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Text File  |  1997-11-09  |  16KB  |  721 lines

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  312.           'Javelinmen'
  313.           'Ashiguers'
  314.           'Berserkers'
  315.           'Apprentices'
  316.           'Conjurers'
  317.           'Healers'
  318.           'Fire Wizards'
  319.           'Druids'
  320.           'Earthmasters'
  321.           'Warbands'
  322.           'Swordsmen'
  323.           'Pikemen'
  324.           'Legionarii'
  325.           'Samurai'
  326.           'Heavy Spearmen'
  327.           'Lizardmen'
  328.           'Werebears'
  329.           'Lionmen'
  330.           'Elephantmen'
  331.           'Air Warriors'
  332.           'Treemen'
  333.           'Giant'
  334.           'Earth Elemental'
  335.           'Sandmen'
  336.           'Monks of Meo'
  337.           'Bronzeman'
  338.           'Iron Giant'
  339.           'Warlord Mechanus'
  340.           'Elf Bowmen'
  341.           'Longbowmen'
  342.           'Pistoliers'
  343.           'Gunners'
  344.           'Fire Archers'
  345.           'Royal Archers'
  346.           'Slingers'
  347.           'Staff Slingers'
  348.           'Scouts'
  349.           'Foresters'
  350.           'Huntsmen'
  351.           'Trail Runners'
  352.           'Squires'
  353.           'Heavy Cavalry'
  354.           'Chariots'
  355.           'Cataphractoi'
  356.           'Power Lancers'
  357.           'Phoenix Knights'
  358.           'Fire Beetles'
  359.           'Centaurs'
  360.           'Ogre Centaurs'
  361.           'Centaur Knights'
  362.           'Unicorns'
  363.           'Elf Chariots'
  364.           'Hydra'
  365.           'Turtle Dragon'
  366.           'Ghost Riders'
  367.           'Nightmare'
  368.           'Rolling Man'
  369.           'Steamphont'
  370.           'Rolling Fort'
  371.           'Thunder Tread'
  372.           'Light Cavalry'
  373.           'Elf Knights'
  374.           'Juns'
  375.           'Riders of the Bow'
  376.           'Spirit Riders'
  377.           'Knight Gunners'
  378.           'Catapults'
  379.           'Ballistae'
  380.           'Chain Guns'
  381.           'Cannons'
  382.           'Mortars'
  383.           'Pit Cannons'
  384.           'Spatter Guns'
  385.           'Mercury Guns'
  386.           'Steam Belchers'
  387.           'Wall Blasters'
  388.           'Eagle Riders'
  389.           'Griffon Riders'
  390.           'Ogre Griffons'
  391.           'Wing Riders'
  392.           'Pegasi'
  393.           'Dragon Knights'
  394.           'Flying Snakes'
  395.           'Wyverns'
  396.           'Green Dragons'
  397.           'Lion Dragons'
  398.           'Silver Hawks'
  399.           'Phoenix Hawks'
  400.           'Silver Dragons'
  401.           'Black Dragons'
  402.           'Screamer'
  403.           'Bronze Dragon'
  404.           'Steam Hawks'
  405.           'Seekers'
  406.           'Hawk Riders'
  407.           'Roc Knights'
  408.           'Dragon Riders'
  409.           'Pegasus Riders'
  410.           'Balloon Hangers'
  411.           'Balloon Riders'
  412.           'Bicycle Riders'
  413.           'Cloud Ship'
  414.           'Bronze Gliders'
  415.           'Naphtha Droppers'
  416.           'Sky Splitter'
  417.           'Steam Castle'
  418.           'Corporal'
  419.           'Sergeant'
  420.           'Lieutenant'
  421.           'Captain'
  422.           'General'
  423.           'Borric'
  424.           'Sir Kalador'
  425.           'Loric'
  426.           'Shandel'
  427.           'Valira'
  428.           'Krindel'
  429.           'Dreggo'
  430.           'Malric'
  431.           'Xyphon'
  432.           'Priest of Handola'
  433.           'Goblins'
  434.           'Skeletons'
  435.           'Ratmen'
  436.           'Gripper'
  437.           'Lava Warriors'
  438.           'Mummy'
  439.           'Orcs'
  440.           'Ogres'
  441.           'Cobramen'
  442.           'Trolls'
  443.           'Ogre Knights'
  444.           'Shadow Warriors'
  445.           'Slave Archers'
  446.           'Goblin Archers'
  447.           'Orc Archers'
  448.           'Orc Longbowmen'
  449.           'Skeleton Archers'
  450.           'Steam Gunners'
