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- Simon the Sorceror II: Complete Walk-Thru
- ----------------
- Go back into Calypso's shop. TAKE the baseball bat and the dye. Leave the
- shop. Go to the castle. Ask the guards how much a dollar is worth. Leave the
- castle. Go to the 3 Bear's Cottage. OPEN the letterbox and TAKE the letter.
- Go to the Street of Traders. TALK to the dwarf ironmonger. After he
- is done talking, TALK to him again. Ask him how the ironmongering trade is
- doing. Offer to help him with his money problem: there are 15 dollars in a
- Gold Sovereign, 16 groats in a dollar, and 3 Gold Sovereigns in a Royal
- Crest. The ironmonger will give you a crowbar. Go down the stairs to the
- pet shop. After chatting with the owner, try to TAKE the electric turtle.
- After getting zapped, leave the pet shop and go left to the joke shop.
- TAKE the joke book, LOOK at the Stinko Kit sign, and TALK to the Joke Seller.
- After getting squirted, leave the joke shop. Leave the Street of Traders.
- Go to the Loan Office. GIVE the joke book to the Jester; he'll give you a
- bladder in return for cheering him up. USE the crowbar on the drain cover.
- Walk into the sewers, and try to go left. A large spider will come out and
- scare you back out of the sewers. Go into the Sunshine Loan Company. TALK
- to the secretary. After picking one of the loans (doesn't matter which),
- OPEN the door to the manager's office. While the manager is looking for the
- proper form, USE the letter from the 3 Bear's Cottage on the in-tray. Leave
- the Sunshine Loan Co (The 3 Bear's Cottage will be promptly bombed). Go
- to the 3 Bear's Cottage. Walk into the house. Walk to the right, into the
- kitchen. TAKE the rubber gloves. MOVE the tap to turn it off. The Three
- Bears wil come home and an animation sequence will ensue. You will be
- "teleported" to the Fountain area. Go to the left and leave the Fountain area.
- Go to the Docks. Whichever side of the dock you pick, walk to the right and
- TALK to Um Bongo. He'll eventually tell you that he is missing his dancers.
- Walk to the left of the dock and TALK to Goldilocks. Ask her why she is
- hiding behind the crates, then tell her you'll be back. USE the crowbar on
- the crate. After she climbs in, TAKE the wig and the rubber dinghy. Leave the
- docks. Go back to the 3 Bear's Cottage and walk into the house. After talking
- with the Papa Bear, GIVE him the wig to help with his forensic search. He'll
- thank you, and Mama Bear will give you some porridge as a reward. Leave the
- house. Go to the Town Square. TALK to the Accordion Player. One of the
- Morris dancers will break his stick. GIVE the baseball bat to the Accordion
- Player; he'll get K.O.'ed by a butterfingered dancer. Leave the Town Square.
- Go to the Tatooist. MOVE the ladder. Climb up to the door and OPEN it and go
- into the Insane Society. TALK to the Frying Pan man; The Fish Man will give
- you a note book since the Frying Pan Man has taken a vow of "deafness". USE
- the note book on the Frying Pan Man and ask him about how to join. He'll tell
- you there is an opening for a porridge wearer. Tell him you'll go get some
- porridge. WEAR the porridge you got from the 3 Bear's Cottage. The Frying
- Pan Man will give you a junk bag. After leaving the Insane Society, OPEN the
- junk bag to get a 100 dollars, a bungee rope and a wedge. Leave the Tattooist
- area and go to MucSwampling's. TALK to the mascot and get a balloon and a
- discount voucher. Go to the left side of the screen and LOOK at the dustbin
- there. You'll find a fishing rod. Go back to the right of the screen and go
- into MucSwampy's. TALK to the Tattooist and TALK to the Anorak Man. TALK to
- the waiter and order a kiddie meal. OPEN the kiddie meal to find a Swampling
- model, swamp gum and a maggot. Leave MucSwampy's and go to the Street of
- Traders. TAKE the poster you see there, then go back down into the pet shop.
