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- INF 1.0
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* DFUSE DEMO for DOOM level designers */
- /* */
- /* DOOM E1M1 is probably a level all of you know by heart! */
- /* */
- /* This is a Dark Forces conversion of the complete level, except the THINGS. */
- /* A few textures haven't been ported and others are just plain wrong, but */
- /* this isn't the aim of this conversion. */
- /* */
- /* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */
- /* */
- /* It has been done ONLY to show you how to port your DOOM expertise to DF. */
- /* */
- /* Remember that this level is iD Software's property, so: */
- /* * you MAY NOT add objects to this level or distribute in any way that */
- /* makes it 'fun' to play (as opposed to 'educative'). */
- /* * you MAY NOT use the DOOM textures and flats in .BM format elsewhere. */
- /* */
- /* Also, just in case you just returned from Alpha Centauri and haven't seen */
- /* DOOM yet, know that iD Software's textures are much prettier than these ! */
- /* (ie my palette conversion is a bit lame!) */
- /* */
- /* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */
- items 17
- /* A note on elevators : don't try to send messages at their very first */
- /* stop. IT DOESN'T WORK ! */
- /* ----------------- */
- /* First, turn on the post_office to show a few text strings on the screen. */
- /* */
- /* We will want to have the player complete two things in this level */
- /* (see .GOL) So we will provide two 'hold' points at 80 and 90 before */
- /* letting it go to completion. Note I set a speed of 1000 so that it will */
- /* be impossible to trigger something before the elevator reaches 80! */
- /* Remember GOAL ITEM: generate next_stop messages to the complete sector ! */
- /* When it reaches stop: 99 complete, the level is completed fully. */
- item: sector name: complete
- seq
- class: elevator move_floor
- event_mask: 0
- speed: 1000
- stop: 0 0
- stop: 1 0
- message: 1 post_office master_on
- stop: 80 hold
- stop: 90 hold
- stop: 99 complete
- stop: 99.9 hold
- seqend
- /* ----------- */
- /* Send 5 messages at 4 seconds intervals. */
- item: sector name: post_office
- seq
- class: elevator move_floor
- master: off
- stop: 0 0
- stop: 1 4
- message: 1 startmsg01
- stop: 2 4
- message: 2 startmsg02
- stop: 3 4
- message: 3 startmsg03
- stop: 4 4
- message: 4 startmsg04
- stop: 5 4
- message: 5 startmsg05
- stop: 9 terminate
- seqend
- /* this will only output a message defined in the text.msg file */
- /* note that 'text:' doesn't seem to work in an elevator */
- item: sector name: startmsg01
- seq
- class: trigger
- text: 900
- message: done
- seqend
- item: sector name: startmsg02
- seq
- class: trigger
- text: 901
- message: done
- seqend
- item: sector name: startmsg03
- seq
- class: trigger
- text: 902
- message: done
- seqend
- item: sector name: startmsg04
- seq
- class: trigger
- text: 903
- message: done
- seqend
- item: sector name: startmsg05
- seq
- class: trigger
- text: 904
- message: done
- seqend
- /* will change the ambient light 'randomly' */
- /* This demonstrate that you can use duplicated or unsorted stop values */
- item: sector name: start_door
- seq
- class: elevator change_light
- stop: 31 0
- stop: 17 0
- stop: 10 0
- stop: 31 0
- stop: 5 0
- stop: 22 0
- stop: 22 0
- stop: 28 0
- stop: 31 0
- stop: 20 0
- seqend
- /* [NEW] This will rotate the pedestal, note that the elevator is in the */
- /* outer sector, as the walls you see belong to that one. Also note that the */
- /* WL flag 1, bit 256 'Allow scroll BOT texture' must be set. */
- item: sector name: extern_pedestal
- seq
- class: elevator scroll_wall
- speed: 30
- angle: 90
- seqend
- /* this will pulsate the ambient light in tech_col1, */
- /* but also in a 'slave' sector : tech_col2 */
- item: sector name: tech_col1
- seq
- class: elevator change_light
- stop: 20 0
- stop: 2 0
- slave: tech_col2
- seqend
- /* this will pulsate the ambient light in pulsate00, */
- /* but also in 2 'slave' sectors : pulsate00_1 and pulsate00_2 */
- item: sector name: pulsate00
- seq
- class: elevator change_light
- stop: 31 0
- stop: 16 0
- slave: pulsate00_1
- slave: pulsate00_2
- seqend
- /* this will go down and activate the zigzag(0) trigger, then */
- /* terminate (ie stop listening to messages) */
- item: sector name: imp_platform
- seq
- class: elevator move_floor
- stop: 12 hold
- stop: 11.99 0
- message: 1 TRIGimp_platform(0) done
- stop: 11.98 0
- message: 2 TRIGimp_platform(0) master_off
- message: 2 zigzag(0) master_on
- stop: -5 terminate
- seqend
- /* this will bring down imp_elevator when CROSSED FROM OUTSIDE */
- item: line name: TRIGimp_platform num: 0
- seq
- class: trigger standard
- event_mask: 2
- client: imp_platform
- message: next_stop
- seqend
- /* this will go down for 3 seconds then go back up, so hurry! */
- item: sector name: secret_platform
- seq
- class: elevator move_floor
- stop: 13 hold
- stop: -6 3
- message: 1 zigzag(0) done
- seqend
- /* this will bring down secret_elevator when CROSSED FROM OUTSIDE */
- /* as a demo, it will also emit the text "HURRY !" when crossed. */
- /* But this text need only be shown when imp_platform is down, so we will */
- /* start this trigger with master: off, and set it to on in imp_platform. */
- item: line name: zigzag num: 0
- seq
- class: trigger standard
- event_mask: 2
- client: secret_platform
- message: next_stop
- text: 908
- master: off
- seqend
- /* This works perfectly well with event_mask = 16 for nudging the switch. */
- /* As a demo, I also included event_mask = 256 and entity_mask: * for firing */
- /* (entity_mask: 8 would be sufficient for firing, but then nudge wouldn't */
- /* work anymore) */
- /* Note the complete 1 message, signaling that goal 1 has been completed */
- item: line name: the_end num: 5
- seq
- class: trigger switch1
- event_mask: 272
- entity_mask: *
- client: complete
- message: complete 1
- text: 909
- seqend
- /* this will give a little life to the nukage pools */
- item: sector name: nukage_ext
- seq
- class: elevator scroll_floor
- angle: 90
- speed: 0.5
- slave: nukage00
- slave: nukage01
- slave: nukage02
- seqend