  451.           'Skeleton Slingers'
  452.           'Goblin Scouts'
  453.           'Orc Scouts'
  454.           'Shadows'
  455.           'Ogre Hunters'
  456.           'Serpent Riders'
  457.           'Undead Cavalry'
  458.           'Mastodon'
  459.           'Rhino Knights'
  460.           'Knights of Fire'
  461.           'Shadow Knights'
  462.           'Wolf Riders'
  463.           'Barbarian Riders'
  464.           'Boar Riders'
  465.           'Bear Riders'
  466.           'Flamer'
  467.           'Disease Throwers'
  468.           'Black Ice Throwers'
  469.           'Flying Monkeys'
  470.           'Gargoyles'
  471.           'Shadow Wings'
  472.           'Lava Dragons'
  473.           'Shadow Dragons'
  474.           'Serpent Griffons'
  475.           'Lightning Throwers'
  476.           'Fire Barge'
  477.           'Zeppelin'
  478.           'Barbarians'
  479.           'Air Slammer'
  480.           'Witch of Icethorn'
  481.           'Pale Marshal'
  482.           'Kraekvar'
  483.           'Claw the Assassin'
  484.           'Grimal the Rat Lord'
  485.           'Malkin Nightwing'
  486.           'Morg the Lasher'
  487.           'Deathlord Rapax'
  488.           'Leech King'
  489.           'Goat King'
  490.           'Eagles'
  491.           'Harpies')
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  553.         Height = 21
  554.         ItemHeight = 13
  555.         Items.Strings = (
  556.           ''
  557.           'Magical Sword'
  558.           'Magical Axe'
  559.           'Magical Shield'
  560.           'Magical Armor'
  561.           'Magical Bow'
  562.           'Magical Crossbow'
  563.           'Magical Sling'
  564.           'Magical Staff '
  565.           'Sling'
  566.           'Magical Javelin'
  567.           'Amulet of Resistance'
  568.           'Cloak of Hiding'
  569.           'Staff of Fireballs'
  570.           'Wand of Fireballs'
  571.           'Amulet of Protection'
  572.           'Ring of Regeneration'
  573.           'Sword of Death Wounds'
  574.           'Stone of Eagle Eye'
  575.           'Boots of Rapid Movement'
  576.           'Storm Staff'
  577.           'Amulet of Blessings'
  578.           'Ring of Free Movement'
  579.           'Staff of Winds'
  580.           'Wand of Sickness'
  581.           'Skull of Crang'
  582.           'Staff of Confusion'
  583.           'Staff of Fatigue'
  584.           'Staff of Healing')
  585.         TabOrder = 11
  586.       end
  587.       object EdMult: TEdit
  588.         Left = 68
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  594.       end
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  602.         Position = 0
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  605.       end
  606.       object EdMorale: TEdit
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  613.       end
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  621.       end
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  637.       end
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  648.       end
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  656.         Position = 0
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  659.       end
  660.       object UDDead: TUpDown
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  670.       end
  671.       object UDWound: TUpDown
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  673.         Top = 150
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  692.       end
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  694.         Caption = '&Save'
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  696.       end
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  701.         Caption = 'E&xit'
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  703.       end
  704.     end
  705.     object mHelp: TMenuItem
  706.       Caption = '&Help'
  707.       object mAbout: TMenuItem
  708.         Caption = '&About'
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  710.     end
  711.   end
  712.   object OpenDlg: TOpenDialog
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  715.     InitialDir = '.'
  716.     Options = [ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist]
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  719.   end
  720. end