- USE the rubber gloves on the turtle to pick him up. USE the electric turtle
- on the cage to the right of the machine. Make sure the red lever on the
- machine is to left hand side of the machine, then USE the machine. The
- electric turtle will be split into electric eels and a normal turtle. TAKE the
- turtle from the left hand cage. TAKE the glow worms off the shelf. USE the
- glow worms on the empty cage next to the eels. Move the lever on the machine
- to the right hand side, then USE the machine again to make some supercharged
- glow worms. The owner will thank you and you will leave the store. Go to
- the joke shop. The Joke Seller will trick you again, but this time stay and
- TALK to him. Ask him if he can make you a Swampling costume. He will tell
- you that he needs some green material. Leave the joke shop and go right and
- TALK to Nefahpayup. Agree to his proposition to help him out, and he will
- show you to a cave where a magic lamp is. Walk to the right and TAKE the
- lamps. Eventually, you'll find the right one. Walk back to the left and
- TALK to the cave entrance to have a ladder let down for you. Walk up the
- ladder to exit the cave. Nefahpayup will give you some white cloth as a
- reward. Walk to the left and USE the balloon on railing near the ironmonger.
- Leave the Street of Traders and go the Fountain. USE the dye on the fountain.
- USE the white cloth on the basket. Leave the Fountain area and go to
- MucSwampling's. TALK to the mascot again and ask for another balloon. Leave
- MucSwampling's and go back to the Fountain area and your cloth will be clean
- and green. TAKE the green cloth and leave the Fountain area. Go to the
- Street of Traders. USE the second balloon on the railing. Go the joke shop
- and GIVE the green cloth to the Joke Seller. He will make you a Swampling
- costume. Leave the shop, and leave the Street of Traders. Go back to
- MucSwampling's. TALK to the mascot and ask for yet another balloon (DON'T
- TIE THIS TO THE RAILING YET!). Go into MucSwampy's, WEAR the Swampling
- costume to disguise yourself as an employee and you will walk up the
- staircase next to the waiter. After you appear in the kitchen, keep going up
- the stairs to your left to the Swampling's office. Chat with the Swampling
- and ask him to make some Swamp Stew. He'll tell you he needs some swamp mud
- for the recipe and he'll give you a bucket to collect some in. Leave the
- office, exit the kitchen and leave MucSwampling's. Go to the Docks. Find
- Um Bongo and GIVE him the poster you took from the Street of Traders. He'll
- head off to start training the Morris dancers. Go to the Town Square. TALK
- to Um Bongo again. He'll tell you his drum was broken in transit and he needs
- a new skin for it. You'll give him the bladder you got from the Jester and
- his troupe will whip up a massive rainstorm (that conveniently flushes that
- spider out of the sewer!). Go to the Loan Office. Climb down into the sewers
- (the spider will be gone) and head to the left. You'll stop right before the
- light disappears. USE the glow worms and you'll hook up a light source. Walk
- to the left and go up the ladder to the swamp. Walk to the right and up onto
- the broken bridge. USE the bungee rope on the railing, then USE the bucket
- on the mud below to collect a bucket o' mud. Leave the bungee cord on the
- railing and go back to the left of the sewer grating. USE your fishing rod on
- the lake and you'll eventually catch a fish. Walk to the right and go back
- down into the sewers. Walk to the right and go back up the ladder to the Loan
- Office area. Leave the Loan Office area and go to MucSwampling's. Enter
- MucSwamplings, WEAR the Swampling costume and walk up the staircase by the
- waiter. Keep going up the stairs to the Swampling and GIVE him the bucket
- of mud. He will make some powerful Swamp Stew and will give you a souvenir
- jar of it. Leave the Swampling's office, leave the kitchen and leave
- MucSwamplings. Go to the Street of Traders. Go to the Joke Shop and GIVE the
- Swamp Stew to the Joke Seller. He'll make you a free stink bomb. Leave the
- Joke Shop, leave the Street of Traders and go to the Magic Competition.
- TALK to the clerk and enter the competition then walk into the tent. USE the
- stink bomb to clear away almost all of the competition. After you recover,
- re-enter the tent. One wizard will be left (he had a cold). After chatting
- with him, TAKE the spell book and USE your swamp shake on the one remaining
- wizard (to make him completely deaf). You'll be summoned as the only
- competitor and you'll (evenetually) be given the job as Royal Wizard and an
- ID card to prove it. Leave the Magic Competition and go to the Castle.
- When the guards ask for their money, give it to them. Walk up the door and
- after presenting your official ID, you'll be admitted to the castle. After
- chatting with the annoying little price, open the door to the castle and
- go in. Walk to the left, past the two doors and you'll enter the King's
- throne room. The king will inform you that your job is to make the crying
- baby in the castle go to sleep. Go to the left of the throne room and USE
- the fish you caught to the Royal Seal (ugh...) to tempt him into your hat.
