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Pascal/Delphi Source File
3,193 lines
Unit EnhDOS;
Borland Pascal 7.0 (7.01)
Enhanced DOS interface unit for DOS 3.1+ *** Version 1.7 April, 1995.
Copyright (c) 1994,95 by Andrew Eigus. This version is Public Domain.
The only restriction to this code:
- Please do not modify copyrights. :) Just a megawish. ;)
Copyright notes:
Runtime Library Copyright (c) 1991,92 Borland International
GetDriveType portions Copyright (c) 1994 by Bobby Z.
EnhDOS unit is fully compatible and can be used for DOS/Windows/DPMI
targets. If you have any questions, suggestions or bug reports, please
send mail to andrejs@ltu-po.swh.lv or mrbyte@dcbalt.vernet.lv via
Internet or to 2:5100/33 via Fidonet. Thank you for using EnhDOS!
(******* General notes
You are allowed to modify the entire code, however, my advise would be not
to do this...
This unit is fully compatible with D.J. Murdoch's ScanHelp utility
version 3.0 or later. Use ScanHelp to compile this source to a .TPH
format help file.
Procedures and functions ending with character '_' work with Pascal-type
strings rather than with null-terminated PChar-type strings.
******* End of general notes *)
{$X+} { Enable extended syntax }
{$I-} { Disable I/O checking }
{$S-} { Disable stack overflow checking }
{$W-} { Disable generation of a special code for FAR procedures/functions }
{$IFDEF P286}
{$G+} { Enable 286 code generation if P286 located in conditional defines }
{$IFDEF P386}
{$G+} { Enable 286 code generation if P386 located in conditional defines }
{$IFDEF Windows}
uses WinTypes, WinProcs, Strings, WinAPI;
{$DEFINE ProtectedMode}
uses Strings, WinAPI;
{$DEFINE ProtectedMode}
{$IFNDEF ProtectedMode}
uses Strings;
omRead = $00; { Open file for input only }
omWrite = $01; { Open file for output only }
omReadWrite = $02; { Open file for input or/and output (both modes) }
omShareCompat = $00;
omShareExclusive = $10;
omShareDenyWrite = $20;
omShareDenyRead = $30;
omShareDenyNone = $40;
{#T omXXX}
{#X omRead}{#X omWrite}{#X omReadWrite}
{#X omShareCompat}{#X omShareExclusive}{#X omShareDenyWrite}{#X omShareDenyRead}{#X omShareDenyNone}
{ Handle file open modes. Used by the #h_OpenFile# function }
fsPathName = 79;
fsDirectory = 64;
fsFileSpec = 12;
fsFileName = 8;
fsExtension = 4;
{#T fsXXX}
{#X fsPathName}{#X fsDirectory}{#X fsFileSpec}{#X fsFileName}{#X fsExtension}
{ Maximum file-name component string lengths used by the #FileSearch# and
#FileExpand# functions }
fcExtension = $0001;
fcFileName = $0002;
fcDirectory = $0004;
fcWildcards = $0008;
{#T fcXXX}
{#X fcExtension}{#X fsFileName}{#X fcDirectory}{#X fcWildcards}
{ These constants are used by the #FileSplit# function. The returned value
is a combination of the fcDirectory, fcFileName, and fcExtension bit
masks. The value indicates which components were present in the path.
If the name or extension contains any wildcard characters (* or ?), the
fcWildcards flag is set }
faNormal = $00;
faReadOnly = $01;
faHidden = $02;
faSysFile = $04;
faVolumeID = $08;
faDirectory = $10;
faArchive = $20;
faAnyFile = $3F;
Normal = $00;
ReadOnly = $01;
Hidden = $02;
SysFile = $04;
VolumeID = $08;
Directory = $10;
Archive = $20;
AnyFile = $3F;
{#T faXXX}
{#X faNormal}{#X faReadOnly}{#X faHidden}{#X faSysFile}{#X faVolumeID}
{#X faDirectory}{#X faArchive}{#X faAnyFile}
{ These constants test, set, and clear file-attribute bits in connection with
the #GetFileAttr#, #SetFileAttr#, #FindFirst#, and #FindNext# procedures.
These constants are additive. The faAnyFile constant is the sum of all
attributes }
skStart = 0; { Seek position relative to the start of a file }
skPos = 1; { Seek position relative to a current file position }
skEnd = 2; { Seek position relative to the end of a file }
{#T skXXX}
{#X skStart}{#X skPos}{#X skEnd}
{ These constants define position relative to what seek the file pointer.
They are only used in the #h_LSeek# function }
hStdInput = 0; { Standard input device }
hStdOutput = 1; { Standard output device }
hStdAUX = 3; { Standard AUX device (COM1) }
hStdPrinter = 4; { Standard Printer device (LPT1) }
{#T hXXX}
{#X hStdInput}{#X hStdOutput}{#X hStdAUX}{#X hStdPrinter}
{ These constants are the standard I/O device handle numbers. They can be
used in connection with the #h_OpenFile#, #h_DupHandle#, #h_ForceDup#
and other handle functions. Use them to access the standard I/O devices }
frOk = 0;
{ Continue program. If you return this value, the calling function simply
terminates. This is the default return value for all the functions
supported by the #DefaultErrorProc# function }
frRetry = 1;
{ Retry the action. If you return this value, the calling function will
be forced to be executed once again. }
{#T frXXX}
{#X frOk}{#X frRetry}
{ The frXXX constants are used in connection with the #DefaultErrorProc#
function. They determine the behaviour that should be followed after
an EnhDOS function results an error. In such case, the standard error
handler function is called and its result code is used to determine
if a function should terminate normally, or it is supposed to retry
the action.
The DefaultErrorProc function executes once an error is occured. You
should check calling function number that caused an error that is passed
in an argument, and return one of the frXXX constants.
See: #fnXXX#-constants (function codes)
{#T DefaultErrorProc}
{#X frXXX}{#X TErrorFunc}
{ This is standard error handler function that is called whenever error
occurs in one of the EnhDOS routines. You may set your own error handler
by using the #SetErrorHandler# procedure }
fnGetDPB = $3200;
fnDiskSize = $3600;
fnDiskFree = $3601;
fnGetCountryInfo = $3800;
fnSetDate = $2B00;
fnSetTime = $2D00;
fnCreateDir = $3900;
fnRemoveDir = $3A00;
fnGetCurDir = $4700;
fnSetCurDir = $3B00;
fnDeleteFile = $4100;
fnRenameFile = $5600;
fnGetFileAttr = $4300;
fnSetFileAttr = $4301;
fnFindFirst = $4E00;
fnFindNext = $4F00;
fnCreateFile = $5B00;
fnCreateTempFile = $5A00;
fnOpenFile = $3D00;
fnDupHandle = $4500;
fnForceDup = $4600;
fnRead = $3F00;
fnWrite = $4000;
fnFlush = $6800;
fnLSeek = $4200;
fnGetFTime = $5700;
fnSetFTime = $5701;
fnCloseFile = $3E00;
fnDosGetMem = $4800;
fnDosFreeMem = $4900;
fnDosResize = $4A00;
{#T fnXXX}
{ fnXXX-constants are function codes that are passed to error handler
routine when an error occurs in EnhDOS function. This is list of them:
dosrOk = 0; { Success }
dosrInvalidFuncNumber = 1; { Invalid DOS function number }
dosrFileNotFound = 2; { File not found }
dosrPathNotFound = 3; { Path not found }
dosrTooManyOpenFiles = 4; { Too many open files }
dosrFileAccessDenied = 5; { File access denied }
dosrInvalidFileHandle = 6; { Invalid file handle }
dosrMemCtlBlksKilled = 7; { Memory control blocks destroyed }
dosrNotEnoughMemory = 8; { Not enough memory }
dosrInvalidEnvment = 10; { Invalid environment }
dosrInvalidFormat = 11; { Invalid format }
dosrInvalidAccessCode = 12; { Invalid file access code }
dosrInvalidDrive = 15; { Invalid drive number }
dosrCantRemoveDir = 16; { Cannot remove current directory }
dosrCantRenameDrives = 17; { Cannot rename across drives }
dosrNoMoreFiles = 18; { No more files }
dosrFCB29Error = $FF29; { Fn 29h: Invalid drive ID in filespec }
dosrFCB11Error = $FF11; { Fn 11h: No matching files }
{#T dosrXXX}
{ Standard DOS 3.x+ and few custom error codes reported by the #DOSResult#
TPathStr = array[0..fsPathName] of Char;
TDirStr = array[0..fsDirectory] of Char;
TNameStr = array[0..fsFileName] of Char;
TExtStr = array[0..fsExtension] of Char;
TFileStr = array[0..fsFileSpec] of Char;
PathStr = string[fsPathName];
DirStr = string[fsDirectory];
NameStr = string[fsFileName];
ExtStr = string[fsExtension];
FileStr = string[fsFileSpec];
{#T TDiskParamBlock}
{#X GetDPB}
PDiskParamBlock = ^TDiskParamBlock;
TDiskParamBlock = record
Drive : byte; { Disk drive number (0=A, 1=B, 2=C...) }
SubunitNum : byte; { Sub-unit number from driver device header }
SectSize : word; { Number of bytes per sector }
SectPerClust : byte; { Number of sectors per cluster -1
(max sector in cluster) }
ClustToSectShft : byte; { Cluster-to-sector shift }
BootSize : word; { Reserved sectors (boot secs; start of root dir }
FATCount : byte; { Number of FATs }
MaxDir : word; { Number of directory entries allowed in root }
DataSect : word; { Sector number of first data cluster }
Clusters : word; { Total number of allocation units (clusters)
+2 (number of highest cluster) }
FATSectors : byte; { Sectors needed by first FAT }
RootSect : word; { Sector number of start of root directory }
DeviceHeader : pointer; { Address of device header }
Media : byte; { Media descriptor byte }
AccessFlag : byte; { 0 if drive has been accessed, FFh - if not }
NextPDB : PDiskParamBlock { Address of next DPB (0FFFFh if last) }
{#T TDiskAllocInfo}
