U - Blue, W - White, G - Green, B - Black, R - Red; Numbers - Colorless
(Generic) Mana
Note: n/a means "not applicable"
Card Title: Amulet of Kroog
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 2
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 2: Prevent 1 damage to any target.
Artist: Margaret Organ-Keen
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Argivian Archeologist
Color: White
Card Type: Summon Archaeologist
Cost: 1WW
Pow/Tgh: 1/1
Card Text: WW: Tap to bring one artifact from your
graveyard to your hand.
Artist: Amy Weber
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Argivian Blacksmith
Color: White
Card Type: Summon Smith
Cost: 1WW
Pow/Tgh: 2/2
Card Text: Tap to prevent up to 2 damage to target
artifact creature.
Artist: Kerstin Kaman
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Argothian Pixies
Color: Green
Card Type: Summon Faeries
Cost: 1G
Pow/Tgh: 2/1
Card Text: Cannot be blocked by artifact creatures. Any
damage Argothian Pixies take from artifact
creatures is reduced to 0.
Artist: Amy Weber
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Argothian Treefolk
Color: Green
Card Type: Summon Treefolk
Cost: 3GG
Pow/Tgh: 3/5
Card Text: Any damage Argothian Treefolk take from an
artifact source is reduced to 0.
Artist: Amy Weber
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Armageddon Clock
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Continuous Artifact
Cost: 6
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Put one counter on Armageddon Clock during
each of your upkeeps. At the end of your
upkeep, each player takes damage equal to the
number of counters on the Clock. Any player
may spend 4 during any upkeep to remove a
Artist: Amy Weber
Rarity: Uncommon 2
Card Title: Artifact Blast
Color: Red
Card Type: Interrupt
Cost: R
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Counters any artifact as it is being cast.
Artist: Mark Poole
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Artifact Possession
Color: Black
Card Type: Enchant Artifact
Cost: 2B
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Artifact Possession does 2 damage to target
artifact's controller each time target artifact is
tapped or its activation cost is paid. Has no
effect if cast on a continuous artifact.
Artist: Christopher Rush
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Artifact Ward
Color: White
Card Type: Enchant Creature
Cost: W
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Target creature cannot be blocked by artifact
creatures, and any damage taken from an artifact
source is reduced to 0.Target creature is unaffected
by any artifact effects that target it.
Artist: Douglas Shuler
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Ashnod's Altar
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Poly Artifact
Cost: 3
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 0: Sacrifice one of your creatures to add 2
colorless mana to your mana pool. This effect
is played as an interrupt. You may not sacrifice
a creature that is already on its way to the
Artist: Anson Maddocks
Rarity: Uncommon 2
Card Title: Ashnod's Battle Gear
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 2
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 2: Give a creature of yours +2/-2 as long as
Ashnod's Battle Gear is tapped. You may
choose not to untap Ashnod's Battle Gear
during untap phase.
Artist: Mark Poole
Rarity: Uncommon 2
Card Title: Ashnod's Transmogrant
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 1
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Target non-artifact creature gains +1/+1 and
is now considered an artifact creature, though
it retains its original color. Discard Ashnod's
Transmogrant after it is used.
Artist: Mark Tedin
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Atog
Color: Red
Card Type: Summon Atog
Cost: 1R
Pow/Tgh: 1/2
Card Text: 0: +2/+2 until end of turn. Each time you use
this ability, you must choose one of your
artifacts in play and place it in the graveyard.
This artifact cannot be one that is already on its
way to the graveyard, and artifact creatures
killed this way may not be regenerated.
Artist: Jesper Myrfors
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Battering Ram
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 2
Pow/Tgh: 1/1
Card Text: Bands, but only when attacking.
Any wall blocking Battering Ram is destroyed.
Walls destroyed this way deal their damage
before dying.
