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- Welcome to SF2Freak's
- Super Street Fighter 2 Gamest Combo List
- Version 1.0
- Ever since I got the TZW Tape I have been searching for whatever tapes I
- could get my hands on with combos for the various Capcom games. Most of
- them have ended up being the strategy tapes that Gamest Magazine has put
- out for just about every fighting game there is. So after a while I finally
- decided to start typing up more tapes, and this is the first combo list
- I have done since the TZW FAQ, the Super Street Fighter 2 Gamest Combo List.
- While the combos pale in comparison to the hideous combos that TZW has pulled
- off there are still many combos that I had never seen before, most of them
- unusual link combos. But anyways, here it is...enjoy :)
- There is a lot of terminology here that might be unfamiliar to new SFers
- and possibly for some SF2 freaks like myself :) To clarify:
- I use Jab, Strong, Fierce, Short, Forward, Roundhouse for the light punch,
- medium punch, hard punch, light kick, medium kick, and hard kick respectively.
- I use the terms duck for ducking attacks, standing for normal attacks, and
- close for normal attacks that have a different animation when you are close
- to your opponent.
- Crossup - Jump over your opponent and hitting them with an air attack from
- behind.
- If you have any comments, suggestions, questions, etc. please feel free to
- email me at sf2freak@erols.com. You should be able to get this and my other
- combo lists at http://www.erols.com/sf2freak, and if not, they will be up one
- of these days ^_^
- -David Wright
- ~~~
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Early Fireball, Red Fireball
- Vs. Zangief
- -Early Close Roundhouse, Duck Forward, Fireball
- Vs. Zangief
- -Early Close Forward, Standing Fierce, Fireball
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Jump Roundhouse, Duck Strong, Duck Short, Hurricane Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Duck Strong, Standing Strong, Hurricane Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Duck Strong, Duck Forward, Fireball
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Duck Strong, Duck Forward, Fireball
- Vs. T. Hawk
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Duck Strong, Close Fierce, Fireball
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Duck Strong, Standing Roundhouse, Fireball
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Duck Short x 2, Standing Roundhouse, Fireball
- ~~~
- Vs. Sagat
- -Jump Jab, Jump Jab, Air Hurricane Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Jab, Air Hurricane Kick, Duck Forward, Flaming Dragon Punch
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Close Fierce, Flaming Dragon Punch
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Forward, Close Fierce, Hurricane Kick
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Duck Jab x 3, Standing Jab, Flaming Dragon Punch
- Vs. Sagat
- -Jump Roundhouse, Jump Jab, Air Hurricane Kick, Close Fierce, Flaming Dragon
- Punch
- Vs. Sagat
- -Jump Roundhouse, Jump Jab, Air Hurricane Kick, Close Fierce, Hurricane Kick
- ~~~~~~~
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Duck Forward, Standing Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Fierce, Close Strong, Duck Forward, Standing Fierce
- Vs. Sagat
- -Headstomp x 5
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Close Strong, Jump Up Roundhouse
- Vs. Sagat
- -Jump Fierce, Headstomp, Jump Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -Duck Forward, Close Fierce, Fireball
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Fierce, Lightning Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Fierce, Fireball
- Vs. Guile
- -Crossup Fierce, Close Strong, Standing Jab, Lightning Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Fierce, Duck Forward, Close Fierce, Lightning Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Close Jab x 2, Close Fierce, Lightning Kick
- Vs. Sagat
- -Fireball, Jump Roundhouse, Close Fierce, Lightning Kick
- ~~~~~
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Close Roundhouse, Knee Thrust
- Vs. Balrog
- -Close Roundhouse, Standing Roundhouse
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Close Roundhouse, Duck Roundhouse
- Vs. Blanka
- -Sonic Boom, Standing Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -Early Sonic Boom, Flash Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Duck Forward, Duck Strong, Flash Kick
