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INI File
192 lines
Profile file for the setup of Matrox PowerDesk NT
Version = 4.13
DisplayErrors = 1
UpdateMon = 1
UpdateReg = 0
TargetPath = Default
Reboot = 1
InstLanguage = prompt
Schemes = Trusty 8bits, Virtuality, High Color, Rainbow in 800, Low Res, Panoramic, Elevator
SilentMode = 0
English = inst_eng.dl_
Deutsch = inst_ger.dl_
Espa±ol = inst_spa.dl_
Franτais = inst_fre.dl_
Italiano = inst_ita.dl_
WebPath = http://www.matrox.com/mgaweb/techsupp/ftp.htm
RegWebPath = http://www.matrox.com/mgaweb/techsupp/register.htm
RegistrationDone = 0
A00 = 0x102B 0x0519 0x00000000 ;Matrox Millennium PCI
A01 = 0x102B 0x051A 0x00000000 ;Matrox Mystique PCI
A02 = 0x102B 0x051B 0x00000000 ;Matrox Millennium II PCI
A03 = 0x102B 0x051F 0x00000000 ;Matrox Millenium II AGP
A04 = 0x102B 0x051A 0x00000000 ;Matrox Mystique 220 PCI
A05 = 0x102B 0x1000 0xFF01102B ;Matrox Productiva G100 PCI
A06 = 0x102B 0x1001 0xFF01102B ;Matrox Productiva G100 AGP
A07 = 0x102B 0x0519 0x00000000 ;DigiDesktop Main
A08 = 0x102B 0x0519 0x00000000 ;DigiDesktop Slave
A09 = 0x102B 0x1001 0x001E110A ;Matrox MGA-G100 AGP
A10 = 0x102B 0x1001 0x1001102B ;Matrox MGA-G100 AGP
A11 = 0x102B 0x1001 0xFF00102B ;Matrox MGA-G100 AGP
A12 = 0x102B 0x1001 0xFF04102B ;Matrox MGA-G100 AGP
A13 = 0x102B 0x0521 0x0032110A ;Matrox MGA-G200 AGP (Siemens)
A14 = 0x102B 0x0521 0xFF00102B ;Matrox MGA-G200 AGP
A15 = 0x102B 0x0520 0xFF03102B ;Matrox Millennium G200 SD PCI
A16 = 0x102B 0x0521 0xFF031014 ;Matrox Millennium G200 AGP
A17 = 0x102B 0x0521 0xFF03102B ;Matrox Millennium G200 AGP
A18 = 0x102B 0x0521 0x48F8102B ;Matrox Millenium G200 SD AGP (Calao/16Mb/upg)
A19 = 0x102B 0x0521 0x4A64102B ;Matrox Millennium G200 AGP
A20 = 0x102B 0x0521 0x48E9102B ;Matrox Mystique G200 AGP (Calao/16Mb/Maven)
A21 = 0x102B 0x0521 0xFF02102B ;Matrox Mystique G200 AGP (Calao/8Mb/Maven)
A22 = 0x102B 0x1000 0xFF05102B ;Matrox Productiva G100 Multi-Monitor
A23 = 0x102B 0x0520 0xFF04102B ;Matrox Marvel G200 PCI
A24 = 0x102B 0x0521 0xFF04102B ;Matrox Marvel G200 AGP
A25 = 0x102B 0x0521 0xF806102B ;Matrox Mystique G200 Video AGP
A26 = 0x102B 0x0521 0x4A60102B ;Matrox Millennium G200 LE AGP
A27 = 0x102B 0x0525 0x2179102B ;Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head MAX AGP (32 Mb)
A28 = 0x102B 0x0525 0x2179102B ;Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head AGP (32 Mb)
A29 = 0x102B 0x0525 0x2159102B ;Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head AGP (16 Mb)