Artist: Jeff A. Menges
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Bronze Tablet
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 6
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 4: Target any card opponent has in play;
remove it and Bronze Tablet from game. You
become owner of that card, and your opponent
becomes owner of Bronze Tablet. Exchange is
permanent; play as interrupt. Opponent can
prevent exchange by spending 10 life; this
discards Bronze Tablet. Damage-preventing
effects cannot counter such loss of life. Bronze
Tablet comes into play tapped. Remove this
card from deck if not playing for ante.
Artist: Tom Wanerstrand
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Candelabra of Tawnos
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 1
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: X: Untap X separate lands.
Artist: Douglas Shuler
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Circle of Protection: Artifacts
Color: White
Card Type: Enchantment
Cost: 1W
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 2: Prevents all damage against you from any
one artifact source. If a source does damage to
you more than once in a turn, you must pay 2
each time you want to prevent the damage.
Artist: Pete Venters
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Citanul Druid
Color: Green
Card Type: Summon Druid
Cost: 1G
Pow/Tgh: 1/1
Card Text: Druid gains a +1/+1 counter each time
opponent casts an artifact.
Artist: Jeff A. Menges
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Clay Statue
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 4
Pow/Tgh: 3/1
Card Text: 2: Regenerates
Artist: Jesper Myrfors
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Clockwork Avian
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 5
Pow/Tgh: 0/4
Card Text: Flying
Put four +1/+0 counters on Avian. After Avian attacks or
blocks a creature, discard a counter. During
his or her upkeep, controller may buy back lost
counters for 1 per counter; this taps Avian.
Artist: Randy Asplund-Faith
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Colossus of Sardia
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 9
Pow/Tgh: 9/9
Card Text: Trample
Colossus does not untap normally during untap
phase; you may spend 9 during your upkeep
phase to untap Colossus.
Artist: Jesper Myrfors
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Coral Helm
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Poly Artifact
Cost: 3
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 3: Give target creature +2/+2 until end of turn.
Each time you use this ability, you must discard
one card at random from your hand. Coral
Helm cannot be used if you have no cards in
your hand.
Artist: Amy Weber
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Crumble
Color: Green
Card Type: Instant
Cost: G
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Destroy target artifact; artifact creatures may
not regenerate. Artifact's controller gains life
points equal to target artifact's casting cost.
Artist: Jesper Myrfors
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Cursed Rack
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Continuous Artifact
Cost: 4
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Opponent must discard down to four cards
during his or her discard phase.
Artist: Richard Thomas
Rarity: Common 1
Card Title: Damping Field
Color: White
Card Type: Enchantment
Cost: 2W
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Players may not untap more than one artifact
during each of their own untap phases.
Artist: Justin Hampton
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Detonate
Color: Red
Card Type: Sorcery
Cost: XR
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Targets any artifact; X is the casting cost of target
artifact. Target artifact is destroyed, and Detonate
does X points of damage to artifact's controller.
Artifact creatures destroyed in this manner may
not be regenerated.
Artist: Randy Asplund-Faith
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Drafna's Restoration
Color: Blue
Card Type: Sorcery
Cost: U
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Take any number of artifacts of your choice
from target player's graveyard and place them
on top of that player's library, in any order.
Artist: Amy Weber
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Dragon Engine
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 3
Pow/Tgh: 1/3
Card Text: 2: +1/+0 until end of turn.
Artist: Anson Maddocks
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Dwarven Weaponsmith
Color: Red
Card Type: Summon Dwarves
Cost: 1R
Pow/Tgh: 1/1
Card Text: Tap during your upkeep to add a permanent
+1/+1 counter to any creature. Each time you
use this ability, you must choose one of your
artifacts in play and place it in the graveyard.
This artifact cannot be one that is already on its
way to the graveyard, and artifact creatures
killed this way may not be regenerated.
