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Text File
763 lines
Revision 3
Written By Death Foxx
Last Updated 04/22/98
This FAQ was created by Death Foxx for MK4 Online and is not
allowed to be altered in any way, shape, or form for any
purposes. Feel free to distribute it to anyone and
anywhere as long as no profit is to be had!
Mortal Kombat 4 Online is not associated with Midway Games.
Mortal Kombat 4, the MK4 logo, and its characters are registered
trademarks of Midway Games, Inc. Copyright (C) 1998 Midway Games, Inc.
All other names mentioned are trademarks of their respective owners.
All rights reserved.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++= NEW INFO =+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[New to this Edition]
- Added Raiden's 2nd Fatality
- Edited & Updated MK4 WWW Sites Section
- Added Scorpion's 2nd Fatality
- Added Sonya's 2nd Fatality
- Added Liu Kang's 2nd Fatality
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++= INDEX OF TOPICS =+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Part 1: Introduction
Intro to FAQ ---------------------------------------------------------- 01-01
MK4 Story ------------------------------------------------------------- 01-02
Part 2: Character Profiles and Movements
Movement Key & Misc. Moves -------------------------------------------- 02-01
Kai ------------------------------------------------------------------- 02-02
Raiden ---------------------------------------------------------------- 02-03
Shinnok --------------------------------------------------------------- 02-04
Liu Kang -------------------------------------------------------------- 02-05
Reptile --------------------------------------------------------------- 02-06
Scorpion -------------------------------------------------------------- 02-07
Jax ------------------------------------------------------------------- 02-08
Reiko ----------------------------------------------------------------- 02-09
Johnny Cage ----------------------------------------------------------- 02-10
Jarek ----------------------------------------------------------------- 02-11
Tanya ----------------------------------------------------------------- 02-12
Fujin ----------------------------------------------------------------- 02-13
Sub-Zero -------------------------------------------------------------- 02-14
Quan Chi -------------------------------------------------------------- 02-15
Sonya ----------------------------------------------------------------- 02-16
Part 3: The Weapons
Part 4: Kodes and Secrets
Kombat Kodes ---------------------------------------------------------- 04-01
Secrets --------------------------------------------------------------- 04-02
Part 5: Internet & FAQ Resources
MK4 WWW Sites --------------------------------------------------------- 05-01
Where to get this FAQ ------------------------------------------------- 05-02
Part 6: Credits
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++= Part 1: INTRODUCTION =+++++++++++++++++++++++++++
================================== [01-01] ==================================
= Intro to FAQ =
This is the Mortal Kombat 4: Revision 3 FAQ. It is currently active and
is being updated as new moves are being found! On a normal basis, it should
be revised once a week unless the updates start to slow down. If the new
updates do slow down, it will be put out when enough new info comes in.
================================== [01-02] ==================================
= MK4 Story =
Thousands of years ago, in a battle with the fallen elder god known as
Shinnok, I was responsible for the death of an entire civilization. To rid
all realms of Shinnok's menace, I waged a war that plunged the earth into
centuries of darkness and banished Shinnok into a place called the
Now, after Shao Kahn's defeat at the hands of earth's warriors, Shinnok
has managed to escape his confines in the Netherealm. The war is now being
fought once again. Only this time, it can be won by mortals.
- Raiden, God of Thunder
Defender of the Realm
+++++++++++++++++++= Part 2: CHARACTER PROFILES & MOVEMENTS =+++++++++++++++++
================================== [02-01] ==================================
= Movement Key & Misc. Moves =
B = Back
F = Forward
D = Down
U = Up
HP = High Punch
LP = Low Punch
HK = High Kick
LK = Low Kick
BK = Block
() = Distance or special info
Weapon Pickup: D + RUN (Over weapon)
Weapon throw is the same as character's weapon pull-out
Bone Breaker: F + LK (Close)
3D Dodge Downwards: Hold D, RUN, RUN
3D Dodge Upwards: RUN, RUN
Note: All moves are described under the assumption that your character is
facing right. If they're facing left, reverse any forward and back
================================== [02-02] ==================================
= Kai =
A former member of the White Lotus Society, Kai learned his skills from the
great masters throughout Asia. He journeyed to the Far East after meeting
his friend and ally, Liu Kang in America. Now, they reunite to assist Raiden
in the battle with Shinnok.
