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- The Ammended Myst Walkthrough, by Phil Gross and Noj Beskin
- Original by E. Conty
- Version 2.01
- Contact: ba02335@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu (philbo)
- Here's an ammended version of the walkthrough. Originally posted by E
- Conty (conty@cbnewsl.cb.att.com), who said he will ignore any
- comments. I, on the other hand, will welcome comments, and will try to
- keep the walkthrough up to date (at least for a while). I guess if you
- are stuck, as opposed to reading this and spoiling your fun, you can
- write me and I'll try to give you hints. Maybe.
- --philbo
- This is a bare-bones description of how to complete Myst. But you
- should use it only as a last resort. The true goal of the game is to
- explore everything, and find all sorts of interesting details about
- Achenar, Sirrus, and the world(s) you're in. The game can be
- successfully completed without ever leaving the main island, but
- that's no fun, is it?
- ALL puzzles can be solved by exploring, trying things out, and using
- plain common sense. If you find yourself trying a gazillion
- combinations to solve a puzzle, you're doing something wrong.
- Pick up the note in front of the planetarium. As you explore the
- island, you'll find that there are 8 marker switches in total: Pier -
- Giant gears - Planetarium - Spaceship - Mall with small pool and
- pillars - Brick building - Wooden shack - Clock tower Turn each marker
- switch on (up) as you get to it. (Worry about the clock tower marker
- later.)
- In the pier, there is an entrance to an underground room. Go to the
- projector, and turn it off by pressing the big button at the bottom.
- Turn around. You'll notice a piece of paper on the wall to the left.
- Press the green button on the upper left corner, which will reveal a
- hidden control panel. Enter the number of switches "08", and press the
- button to close the panel. Turn back to the projector, push the
- button, and watch the man's message to Catherine.
- In the library, each wall contains interesting items. Give the blue
- and red pages to the corresponding books. Each brother wants more
- pages. Read the 4 legible books in the book-case. You can ignore the
- book with the wierd squares in it, you'll deal with it later. Jot
- down any interesting diagrams from the others on your notebook.
- Look at the map next to the entrance. Each of the marker switches in
- the island lights one specific group of buildings in the map. Grab the
- tower and rotate it until it flashes red, then stop. There are 4 "red"
- positions, each one of them corresponding to where one of the 4
- available link books is hidden (ship, giant tree, gears, spaceship).
- The paintings next to the book-case open and close the secret
- passageway behind it. Go to the elevator, close the door, and press
- the button to go into the tower. If you rotated the tower correctly,
- the ladder with the "book" on it should show you where the book is
- hidden, while the ladder with the "key" should lead you to the clue to
- the puzzle that lets you get the book.
- Ship: Go to the planetarium, turn the lights off (the switch is next
- to the door), sit down on the chair, and click on the control panel.
- Set each of the dates from the clue (Oct 11, 1984 10:04AM, Jan 17,
- 1207 5:46AM , and Nov 23, 9791 6:57 PM), and map the constellation
- shown to one of the constellations in the Stoneship book. Go to the
- pillars at the mall, and click on the appropiate symbols (leaf, snake,
- and bug). The book is in the now resurfaced ship.
- Tree: Go to the wooden house, and enter the combination for the safe
- next to the door (7,2,4). Open the safe, get the match, and light it
- with the matchbox. Turn around and light the pilot light below the
- boiler. Turn the gas wheel all the way up (green icon). Wait until the
- thumping sound stops, then turn the wheel all the way down (red icon),
- and QUICKLY get out of the house and into the tree to the right of it
- (see library map for location) before the "elevator" in the tree goes
- underground. If you can't do it that quickly, don't turn the gas quite
- all the way off. The book is down beneath the tree. If you went up in
- the elevator, press the white button to your left. That releases the
- steam and drops the tree down to the underground level.
- Gears: Go to the clockhouse, enter 2:40 into the clock using the
- wheels, then press the button. Go into the clock, and use the levers
- to set the wheels to 2,2,1. HOLD either front lever down to rotate the
- middle wheel only. Click on the vertical lever to your right to reset
- the puzzle. The book is in the giant gears close to the pier.
- Spaceship: Go to the brick building, set the generators to send
- exactly 59 volts out (buttons 1,2,3,6,7,8 and 10 should do nicely. The
- numbering order is on the wall as you leave the control room. In order
- to figure out which button has which voltage, just hit them one at a
- time). If you go over 59 volts, you will blow a fuse. There are two
- electric towers to climb, one next to the brick building, one clearly
- visible close to the spaceship, click down the breaker switches. Then
- enter the spaceship. Play the notes from the Selenitic Age book in the
- organ, and set the same notes in the controls of the ship. If you're
- tone deaf, just count number of notes from the bottom. (8, 20, 23, 13,
- and 6, respectively, including the bottom as one). Press the button
- and the book will appear before you.
- Go to the other half of the ship, up the stairs and
- look through the telescope. Find where the lighthouse is. (135
- degrees)
- Go to the umbrella and push the rightmost button to drain the
- lighthouse. Go to the basement and drain the chest by opening and
- closing the valve at the bottom. Go back to the umbrella and let the
- lighthouse fill up again. Unlock the now floating chest, get the key,
- and open the lighthouse. Crank up the generator and power the battery.
- Note that the battery is slightly discharging, so move quickly! (If
- the lights go out, go to the generator and crank it up some more.)
- Go to the umbrella, press the middle button to drain the rock and go
- inside. Go all the way down the tunnel, find the page for either of
- the brothers, and explore a bit. You should find half of an important
- note in the map drawer in Achenar's room (that's the messy room). The
- entire note is given below.