Artist: Mark Poole
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Energy Flux
Color: Blue
Card Type: Enchantment
Cost: 2U
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: All artifacts in play now require an upkeep
cost of 2 in addition to any other upkeep costs
they may have. If the upkeep cost for an
artifact is not paid, the artifact must be
Artist: Kaja Foglio
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Feldon's Cane
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 1
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 0: Reshuffle your graveyard into your library.
If Feldon's Cane is used, remove it from the
game, returning it to its owner's deck only
when the game is over.
Artist: Mark Tedin
Rarity: Common 1
Card Title: Gaea's Avenger
Color: Green
Card Type: Summon Gaea's Avenger
Cost: 1GG
Pow/Tgh: *+1/*+1
Card Text: The *s below are the number of artifacts
opponent has in play.
Artist: Pete Venters
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Gate of Phyrexia
Color: Black
Card Type: Enchantment
Cost: BB
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Sacrifice one of your creatures during your
upkeep to destroy any one artifact. You may
not sacrifice a creature that is already on its
way to the graveyard.
Artist: Sandra Everingham
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Goblin Artisans
Color: Red
Card Type: Summon Goblins
Cost: R
Pow/Tgh: 1/1
Card Text: You may tap Goblin Artisans as you cast an
artifact. Then flip a coin; opponent calls heads
or tails while coin is in the air. If the flip ends
up in opponent's favor, your artifact is
countered. Otherwise, draw another card from
your library. You can only use this ability once
for each time you cast an artifact.
Artist: Julie Baroh
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Golgothian Sylex
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 4
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 1: All cards from the Antiquities expansion,
including Golgothian Sylex, must be discarded
from play.
Artist: Kerstin Kaman
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Grapeshot Catapult
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 4
Pow/Tgh: 2/3
Card Text: Tap to deal 1 damage to target flying creature.
Artist: Dan Frazier
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Haunting Wind
Color: Black
Card Type: Enchantment
Cost: 3B
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Each time an artifact in play is tapped or its
activation cost is paid, Haunting Wind does
1 damage to that artifact's controller. Is not
triggered by continuous artifacts.
Artist: Jeff A. Menges
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Hurkyl's Recall
Color: Blue
Card Type: Instant
Cost: 1U
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: All artifacts in play owned by target player are
returned to target player's hand. Any
enchantments on those artifacts are discarded.
Cannot be played during the damage-dealing
phase of an attack.
Artist: Nene Thomas
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Ivory Tower
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Continuous Artifact
Cost: 1
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: During your upkeep phase, gain 1 life for each
card in your hand above four.
Artist: Margaret Organ-Keen
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Jalum Tome
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 3
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 2: Draw a card from your library, then
immediately discard a card of your choice
to your graveyard.
Artist: Tom Wanerstrand
Rarity: Uncommon 2
Card Title: Martyrs of Korlis
Color: White
Card Type: Summon Bodyguard
Cost: 3WW
Pow/Tgh: 1/6
Card Text: Unless Martyrs of Korlis is tapped, any
damage done to you by artifacts is instead
applied to Martyrs of Korlis. You may not take
this damage yourself, though you may
prevent it if possible. No more than one
Bodyguard of your choice can take damage
for you in this manner each turn.
Artist: Margaret Organ-Keen
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Mightstone
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Continuous Artifact
Cost: 4
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: All attacking creatures gain +1/+0.
Artist: Pete Venters
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Millstone
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 2
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 2: Take the top two cards from target player's
library and put them in target player's
Artist: Kaja Foglio
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Mishra's Factory (4 versions)
Color: Land
Card Type: Land
Cost: n/a
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Tap to add 1 colorless mana to your mana pool
or give any Assembly Worker +1/+1 until
end of turn.
1: Mishra's Factory becomes an Assembly
Worker, a 2/2 artifact creature, until end of turn.
Assembly Worker is still considered a land as well.
Artist: Kaja & Phil Foglio
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Mishra's War Machine
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 7
Pow/Tgh: 5/5
Card Text: Bands
During your upkeep, discard one card of your
choice from your hand, or Mishra's War
Machine becomes tapped and does 3 points
of damage to you.