Bone Breaker: Back Breaker
Machete: D, B + LP
Above Fireball: B, B + HP
Below Fireball: F, F + LP (Can be done in air)
Flying Uppercut: D, F + HP
Roundhouse Kick: D, F + LK
Hand Stand: BK + LK (BK again to return to feet)
Head Kick: HK (While on hands)
Chest Kick: LK (While on hands)
Hand Spin: Hold LP (While on hands)
Fatality #1: Overhead Rip: U, F, U, B + HK (Close)
Fatality #2: Floating Fireball: U, U, U, D + BK (Just past sweep range)
Prison Stage: F, F, D + BK (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: B, F, D + HK (Close)
================================== [02-03] ==================================
= Raiden =
The God of Thunder returns to Earth after the defeat of Shao Khan - but
finds a new threat when Shinnok's forces, led by Quan Chi attack the Elder
Gods. With the heavens in disarray Raiden exists as one of the last Gods of
Earth. He must come to the aid of his elders and put an end to the
villainous reign of his ancient enemy.
Bone Breaker: Skull Crusher
Mallet: F, B + HP
Lightning Bolt: D, B + LP
Torpedo Dive: F, F + LK (Can be done in air)
Teleport: D, U
Fatality #1: Overhead Electrocution: F, B, U, U + HK (Close)
Fatality #2: Staff Impale: D, U, U, U + HP (Close)
Prison Stage: D, F, B + BK (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: F, F, D + LP (Close)
================================== [02-04] ==================================
= Shinnok =
Banished to the Netherealm for crimes committed against his once fellow
Elder Gods, Shinnok is freed from his confines by Quan Chi. With the aid of
a traitor he is then able to overtake the realm of Edenia. From there he
wages a war against the Elder Gods, and awaits a chance to enact revenge
against the god who banished him there - Raiden.
Bone Breaker: Neck and Body Break
Nagimaki: B, F + LP
Kai: F, F, F, + LK
Raiden: D, F, F + HP
Liu Kang: B, B, F + HK
Reptile: B, B, F + BK
Scorpion: F, B + LP
Jax: F, D, F + HK
Reiko: B, B, B + BK
Johnny Cage: D, D + HP
Jarek: B, B, B + LK
Tanya: B, F, D + BK
Fujin: F, F, B + HK
Sub-Zero: D, B + LP
Quan Chi: B, F, B, F + LK
Sonya: F, D, F + HP
Fatality #1: Skeleton Hand Squeeze: D, B, F, D + RUN (Close)
Fatality #2: Skeleton Hand Clap: D, U, U, D + BK (Close)
Prison Stage: D, D, F + HK (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: U, D, B + HP (Close)
================================== [02-05] ==================================
= Liu Kang =
Still the immortal champion of Mortal Kombat, Liu Kang finds himself
venturing into the realm of Edenia to rescue the princess Kitana from the
vile clutches of Quan Chi. Unsuccessful in his mission Liu returns to Earth
and mounts an effort to bring together Earth's greatest warriors. He does
it this time not only to free Kitana's home world but also to assist his
mentor and Earth's protector - Raiden.
Bone Breaker: Back Breaker
Flamberge Sword: B, F + LK
High Fireball: F, F + HP (Can be done in air)
Low Fireball: F, F + LP
Flying Kick: F, F + HK
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK 4 secs.
