Hráč 1998 July & August
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Lyrics Plugin for Winamp v1.10
by Alon Gingold
This plugin for winamp lets you open a window and see the lyrics of the
playing tracks in winamp, if (and only if) lyrics were added to the tracks
or an .LRC file is found.
Since more then a few people emailed me asking why can't they see the lyrics
in their mp3 files, let me make this clear : Most MP3 files that you might get
on the internet, does NOT include the lyrics ! If you want to be able to see
the lyrics, you must first put it inside the mp3 file (using either my editor,
or the mp3manager), or create a LRC file. To find and download lyrics surf
to http://www.lyrics.ch
The Lyrics3 specs were designed by Petr Strnad and me. They are supported by
his MP3Manager application, my plugin, the Lyrics3 editor and other software.
This plugin was Petr's idea.
Also available is a Lyrics Editor that can add/change ID and Lyrics Tags.
Information about the lyrics specs, and the above application can be
found at http://mpx.cz/mp3manager/
New version of the Lyrics plugin and the editor can be found at
You can see lyrics by using the LYRICS.DLL plugin that you set as the
Visualization plugin in Winamp, and then Double Click winamp to open the
lyrics window, or you can simply run the LYRICS.EXE which does the same, but
will not be closed by Winamp and will allow you to use real visualization
plugins with winamp.
Both versions will check for a new track in winamp, and read the new track
Both the DLL and EXE files must be located in the PLUGINS directory (please
install Winamp 1.80 or above !)
The lyrics setup screen can be accessed either by choosing config on the
winamp plugin configuration dialog, or by pressing Alt-C.
This plugin and application were written in delphi. This means that it took
more then 150k before I wrote one single line of code. I know I can do this
with only windows api, but That's too much work...
A note about LRC files: Though this application was written to support LYRICS3
lyrics, which are saved INSIDE the mp3, if not found, the plugin will look for
a file with the same name as the mp3 with 'LRC' extension. If one is
found it will be loaded.
Revision History
1.10 (06/06/98)
- Fixed the Image tab showing up in simple mode.
- Added the Highlighted lyrics line on the full screen image view, with
options to put it on top or bottom, and configure size and colors.
1.09 (04/06/98)
- Fixed the readonly problem.
- Fixed problem with Japanese characters.
- Added font selection for the Extra Info.
- Timestamp [00:00] was ignored. Now working.
- Simple display mode is now saved.
- Added Images tags. These are JPEG or BMP images file names that can be
shown in the plugin. Each image has a filename, description and a timestamp.
If timestamp is used, if the image tab in the editor is selected, the image
matching the timestamp will be loaded.
NOTE: A DLL called JPGBMP.DLL is supplied with this package, and needs
to be either in the lyrics.exe/lyrics.dll path, or in the windows system
path for the JPEG support to work.
- Added double clicking on the image opens it in full screen mode.
- Added Slide Show setup. If no timestamps are used in the image tag, you can
select to slide every fixed number of seconds, or every calculated number
of seconds (song length / images count).
- Fixed winamp not loading track if Long FileName used, and winamp is closed.
1.08 (10/05/98)
- Added option to Center the lyrics texts horizontaly (now default).
- Added option to Center the highlighted line verticaly.
- Lyrics Highlighted line height can now be different from other lines
height (based on the fonts).
- If Winamp is not loaded, the Play button will try to run winamp.exe
(if found) or execute the .MP3 file directly (if winamp is not found).
- Reformated the ID header.
- AutoWidth feature will now take into account the ID header.
- ID Header height is fixed when resizing.
- Right click or Ctrl-W switch to/from simple display mode (where the
buttons, ID information, and the Extra Info are invisible).
- Lyrics/ExtraInfo Tab can optionaly be at the bottom.
- Window minimum width will be large enough to include all buttons.
1.07 (27/04/98)
- Added Font and Color settings for the highlighted lyrics line, and for the
ID tag information
- Added an option not to show the id3 information (except track name)
- The Next & Prev buttons are
- Double Click now jumps to timestamp in highlighted line, or if found. (this
doesn't work in winamp 1.90 due to a bug in winamp).
- Always on Top now works in the standalone exe version, and can be turned
on & off by the setup and the new OnTop button.
- The lyrics form now jumps to top window when a new track is loaded.
- Scrolling of highlighted line by timestamps can be turned on & off.
- Scrollbar of lyrics is now more win32 compatible.
1.06 (26/03/98)
- Added Lyrics3 v2.00 support, adding 'Extra Information', 'Lyrics Author'
and an extention to the ID3 fields Artist, Album, Title (up to 250 chars).
Also internal structure of lyrics tag changed, making it faster to read.
- Added support to .LRC text files. If lyrics3 v2.00 tag not found, it will
look for filename.lrc, and if found, will get the lyrics, comments,
track title and Artist from there.
1.05 (11/03/98)
- Added an 'Edit' button that calls the LYREDIT application, if it is found
in the winamp directory.
- Buttons bar with Setup, Edit, and winamp controls.
- Support for Winamp 1.8 PLUGINS directory.
1.04 (07/03/98)
- Fixed VERY Long lines in Lyrics giving windows protection faults.
- Add ID3 information to header.
- Added Auto Width option to set the lyrics window width by the longest line
in the lyrics.
- Configurable Font & Background color.
- Add indication if timestamp information found in the lyrics [TS]
- Removed the Selected Bar on first line if no Timestamp found, and untill
first timestamp is reached.
- Converted Tabs to Spaces.
- Added ICON to the application ;)
- Added Options button to open the setup (same as Alt-C)
- Fixed Cursor jumping all over the place when no lyrics found ;)
- Added Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Ins to copy lyrics to clipboard
- Rewrote the TimeStamp part to support more then one timestamp in one line
(repeating part)
- Lyrics will now be reloaded after stoping and starting play again. This
is usufull when editing lyrics..
Non usufull information
If you find this application really usefull, then you should probobly start
looking for better things to do ;)
If this application crashes your PC, or brings doom to your house (not the
game, that is), it's your problem. You can copy this application to a diskete
and smash it to small peaces with a hammer for all I care.
Contact information
If you still wana bug me with any comments, suggestions or to let me know why
the hack did I write it in the first place, you can find me at :
e-mail: gingold@hiker.org.il
ICQ: 1006234
Have fun !
Alon Gingold