Artist: Amy Weber
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Mishra's Workshop
Color: Land
Card Type: Land
Cost: n/a
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Tap to add 3 colorless mana to your mana pool.
This mana may only be used to cast artifacts.
Artist: Kaja Foglio
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Obelisk of Undoing
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 1
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 6: Return any of your permanents in play to
your hand; enchantments on that permanent
are discarded. Can be used only on
permanents you cast.
Artist: Tom Wanerstrand
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Onulet
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 3
Pow/Tgh: 2/2
Card Text: If Onulet goes to the graveyard, its controller gains 2 life.
Artist: Anson Maddocks
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Orcish Mechanics
Color: Red
Card Type: Summon Orcs
Cost: 2R
Pow/Tgh: 1/1
Card Text: Tap to do 2 points of damage to any target.
Each time you use this ability, you must
choose one of your artifacts in play and place
it in the graveyard. This artifact cannot be one
already on its way to the graveyard, and
artifact creatures killed this way may not be
Artist: Pete Venters
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Ornithopter
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 0
Pow/Tgh: 0/2
Card Text: Flying
Artist: Amy Weber
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Phyrexian Gremlins
Color: Black
Card Type: Summon Gremlins
Cost: 2B
Pow/Tgh: 1/1
Card Text: Tap Gremlins to tap an artifact. As long as
Gremlins remain tapped and in play, that
artifact does not untap as normal during its
controller's untap phase. You may choose not
to untap Gremlins during your untap phase.
Artist: Amy Weber
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Power Artifact
Color: Blue
Card Type: Enchant Artifact
Cost: UU
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: The activation cost of target artifact is reduced
by 2.
If this would reduce target artifact's activation
cost below 1, target artifact's activation cost
becomes 1.
Power Artifact has no effect on artifacts that
have no activation cost or whose activation
cost is 0.
Artist: Douglas Shuler
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Powerleech
Color: Green
Card Type: Enchantment
Cost: GG
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Gain 1 life whenever one of opponent's
artifacts becomes tapped, or whenever the
activation cost of one of opponent's artifacts is
paid. Is not triggered by continuous artifacts.
Artist: Christopher Rush
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Priest of Yawgmoth
Color: Black
Card Type: Summon Cleric
Cost: 1B
Pow/Tgh: 1/2
Card Text: Tap to add an amount of black mana equal to
target artifact's casting cost to your mana pool.
This effect is played as an interrupt. Target
artifact, which must belong to you, is
discarded. This artifact cannot be one that is
already on its way to the graveyard, and artifact
creatures killed this way may not be
Artist: Mark Tedin
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Primal Clay
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 4
Pow/Tgh: */*
Card Text: When you cast Primal Clay, you must choose
whether to make it a 1/6 wall, a 3/3 creature,
or a 2/2 flying creature. Primal Clay then
remains in this form until altered by another
card or removed from play.
Artist: Kaja Foglio
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Rack, The
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Continuous Artifact
Cost: 1
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: If opponent has fewer than three cards in hand
during his or her upkeep, the Rack does 1
damage to opponent for each card fewer than
Artist: Richard Thomas
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Rakalite
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Poly Artifact
Cost: 6
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 2: Prevent 1 damage to any target. If Rakalite
is used, it returns to its owner's hand at end of
turn; all enchantments on Rakalite are then
Artist: Christopher Rush
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Reconstruction
Color: Blue
Card Type: Sorcery
Cost: U
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Bring one artifact from your graveyard to your
Artist: Anson Maddocks
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Reverse Polarity
Color: White
Card Type: Instant
Cost: WW
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: All damage done to you so far this turn by
artifacts is retroactively added to your life total
instead of subtracted. Further damage this
turn is treated normally.