Fatality #1: Dragon Morph: F, F, F, D, BK + HK + LK (Just past sweep range)
Fatality #2: Screen Shot: F, D, D, U + HP (Close)
Prison Stage: F, F, B + LP (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: F, F, B + HK (Close)
================================== [02-06] ==================================
= Reptile =
After Shao Kahn's defeat, Reptile finds himself a fugitive in the realm of
Edenia. But when Shinnok takes over the realm, Reptile is quick to join his
forces. He holds allegiance to those with great power and his role as a
cold-blooded killer earns him Shinnok's trust and a place in his army of
Bone Breaker: Neck Breaker
Battle Axe: B, B + LK
Acid Spit: D, F + HP
Dash Punch: B, F + LP
Super Krawl: B, F + LK
Invisibility: BK + HK (Repeat to reappear)
Fatality #1: Face Chew: HP + LP + HK + LK, U (Close) (Can be done invisible)
Fatality #2: Acid Puke: U, D, D, D + HP (Just past sweep range)
(Can be done invisible)
(If done on Scorpion, game
Prison Stage: D, F, F + LP (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: D, D, F, + HK (Close)
================================== [02-07] ==================================
= Scorpion =
In hopes of gaining Scorpion as a new ally in the war with the Elder Gods,
Quan Chi makes the dead Ninja an offer he cannot refuse - Life, in exchange
for his services as a warrior against the Elders.
Scorpion accepts, but hides behind ulterior motives.
Bone Breaker: Arm Breaker
Broad Sword: F, F + HK
Spear: B, B + LP
Teleport Punch: D, B + HP (Can be done in air)
Air Throw: BK (Close, midair)
Breathe Fire: D, F + LP
Fatality #1: Hell Fire: B, F, F, B + BK (Just past sweep range)
Fatality #2: Scorpion Morph: B, F, D, U + HP (Close)
Prison Stage: F, D, D + LK (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: B, F, F + LK (Close)
================================== [02-08] ==================================
= Jax =
When Sonya disappears while tracking the last living member of the Black
Dragon, Major Jackson Briggs heads after her. He soon finds that Sonya's
mission has led her into a battle with the forces of an evil Elder God. This
is a battle they must win or their own world will crumble at the hands of
Bone Breaker: Knee Breaker
Spiked Club: B, D, F + HP
Energy Blast: D, F + LP
Ground Wave: F, F, D + LK
Dashing Punch: F, D, B + LP
Backbreaker: BK (Close, midair)
Multi-Slam: 1st Slam: LP (Close)
2nd Slam: RUN + BK + HK
3rd Slam: HP + LP + LK
4th Slam: HP + BK + LK
5th Slam: HP + LP + HK + LK
Fatality #1: Arm Rip: Hold LK 10 secs., F, F, D, F, release LK (Close)
Fatality #2: Head Clap: B, F, F, D + BK (Close)
Prison Stage: F, F, B + LK (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: F, F, B + HP (Close)
================================== [02-09] ==================================
= Reiko =
Once a general in Shinnok's armies, Reiko lead the forces of darkness into
the battle against the Elder Gods. Once thought killed during that
onslaught, he resurfaces and joins the battle against Earth's forces.
Bone Breaker: Arm Breaker
Spiked Club: F, D, B + HP
Shurikens: D, F + LP
Flip Kick: B, D, F + HK
Teleport: D, U (BK to throw when close) (Can be done in air)
Circular Teleport: B, F + LK
Fatality #1: Torso Kick: F, D, F, LP + BK + HK + LK (Close)
Fatality #2: Shuriken Death: B, B, D, D + HK (Just past sweep range)
Prison Stage: D, D, B + LP (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: F, F, D + LK (Close)
================================== [02-10] ==================================
= Johnny Cage =
After Shao Kahn's defeat, Cage's soul is free to leave to a higher place.
From the heavens, he observes his friends engaged in battle. With the
heavens in disarray, he learns of the war waged against the Elder Gods by
Shinnok. Cage seeks out Raiden to help him restore his deceased soul and
join Liu Kang in his quest. Once again, Johnny Cage finds himself fighting
alongside Earth's greatest warriors.
Bone Breaker: Missile Kick
Cage Scimitar: F, D, F + LK
High Fireball: D, F + HP
Low Fireball: D, B + LP
Split Punch: BK + LP
Shadow Kick: B, F + LK
Shadow Uppercut: B, D, B + HP
Fatality #1: Torso Rip: F, B, D, D + HK (Close)
Fatality #2: Uppercut: D, D, F, D + BK (Close)
Prison Stage: D, F, F + HK (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: B, F, F + LK (Close)
================================== [02-11] ==================================
= Jarek =
Believed to be the last member of Kano's klan, the Black Dragon. Jarek is
hunted down by Special Forces agent Sonya Blade for crimes against humanity.