{#X GetDriveAllocInfo}
PDiskAllocInfo = ^TDiskAllocInfo;
TDiskAllocInfo = record
FATId : byte; { FAT Id }
Clusters : word; { Number of allocation units (clusters) }
SectPerClust : byte; { Number of sectors per cluster }
SectSize : word { Number of bytes per sector }
{#T TCountryInfo}
{#X GetCountryInfo}
PCountryInfo = ^TCountryInfo;
TCountryInfo = record
DateFormat : word; { Date format value may be one of the following:
0 - Month, Day, Year (USA)
1 - Day, Month, Year (Europe)
2 - Year, Month, Day (Japan)}
CurrencySymbol : array[0..4] of Char; { Currency symbol string }
ThousandsChar : char; { Thousands separator character }
reserved1 : byte;
DecimalChar : char; { Decimal separator character }
reserved2 : byte;
DateChar : char; { Date separator character }
reserved3 : byte;
TimeChar : char; { Time separator character }
reserved4 : byte;
CurrencyFormat : byte; { Currency format: $XXX.XX, XXX.XX$, $ XXX.XX,
Digits : byte; { Number of digits after decimal in currency }
TimeFormat : boolean; { Time format can be one of the following:
bit 0 = 0 if 12 hour clock, bit 1 if 24 hour clock }
MapRoutine : pointer; { Address of case map routine FAR CALL, AL -
character to map to upper case [>=80h] }
DataListChar : char; { Data-list separator character }
reserved5 : byte;
reserved6 : array[1..10] of Char
THandle = Word; { Handle type (file handle and memory handle functions) }
TErrorFunc = function(ErrCode : integer; FuncCode : word) : byte;
{ Error handler function }
TSearchRec = record
Fill : array[1..21] of Byte;
Attr : byte;
Time : longint;
Size : longint;
Name : TFileStr
SearchRec = record
Fill : array[1..21] of Byte;
Attr : byte;
Time : longint;
Size : longint;
Name : FileStr
{ Search record used by #FindFirst# and #FindNext# functions }
TDateTime = record
Sec : word
DateTime = TDateTime;
{ Date and time record used by #PackTime# and #UnpackTime# functions }
DOSResult : integer; { Error status variable }
TempStr : array[0..High(String)] of Char; { Temporary PChar-type string }
function SetErrorHandler(Handler : TErrorFunc) : pointer;
{ This procedure allows you to set your own error handling routine. This will
allow you to behave specifically depending in which function and what type
of error has occured. This function returns a pointer to a previous
ErrorHandler routine. Basically, this function is called in the unit's
initialisation part in order to set standard error handler. }
{#X frXXX}{#X DefaultErrorProc}
function Pas2PChar(Str : string) : PChar;
{ This function converts Pascal-type string to a PChar-null terminated string
and returns a pointer to it. It is internally used by EnhDOS, however, you
may also use it in your own programs. }
{$IFDEF P386}
procedure Move32(var Source, Dest; Count : word);
{ This function is internally used by EnhDOS, however, you may also use it in
your programs. It copies bytes from Source to Dest like Move, but it is
faster than Move or Move16. Warning: this function will work on a 386
or better. }
{#X Move16}
procedure Move16(var Source, Dest; Count : word);
{ This function is internally used by EnhDOS, however, you may also use it in
your programs. It copies bytes from Source to Dest like Move, but it is
faster than Move. }
{#X Move32}
function GetInDOSFlag : boolean;
{ Returns True if a DOS operation is being executed, False if DOS is not
currently busy running an interrupt. This function is often used in TSRs. }
function GetDOSVersion : word;
{ Returns the DOS version number. The result's low byte is the major version
number, and the high byte is the minor version number. }
function GetSwitchChar : char;
{ Queries the DOS global "switch character". The SWITCHAR is the character
found on a command line that delimits the start of a switch or option.
The default is '/' (eg, DIR /w/p), but you can change the switchar to
'-' (eg DIR -w-p) to give your system a more UNIX-like feel.
This undocumented command may change in future versions of DOS. It is
recommended that you do NOT change the switchar because many programs don't
use it when they parse command lines. }
{#X SetSwitchChar}
function SetSwitchChar(Switch : char) : char;
{ Sets the DOS global "switch character" and returns the old value of
SWITCHAR. The SWITCHAR is the character found on a command line that
delimits the start of a switch or option. The default is '/'
(eg, DIR /w/p), but you can change the switchar to '-' (eg DIR -w-p)
to give your system a more UNIX-like feel.
Warning: This undocumented command may change in future versions of DOS.
It is recommended that you do NOT change the switchar because many programs
don't use it when they parse command lines. }
{#X GetSwitchChar}
function GetCountryInfo(var Buffer : TCountryInfo) : integer;
{ Fills the Buffer with the country-dependant information. Returns:
country-code if successful, negative DOS error code otherwise. }
procedure GetDate(var Year, Month, Day, DayOfWeek : word);
{ Returns the current date set in the operating system. Ranges of the values
returned are Year 1980..2099, Month 1..12, Day 1..31, and DayOfWeek 0..6
(where 0 corresponds to Sunday). }
{#X SetDate}{#X SetTime}{#X GetTime}
function SetDate(Year, Month, Day : word) : boolean;
{ Sets the current date set in the operating system. Ranges of the values
returned are Year 1980..2099, Month 1..12, Day 1..31, and DayOfWeek 0..6
(where 0 corresponds to Sunday).
Returns: True if new date set, False if unable to set new date. }
{#X GetDate}{#X SetTime}{#X GetTime}
procedure GetTime(var Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100 : word);
{ Returns the current time set in the operating system. Ranges of the values
returned are Hour 0..23, Minute 0..59, Second 0..59, and Sec100
(hundredths of seconds) 0..99. }
{#X SetDate}{#X GetDate}{#X SetTime}
function SetTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100 : word) : boolean;
{ Sets the current time set in the operating system. Ranges of the values
returned are Hour 0..23, Minute 0..59, Second 0..59, and Sec100
(hundredths of seconds) 0..99.
Returns: True if new time set, False if unable to set new time. }
{#X SetDate}{#X GetDate}{#X GetTime}
function GetCBreak : boolean;
{ Returns the state of Ctrl-Break checking in DOS. SetCBreak sets the value
of Break depending on the state of Ctrl+Break checking in DOS. When off,
DOS only checks for Ctrl+Break during I/O to console, printer, or
communication devices. When on, checks are made at every system call. }
{#X SetCBreak}
function SetCBreak(Break : boolean) : boolean;
{ Sets the state of Ctrl-Break checking in DOS. SetCBreak sets the value
of Break depending on the state of Ctrl+Break checking in DOS. When off,
DOS only checks for Ctrl+Break during I/O to console, printer, or
communication devices. When on, checks are made at every system call.
Retuns: Old state of Ctrl-Break checking }
{#X GetCBreak}
function GetVerify : boolean;
{ Returns the state of the verify flag in DOS. GetVerify returns the state of
the verify flag in DOS. When off, disk writes are not verified. When on,
all disk writes are verified to ensure proper writing. }
{#X SetVerify}
function SetVerify(Verify : boolean) : boolean;
{ Sets the state of the verify flag in DOS. SetVerify sets the state of the
verify flag in DOS. When off, disk writes are not verified. When on, DOS
verifies all disk writes to ensure proper writing.
Returns: Old state of verify flag }
{#X GetVerify}
function GetArgCount : integer;
{ Returns the number of parameters passed to the program on the command line. }
{#X GetArgStr}
function GetArgStr(Dest : PChar; Index : integer; MaxLen : word) : PChar;
{ Returns the command-line parameter specified by Index. Returns empty string
if Index is less than 0 or greater than GetArgCount. Returns the filename
of current module if Index = 0. Dest = returned value. }
{#X GetArgCount}
function GetEnvVar(VarName : PChar) : PChar;
{ Returns a pointer to the value of a specified environment variable or
zero if specified environment variable does not exist. }
{#X GetEnv}
function GetEnv(EnvVar : string) : string;
{ Returns the value of a specified environment variable. Acts the same like
GetEnvVar, except that it takes a Pascal-style string rather than a PChar
null-terminated string. }
{#X GetEnvVar}
function GetIntVec(IntNo : byte; var Vector : pointer) : pointer;
{ Returns the address stored in a specified interrupt vector. IntNo specifies
the interrupt vector number (0..255), and the address is returned in Vector.
Note: this routine uses DOS function 35h = GetInterruptVector. }
{#X SetIntVec}
function SetIntVec(IntNo : byte; Vector : pointer) : pointer;
{ Sets a specified interrupt vector to a specified address. IntNo specifies
the interrupt vector number (0..255), and Vector specifies the address.
Returns: An old address of a specified interrupt vector.