Artist: Justin Hampton
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Rocket Launcher
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Poly Artifact
Cost: 4
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 2: Do 1 damage to any target. Rocket Launcher
may not be used until it begins a turn in play
on your side. If it is used, Rocket Launcher is
destroyed at end of turn.
Artist: Pete Venters
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Sage of Lat-Nam
Color: Blue
Card Type: Summon Sage
Cost: 1U
Pow/Tgh: 1/2
Card Text: Tap to draw a card from your library. Each
time you use this ability, you must choose one
of your artifacts in play and place it in the
graveyard. This artifact cannot be one that is
already on its way to the graveyard, and artifact
creatures killed this way may not be
Artist: Pete Venters
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Shapeshifter
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 6
Pow/Tgh: */(7-*)
Card Text: The *s below represent any number from 0
to 6. You set * when Shapeshifter is cast, and
you may change it during your upkeep.
Artist: Dan Frazier
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Shatterstorm
Color: Red
Card Type: Sorcery
Cost: 2RR
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: All artifacts in play are discarded. Artifact
creatures cannot be regenerated.
Artist: Dan Frazier
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Staff of Zegon
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 4
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 3: Target creature loses -2/-0 until end of
Creatures with power less than 1 deal no
Artist: Mark Poole
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Strip Mine (3 versions)
Color: Land
Card Type: Land
Cost: n/a
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Tap to add 1 colorless mana to your mana
pool or place Strip Mine in your graveyard
and destroy one land of your choice.
Artist: Daniel Gelon
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Su-Chi
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 4
Pow/Tgh: 4/4
Card Text: If Su-Chi goes to the graveyard, its controller
gains 4 colorless mana.
Artist: Christopher Rush
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Tablet of Epityr
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Poly Artifact
Cost: 1
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 1: You gain 1 life every time one of your
artifacts goes to the graveyard. Can only give 1
life each time an artifact reaches the graveyard.
Artist: Christopher Rush
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Tawnos's Coffin
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 4
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 3: Select a creature in play; that creature is
considered out of play as long as Coffin
remains tapped. Hence the creature cannot be
the target of spells and cannot receive damage,
use special powers, attack, or defend. All
counters and enchantments on the creature
remain but are also out of play. If Coffin is
untapped or removed, creature returns to play
tapped. You may choose not to untap Coffin
during the untap phase.
Artist: Christopher Rush
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Tawnos's Wand
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 4
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 2: Make a creature of power no greater than 2
unblockable by all creatures except artifact
creatures until end of turn. Other cards may
be used to increase target creature's power
beyond 2 after defense is chosen.
Artist: Douglas Shuler
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Tawnos's Weaponry
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Mono Artifact
Cost: 2
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 2: Target creature gains +1/+1 as long as
Tawnos's Weaponry remains tapped. You may
choose not to untap Tawnos's Weaponry
during untap phase.
Artist: Dan Frazier
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Tetravus
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 6
Pow/Tgh: 1/1
Card Text: Flying Tetravus gets three +1/+1 coutners when cast. During your upkeep, you may move each of these counters on or off of Tetravus. Counters moved off of Tetravus become independent 1/1 flying artifact creatures. If such a creature dies, the counter is removed from play. Such creatures may not have enchantments cast on them, and they do not share any enchantments on Tetravus.
Artist: Mark Tedin
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Titania's Song
Color: Green
Card Type: Enchantment
Cost: 3G
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: All non-creature artifacts in play lose all their
usual abilities and become artifact creatures
with toughness and power both equal to their
casting costs. If Titania's Song leaves play,
artifacts return to normal just before the untap
phase of the next turn.
Artist: Kerstin Kaman
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Transmute Artifact
Color: Blue
Card Type: Sorcery
Cost: UU
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Search through your library for one artifact
and immediately place it into play; also,
choose any artifact in play that you control
and place it in its owner's graveyard. If the
new artifact has a casting cost greater than
that of the discarded one, you must pay the
difference or Transmute Artifact fails and both
artifacts are discarded. Shuffle your library after
playing this card.