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Roundhouse, Duck Forward
- Vs. T. Hawk
- -Jump Roundhouse, Duck Jab, Sonic Boom, Jump Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Duck Strong, Flash Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Fierce, Flash Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Duck Strong, Standing Strong, Flash Kick
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Sonic Boom, Jump Fierce, Close Fierce, Flash Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Sonic Boom, Jump Fierce, Close Fierce, Sonic Boom, Standing Fierce
- ~~~~~~
- Vs. Ken
- -Jump Fierce, Close Strong, Duck Fierce
- Vs. Ken
- -Jump Fierce, Close Strong, Duck Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Up Fierce, Close Strong, Jump Up Fierce
- Vs. E. Honda
- -Crossup Fierce, Close Strong x 2, Duck Fierce
- Vs. Chun Li
- -Crossup Fierce, Close Strong, Headbutt
- Vs. Dhalsim
- -Duck Jab, Close Strong, Vertical Ball
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Fierce, Headbutt, Electricity
- Vs. Guile
- -Jump Fierce, Headbutt, Ball
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Close Strong, Vertical Ball
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Duck Forward, Ball
- Vs. Dhalsim
- -Jump Fierce, Close Strong, Ball
- Vs. Blanka
- -Crossup Fierce, Duck Forward, Close Strong, Vertical Ball
- Vs. T. Hawk
- -Beast Roll, Electricity
- Vs. Dee Jay
- -Beast Roll, Close Strong, Ball
- Vs. Sagat
- -Beast Roll, Duck Forward, Vertical Ball
- Vs. T. Hawk
- -Beast Roll, Close Strong, Jump Up Fierce
- ~~~~~~~
- Vs. Sagat
- -Jump Fierce, Stomach Crunch
- Vs. Balrog
- -Crossup Splash, Duck Jab x 3, Standing Roundhouse
- Vs. Sagat
- -Jump Fierce, Close Strong, Jump Roundhouse
- Vs. Ryu
- -Crossup Splash, Close Strong, Standing Short, Duck Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Splash, Close Strong, Standing Short x 2, Duck Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Splash, Duck Jab x 2, Standing Strong, Standing Fierce
- Vs. Sagat
- -Crossup Splash, Duck Forward, Lariet
- Vs. Balrog
- -Crossup Splash, Duck Jab, Duck Forward, Lariet
- Vs. Sagat
- -Crossup Splash, Duck Jab x 3, Duck Forward, Running Grab
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Crossup Splash, Close Jab x 3, Standing Jab x 5
- ~~~~~~~
- Vs. Zangief
- -Early Close Roundhouse, Close Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -Early Close Roundhouse, Jump Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Early Close Roundhouse, Standing Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Early Close Forward, Close Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Early Yoga Fire, Yoga Flame
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Crossup Duck Short, Duck Jab x 2, Duck Forward
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Crossup Duck Short, Close Strong, Yoga Fire
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Close Fierce
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Crossup Kick Drill, Duck Forward, Yoga Fire
- Vs. Ryu
- -Yoga Fire, Kick Drill, Standing Fierce
- Vs. Ryu
- -Yoga Fire, Kick Drill, Standing Roundhouse
- Vs. Ryu
- -Yoga Fire, Kick Drill, Jump Fierce
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Yoga Fire, Teleport Behind, Close Fierce
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Yoga Fire, Teleport Behind, Close Fierce, Yoga Fire
- ~~~~~~~~
- Vs. Ryu
- -Jump Fierce, Close Roundhouse
- Vs. Ryu
- -Jump Fierce, Close Strong, Duck Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Knee Butt, Duck Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Splash, Close Strong, Close Roundhouse
- Vs. T. Hawk
- -Knee Butt, Close Short, Headbutt
- Vs. Dhalsim
- -Jump Fierce, Close Strong, Hundred Hand Slap
- Vs. Dhalsim
- -Jump Fierce, Close Short, Headbutt
- Vs. Dhalsim
- -Crossup Splash, Close Short x 2, Headbutt
- Vs. Ryu
- -Crossup Splash, Knee Butt, Hundred Hand Slap
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Crossup Splash, Close Strong, Close Short, Headbutt
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Crossup Splash, Close Strong, Close Short, Hundred Hand Slap
- ~~~~~~
- Vs. T. Hawk
- -Jump Up Fierce, Jump Up Fierce
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Jump Fierce, Duck Jab, Headbutt
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Jump Fierce, Duck Jab, Close Short, Headbutt
- Vs. Ryu
- -Jump Fierce, Duck Strong, Rushing Straight Punch
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Duck Forward, Close Short, Rushing Straight Punch
- Vs. T. Hawk