With the emergence of a much greater evil, Sonya focuses her strengths on
the new menacing Quan Chi. Jarek now finds himself fighting alongside Sonya
and Earth's warriors to help defeat the Evil Elder God, Shinnok.
Bone Breaker: Knee Breaker
Jarek Scimitar: F, F + HP
Tri-Blade: D, B + LP
Cannonball: B, F + LK
Vertical Roll: F, D, F + HP
Back Slam: B, D, B + HK
Fatality #1: Heart Rip: F, B, F, F + LK (Close)
Fatality #2: Eye Lasers: U, U, F, F + BK (Just past sweep range)
Prison Stage: F, D, F + HK (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: B, F, F + LP (Close)
================================== [02-12] ==================================
= Tanya =
As the daughter of Edenia's ambassador to new realms, Tanya invites a group
of refugees fleeing their own world into the safety of Edenia. But soon
after Queen Sindel allows them through the portal, she learns that one of
the warriors is none other than the banished Elder God, Shinnok. The opened
portal leads not into another world but into the pits of the Netherealm
itself. The once free realm of Edenia is now at the mercy of Shinnok.
Bone Breaker: Neck breaker
Boomerang: F, F + HK
Fireball: D, F + HP (Can be done in air)
Air Fireball: D, B + LP (In air)
Splits Kick: F, D, B + LK
Corkscrew Kick: F, F + LK
Fatality #1: Twisted Kiss: D, D, U, D, HP + BK (Close)
Fatality #2: Neck Breaker: D, F, D, F + HK (Close)
Prison Stage: B, F, D, + HP (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: F, F, F + LP (Close)
================================== [02-13] ==================================
= Fujin =
Better known as the God of Wind, Fujin joins Raiden as one of the last
surviving Gods of Earth. Their counterparts were defeated in a war of the
heavens between Shinnok's forces and the elder gods. He now prepares for the
final battle between the forces of light and Shinnok's hell-spawned warriors
of darkness.
Bone Breaker: Elbow Smash
Crossbow: B, B + LP
Spin: F, D + LP (Hold LP to spin)
Tornado Lift: F, D, F + HP
Drop & Slam: B, F, D + LK (While in lift)
Dive Kick: D + LK (In air)
Rising Knee: F, D, F + HK
Fatality #1: Exploding Arrow: BK + RUN 4 times (Just past sweep range)
Fatality #2: Wind Skinner: D, F, F, U + BK (Just past sweep range)
Prison Stage: D, D, D + HK (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: B, F, B + HP (Close)
================================== [02-14] ==================================
= Sub-Zero =
After Shao Kahn's defeat at the hands of Earth's fighters, Sub-Zero's
warrior clan known as the Lin Kuei is disbanded. But with the new threat
brought on by Quan Chi, the ice warrior once again dons the familiar costume
once worn by his brother the original Sub-Zero. He also holds secrets
passed onto him from his sibling - secrets that could hold the key to
stopping Shinnok.
Bone Breaker: Knee Breaker
Ice Staff: D, F + HK
Freeze: Blast: D, F + LP
Ice Clone: D, B + LP (Can be done in air)
Slide: B + LP + BK + LK
Fatality #1: Spine Rip: F, B, F, D, HP + BK + RUN (Close)
Fatality #2: Freeze & Punch: B, B, D, B + HP (Just past sweep range)
Prison Stage: U, U, U + HK (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: D, D, D + LK (Close)
================================== [02-15] ==================================
= Quan Chi =
A free roaming sorcerer powerful in the black arts, Quan Chi uses his
abilities to free the now evil Elder God Shinnok from his confines in the
Netherealm. In exchange for his services Shinnok has granted Quan Chi the
position of arch-sorcerer of his now expanded Netherealm.
