1) It does wavy stuff using force/velocity/displacement across
both a plane (ie water) and across a sphere (dont ask why!)
2) It does 'psuodo'-evironment mapping (based on x/y components of
vertex normals. I'm still not quite happy with it but my head hurts.
3) It does projected texture mapping - both static (yes that's my face!)
and dynamic - the spotlight effect you can see on the face.
4) The code is FULL of crap
5) You can replace the 6 imagex.3df files with ones of your own (256x256 works best). Start with a tga file and use the texus utility that comes with the 3dfx Glide development software (free download www.3dfx.com)
texus -mn -t yiq -o image1.3df yourimage1.tga
6) I'm tired
7) It may come last!
8) It was a learning experience :)
9) It uses a fast sqrt routine pinched from somewhere (fsqrt)
10) It uses another 'pinched' routine to generate a triangle mesh for a sphere.
11) With a bitmap of your face and a bit of hacking you too can have your head rotated by 3dfx.