- -Jump Fierce, Duck Jab, Standing Jab, Rushing Uppercut, Standing Strong
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Duck Jab x 7, Standing Jab, Rushing Straight Punch
- Vs. Ryu
- -Early 4 Turn Punch, Close Short, Rushing Stright Punch
- Vs. Ryu
- -Early Final Turn Punch, Duck Strong, Close Short, Rushing Straight Punch
- ~~~~
- Vs. Balrog
- -Jump Fierce, Duck Forward, Duck Strong
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Fierce, Duck Strong
- Vs. E. Honda
- -Crossup Fierce, Duck Forward x 2, Duck Strong
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Duck Strong, Claw Thrust
- Vs. Balrog
- -Early Roll, Duck Fierce
- Vs. Ryu
- -Duck Strong, Roll, Duck Strong, Backflip ^_^
- Vs. Balrog
- -Duck Strong, Roll, Standing Forward
- Vs. Feilong
- -Wall Jump, Jump Fierce, Duck Strong, Roll, Duck Strong
- ~~~~~
- Vs. T. Hawk
- -Duck Forward, Standing Forward
- Vs. T. Hawk
- -Duck Forward, Duck Roundhouse
- Vs. T. Hawk
- -Jump Up Short, Jump Up Short
- Vs. T. Hawk
- -Early Low Tiger, Standing Fierce
- Vs. Dhalsim
- -Low Tiger, High Tiger
- Vs. Zangief
- -Early Low Tiger, (Miss)Tiger Knee, Tiger Uppercut
- Vs. Zangief
- -Duck Forward, Standing Jab, Tiger Uppercut
- Vs. T. Hawk
- -Close Strong, Standing Jab, Tiger Uppercut
- Vs. Guile
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Roundhosue, Tiger Uppercut
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Close Roundhouse, Tiger Knee
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Close Jab x 2, Standing Jab, Tiger Knee
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Duck Jab, Standing Short, Tiger Knee
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Jab, Standing Roundhouse, Tiger Knee
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Close Jab, Standing Roundhouse, Tiger Uppercut
- ~~~~~~~~
- Vs. Guile
- -Close Short, Close Strong, Scissor Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Duck Forward, Staning Jab, Scissor Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Close Short, Jump Strong
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Short, Jump Up Roundhouse
- Vs. Guile
- -Early Headstomp, Close Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Standing Short x 3, Standing Roundhouse
- Vs. Guile
- -Jump Fierce, Close Strong, Psycho Crusher
- Vs. Guile
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Strong, Scissor Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab x 3, Standing Jab, Psycho Crusher
- Vs. Guile
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Close Short, Duck Jab, Standing Jab, Scissor Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Duck Jab x 3, Standing Jab, Scissor Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Headstomp Followup, Duck Jab x 2, Standing Jab, Psycho Crusher
- Vs. Zangief
- -Headstomp Followup, Duck Jab x 2, Standing Jab, Scissor Kick
- ~~~~~~~
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Splash, Close Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Splash, Duck Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Duck Forward, Duck Strong
- Vs. Zangief
- -Early Duck Fierce, Duck Strong
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Splash, Close Strong, Rising Hawk
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Forward, Rising Hawk
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Splash, Duck Forward, Standing Jab, Rising Hawk
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Splash, Close Short, Close Forward, Rising Hawk
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Splash, Duck Jab x 3, Standing Jab, Rising Hawk
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Splash, Duck Jab x 3, Storm Hammer
- ~~~~~~~~
- Vs. Zangief
- -2Hit Kick, Standing Fierce
- Vs. Dhalsim
- -2Hit Kick, Standing Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -2Hit Kick, Duck Fierce
- Vs. Dhalsim
- -2Hit Kick, Standing Jab, Rekka Ken x 3
- Vs. Zangief
- -2Hit Kick, Standing Jab, Dragon Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Strong, Standing Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Close Forward, Standing Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Duck Fierce, Duck Strong
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Duck Fierce, Standing Roundhouse
- Vs. Guile
- -Jump Fierce, Close Fierce, Dragon Kick
- Vs. Guile
- -Jump Fierce, Close Short, Dragon Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Close Strong, Standing Jab, Dragon Kick
- Vs. Guile
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Close Fierce, Dragon Kick