Bone Breaker: Double Knee Breaker
Mace Staff: D, B + HK
Green Skull: F, F + LP
Slide Kick: F, F + HK
Teleport Stomp: F, D + LK
Air Throw: BK (Close, midair)
Steal Weapon: F, B + HP (Opponent's weapon must be drawn)
Fatality #1: Leg Rip: Hold LK 5 secs., D, F, D, F, release LK (Close)
Fatality #2: Impersonation: U, U, D, D + LP (Just past sweep range)
Prison Stage: F, F, D + HP (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: F, F, B + LK (Close)
================================== [02-16] ==================================
= Sonya =
After her journey into the Outworld and Shao Kahn's near destruction of
earth, Sonya becomes a member of Earth's own Outworld Investigation Agency.
Her first mission leads her to join Liu Kang on his quest to aid the
troubled thunder God, Raiden. She must survive long enough to warn her
government of the new menace brought on by Quan Chi.
Bone Breaker: Back Breaker
Blade Wheel: F, F + LK
Energy Blast: D, F + LP
Leg Throw: D + LP + BK
Square Wave: F, B + HP
Bicycle Kick: B, B, D + HK
Air Throw: BK (Close, midair)
Cartwheel: B, D, F + LK
Fatality #1: Exploding Kiss: D, D, D, U + RUN (Just past sweep range)
Fatality #2: Leg Scissors: U, D, D, U + HK (Just past sweep range)
Prison Stage: D, B, B + HK (Close)
Goro's Lair Stage: F, D, F + HP (Close)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++= Part 3: THE WEAPONS =+++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Dashing Upward Slash: HP
Overhead Slash: LP
Spinning Slash: B + HP
Spinning Slash: B + LP
Right Smash: HP
Left Smash: LP
Overhead Smash: B + HP
Uppercut Swing: B + LP
Overhead Strike: HP
Upward Swing: LP
Dashing Thrust: B + HP
Sweep: B + LP
[Flamberge Sword]
Downward Slash: LP
Blade Fury: HP rapidly
Thrust: B + HP
Spin Slice: B + LP
[Battle Axe]
High Slash: HP
Low Slash: LP
Upward Slash: B + LP
Spinning Slash: B + HP (Hold HP to spin)
[Broad Sword]
High Slash: HP
Low Slash: LP
Overhead Strike: B + HP
Upward Slash: B + LP
Spinning Slash: D + LP
[Spiked Club]
Rib Smash: HP
Screen Smash: LP
Overhead Strike: B + HP
Uppercut Swing: B + LP
[Cage Scimitar]
Spinning Slash: HP
1-Hand Upward Slash: LP
2-Hand Upward Slash: B + HP
Backhand Slash: B + LP
[Jarek Scimitar]
Upward Slash: HP
Downward Slash: LP
Thrusting Stab: B + HP
Spinning Slash: B + LP
Downward Slash: HP
Throw: LP
Spinning Slash: B + HP
Upward Throw: B + LP
Straight Shot: LP
Bouncing Upward Shot: HP
Bouncing Downward Shot: B + LP
[Ice Staff]
Chest Slash: HP
Leg Sweep: LP
Uppercut Swing: B + HP
Freeze Dash: B + LP
[Mace Staff]
Right Smash: HP
Left Smash: LP
Overhead Smash: B + HP
Uppercut Swing: B + LP
[Blade Wheel]
Downward Slash: HP
Upward Slash: LP
Dashing Stomach Slice: B + LP
Rib Slice: B + HP
+++++++++++++++++++++++++= Part 4: KODES AND SECRETS =++++++++++++++++++++++++
================================== [04-01] ==================================
= Kombat Kodes =
Kode 1: 111-111 Free Weapon [One weapon falls onto stage]
Kode 2: 100-100 Throwing Disabled [No Throws or Bone Breakers]
Kode 3: 444-444 Armed and Dangerous [Characters start with weapons drawn]
Kode 4: 666-666 Silent Kombat [No music]
Kode 5: 050-050 Explosive Kombat [Last hit makes loser explode]
Kode 6: 222-222 Random Weapons [Characters pull out a random weapon]
Kode 7: 123-123 No Power [Start off with a little bit of energy]
Kode 8: 555-555 Many Weapons [Weapons drop all over stage]
Kode 9: 333-333 Randper Kombat [Randomly change into another character]
Kode 10: 001-001 Unlimited Run [Unlimited Run Meter]
Kode 11: 002-002 Weapon Kombat [Players never drop weapons]
Kode 12: ???-??? ??? [???]