Note: this routine uses DOS function 25h = SetInterruptVector. }
{#X GetIntVec}
function GetDTA : pointer;
{ Returns a pointer address to a DOS data exchange buffer (DTA). By default,
DTA address has the offset PrefixSeg+$80 and the size of 128 bytes. DTA can
be also used to access files with the FCB method. }
{#X SetDTA}
procedure SetDTA(NewDTA : pointer);
{ Sets the Disk Transfer Address pointer to a new DTA buffer. }
{#X GetDTA}
function GetCurDisk : byte;
{ Returns the drive number of the current DOS default disk. }
{#X SetCurDisk}
function SetCurDisk(Drive : byte) : byte;
{ The specified drive becomes the current DOS default drive. The return value
is number of drives of any type, including hard disks and 'logical' drives
(such as drive B: in a 1-floppy system). }
{#X GetCurDisk}
procedure GetDriveAllocInfo(Drive : byte; var Info : TDiskAllocInfo);
{ Fills the Info record with the information on size and type of the
specified drive. }
function GetDPB(Drive : byte; var DPB : TDiskParamBlock) : integer;
{ Retrieves a block of information that is useful for applications which
perform sector-level access of disk drives supported by device drivers.
Returns: 0 if successful, negative #dosrInvalidDrive# error code when
an error occured. }
function DiskSize(Drive : byte) : longint;
{ Returns the total size, in bytes, of a specified disk drive if successful;
negative #dosrInvalidDrive# error code, otherwise. }
{#X DiskFree }
function DiskFree(Drive : byte) : longint;
{ Returns the number of free bytes on a specified disk drive if successful;
negative #dosrInvalidDrive# error code, otherwise. }
{#X DiskSize}
function CreateDir(Dir : PChar) : integer;
{ Creates a new subdirectory. Performs the same function as #MkDir#, but uses
a null-terminated string rather than a Pascal-style string. Returns zero if
successful, negative DOS error code, otherwise. }
{#X GetCurDir}{#X RemoveDir}{#X SetCurDir}{#X MkDir}
function MkDir(Dir : DirStr) : integer;
{ Creates a new subdirectory with the path specified by string Dir. The last
item in the path cannot be an existing file name. #CreateDir# calls this
function and then converts Dir to a null-terminated string. Returns zero
if successful, otherwise, negative DOS error code. }
{#X GetDir}{#X RmDir}{#X ChDir}{#X CreateDir}
function RemoveDir(Dir : PChar) : integer;
{ Removes an empty subdirectory. The subdirectory with the path specified by
Dir is removed. Errors, such as a non-existing or non-empty subdirectory,
are reported in the #DOSResult# variable, and negative DOS error value is
returned. }
{#X GetCurDir}{#X CreateDir}{#X SetCurDir}{#X RmDir}
function RmDir(Dir : DirStr) : integer;
{ Removes an empty subdirectory. Removes the subdirectory with the path
specified by Dir. If the path does not exist, is non-empty, or is the
currently logged directory, #DOSResult# will contain DOS error code,
and negative DOS error code will be returned. }
{#X GetDir}{#X MkDir}{#X ChDir}{#X RemoveDir}
function GetCurDir(Drive : byte; Dir : PChar) : integer;
{ Returns the current directory of a specified drive. Where 0 is default
drive, 1 is drive A, 2 is drive B, 3 is drive C and so on. }
{#X CreateDir}{#X RemoveDir}{#X SetCurDir}{#X GetDir}
function GetDir(Drive : byte; var Dir : DirStr) : integer;
{ Returns the current directory of a specified drive. Where 0 is default
drive, 1 is drive A, 2 is drive B, 3 is drive C and so on. }
{#X MkDir}{#X RmDir}{#X ChDir}{#X GetCurDir}
function SetCurDir(Dir : PChar) : integer;
{ Changes the current directory to the specified path. If Dir specifies a
drive letter, the drive is also changed. }
{#X GetCurDir}{#X CreateDir}{#X RemoveDir}{#X ChDir}
function ChDir(Dir : DirStr) : integer;
{ Changes the current directory. Function and #DOSResult# return 0 if the
operation was successful; otherwise, function returns a negative error
code and DOS error code is stored in DOSResult variable. If Dir specifies
a drive letter, the drive is also changed. }
{#X GetDir}{#X MkDir}{#X RmDir}{#X SetCurDir}
function DeleteFile(Path : PChar) : integer;
{ Deletes the file specified in Path. Returns zero if the operation was
successful; otherwise, returns a negative error code. #DOSResult# variable
holds DOS result code. }
{#X RenameFile}{#X ExistsFile}{#X DeleteFile_}
function DeleteFile_(Path : PathStr) : integer;
{ Deletes the file specified in Path. Returns zero if the operation was
successful; otherwise, returns a negative error code. #DOSResult# variable
holds DOS result code. It performs the same function as DeleteFile, except
that it takes Pascal-type string as an argument, instead of PChar
null-terminated string. }
{#X RenameFile_}{#X ExistsFile_}{#X DeleteFile}
function RenameFile(OldPath, NewPath : PChar) : integer;
{ Renames an external file. The external file specified in OldPath is renamed
to NewPath. If both files are on the same disk, a file will be moved to a
directory specified in NewPath. RenameFile returns 0 if the function was
successful; otherwise, it returns negative DOS error code and #DOSResult#
variable always holds DOS result code. }
{#X DeleteFile}{#X ExistsFile}{#X RenameFile_}
function RenameFile_(OldPath, NewPath : PathStr) : integer;
{ Renames an external file. The external file specified in OldPath is renamed
to NewPath. If both files are on the same disk, a file will be moved to a
directory specified in NewPath. RenameFile_ returns 0 if the function was
successful; otherwise, it returns negative DOS error code and #DOSResult#
variable always holds DOS result code. }
{#X DeleteFile_}{#X ExistsFile_}{#X RenameFile}
function ExistsFile(Path : PChar) : boolean;
{ Returns True if the file specified in Path exists; otherwise, it returns
False. }
{#X DeleteFile}{#X RenameFile}{#X ExistsFile_}
function ExistsFile_(Path : PathStr) : boolean;
{ Returns True if the file specified in Path exists; otherwise, this function
returns False. }
{#X DeleteFile_}{#X RenameFile_}{#X ExistsFile}
function GetFileAttr(Path : PChar) : integer;
{ Returns the attributes of a file or negative DOS error code if unable
to retrieve the file attributes. #DOSResult# contains DOS operation result
code. }
{#X SetFileAttr}{#X GetFAttr}{#X SetFAttr}{#X faXXX}
function GetFAttr(Path : PathStr) : integer;
{ Returns the attributes of a file or negative DOS error code if unable
to retrieve the file attributes. #DOSResult# contains DOS operation result
code. }
{#X SetFAttr}{#X GetFileAttr}{#X SetFileAttr}{#X faXXX}
function SetFileAttr(Path : PChar; Attr : word) : integer;
{ Sets the attributes of a file and returns zero if operation was successful,
or negative DOS error code in case of error. #DOSResult# holds DOS result
code. }
{#X GetFileAttr}{#X GetFAttr}{#X SetFAttr}{#X faXXX}
function SetFAttr(Path : PathStr; Attr : word) : integer;
{ Sets the attributes of a file and returns zero if operation was successful,
or negative DOS error code in case of error. #DOSResult# holds DOS result
code. }
{#X GetFAttr}{#X GetFileAttr}{#X SetFileAttr}{#X faXXX}
function FindFirst(Path : PChar; Attr: word; var F : TSearchRec) : integer;
{ Searches the specified directory for the matching file. FindFirst searches
the specified (or current) directory for the first entry matching the
specified file name and set of attributes. This function returns #dosrOk#
if the call was successful; otherwise, it returns a negative error code.