- Leave the throne room, and OPEN the door on the right and go in. A baby will
- be crying; this is the one you're trying to get to go to sleep. USE your
- wedge on the cradle to stop it rocking, then TAKE the cog from the gear
- system. The baby will still cry, but go back out into the courtyard and leave
- the castle. Go to MucSwampling's. Enter MucSwampling's, WEAR the Swampling
- costume again, and go up the first staircase. USE the cog you just got on the
- clock mechanism to get the clock moving again. Go back out of MucSwampling's
- and go to the Tattooist. Enter the Tattooist's shop (he's back from lunch
- now) and inquire about getting a tattoo. After finding out that they cost
- far too much, you'll leave the shop after picking up a brochure. Return to
- MucSwampling's and GIVE the tattoo brochure to the Anorak Man. Leave
- MucSwampling's and return to the Tattooist. Walk in the shop and he'll inform
- you that you have won a free tattoo. Get the tattoo of the jewel-encrusted
- swords. Leave the shop and go to the Swamp. Go the far left of the Swamp area
- and a Lady of the Lake will appear. While talking to her, ask her if you can
- become a Lady of the Lake. She'll agree after seeing the Royal Seal, and
- she'll drop her air tanks and wet suit before leaving. TAKE the air tanks and
- the wet suit. USE the air tanks on the rubber dinghy to inflate it. USE the
- now-inflated rubber dinghy to paddle over to the Isle of the Sword. After
- reaching the island, TAKE the sword out of the rock (the tattoo made you
- "man" enough to do it). USE the rubber dinghy again to paddle back to the
- swamp, then go back down through the sewers to the Loan Office area.
- Leave the Loan Office area and return to the Castle. Enter the castle
- courtyard and GIVE the prince the sword. He'll give you his pea-shooter
- and a pea in exchange. Enter the main castle and OPEN the door on the left.
- USE the pea on the matresses to wake up the princess. Ask her for suggestions
- on how to stop the baby crying; she'll throw you a lolly. TAKE the lolly.
- The baby won't accept the lolly (try it if you like: it'll throw it down into
- the courtyard), so leave the princess' room, leave the courtyard and exit the
- castle. Go the MucSwampling's. Enter MucSwamplings, WEAR the Swampling
- costume again, and go up both staircases to Swampling's office. GIVE the
- lolly to the Baby Swamplings and they will drop their milk, which you will
- pick up. Leave MucSwampling's and return to the castle. Enter the baby's room
- and GIVE the milk to the baby to make it go to sleep. Leave the baby's room
- and go left into the throne room. Enter the door to the treasury by the King.
- After climbing the staircase, USE the swamp shake on the pentagram. Walk
- towards the treasury door and two demons will appear and be trapped by the
- swamp shake. Unfortunately, they also block the entrance into the treasury;
- time to find an alternate entrance. Leave the castle and go to Street of
- Traders. USE your third balloon on the railing and you'll lift off and end up
- in the royal treasure room. Walk towards the sarcophogus, and you'll fall
- through a trap door into the treasure vault. TAKE the Mucusade. Go back up
- the tube you just fell through, and walk back out the window to the awaiting
- balloons. After falling unexpectedly to the ground, go to Calypso's...or
- what WAS Calypso's...you'll be beaten up and dragged off to a pirate ship.
- -----------------------
- After the captain's lecture, USE your spell book to break your chains. TAKE
- the eye patch off the skull next to "Mr T.". Try to climb up the stairs and
- the captain will stop you and eventually "enlist" you as his cabin boy.
- You'll be brought up to his cabin and he will eventually leave. TAKE a
- stuffed parrot. LOOK at his diary and you'll find a picture postcard of
- Kalimari. Leave the captain's room. GIVE the eye-patch to the pirate with the
- purple shirt pulling in rope. He'll give you a pair of sunglasses in return.
- Climb up the ladder to the right onto the poop-deck. USE the stuffed parrot
- on the real parrot to swap them. After the pirate questions the swap, USE the
- swamp gum on the stuffed parrot to hold him in place. Leave the poop-deck
- and you'll decide to sleep until you reach home. A cut-scene will appear
- depicting the fate of Calypso and his granddaughter Alix. After waking up,
- you will realize that you're still at sea. Climb back onto the poop-deck and
- TALK to the Bosun. He'll inform that the lookout corrected your attempt at
- re-directing the ship. Leave the poop-deck and go to the left of the pirate
- ship. USE the rigging to climb to the crow's nest. USE the picture postcard
- on the telescope. Climb down the rigging and go back to the poop-deck.