A30 = 0x102B 0x0525 0x19F8102B ;Matrox Millennium G400 AGP (32Mb/SGRam)
A31 = 0x102B 0x0525 0x19D8102B ;Matrox Millennium G400 AGP (16Mb/SGRam)
A32 = 0x102B 0x0525 0x0338102B ;Matrox Millennium G400 AGP (16Mb/SDRam)
A33 = 0x102B 0x0525 0x2F58102B ;Matrox Millennium G400 AGP (32Mb SG NLX rev 934)
A34 = 0x102B 0x0525 0x2F78102B ;Matrox Millennium G400 AGP (16Mb SG NLX rev 934)
A35 = 0x102B 0x0521 0xCA6C102B ;Matrox Millennium G250 AGP
A36 = 0x102B 0x0521 0xCA60102B ;Matrox Millennium G250 LE AGP (SG NLX rev 873)
Cards = G200
SubsysIDs = A13,A14,A15,A16,A17,A18,A19,A20,A21,A22,A23,A24,A25,A26
DNav = 85
Monitor = 980
QDesk = 70
Settings = 275
Ctrl = 370
Drivers = 500
Doc = 120
User.AlternateLines = 0
User.SynchronizeDac = 0
User.DeviceBitmaps = 1
User.Enable3dClock = 1
User.EnableUSWC = 1
User.Filtering = 1
User.MgaInfoFile = 0
User.UseBusMastering = 1
User.EnableSecondCrtc = 0
User.BrightnessNTSC = 100
User.BrightnessPAL = 87
User.ContrastNTSC = 100
User.ContrastPAL = 121
User.HueNTSC = 0
User.HuePAL = 0
User.SaturationNTSC = 90
User.SaturationPAL = 103
User.QuadHWDirectDraw = 1
Mga.EnableMix = 1
Mga.FlatOutputOnCrt = 1
User3d.TextureMapping = 1
User3d.AntiAliasLines = 1
User3d.UseBusMastering = 1
User3d.3DEnable = 1
User3d.SwapVsyncEnable = 1
User3d.ForcePrimaryPitch = 1
EnableCenterPOPUP = 0
EnableMaxView = 0
WarnWhenPDCanNotRun = 1
WarnWhenSwitching = 1
EnableCustomSupport = 1
[Trusty 8bits]
Bits Per Pixel = 8
Mga.DesktopX = 1024
Mga.DesktopY = 768
Mga.DisplayX = 1024
Mga.DisplayY = 768
Font Size = 120
Desktop Type = 0
OffScreen Usage = 0
Bits Per Pixel = 8
Mga.DesktopX = 1600
Mga.DesktopY = 1200
Mga.DisplayX = 1024
Mga.DisplayY = 768
Font Size = 120
Desktop Type = 1
OffScreen Usage = 0
[High Color]
Bits Per Pixel = 16
Mga.DesktopX = 1024
Mga.DesktopY = 768
Mga.DisplayX = 1024
Mga.DisplayY = 768
Font Size = 120
Desktop Type = 0
OffScreen Usage = 0
[Rainbow in 800]
Bits Per Pixel = 24
Mga.DesktopX = 800
Mga.DesktopY = 600
Mga.DisplayX = 800
Mga.DisplayY = 600
Font Size = 120
Desktop Type = 0
OffScreen Usage = 0
[Low Res]
Bits Per Pixel = 8
Mga.DesktopX = 640
Mga.DesktopY = 480
Mga.DisplayX = 640
Mga.DisplayY = 480
Font Size = 96
Desktop Type = 0
OffScreen Usage = 0
Bits Per Pixel = 8
Mga.DesktopX = 2048
Mga.DesktopY = 768
Mga.DisplayX = 1024
Mga.DisplayY = 768
Font Size = 120
Desktop Type = 2
OffScreen Usage = 0
Bits Per Pixel = 8
Mga.DesktopX = 1024
Mga.DesktopY = 1536
Mga.DisplayX = 1024
Mga.DisplayY = 768
Font Size = 120
Desktop Type = 3
OffScreen Usage = 0