Kode 13: 012-012 Noob Saibot Mode [Does nothing, as of now]
Kode 14: 020-020 Red Rain [Blood rains on Mountains Stage]
Kode 15: 010-010 Max Damage Disabled [No Max Damage]
Kode 16: 110-110 ??? [No Throws and Max Damage Limit]
Kode 17: 011-011 ??? [Play on Goro's Lair Stage]
Kode 18: 022-022 ??? [Play on Furnace Stage]
Kode 19: 033-033 ??? [Play on Elder Gods Stage]
Kode 20: 044-044 ??? [Play on Tomb Stage]
Kode 21: 055-055 ??? [Play on Mountains Stage]
Kode 22: 066-066 ??? [Play on Reptile's Stage]
Kode 23: 101-101 ??? [Play on Shaolin Temple Stage]
Kode 24: 202-202 ??? [Play on Living Forest Stage]
Kode 25: 303-303 ??? [Play on Prison Stage]
================================== [04-02] ==================================
= Secrets =
[Alternative Character Colors]
To select the alternative outfit of a character, at the Character Selection
Screen, move the highlighter over the character you want, then hit start and
the 3 buttons that correspond with that character, a yin-yang will appear,
then select the character.
Fujin: START + LP + HP + HK Reiko: START + RUN + HP + LK
Jarek: START + HK + HP + RUN Reptile: START + LP + BK + LK
Jax: START + RUN + LP + BK Scorpion: START + HP + HK + BK
Johnny Cage: START + RUN + LP + LK Shinnok: START + HP + BK + LP
Kai: START + HP + BK + LK Sonya: START + RUN + HP + LK
Liu Kang: START + HK + BK + LK Sub-Zero: START + RUN + BK + HP
Quan Chi: START + HP + RUN + HK Tanya: START + HK + LK + HP
Raiden: START + LP + BK + HK
[Character Towers]
On a one player game, after highlighting a tower with your joystick to play,
press your start button, the tower will rotate, giving you a different set
of opponents to face.
[Goro's Lair Stage Fatality Secrets]
Opponent slide off spikes: Hold D
To hear Dan Forden say "Toasty": Hold BK
To perform both: Hold D + BK
[Play as Meat]
To play as the hidden bloody skeleton character called Meat, choose Group
Mode in a 2 player game and keep choosing it until you have played as all 15
regular characters, you will then be able to play as Meat until you lose
with him. He uses the moves of what character you choose. After you beat
Shinnok, at the end, the game crashes and restarts.
+++++++++++++++++++++= Part 5: INTERNET & FAQ RESOURCES =+++++++++++++++++++++
================================== [05-01] ==================================
= MK4 WWW Sites =
Mortal Kombat 4 Online
Maintained by Death Foxx
MK4 Extreme - THE site for all your Mortal Kombat 4 needs
Maintained by OSX
MK Nightmares
Maintained by White Rat
Mortal Kombat 4's Cell
Maintained by Dungeon Master
Maintained by Lpenny1234
Kombat Konnection
Maintained by VGMaster
MK Dominion
Maintained by Nosaj Samoht
================================== [05-02] ==================================
= Where to Get This FAQ =
[World Wide Web]
The latest revision of this FAQ can be found at:
[File Transfer Protocol (FTP)]
The latest revision of this FAQ can be found at:
Server: ftp.networksplus.net
Directory: /death_fox/pub/faq/
[USENET Newsgroups]
The latest revision of this FAQ can be found at:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++= Part 6: CREDITS =+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[Site Credits]
Site Administrator, News, & HTML ---------------------------------- Death Foxx
Graphics -------------------------------------------------------- Death Knight
Move Conformation Specialist ------------------------------------- Brown Pride
FAQ Written & Maintained by Death Foxx
[Site Email]
MK4ONLINE@hotmail.com - Send any information about the Site or FAQ here
MK4_News@hotmail.com - Send any Mortal Kombat related News here
MK4_Moves@hotmail.com - Send Move & Fatality questions or conformations here
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MK4 Online FAQ - (c)1998 MK4 Online ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~