- Vs. Guile
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Duck Fierce, Dragon Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Duck Short, Close Fierce, Rekka Ken x 3
- Vs. Guile
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Fierce, Rekka Ken x 3
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Close Forward, Close Fierce, Rekka Ken x 3
- Vs. Ryu
- -Early Duck Fierce, Rekka Ken x 3
- Vs. Zangief
- -Early Duck Fierce, Close Fierce, Rekka Ken x 3
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Strong, Standing Jab, Rekka Ken x 3
- Vs. Guile
- -Crossup Roundhouse, Close Jab x 7, Duck Jab, Rekka Ken x 3
- ~~~~~
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Fierce, Duck Roundhouse
- Vs. Guile
- -Close Short, Duck Short, Standing Short, Thrust Kick
- Vs. Guile
- -Jump Fierce, Standing Fierce, Cannon Drill
- Vs. Guile
- -Jump Roundhouse, Standing Fierce, Thrust Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Fierce, Close Jab, Cannon Drill
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Duck Strong, Duck Forward, Cannon Drill
- Vs. Guile
- -Crossup Fierce, Close Strong, Standing Fierce, Cannon Drill
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Fierce, Close Strong, Standing Fierce, Thrust Kick
- Vs. Guile
- -Crossup Fierce, Duck Short x 3, Standing Short, Thrust Kick
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Fierce, Close Jab x 4, Standing Jab x 4, Duck Forward
- ~~~~~~~
- Vs. Zangief
- -Early Duck Fierce, Duck Fierce
- Vs. Guile
- -Close Roundhouse (2 hits, I GUESS it's hard to get 2 hits ^_^)
- Vs. Zangief
- -Close Fierce, Standing Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -Close Fierce, Max Out
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Close Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Close Forward, Duck Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Close Strong, Standing Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Jab, Duck Jab, Close Jab, Jump Jab
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab x 3, Jump Short
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab x 5, Close Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab x 7, Standing Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab x 7, Standing Forward
- Vs. E. Honda
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab x 3, Close Forward, Duck Roundhouse
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Forward, Close Forward, Close Fierce
- Vs. Zangief
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab, Close Forward, Max Out
- Vs. Zangief
- -Jump Fierce, Duck Jab x 3, Standing Strong, Max Out
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab x 6, Standing Strong, Max Out
- Vs. Dhalsim
- -Jump Fierce, Standing Strong, Double Dread Kick
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Jump Roundhouse, Close Roundhouse, Dread Kick
- Vs. Guile
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab, Close Roundhouse, Dread Kick
- Vs. Cammy
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Strong, Standing Strong, Double Dread Kick
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab x 5, Standing Strong, Double Dread Kick
- Vs. M. Bison
- -Jump Fierce, Duck Jab, Machine Gun Punch
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Strong, Duck Jab, Machine Gun Punch
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab x 4, Standing Strong, Machine Gun Punch
- Vs. Fei Long
- -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab x 6, Standing Jab, Machine Gun Punch
- ~~~~~~~~
- This didn't take anywhere near as long as watching and typing up the TZW
- combos. There might be a few mistakes here and there, like a couple
- incorrect button pushes or maybe even some moves. If you have the tape
- and notice errors, please email me so I can update this. If you have any
- questions, please let me know. I'm sure there will be some questions about
- these combos that might need to be explained forther if people wish to
- duplicate them.
- Things to add in future versions-
- -More descriptions for the trickier combos
- -Hit counter, so you know how many each move hits and how much the total
- combo does
- -Approximate damage
- -Whether going from one move to the next is a link, buffer, or chain
- Whether or not I get these done is still a question I don't know the answer
- to. This list however will enlighten you on some of the more unusual combos
- that exist in SSF2.
- David Wright aka SF2Freak
- sf2freak@erols.com
- http://www.erols.com/sf2freak