#DOSResult# variable holds DOS result code anyway.}
{#X FindNext}{#X FindFirst_}
function FindNext(var F : TSearchRec) : integer;
{ Finds the next entry that matches the name and attributes specified in an
earlier call to FindFirst. This function returns #dosrOk# if the call was
successful; otherwise, it returns a negative error code. You can also
check #DOSResult# variable for DOS result code. }
{#X FindFirst}{#X FindNext_}
function FindFirst_(Path : PathStr; Attr: word; var F : SearchRec) : integer;
{ Searches the specified directory for the matching file. FindFirst_
searches the specified (or current) directory for the first entry matching
the specified file name and set of attributes. FindFirst_ acts much like
FindFirst function, except that it works with pascal-style strings rather
than with PChar-type strings. }
{#X FindNext_}{#X FindFirst}
function FindNext_(var F : SearchRec) : integer;
{ Finds the next entry that matches the name and attributes specified in an
earlier call to FindFirst_. FindNextP acts the same as FindNext, except
that it works with Pascal-type strings rather than with null-terminated
PChar-type strings. }
{#X FindFirst_}{#X FindNext}
procedure UnpackTime(P : longint; var T : TDateTime);
{ Converts a 4-byte, packed date-and-time Longint returned by GetFTime,
FindFirst, or FindNext into an unpacked #TDateTime# record. }
{#X GetFTime}{#X PackTime}{#X h_SetFTime}
function PackTime(var T : TDateTime) : longint;
{ Converts a TDateTime record into a 4-byte packed date/time used by
SetFTime. Returns a 4-byte long integer corresponding to packed date/time. }
{#X GetFTime}{#X SetFTime}{#X UnpackTime}
function h_CreateFile(Path : PChar) : THandle;
{ Creates an external file and returns it's handle. This function returns
zero and #DOSResult# holds a non-zero DOS error code if failed to create a
file. }
{#X h_CreateTempFile}{#X h_OpenFile}{#X h_DupeHandle}{#X h_ForceDup}
{#X h_Read}{#X h_Write}{#X h_Flush}{#X h_LSeek}{#X h_FilePos}{#X h_FileSize}
{#X h_Eof}{#X h_GetFTime}{#X h_SetFTime}{#X h_CloseFile}{#X h_CreateFile_}
function h_CreateFile_(Path : PathStr) : THandle;
{ Creates an external file and returns it's handle. This function returns
zero and #DOSResult# holds a non-zero DOS error code if failed to create
a file. h_CreateFile_ performs the same action as h_CreateFile except
that it takes a Pascal-type string rather than a null-terminated PChar-type
string. }
{#X h_CreateTempFile_}{#X h_OpenFile_}{#X h_DupeHandle}{#X h_ForceDup}
{#X h_Read}{#X h_Write}{#X h_Flush}{#X h_LSeek}{#X h_FilePos}{#X h_FileSize}
{#X h_Eof}{#X h_GetFTime}{#X h_SetFTime}{#X h_CloseFile}{#X h_CreateFile}
function h_CreateTempFile(Path : PChar) : THandle;
{ Calls DOS function to create an external temporary file and assign a
uniquie name to it. You should specify a path *without* filename. The
h_CreateTempFile function returns zero and #DOSResult# holds a non-zero
DOS error code if failed to create a file; otherwise, it returns a file
handle. }
{#X h_CreateFile}{#X h_OpenFile}{#X h_DupeHandle}{#X h_ForceDup}
{#X h_Read}{#X h_Write}{#X h_Flush}{#X h_LSeek}{#X h_FilePos}{#X h_FileSize}
{#X h_Eof}{#X h_GetFTime}{#X h_SetFTime}{#X h_CloseFile}
{#X h_CreateTempFile_}
function h_CreateTempFile_(Path : PathStr) : THandle;
{ Calls DOS function to create an external temporary file and assign a
uniquie name to it. You should specify a path *without* filename. The
h_CreateTempFile_ function returns zero and #DOSResult# holds a non-zero
DOS error code if failed to create a file; otherwise, it returns a file
handle. It performs the same action as h_CreateFile except that it takes
a Pascal-type string instead of a null-terminated PChar-type string. }
{#X h_CreateFile_}{#X h_OpenFile_}{#X h_DupeHandle}{#X h_ForceDup}
{#X h_Read}{#X h_Write}{#X h_Flush}{#X h_LSeek}{#X h_FilePos}{#X h_FileSize}
{#X h_Eof}{#X h_GetFTime}{#X h_SetFTime}{#X h_CloseFile}{#X h_CreateTempFile}
function h_OpenFile(Path : PChar; Mode : byte) : THandle;
{ Opens an existing external file and returns it's handle if the call was
successful; otherwise, h_OpenFile returns zero and #DOSResult# holds a
non-zero DOS error code. Mode must be a combination of omXXX constants. }
{#X omXXX}{#X h_CreateFile}{#X h_CreateTempFile}{#X h_DupeHandle}
{#X h_ForceDup}{#X h_Read}{#X h_Write}{#X h_Flush}{#X h_LSeek}{#X h_FilePos}
{#X h_FileSize}{#X h_Eof}{#X h_GetFTime}{#X h_SetFTime}{#X h_CloseFile}
{#X h_OpenFile_}
function h_OpenFile_(Path : PathStr; Mode : byte) : THandle;
{ Opens an existing external file and returns it's handle if the call was
successful; otherwise, h_OpenFile_ returns zero and #DOSResult# contains a
non-zero DOS error code. Mode must be a combination of omXXX constants.
h_OpenFile_ performs the same action as h_OpenFile except that it takes
a Pascal-type string rather than a null-terminated PChar-type string. }
{#X omXXX}{#X h_CreateFile_}{#X h_CreateTempFile_}{#X h_DupeHandle}
{#X h_ForceDup}{#X h_Read}{#X h_Write}{#X h_Flush}{#X h_LSeek}{#X h_FilePos}
{#X h_FileSize}{#X h_Eof}{#X h_GetFTime}{#X h_SetFTime}{#X h_CloseFile}
{#X h_OpenFile}
function h_DupHandle(Handle : THandle) : THandle;
{ Creates an additional file handle that refers to the same I/O stream as an
existing file handle. Returns new file handle that duplicates the original
or negative DOS error code if the DupeHandle call failed. You may also check
the #DOSResult# variable for a non-zero DOS error code or handle errors
in this function via your own error-handler. }
{#X h_ForceDup}{#X h_CreateFile}{#X h_CreateTempFile}{#X h_OpenFile}
{#X h_CloseFile}
function h_ForceDup(Source, Dest : THandle) : integer;
{ Forces a file handle to refer to a different file or device. The Source
file handle is closed (if currently open) and then made to become a
duplicate of the Dest handle. All accesses from the Source handle file
will go to or come from the Dest handle file. You can use this function
to redirect standard I/O. Returns: 0 if successful; negative DOS error
code, otherwise. You may also check the #DOSResult# variable for a non-zero
DOS error code or handle errors in this function via your own error-handler. }
{#X h_DupHandle}{#X h_CreateFile}{#X h_CreateTempFile}{#X h_OpenFile}
{#X h_CloseFile}
function h_Read(Handle : THandle; var Buffer; Count : word) : word;
{ Reads a memory block from file and returns actual number of bytes being
read. h_Read returns 0 if there was a read fault error; in this case
#DOSResult# variable must contain a non-zero DOS error code. You may also
handle errors in this function via your own error-handler. }
{#X h_Write}{#X h_CreateFile}{#X h_CreateTempFile}{#X h_OpenFile}
{#X h_CloseFile}
function h_Write(Handle : THandle; var Buffer; Count : word) : word;
{ Writes a memory block to file and returns actual number of bytes being
written. h_Write returns zero or less than Count if there was a write
fault error; in such case #DOSResult# variable will contain a non-zero
DOS error code. You may also handle errors in this function via your own
error-handler. }
{#X h_Read}{#X h_CreateFile}{#X h_CreateTempFile}{#X h_OpenFile}
{#X h_CloseFile}{#X h_Flush}
function h_Flush(Handle : THandle) : integer;
{ Forces DOS to flush its RAM buffers of file data for the selected file
handle. Zero is returned if operation successful; negative DOS error code,
otherwise. You may also handle errors in this function via your own
error-handler. }
{#X h_Write}
function h_LSeek(Handle : THandle; SeekPos : longint; Start : byte) : longint;
{ Seeks to a specified file position (a 32-bit offset relative to the
Start) and sets a file pointer to a new location. Start must be one of the
#skXXX#-constants and must point to a relative file offset position. For
example, the statement h_LSeek(F, 0, skEnd) moves the current file pointer
to the end of a file. h_LSeek returns a new file position if operation
successful; #DOSResult# will contain an error code, if seek failed. You may
also handle errors in this function via your own error-handler. }
{#X h_FilePos}{#X h_FileSize}{#X h_Eof}
function h_FilePos(Handle : THandle) : longint;
{ Returns current position of file pointer. If the current file position is
at the beginning of the file, h_FilePos(Handle) returns 0. If the current file
position is at the end of the file--that is, if h_Eof(Handle) is True--
h_FilePos(Handle) is equal to h_FileSize(Handle). #DOSResult# will contain
a non-zero DOS error code if this operation fails. }
{#X h_LSeek}{#X h_FileSize}{#X h_Eof}
function h_FileSize(Handle : THandle) : longint;
{ Returns the current size of a file. If the file is empty, h_FileSize returns
zero. #DOSResult# returns #dosrOk# if operation successful; otherwise, it
returns a non-zero DOS error code. }
{#X h_LSeek}{#X h_FilePos}{#X h_Eof}
function h_Eof(Handle : THandle) : boolean;
{ Returns the end-of-file status. If h_FilePos(Handle) is equal to
h_FileSize(Handle), h_Eof returns True; otherwise, it returns False. }
{#X h_LSeek}{#X h_FilePos}{#X h_FileSize}
function h_GetFTime(Handle : THandle) : longint;
{ Returns the date and time a file was last written. The time returned can
be unpacked through a call to UnpackTime. Returns negative DOS error code
if failed to retrieve date/time. }
{#X h_SetFTime}{#X PackTime}{#X UnpackTime}
function h_SetFTime(Handle : THandle; DateTime : longint) : longint;
{ Sets the date and time a file was last written. Errors are reported in
#DOSResult#. The only error code is #dosrInvalidFileHandle#.
Returns: New date and time of a file if all was successful; otherwise,
returns a negative DOS error code. }
{#X h_GetFTime}{#X PackTime}{#X UnpackTime}
function h_CloseFile(Handle : THandle) : integer;
{ Closes an open file. The external file associated with Handle is completely
updated and then closed, freeing its DOS file handle for reuse. This
function must return #dosrOk# if the operation was successful; otherwise,
it returns a negative DOS error code. Errors are also reported in
#DOSResult#. }
{#X h_CreateFile}{#X h_CreateFile_}{#X h_CreateTempFile}
{#X h_CreateTempFile_}{#X h_OpenFile}{#X h_OpenFile_}
function DosMaxAvail : longint;
{ Returns the size of the largest contiguous free memory block in the DOS
heap. The value corresponds to the size of the largest dynamic variable
that can be allocated at that time. If you use this function in real mode,
the HeapMin and HeapMax allocation parameters of the $M directive must
be both set to 0. }
{#X DosGetMem}{#X DosResize}{#X DosFreeMem}
function DosGetMem(Size : longint) : pointer;
{ Creates a dynamic variable of the specified size and returns a pointer
to the allocated memory block if operation successful, or nil if DOS
failed to allocate memory. This function uses MCB technique to deal
with memory. Note, that DosGetMem in comparison with Borland GetMem
can allocate more than 64k at once; then your pointer will reside in
different segments. However, this function is slower than Borland GetMem,
and you must care about HeapMin/HeapMax parameters of the $M directive:
they both must be set to 0 if you wish to use this function in real mode.