Artist: Anson Maddocks
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Triskelion
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 6
Pow/Tgh: 1/1
Card Text: Triskelion gets three +1/+1 counters when
cast. Controller may discard a +1/+1 counter
at any time to do 1 damage to any target.
Artist: Douglas Shuler
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Urza's Avenger
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 6
Pow/Tgh: 4/4
Card Text: 0: Avenger loses -1/-1 and gains one of your
choice of flying, banding, first strike, or trample
until end of turn. Attribute losses and ability
gains are cumulative.
Artist: Amy Weber
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Urza's Chalice
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Poly Artifact
Cost: 1
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 1: Any artifact cast by any player gives you 1
life. Can only give 1 life each time an artifact
is cast.
Artist: Jeff A. Menges
Rarity: Common 4
Card Title: Urza's Mine (4 versions)
Color: Land
Card Type: Land
Cost: n/a
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Tap to add 1 colorless mana to your mana pool.
If you have Urza's Mine, Urza's Tower, and
Urza's Power Plant in play at the same time,
tap to add 2 colorless mana to your mana pool.
Artist: Anson Maddocks
Rarity: Common 2
Card Title: Urza's Miter
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Poly Artifact
Cost: 3
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: 3: Draw one card from your library every time
an artifact of yours goes to the graveyard. Can
only let you draw one card per artifact
destruction. May not be used when you destroy
an artifact to gain benefits from another card.
Artist: Randy Asplund-Faith
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Urza's Power Plant (4 versions)
Color: Land
Card Type: Land
Cost: n/a
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Tap to add 1 colorless mana to your mana pool.
If you have Urza's Mine, Urza's Tower, and
Urza's Power Plant in play at the same time, tap
to add 2 colorless mana to your mana pool.
Artist: Mark Tedin
Rarity: Common 2
Card Title: Urza's Tower (4 versions)
Color: Land
Card Type: Land
Cost: n/a
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: Tap to add 1 colorless mana to your mana
pool. If you have Urza's Mine, Urza's Tower,
and Urza's Power Plant in play at the same
time, tap to add 3 colorless mana to your
mana pool.
Artist: Mark Poole
Rarity: Common 2
Card Title: Wall of Spears
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 3
Pow/Tgh: 2/3
Card Text: First strike, counts as a wall.
Artist: Sandra Everingham
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Weakstone
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Continuous Artifact
Cost: 4
Pow/Tgh: n/a
Card Text: All attacking creatures lose -1/-0. Creatures
with power less than 1 deal no damage.
Artist: Justin Hampton
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Xenic Poltergeist
Color: Black
Card Type: Summon Poltergeist
Cost: 1BB
Pow/Tgh: 1/1
Card Text: Tap to turn target non-creature artifact into an
artifact creature with both power and
toughness equal to its casting cost. This
transformation lasts until your next upkeep;
target retains all its original abilities as well.
Artist: Dan Frazier
Rarity: Uncommon 3
Card Title: Yawgmoth Demon
Color: Black
Card Type: Summon Demon
Cost: 4BB
Pow/Tgh: 6/6
Flying, first strike
Card Text: During your upkeep, choose one of your
artifacts in play and place it in the graveyard,
or Yawgmoth Demon becomes tapped and
deals 2 points of damage to you. Artifact
creatures destroyed this way may not be
Artist: Sandra Everingham
Rarity: Uncommon 1
Card Title: Yotian Soldier
Color: Artifact
Card Type: Artifact Creature
Cost: 3
Pow/Tgh: 1/4
Card Text: Attacking does not cause Yotian Soldier to
Artist: Christopher Rush
Rarity: Common 4
Copyright 1994 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Wizards of the Coast, Magic, Magic: the Gathering,
Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends, The Dark, Fallen Empires,
Ice Age, Homelands, Chronicles, Alliances, Mirage, and Visions