- MOVE the parrot so that it's facing back towards the Bosun. Leave the poop-
- deck. Go to the far left of the pirate ship. OPEN the door. TALK to the tough
- looking guy (Mr. T.) and ask him for a welding torch. Leave the cell, and
- walk behind the pirate who is repairing the plank. MOVE him off the ship.
- TAKE the hammer, nails and plank. Go to the right hand side of the pirate
- ship, OPEN the door to the right (closest to the screen) and go in. TAKE
- the knife. USE the knife on the hammock. TAKE the tinder-box. Leave the
- room and try to USE the welding torch on the chain. The captain will appear
- and tell you not to do it. After the captain leaves, try to use the torch
- on the chain again. The captain will re-appear and ask you where the first
- mate is, then disappear into the sleeping quarters. USE the plank on the
- door to the sleeping quarters to lock the captain in. Now, USE the welding
- torch on the chain to cut it. OPEN the door and climb down. TAKE the Mucusade.
- Go back up the ladder and you'll head down for another nap. After waking up
- you'll realize you're under attack. You'll end up on a remote island with
- no inventory.
- ------------------
- TAKE the shovel head. Go the the right and after chatting with the Beachcomber
- TAKE his towel. Go into the jungle. GIVE the kid the balloon and he'll repay
- you with a shell. TAKE the wooden pole. USE the wooden pole on the shovel
- head to make a shovel. Go back to the beach. USE the shovel. Simon will make
- a monster sandcastle and leave a large hole in the process. USE the towel on
- the hole. USE the shell on the towel. TALK to the Beachcomber and he'll walk
- right into the trap. After he falls down the hole, TAKE the Mucusade. Go back
- into the Jungle. Take the upper path to the left towards the dog. TAKE the
- dog. Enter the cafe and TALK to the waitress. Order a cup of decaf coffee.
- You'll fall asleep and a cut-scene will ensue. After waking up, order another
- cup of decaf (this time, its to-go). Leave the cafe and walk to the right
- into the cave. Try to TAKE the whiskey bottle and a genie will appear. Ask
- him for three wishes, then ask him to be teleported to Calypso's shop. He'll
- screw up and teleport you to an alien ship, then back again; he'll explain
- that his problem is that he needs to counter the effects of the whiskey on
- his system. What he needs is strong, caffeinated coffee. Leave the cave, and
- take the lower, left hand path. TALK to the dealer; you'll have to talk jive
- to him, then ask him for salmon. He'll offer you caffeine tablets...for a
- cost of 3 Gungas a piece. TAKE the dog whistle. Take the upper left hand
- path to the man who is being tortured. Go left to the generator. USE the dog
- on the generator. Go back to the right to the torture machine. MOVE the lever
- to the on position. Go back to the right to the dealer, then take the lower
- left hand path to the limbo competition. Talk to the Judge, and enter the
- competition. USE the dog whistle to divert the judges (they'll hear the
- screams of the tortured man) and you'll win the 3 Gungas. Go back to the
- right to the dealer. TALK to him to get the caffeine tablets. USE the tablets
- on the decaf coffee. Go back to the right to the cave where the genie is.
- USE the coffee on the whiskey bottle. Try to TAKE the whiskey bottle to
- summon the genie again. Ask him again to teleport you to Calypso's shop and
- this time he'll teleport you correctly. Walk into Calypso's shop. After a
- LONG cut-scene, you'll end up in the Valley of Doom, in a prison cell in
- Sordid's Tower.
- --------------------------
- Try to OPEN the door. Alix will give you a hairclip to pick the lock with.
- After opening the door, you'll be teleported (via a time stick) to the
- outside of a goblin camp. Go to the right, then go to the Dark Woods.
- You'll meet the little kid there, and he'll tell you he's hungry. Go to the
- right and TALK to the woodworms. After a long discussion with them, go to
- the far right of the woods and enter the witch's cave. You'll step on a cat
- at the entranceway and the witches will talk to you. They're having problems
- making a potion because of their impediments: one can't talk, one can't hear
- and one can't see. Help them out, and you get some of the potion. Leave the
- cave and leave the Dark Woods. Go to the Secluded Hut. The witches cat is in
- here now; you'll need it for later. After you introduce yourself, OPEN the
- door (which in fact, closes it). This will trap the cat inside the hut.