Errors are reported in #DOSResult# variable. Call DosFreeMem to free
the memory block when you finished to work with it. }
{#X DosMaxAvail}{#X DosResize}{#X DosFreeMem}
function DosFreeMem(P : pointer) : integer;
{ Disposes of a dynamic variable of a given size. P is a variable of any
pointer type previously assigned by the DosGetMem or DosResize procedures.
DosFreeMem destroys the MCB referenced by P and returns its memory region
to the DOS heap. If P does not point to a memory region in the DOS heap,
an error occurs. After a call to DosFreeMem, the value of P becomes
undefined, and may result unpredictable if you continue referencing P^.
In real mode, the HeapMin and HeapMax parameters of the $M compiler
directive must be set to zero in order this function to work properly.
Errors are reported in #DOSResult# variable, also this function returns
a negative DOS error code if DOS fails to free allocated memory block. }
{#X DosMaxAvail}{#X DosGetMem}{#X DosResize}
function DosResize(P : pointer; NewSize : longint) : pointer;
{ Changes the size of a memory block referenced by P. You may always call
this function to resize the block previously allocated with DosGetMem. In
real mode, the HeapMin and HeapMax parameters of the $M compiler directive
must be set to zero in order DosRezize to function properly. This function
returns a pointer to resized memory block, or nil if operation fails.
DOS errors are reported in #DOSResult# variable. }
{#X DosMaxAvail}{#X DosGetMem}{#X DosFreeMem}
{$IFNDEF ProtectedMode}
procedure Keep(ExitCode : byte; Size : longint);
{ Keep (or Terminate Stay Resident) terminates the program and makes it stay
in memory. }
{$IFNDEF Windows}
procedure StdOutText(Str : PChar);
{ Calls DOS function 40h to write a text string on standard output device. }
{#X StdOutTextLF}{#X StdInpText}{#X StdOutText_}
procedure StdOutTextLF(Str : PChar);
{ Calls StdOutText function to write a text string on standard output device,
then outputs an end-of-line marker. }
{#X StdOutText}{#X StdInpText}{#X StdOutTextLF_}
procedure StdOutText_(const Str : string);
{ Calls StdOutText to output a text string on the standard output device.
Difference between StdOutText_ and StdOutText is that StdOutText_ takes
a Pascal-type string as an argument rather than a null-terminated string. }
{#X StdOutTextLF_}{#X StdInpText_}{#X StdOutText}
procedure StdOutTextLF_(const Str : string);
{ Calls StdOutText_ to output a text string on the standard output device,
then prints an end-of-line marker. Acts the same like StdOutTextLF, but
takes a Pascal-type string as an argument rather than a null-terminated
PChar-string. }
{#X StdOutText_}{#X StdInpText_}{#X StdOutTextLF}
procedure StdInpText(Str : PChar; MaxLength : byte);
{ Calls StdInpText_ to perform buffered string input from the standard
input device. Characters are read from the standard input up to a CR
(ASCII #13) or up to the value of MaxLength. If MaxLength is reached,
the console bell rings (beeps) for each character until Enter (CR) is read.
Note: This function doesn't move to a new line like ReadLn after input. }
{#X StdOutText}{#X StdOutTextLF}{#X StdInpText_}
procedure StdInpText_(var Str : string; MaxLength : byte);
{ Calls DOS function 0Ah to perform buffered string input from the standard
input device. Characters are read from the standard input up to a CR
(ASCII #13) or up to the value of MaxLength. If MaxLength is reached,
the console bell rings (beeps) for each character until Enter (CR) is read.
Note: This function doesn't move to a new line like ReadLn after input. }
{#X StdOutText_}{#X StdOutTextLF_}{#X StdInpText}
function FileSearch(Dest, Name, List : PChar) : PChar;
function FileExpand(Dest, Name : PChar) : PChar;
function FileSplit(Path, Dir, Name, Ext : PChar) : word;
DOS = $21; { DOS interrupt number }
{ My copyright information, please leave it as it is }
Copyright : PChar = 'ENHDOS Copyright (c) 1994,95 by Andrew Eigus';
ErrorHandler : TErrorFunc; { local error handler procedure pointer }
A : TSearchRec; { temporary used record for FindFirstP/FindNextP }
Function SetErrorHandler; assembler;
{ Warning: DS will be set to DSeg in this procedure }
lds si,Copyright
mov cx,22
sub bx,bx
add bx,ax
loop @@1
sub bx,0FF9Fh
lea di,ErrorHandler
push word ptr ds:[di+bx]
push word ptr ds:[di+bx+2]
mov ax,word ptr [Handler]
add ax,bx
mov ax,word ptr [Handler+2]
add ax,bx
pop dx
pop ax
End; { SetErrorHandler }
Function Pas2PChar; assembler;
les di,Str
mov al,byte ptr [es:di]
cmp al,0
je @@1
push di
sub ah,ah
inc al
add di,ax
dec di
sub al,al
pop di
inc di
mov dx,es
mov ax,di
End; { Pas2PChar }
procedure String2PChar; near; assembler;
{ An internal function that converts a null-terminated string in ES:BX to
a Pascal-type string and returns a pointer to it in DX:AX }
push es
push bx
call Pas2PChar
end; { String2PChar }
{$IFDEF P386}
Procedure Move32; assembler;
push ds
lds si,Source
les di,Dest
mov cx,Count
jcxz @@3
shr cx,1
jnc @@1
shr cx,1
jnc @@2
db $66,$F3,$A5 { emulate 386+ REP MOVSD }
pop ds
End; { Move32 }
Procedure Move16; assembler;
push ds
lds si,Source
les di,Dest
mov cx,Count
jcxz @@2
shr cx,1
jnc @@1
rep movsw
pop ds
End; { Move16 }
{$IFDEF Windows}
procedure AnsiDosFunc; assembler;
push ds
push cx
push ax
mov si,di
push es
pop ds
lea di,TempStr
push ss
pop es
mov cx,fsPathName
or al,al
je @@2
loop @@1
sub al,al
lea di,TempStr
push ss
push di
push ss
push di
call AnsiToOem
pop ax
pop cx
lea dx,TempStr
push ss
pop ds
int DOS
pop ds
end; { AnsiDosFunc /Windows }
procedure AnsiDosFunc; assembler;
push ds
mov dx,di
push es
pop ds
int DOS
pop ds
end; { AnsiDosFunc }
Function GetInDOSFlag; assembler;
mov ah,34h
int DOS
mov al,byte ptr [es:bx]
End; { GetInDOSFlag }
Function GetDOSVersion; assembler;
mov ah,30h
int DOS
End; { GetDOSVersion }
Function GetSwitchChar; assembler;
mov ax,3700h
int DOS
cmp al,0FFh
je @@1
mov al,dl
End; { GetSwitchChar }
Function SetSwitchChar; assembler;
call GetSwitchChar
push ax
mov ax,3701h
mov dl,Switch
int DOS
pop ax
End; { SetSwitchChar }
Function GetCountryInfo; assembler;
push ds
mov ah,38h
sub al,al
lds dx,Buffer
int DOS
pop ds
jc @@2
mov ax,bx
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
jmp @@3
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnGetCountryInfo { store function code }
mov ax,fnGetCountryInfo
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { GetCountryInfo }
Procedure GetDate; assembler;
mov ah,2AH
int DOS
sub ah,ah
les di,DayOfWeek
mov al,dl
les di,Day
mov al,dh
les di,Month
xchg ax,cx
les di,Year
End; { GetDate }
Function SetDate; assembler;
mov cx,Year
mov dh,byte ptr [Month]
mov dl,byte ptr [Day]
mov ah,2BH
int DOS
or al,al
je @@1
mov DOSResult,ax
push ax
push fnSetDate { store function code }
mov ax,fnSetDate
push ax
call ErrorHandler
mov al,True
not al
End; { SetDate }
Procedure GetTime; assembler;
mov ah,2CH
int DOS
sub ah,ah
mov al,dl
les di,Sec100
mov al,dh
les di,Second
mov al,cl
les di,Minute
mov al,ch
les di,Hour
End; { GetTime }
Function SetTime; assembler;
mov ch,byte ptr [Hour]
mov cl,byte ptr [Minute]
mov dh,byte ptr [Second]
mov dl,byte ptr [Sec100]
mov ah,2DH
int DOS
or al,al
je @@1
mov DOSResult,ax
push ax
push fnSetTime { store function code }
mov ax,fnSetTime
push ax
call ErrorHandler
mov al,True
not al
End; { SetTime }
Function GetCBreak; assembler;
mov ax,3300h
int DOS
mov al,dl
End; { GetCBreak }
Function SetCBreak; assembler;
call GetCBreak
push ax
mov ax,3301h
mov dl,Break
int DOS
pop ax
End; { SetCBreak }
Function GetVerify; assembler;
mov ah,54H
int DOS
End; { GetVerify }
Function SetVerify; assembler;
call GetVerify
push ax
mov al,Verify
mov ah,2EH
int DOS
pop ax
End; { SetVerify }
{$IFDEF Windows}
procedure ArgStrCount; assembler;
lds si,CmdLine
or al,al
je @@2
cmp al,' '
jbe @@1
dec si
mov bx,si
cmp al,' '
ja @@3
dec si
mov ax,si
sub ax,bx
je @@4
loop @@1
end; { ArgStrCount /Windows }
Function GetArgCount; assembler;
push ds
xor cx,cx
call ArgStrCount
xchg ax,cx
neg ax
pop ds
End; { GetArgCount /Windows }
Function GetArgStr; assembler;
mov cx,Index
jcxz @@2
push ds
call ArgStrCount
mov si,bx
les di,Dest
mov cx,MaxLen
cmp cx,ax
jb @@1
xchg ax,cx
rep movsb
xchg ax,cx
pop ds
jmp @@3
push HInstance
push word ptr [Dest+2]
push word ptr [Dest]
mov ax,MaxLen
inc ax
push ax
call GetModuleFileName
mov ax,word ptr [Dest]
mov dx,word ptr [Dest+2]
End; { GetArgStr /Windows }
procedure ArgStrCount; assembler;
mov ds,PrefixSeg
mov si,80H
mov dl,al
sub dh,dh
add dx,si
cmp si,dx
je @@2
cmp al,' '
jbe @@1
dec si
mov bx,si
cmp si,dx
je @@4
cmp al,' '
ja @@3
dec si
mov ax,si
sub ax,bx
je @@5
loop @@1
end; { ArgStrCount }
Function GetArgCount; assembler;
push ds
sub cx,cx
call ArgStrCount
xchg ax,cx
