26 );
bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 0x53 ); bsPutUChar ( bsWr, 0x59 );
fprintf ( stderr, "%s: finished\n", progName );
return 0;
/*--- end bzip2recover.c ---*/