- Walk towards the soda bottles, and the cat will panic, run and knock itself
- out. TAKE 3 soda bottles (you'll get a straw automatically), the hanky and the
- cat. OPEN the door, and leave the hut. Go to the Volcano Rim. TAKE the
- Chemical Sprayer and the Plant Spotter's Guide Book. USE the straw on one of
- the sodas to make an empty bottle. USE the cat on the carnivorous plant; it'll
- salivate at the sight of it. USE the empty bottle on the saliva to collect it.
- Leave the Volcano Rim and go to the Goblin's Camp. USE the saliva on the
- goblin's goblets, then try to walk past them. They'll wake up, get mad, drink
- the poisoned wine, and fall asleep. TAKE the conch horn. Walk into the camp.
- TALK to the Elf. Offer to help him get some replacement perfume; he'll give
- you a perfume bottle to fill up. USE a full soda bottle on the perfume bottle
- to fill it. Enter the big tent to the left of the Elf. TAKE the food rations
- and the pepper. Go back to the Elf. USE the pepper on the elf. GIVE him your
- hanky. GIVE him the now full perfume bottle (he can't smell the difference
- anymore). He'll reward you with a block of wood. Walk to the left of the
- camp where two goblins are playing dice. USE the last full soda bottle on the
- fire to create some blinding smoke. While the two goblins are blinded, TAKE
- some of the goblin stuff. The goblins will begin to fight and one will leave
- his lucky (loaded!) dice behind. TAKE the dice. Go back to the right and leave
- the goblin camp. Go to the Secluded Hut. TAKE two more soda bottles. Leave the
- Secluded Hut. Go to the Dark Woods. GIVE the kid the food rations. GIVE the
- kid the full soda bottle. TAKE the magnifier he drops. Go the the right and
- GIVE the block of wood to the woodworms. They'll make you a set of wooden
- teeth. Go to the far right of the woods and enter the witches cave. GIVE the
- witch with no teeth the wooden teeth, GIVE the deaf witch the conch horn and
- GIVE the magnifier to the blind witch. They'll whip up a potion to turn
- someone into a dog. After the potion is done, USE your straw on a soda to
- empty it, the USE the empty soda bottle on the potion to scoop some up.
- Leave the witches cave and leave the Dark Woods. Go to the Secluded Hut.
- USE the potion on the Role Players. A Role Player will turn into a beagle
- (which you'll automatically take). Ask if you can join in their game. When
- you have started playing, ask if they mind if you use your own dice. You'll
- roll two 12's and win a interior decorator's wallpaper catalogue. Leave the
- Secluded Hut. Go to the Goblin Camp, walk into the camp and walk all the way
- to the left of the camp, into the entrance to Sordid's Tower. TALK to the
- guard "pigs". Tell them you're here on important business, and they'll make
- you show them your wallpaper catalogue, at which point you'll be admitted to
- the Tower. TAKE the tapestry. Walk into the eerie passage; you'll meet the
- security "horror" guard for the tower. After leaving him, go into the
- stairwell to the left. USE the tapestry on the pool of sweat to absorb the
- smell of the goblins. USE the soaked tapestry on the Chemical Sprayer to
- fill it with goblin scent. MOVE the lever on the generator to turn out the
- lights. Leave the room and go back down the eerie passage to the guard.
- After you have entered the room with the horror, USE the Chemical Sprayer to
- mask your scent, WEAR the dog (I know...this one took FOREVER to figure out)
- to change the dog into fuzzy slippers, then WEAR the fuzzy slippers.
- The guard can't see, smell or hear you now so just walk across the room and
- out of the door. Walk across the lava channel to the other side, and you'll
- take an exciting ride up to Sordid's chambers. Walk to the right of the
- chambers and TAKE the screwdriver. USE the screwdriver on Sordid's Hand to
- remove it, then USE the Hand on the Palm Print Identifier. TAKE the time
- stick. Walk to the left as if you were going to exit the chamber, and Runt
- will run out to try and stop you. That's it! The final LONG end-scene follows
- so sit back and enjoy...
- T H E E N D