neg ax
pop ds
End; { GetArgCount }
Function GetArgStr; assembler;
push ds
mov cx,Index
jcxz @@1
call ArgStrCount
mov si,bx
jmp @@4
mov ah,30H
int DOS
cmp al,3
mov ax,0
jb @@4
mov ds,PrefixSeg
mov es,ds:word ptr [2CH]
xor di,di
cmp al,es:[di]
je @@3
mov cx,-1
repne scasb
jmp @@2
add di,3
mov si,di
push es
pop ds
mov cx,256
repne scasb
xchg ax,cx
not al
les di,Dest
mov cx,MaxLen
cmp cx,ax
jb @@5
xchg ax,cx
rep movsb
xchg ax,cx
mov ax,word ptr [Dest]
mov dx,word ptr [Dest+2]
pop ds
End; { GetArgStr }
Function GetEnvVar;
L : word;
P : PChar;
L := StrLen(VarName);
{$IFDEF Windows}
P := GetDosEnvironment;
P := Ptr(Word(Ptr(PrefixSeg, $2C)^), 0);
while P^ <> #0 do
if (StrLIComp(P, VarName, L) = 0) and (P[L] = '=') then
GetEnvVar := P + L + 1;
Inc(P, StrLen(P) + 1)
GetEnvVar := nil
End; { GetEnvVar }
Function GetEnv;
GetEnv := StrPas(GetEnvVar(Pas2PChar(EnvVar)))
End; { GetEnv }
Function GetIntVec; assembler;
mov al,IntNo
mov ah,35H
int DOS
mov ax,es
les di,Vector
xchg ax,bx
xchg ax,bx
xchg ax,bx
mov dx,bx
End; { GetIntVec }
Function SetIntVec; assembler;
mov al,IntNo
mov ah,35H
int DOS
push es
push bx
push ds
lds dx,Vector
mov al,IntNo
mov ah,25H
int DOS
pop ds
pop ax
pop dx
End; { SetIntVec }
Function GetDTA; assembler;
mov ah,2Fh
int DOS
mov dx,bx { store offset }
mov ax,es { store segment }
End; { GetDTA }
Procedure SetDTA; assembler;
push ds
mov ah,1Ah
lds dx,NewDTA
int DOS
pop ds
End; { SetDTA }
Function GetCurDisk; assembler;
mov ah,19h
int DOS
End; { GetCurDisk }
Function SetCurDisk; assembler;
mov ah,0Eh
mov dl,Drive
int DOS
End; { SetCurDisk }
Procedure GetDriveAllocInfo; assembler;
push ds
mov ah,1Ch
mov dl,Drive
int DOS
mov ah,byte ptr [ds:bx]
pop ds
les di,Info
xchg ah,al
stosb { store Info.FATId }
xchg ax,dx
stosw { store Info.Clusters }
xchg al,dh
stosb { store Info.SectPerClust }
xchg ax,cx
stosw { store Info.SectSize }
End; { GetDriveAllocInfo }
Function GetDPB; assembler;
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
push ds
mov ah,32h
mov dl,Drive
int DOS
mov word ptr [DPB],ds
mov word ptr [DPB+2],bx
pop ds
sub ah,ah
cmp al,0FFh
jne @@1
mov DOSResult,dosrInvalidDrive
push DOSResult
push fnGetDPB { store function code }
mov ax,fnGetDPB
push ax
call ErrorHandler
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { GetDPB }
Function DiskSize; assembler;
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
mov ah,36h
mov dl,Drive
int DOS
cmp ax,0FFFFh
je @@2
mov bx,dx
imul cx
imul bx
jmp @@3
mov DOSResult,dosrInvalidDrive
push DOSResult
push fnDiskSize { store function code }
mov ax,fnDiskSize
push AX
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
sub dx,dx
End; { DiskSize }
Function DiskFree; assembler;
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
mov ah,36h
mov dl,Drive
int DOS
cmp ax,0FFFFh
je @@2
imul cx
imul bx
jmp @@3
mov DOSResult,dosrInvalidDrive
push DOSResult
push fnDiskFree { store function code }
mov ax,fnDiskFree
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
sub dx,dx
End; { DiskFree }
Function CreateDir; assembler;
les di,Dir
mov ah,39h
call AnsiDosFunc
jc @@2
sub ax,ax
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
jmp @@3
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnCreateDir { store function code }
mov ax,fnCreateDir
push AX
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End;{ CreateDir }
Function MkDir; assembler;
les bx,Dir
call String2PChar
push dx
push ax
call CreateDir
End; { MkDir }
Function RemoveDir; assembler;
les di,Dir
mov ah,3Ah
call AnsiDosFunc
jc @@2
sub ax,ax
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
jmp @@3
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in the global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnRemoveDir { store function code }
mov ax,fnRemoveDir
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { RemoveDir }
Function RmDir; assembler;
les bx,Dir
call String2PChar
push dx
push ax
call RemoveDir
End; { RmDir }
Function GetCurDir; assembler;
push ds
lds si,Dir { load Dir into DS:SI }
mov dl,Drive
mov ah,47h
int DOS
jc @@5
or al,al
jne @@2
mov ah,19h
int DOS { get default drive }
mov dl,al
inc dl
mov ax,seg [TempStr]
mov es,ax
mov di,offset [TempStr]
add dl,64
mov al,dl
mov ah,':'
mov al,'\'
cmp byte ptr [ds:si],0
jne @@3
{$IFDEF Windows}
push es
push di
push ds
push si
call OemToAnsi
mov ax,seg [TempStr]
mov ds,ax
mov si,offset [TempStr]
les di,Dir
cmp byte ptr [ds:si],0
jne @@4
pop ds
sub ax,ax
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
jmp @@6
pop ds
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnGetCurDir { store function code }
mov ax,fnGetCurDir
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { GetCurDir }
Function GetDir; assembler;
push ds
lea di,TempStr
mov al,Drive
push ax
push es
push di
call GetCurDir
mov bx,seg [TempStr]
mov ds,bx
mov si,offset [TempStr]
les di,Dir
push di
cmp byte ptr [ds:si],0
jne @@1
mov bx,di
pop di
sub bx,di
dec bl
mov byte ptr [es:di],bl
pop ds
End; { GetDir }
Function SetCurDir; assembler;
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
les di,Dir
mov ax,es:[di]
or al,al
je @@3
cmp ah,':'
jne @@2
and al,0DFH
sub al,'A'
mov dl,al
mov ah,0Eh
int DOS
mov ah,19h
int DOS
cmp al,dl
mov ax,dosrInvalidDrive
jne @@5
jmp @@2
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnSetCurDir { store function code }
mov ax,fnSetCurDir
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
jmp @@4
mov ah,3Bh
call AnsiDosFunc
jc @@5
sub ax,ax
End; { SetCurDir }
Function ChDir; assembler;
les bx,Dir
call String2PChar
push dx
push ax
call SetCurDir
End; { ChDir }
Function DeleteFile; assembler;
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
push ds
lds dx,Path
mov ah,41h
int DOS
pop ds
jnc @@2
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnDeleteFile { store function code }
mov ax,fnDeleteFile
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { DeleteFile }
Function DeleteFile_; assembler;
les bx,Path
call String2PChar
push dx
push ax
call DeleteFile
End; { DeleteFile_ }
Function RenameFile; assembler;
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
push ds
lds dx,OldPath
les di,NewPath
mov ah,56h
int DOS
pop ds
jnc @@2
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnRenameFile { store function code }
mov ax,fnRenameFile
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { RenameFile }
Function RenameFile_; assembler;
les bx,OldPath
call String2PChar
push dx
push ax
les bx,NewPath
call String2PChar
push dx
push ax
call RenameFile
End; { RenameFile_ }
Function ExistsFile; assembler;
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
push ds
lds dx,Path
mov ax,4300h { getting information via GetAttr }
int DOS
pop ds
jnc @@2
mov DOSResult,ax
sub al,al { mov al,False }
jmp @@3
test al,faDirectory
jnz @@1
test al,faVolumeID
jnz @@1
mov al,True
End; { ExistsFile }
Function ExistsFile_; assembler;
les bx,Path
call String2PChar
push dx
push ax
call ExistsFile
End; { ExistsFile_ }
Function GetFileAttr; assembler;
push ds
lds dx,Path
mov ax,4300h
int DOS
pop ds
jc @@2
mov ax,cx
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
jmp @@3
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnGetFileAttr { store function code }
mov ax,fnGetFileAttr
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { GetFileAttr }
Function GetFAttr; assembler;
les bx,Path
call String2PChar
push dx
push ax
call GetFileAttr
End; { GetFAttr }
Function SetFileAttr; assembler;
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
push ds
lds dx,Path
mov cx,Attr
mov ax,4301h
int DOS
pop ds
jnc @@2
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnSetFileAttr { store function code }
mov ax,fnSetFileAttr
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { SetFileAttr }
Function SetFAttr; assembler;
les bx,Path
call String2PChar
push dx
push ax
push Attr
call SetFileAttr
End; { SetFAttr }
Function FindFirst; assembler;
push ds
lds dx,F
mov ah,1AH
int DOS
pop ds
les di,Path
mov cx,Attr
mov ah,4EH
call AnsiDosFunc
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
jc @@2
{$IFDEF Windows}
les di,F
add di,offset [TSearchRec.Name]
push es
push di
push es
push di
call OemToAnsi
sub ax,ax
jmp @@3
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnFindFirst { store function code }
mov ax,fnFindFirst
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { FindFirst }
Function FindNext; assembler;
push ds
lds dx,F
mov ah,1AH
int DOS
pop ds
mov ah,4FH
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
int DOS
jc @@2
{$IFDEF Windows}
les di,F
add di,offset [TSearchRec.Name]
push es
push di
push es
push di
call OemToAnsi
sub ax,ax
jmp @@3
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnFindNext { store function code }
mov ax,fnFindNext