- Go back to the red-lined "panel" in one of the walls. Inside, you'll
- find a compass rose, just like in the Stoneship book. Push the "SE"
- button (the clue is 135 degrees, found with the telescope). This will
- turn on the submersible's lights.
- Drain the ship with the leftmost button and go in. Click on the desk
- in the lower level, and the book leading back to Myst will pop up.
- Find the 5 microphones (Water, Fire(thunder), Clock,
- Crystal (flute), Wind), and turn each on. You'll also find the red and
- blue pages at the "Crystal" and "Water" microphones, respectively.
- Go to the microwave tower through the Wind tunnel, and aim each of the
- five dishes in the right direction (use sounds, icons, and places as a
- guide. The coordinate numbers are: Water:153.4, Fire: 130.3, Clock:
- 55.6, Crystal: 15.0, and Wind: 212.2). Push the sigma button. This
- will give you the sound sequence to open the door near the spaceship.
- (Crystal, Water, Wind, Fire, Clock) Go on in, get in the underground
- craft and press forward. At each station, listen for a sound which
- will indicate direction. If you miss it, press the button on the
- speaker. The sounds are "plink" for north, "Bloooop" for W, "Plonk"
- for S, and "Shhhh" for E (these sound names are approximations, so
- give us a break) Combinations of these sounds indicate NE, SW, etc.
- The sequence of directions to get to the Myst book is:
- N,W,N,E,E,S,S,W,SW,W,NW,NE,N,SE. Get out, and find the Myst book.
- The pages for the brothers are in secret rooms accesible from their
- chambers. Explore next to the "throne" in each room.
- Go to the "tube", and press the button in the hallway. The floor will
- reveal a lower room. Go down there, and rotate the tube until the red
- icon shows. Careful not to let the tube rotate past the red icon!
- Go back out, and you'll see that the tube held an elevator. Press the
- wall button again to close the floor, and enter the elevator. Press
- the up button, then press the "middle" button and exit the lift before
- it goes down. The building rotation controls are above the elevator.
- Enter the rotation controls and rotate the tower to the other two
- islands. They have the symbols for the control next to where you
- entered the Age. (symbols below) Use the simulator in Achenar's room
- to practice how to rotate the tower. The method we used was: Put the
- left lever up one notch. Hold the right lever all the way up for about
- 7 seconds. Let go of the right lever, then quickly put the left lever
- back down. Practice on the simulator until you get the timing right,
- because you won't be able to see the orientation of the tower, just
- some motion in the gears. Once the tower stops, it'll make a sound for
- each of the four compass directions, the same sounds as for the
- selenetic age, above.
- The control panel next to where you entered opens the room where the
- Myst link book is. The symbols are: 1) an O with the bottom cut out.
- 2) point down triangle, rectangle, point up triangle. 3) circle over
- three triangles 4) left half circle, filled in. (These are easier to
- spot than it sounds.)
- WARNING: A bug in the game as released won't let you go to the island
- with the last two codes. Get the fix from Sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
- Go to the windmill and turn the water on with the faucet on the floor.
- The pulldown lever is a red herring. Go back down and use the
- "switches" in the pipeline to control the water flow to the first
- elevator. (Not the one next to the staircase!) Climb in, close the
- door, and use the lever to go up.
- Up there, find the control to open/close the staircase. Go to the
- staircase, climb down, open the door, and use the pipeline switches to
- send water to the generator next to it. Climb back up the stairs, and
- use the elevator there.
- Find the rooms for both brothers (and Achenar's "temple"), their pages
- are there. In Sirrus' room (the nice room), find the other half of
- that note you found in the Stoneship Age.
- Use the switches to turn on the lonely-looking generator close to
- where you entered the world. Turn it on, and watch the catwalk appear
- from the waters. Walk to the other side, down the other walkway, and
- find the crank to extend the pipeline back to the main line. Use the
- switches to turn on the elevator there, and climb up to find the Myst
- book.
- (If you're having some trouble figuring out where the water is going
- in the pipelines, listen as you walk past them. If you can't hear the
- noise of water, this section of the pipeline has no water. Also, you
- could just trace the water from the windmill, checking every Y
- junction as you pass.)
- When you return four pages to either brother, he'll give you the same
- info: go to the library, pick the right-end book in the center shelf,
- and look up diagram 158. Go to the chimney, press the button, enter
- the diagram below on the plate, press the button again. You'll see the
- green book (the Dunny Age), the blue page, and the red page.
- Diagram 158 (click where there are Xes):
- There are 4 endings:
- - give the last blue page (Achenar traps you)
- - give the last red page (Sirrus traps you)
- - go to Dunny without the white page (your own stupidity traps you)
- - go to Dunny with the white page (Dad goes back, destroys both
- books, congratulates you, and asks you to stick around for further
- adventures)
- The white page is in the vault. To get to the vault, follow the
- directions in the two halves of the note ("|" is the note break, the
- first half is in Stoneship, the second half is in Channelwood)
- Marker Switch | Vault Access
- Island | of Myst
- The vault is loc | ated in very plain view on
- the island of M | yst and access can be
- achieved very | easily if the simple
- instructions are f | ollowed. First locate
- each of the marker | switches on the island.
- Turn every one of | these switches to the
- "on" position. Th | en go to the dock, and,
- as a final step, tu | rn the marker switch
- there to th | e "off" position.
- Good luck, and Happy Mysting