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { FindNext }
Function FindFirst_;
FindFirst(Pas2PChar(Path), Attr, A);
{$IFDEF P386} Move32(A, F, SizeOf(TSearchRec));
{$ELSE} Move16(A, F, SizeOf(TSearchRec)); {$ENDIF}
F.Name := StrPas(A.Name);
FindFirst_ := -DOSResult
End; { FindFirst_ }
Function FindNext_;
{$IFDEF P386} Move32(F, A, SizeOf(SearchRec));
{$ELSE} Move16(F, A, SizeOf(SearchRec)); {$ENDIF}
StrPCopy(A.Name, F.Name);
{$IFDEF P386} Move32(A, F, SizeOf(TSearchRec));
{$ELSE} Move16(A, F, SizeOf(TSearchRec)); {$ENDIF}
F.Name := StrPas(A.Name);
FindNext_ := -DOSResult
End; { FindNext_ }
Procedure UnpackTime; assembler;
les di,T
mov ax,word ptr [P+2]
{$IFOPT G+} shr ax,9 {$ELSE} mov cl,9; shr ax,cl {$ENDIF}
add ax,1980
mov ax,word ptr [P+2]
{$IFOPT G+} shr ax,5 {$ELSE} mov cl,5; shr ax,cl {$ENDIF}
and ax,15
mov ax,word ptr [P+2]
and ax,31
mov ax,word ptr [P]
{$IFOPT G+} shr ax,11 {$ELSE} mov cl,11; shr ax,cl {$ENDIF}
mov ax,word ptr [P]
{$IFOPT G+} shr ax,5 {$ELSE} mov cl,5; shr ax,cl {$ENDIF}
and ax,63
mov ax,word ptr [P]
and ax,31
shl ax,1
End; { UnpackTime }
Function PackTime; assembler;
push ds
lds si,T
sub ax,1980
{$IFOPT G+} shl ax,9 {$ELSE} mov cl,9; shl ax,cl {$ENDIF}
xchg ax,dx
{$IFOPT G+} shl ax,5 {$ELSE} mov cl,5; shl ax,cl {$ENDIF}
add dx,ax
add dx,ax
{$IFOPT G+} shl ax,11 {$ELSE} mov cl,11; shl ax,cl {$ENDIF}
xchg ax,bx
{$IFOPT G+} shl ax,5 {$ELSE} mov cl,5; shl ax,cl {$ENDIF}
add bx,ax
shr ax,1
add ax,bx
pop ds
End; { PackTime }
Function h_CreateFile; assembler;
push ds
lds dx,Path { load Path into DS:DX }
sub cx,cx
mov ah,5Bh
int DOS
pop ds
jc @@2
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
jmp @@3
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnCreateFile { store function code }
mov ax,fnCreateFile
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
sub ax,ax
End; { h_CreateFile }
Function h_CreateFile_; assembler;
les bx,Path
call String2PChar
push dx
push ax
call h_CreateFile
End; { h_CreateFile_ }
Function h_CreateTempFile; assembler;
push ds
lds dx,Path { load Path into DS:DX }
sub cx,cx { file attribute here, 0 used for normal }
mov ah,5Ah
int DOS
pop ds
jc @@2
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
jmp @@3
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnCreateTempFile { store function code }
mov ax,fnCreateTempFile
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
sub ax,ax
End; { h_CreateTempFile }
Function h_CreateTempFile_; assembler;
les bx,Path
call String2PChar
push dx
push ax
call h_CreateTempFile
End; { h_CreateTempFile_ }
Function h_OpenFile; assembler;
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
push ds
lds dx,Path { load Path into DS:DX }
mov ah,3Dh
mov al,Mode
int DOS
pop ds
jnc @@2
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnOpenFile { store function code }
mov ax,fnOpenFile
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
sub ax,ax
End; { h_OpenFile }
Function h_OpenFile_; assembler;
les bx,Path
call String2PChar
push dx
push ax
push word ptr [Mode]
call h_OpenFile
End; { h_OpenFile_ }
Function h_DupHandle; assembler;
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
mov ah,45h
mov bx,Handle
int DOS
jnc @@2
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnDupHandle { store function code }
mov ax,fnDupHandle
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
sub ax,ax
End; { h_DupHandle }
Function h_ForceDup; assembler;
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
mov ah,46h
mov bx,Dest
mov cx,Source
int DOS
jnc @@2
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnForceDup { store function code }
mov ax,fnForceDup
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { h_DupHandle }
Function h_Read; assembler;
push ds
lds dx,Buffer
mov cx,Count
mov bx,Handle
mov ah,3Fh
int DOS
pop ds
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
jnc @@2
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnRead { store function code }
mov ax,fnRead
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
End; { h_Read }
Function h_Write; assembler;
push ds
lds dx,Buffer
mov cx,Count
mov bx,Handle
mov ah,40h
int DOS
pop ds
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
jnc @@2
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnWrite { store function code }
mov ax,fnWrite
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
End; { h_Write }
Function h_Flush; assembler;
push Handle
call h_DupHandle
or ax,0 { error? }
jz @@3 { yes, exit }
push ax
call h_CloseFile { flush RAM buffers }
or ax,dosrOk
jz @@3
neg ax { convert to positive }
push ax { store error code }
push fnFlush { store function code }
mov ax,fnFlush
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { h_Flush }
Function h_LSeek; assembler;
mov cx,word ptr [SeekPos+2]
mov dx,word ptr [SeekPos]
mov bx,Handle
mov al,Start
mov ah,42h
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
int DOS
jnc @@2
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnLSeek { store function code }
mov ax,fnLSeek
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
End; { h_LSeek }
Function h_FilePos;
h_FilePos := h_LSeek(Handle, 0, skPos)
End; { h_FilePos }
Function h_FileSize;
var SavePos : longint;
SavePos := h_FilePos(Handle);
h_FileSize := h_LSeek(Handle, 0, skEnd);
h_LSeek(Handle, SavePos, skStart)
End; { h_FileSize }
Function h_Eof;
h_Eof := h_FilePos(Handle) = h_FileSize(Handle)
End; { h_Eof }
Function h_GetFTime; assembler;
mov bx,Handle
mov ax,5700h { read date and time }
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
int DOS
jc @@2
mov ax,cx
jmp @@3
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnGetFTime { store function code }
mov ax,fnGetFTime
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
sub dx,dx
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { h_GetFTime }
Function h_SetFTime; assembler;
mov cx,word ptr [DateTime]
mov dx,word ptr [DateTime+2]
mov bx,Handle
mov ax,5701h { set date and time }
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
int DOS
jc @@2
mov ax,cx
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnSetFTime { store function code }
mov ax,fnSetFTime
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
sub dx,dx
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { h_SetFTime }
Function h_CloseFile; assembler;
{ H_CLOSEFILE - DOS Handle file function
Description: Closes open file; fn=3Eh
Returns: 0 if successful, negative DOS error code otherwise }
mov bx,Handle
mov ah,3Eh
int DOS
jc @@2
sub ax,ax
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
jmp @@3
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnCloseFile { store function code }
mov ax,fnCloseFile
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
End; { h_CloseFile }
Function DosMaxAvail;
{$IFNDEF ProtectedMode}
{ Returns the size of the largest contiguous free memory block
This function should be called ONLY when both HeapMin/HeapMax
memory allocation parameters set to zero }
mov bx,0FFFFh
mov ah,48h
int DOS
mov ax,bx
mov bx,16
mul bx
DosMaxAvail := GetFreeSpace(0)
End; { DosMaxAvail }
Function DosGetMem;
{$IFNDEF ProtectedMode}
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
mov ax,word ptr [Size]
mov dx,word ptr [Size+2]
mov cx,16
div cx
inc ax
mov bx,ax
mov ah,48h
int DOS
jnc @@2
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnDosGetMem { store function code }
mov ax,fnDosGetMem
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
sub ax,ax
mov dx,ax
sub ax,ax
DosGetMem := GlobalAllocPtr(gmem_ZeroInit or gmem_Moveable, Size)
End; { DosGetMem }
Function DosFreeMem;
{$IFNDEF ProtectedMode}
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
mov es,word ptr [P+2]
mov ah,49h
int DOS
jnc @@1
mov DOSResult,ax
push ax
push fnDosFreeMem { store function code }
mov ax,fnDosFreeMem
push ax
call ErrorHandler
mov ax,DOSResult
neg ax
DosFreeMem := GlobalFreePtr(P)
End; { DosFreeMem }
Function DosResize;
{$IFNDEF ProtectedMode}
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
mov ax,word ptr [NewSize]
mov dx,word ptr [NewSize+2]
mov cx,16
div cx
inc ax
mov bx,ax
mov ah,4Ah
int DOS
jnc @@2
mov DOSResult,ax { save error code in a global variable }
push ax { store error code }
push fnDosResize { store function code }
mov ax,fnDosResize
push ax
call ErrorHandler
cmp al,frRetry
je @@1
sub ax,ax
mov dx,ax
sub ax,ax
DosResize := GlobalReallocPtr(P, NewSize, gmem_ZeroInit or gmem_Moveable)
End; { DosResize }
{$IFNDEF ProtectedMode}
Procedure Keep; assembler;
mov ah,31h
mov al,ExitCode
mov ax,word ptr [Size]
mov dx,word ptr [Size+2]
mov cx,16
div cx
inc ax
mov dx,ax
int DOS
End; { Keep }
{$IFNDEF Windows}
Procedure StdOutText; assembler;
{ Displays a given PChar-type string at the standard output device.
h_Write to hStdOutput device function is used to provide whole string
output }
push ds
lds dx,Str
push ds
push dx
call StrLen
mov cx,ax
mov bx,hStdOutput
mov ah,40h
int DOS
pop ds
End; { StdOutText }
Procedure StdOutTextLF; assembler;
{ Calls StdOutText to display a string, and then moves caret/cursor
to a new line (CR + LF) }
les di,Str
push es
push di
call StdOutText
mov ah,02h
mov dl,0Dh
int DOS
mov dl,0Ah
int DOS
End; { StdOutTextLF }
Procedure StdOutText_; assembler;
push ds
lds si,Str
sub ax,ax
mov cx,ax
mov dx,si
mov bx,hStdOutput
mov ah,40h
int DOS
pop ds
End; { StdOutText_ }
Procedure StdOutTextLF_; assembler;
les di,Str
push es
push di
call StdOutText_
mov ah,02h
mov dl,0Dh
int DOS
mov dl,0Ah
int DOS
End; { StdOutTextLF_ }
Procedure StdInpText; assembler;
push ds
lea bx,TempStr
push es
push bx
push es
push bx
push word ptr [MaxLength]
call StdInpText_
pop si
pop ds
les di,Str
push es
push di
push ds
push si
call StrPCopy
pop ds
End; { StdInpText }
Procedure StdInpText_; assembler;
{ Buffered String Input is performed on Str from a standard console device }
push ds
lds dx,Str
mov ah,0Ah
mov bl,MaxLength
inc bl
mov di,dx
mov byte ptr [ds:di],bl
int DOS
lds si,Str
les di,Str
mov cl,byte ptr [ds:si]
sub ch,ch
jcxz @@1
rep movsb
pop ds
End; { StdInpText_ }
Function FileSearch; assembler;
{ FileSearch searches for the file given by Name in the list of }
{ directories given by List. The directory paths in List must }
{ be separated by semicolons. The search always starts with the }
{ current directory of the current drive. If the file is found, }
{ FileSearch stores a concatenation of the directory path and }
{ the file name in Dest. Otherwise FileSearch stores an empty }
{ string in Dest. The maximum length of the result is defined }
{ by the fsPathName constant. The returned value is Dest. }
push ds
lds si,List
les di,Dest
mov cx,fsPathName
push ds
push si
jcxz @@3
lds si,Name
or al,al
je @@3
loop @@2
sub al,al
les di,Dest
mov ax,4300H
call AnsiDosFunc
pop si
pop ds
jc @@4
test cx,18H
je @@9
les di,Dest
mov cx,fsPathName
sub ah,ah
or al,al
je @@8
cmp al,';'
je @@7
jcxz @@6
mov ah,al
dec cx
or al,al
jne @@5
dec si
jcxz @@1
cmp ah,':'
je @@1
mov al,'\'
cmp al,ah
je @@1
dec cx
jmp @@1
mov ax,word ptr [Dest]
mov dx,word ptr [Dest+2]
pop ds
End; { FileSearch }
Function FileExpand; assembler;
{ FileExpand fully expands the file name in Name, and stores }
{ the result in Dest. The maximum length of the result is }
{ defined by the fsPathName constant. The result is an all }
{ upper case string consisting of a drive letter, a colon, a }
{ root relative directory path, and a file name. Embedded '.' }
{ and '..' directory references are removed, and all name and }
{ extension components are truncated to 8 and 3 characters. The }
{ returned value is Dest. }
push ds
lds si,Name
lea di,TempStr
push ss
pop es
or al,al
je @@1
cmp ah,':'
jne @@1
cmp al,'a'
jb @@2
cmp al,'z'
ja @@2
sub al,20H
jmp @@2
dec si
dec si
mov ah,19H
int DOS
add al,'A'
mov ah,':'
cmp [si].Byte,'\'
je @@3
sub al,'A'-1
mov dl,al
mov al,'\'
push ds
push si
mov ah,47H
mov si,di
push es
pop ds
int DOS
pop si
pop ds
jc @@3
sub al,al
cmp al,es:[di]
je @@3
{$IFDEF Windows}
push es
push es
push di
push es
push di
call OemToAnsi
pop es
mov cx,0FFFFH
sub al,al
repne scasb
dec di
mov al,'\'
mov cx,fsFileName
or al,al
je @@7
cmp al,'\'
je @@7
cmp al,'.'
je @@6
jcxz @@4
dec cx
{$IFNDEF Windows}
cmp al,'a'
jb @@5
cmp al,'z'
ja @@5
sub al,20H
jmp @@4
mov cl,3
jmp @@5
cmp es:[di-2].Word,'.\'
jne @@8
dec di
dec di
jmp @@10
cmp es:[di-2].Word,'..'
jne @@10
cmp es:[di-3].Byte,'\'
jne @@10
sub di,3
cmp es:[di-1].Byte,':'
je @@10
dec di
cmp es:[di].Byte,'\'
jne @@9
mov cl,fsFileName
or al,al
jne @@5
cmp es:[di-1].Byte,':'
jne @@11
mov al,'\'
lea si,TempStr
push ss
pop ds
mov cx,di
sub cx,si
cmp cx,fsPathName
jbe @@12
mov cx,fsPathName
les di,Dest
push es
push di
{$IFDEF Windows}
push es
push di
rep movsb
sub al,al
{$IFDEF Windows}
call AnsiUpper
pop ax
pop dx
pop ds
End; { FileExpand }
Function FileSplit;
{ FileSplit splits the file name specified by Path into its }
{ three components. Dir is set to the drive and directory path }
{ with any leading and trailing backslashes, Name is set to the }
{ file name, and Ext is set to the extension with a preceding }
{ period. If a component string parameter is NIL, the }
{ corresponding part of the path is not stored. If the path }
{ does not contain a given component, the returned component }
{ string is empty. The maximum lengths of the strings returned }
{ in Dir, Name, and Ext are defined by the fsDirectory, }
{ fsFileName, and fsExtension constants. The returned value is }
{ a combination of the fcDirectory, fcFileName, and fcExtension }
{ bit masks, indicating which components were present in the }
{ path. If the name or extension contains any wildcard }
{ characters (* or ?), the fcWildcards flag is set in the }
{ returned value. }
DirLen, NameLen, Flags : word;
NamePtr, ExtPtr : PChar;
NamePtr := StrRScan(Path, '\');
if NamePtr = nil then NamePtr := StrRScan(Path, ':');
if NamePtr = nil then NamePtr := Path else Inc(NamePtr);
ExtPtr := StrScan(NamePtr, '.');
if ExtPtr = nil then ExtPtr := StrEnd(NamePtr);
DirLen := NamePtr - Path;
if DirLen > fsDirectory then DirLen := fsDirectory;
NameLen := ExtPtr - NamePtr;
if NameLen > fsFilename then NameLen := fsFilename;
Flags := 0;
if (StrScan(NamePtr, '?') <> nil) or (StrScan(NamePtr, '*') <> nil) then
Flags := fcWildcards;
if DirLen <> 0 then Flags := Flags or fcDirectory;
if NameLen <> 0 then Flags := Flags or fcFilename;
if ExtPtr[0] <> #0 then Flags := Flags or fcExtension;
if Dir <> nil then StrLCopy(Dir, Path, DirLen);
if Name <> nil then StrLCopy(Name, NamePtr, NameLen);
if Ext <> nil then StrLCopy(Ext, ExtPtr, fsExtension);
FileSplit := Flags;
End; { FileSplit }
Function DefaultErrorProc(ErrCode : integer; FuncCode : word) : byte; far; assembler;
{ Default error handler procedure called from EnhDOS functions }
sub al,al { mov al,frOk }
End; { DefaultErrorProc }
const WrongDOSVersion : PChar = 'DOS 3.1 or greater required.'#13#10'$';
call GetDosVersion
xchg ah,al
cmp ax,0300h
jg @continue { if greater than 3.0 then continue, else exit }
lds dx,WrongDOSVersion
mov ah,09h
int DOS
mov ah,4Ch
int DOS
push seg [DefaultErrorProc]
push offset [DefaultErrorProc]
mov ax,seg [DefaultErrorProc]
push ax
mov ax,offset [DefaultErrorProc]
push ax
call SetErrorHandler { set default error handler }
mov DOSResult,dosrOk
End. { EnhDOS+ }