JACK_UNINST_MENU_TEXT=Uninstall JN6 - Golden Bear Challenge
SETTYPE_FULL_DISPLAY=2. Full (CD not needed)
SETTYPE_MINIMUM_DISPLAY=3. Minimal (CD needed to play)
ISDX_ERR_OUTOFDISKSPACE=The setup program ran out of disk space during installation.
TITLE_MAIN=Jack Nicklaus 6: Golden Bear Challenge
JACK_CONV_MENU_TEXT=Course Converter
ISDX_INSTALLINGDX=Installing DirectX...
ISDX_ERR_NODIRECTXFOLDER=Make sure that the DirectX folder exists on your Media.\nYou have to remember to do this each time after you do a Build Media command.\nCopy your saved off DirectX folder to the same folder where your InstallShield \nsetup is being run from.
ISDX_ERR_MUSTBEWIN95=DirectX 6 requires at least Windows 95 or 98.
ISDX_ERR_BADSOURCETIME=A file's date and time could not be verified or were incorrect.
JACK_ERR_NOMSNGAMINGZONEEXE=Make sure that ZoneA502.exe exists on your Media.\n
PRODUCT_NAME_MENU_DEMO=Jack Nicklaus 6 - Demo
ISDX_ERR_UNKNOWNOS=The operating system on your system is not currently supported.
ISDX_ERR_SOURCEFILENOTFOUND=A required source file could not be found.
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process: %d, %d.\nCopying '%s' to\n'%s'
SETTYPE_OPTIMUM_DISPLAY=1. Standard (CD needed to play)
SETTYPE_FULL_DESC=(569 MB)\n\nOccupying the largest amount of hard drive space, this setup will run the fastest.\n
ASK_DIRECTX=Jack Nicklaus Golden Bear Challenge requires DirectX 6.1 \n& DirectX Media 6.0 runtime files and will not run properly without them.\n\nIf you already have DirectX 6.1 installed, setup\nwill not affect your system.\n\nWould you like to proceed with DirectX setup?
ISDX_ERR_NOTENOUGHSPACE=Not enough space to install DirectX.
ISDX_ERR_CANTFINDDIR=The setup program could not find the working directory.
UNINST_KEY_DEMO=Jack Nicklaus 6: Demo
PRODUCT_TITLE_OURS=Jack Nicklaus 6: Golden Bear Challenge
ISDX_ERR_BADSOURCESIZE=A file's size could not be verified or was incorrect.
UNINST_KEY=Jack Nicklaus 6: Golden Bear Challenge
TITLE_MAIN_DEMO=Jack Nicklaus 6: Demo
JACK_FINISH_TOP=Setup has finished installing %P on your computer.\n\nSetup can launch the Read Me file. Choose the option you want below.
TITLE_CAPTIONBAR=Jack Nicklaus 6: Golden Bear Challenge Setup
JACK_ERR_DEMOLOCATION=You can not install Jack Nicklaus Golden Bear Challenge Demo\nto the same folder as the complete or previous versions of Jack Nicklaus Games.\n\nPlease select another folder for Jack Nicklaus Golden Bear Challenge Demo.
JACK_UNINST_MENU_TEXT_DEMO=Uninstall Jack Nicklaus 6 - Demo
JACK_ERR_OLDVERSION=You can not install Jack Nicklaus Golden Bear Challenge\nto the same folder as previous Jack Nicklaus Games or demos.\n\nPlease select another folder for Jack Nicklaus Golden Bear Challenge.
ISDX_ERR_NOCOPY=A file's version could not be verified or was incorrect.
JACK_CopyingProgramFiles=Copying Program Files...
SETTYPE_LAPTOP_DISPLAY=4. Laptop (CD not needed)
ISDX_ERR_CANTFINDINF=A required .inf file could not be found.
FOLDER_NAME=JN6 - Golden Bear Challenge
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
ASK_DIRECTX_DEMO=Jack Nicklaus Golden Bear Challenge requires DirectX 6.1 \n& DirectX Media 6.0 runtime files and will not run properly without them.\n\nThis Demo assumes you already have DirectX 6.1 files installed. If you don't,\nyou must install them.\n\nWould you like to proceed with the Demo setup?
JACK_CopyingDataFiles=Copying Data Files...
JACK_ZONE_MENU_TEXT=Install MSN Gaming Zone from CD
ASK_EREG=Register Jack Nicklaus 6: Golden Bear Challenge.\nIt is quick, easy and toll-free.\n\nWould you like to register at this time?
ISDX_ERR_SERVICEPACKNUM=Incorrect service pack number for DirectX setup.
JACK_DataCompDesc=These are required data files for the game.
ISDX_ERR_NOTPREINSTALLEDONNT=The version of Windows NT on the system does not contain\nthe current version of DirectX. An older version of DirectX\nmay be present, or DirectX may be absent altogether.
SETTYPE_MINIMUM_DESC=(266 MB)\n\nThis setup occupies the least amount of hard drive space, with a small performance penalty. Only the Jack Nicklaus and Michelle characters will be loaded.
ASK_DESKTOP_ICON=Would you like to place a "%s" icon on your desktop?
TITLE_CAPTIONBAR_DEMO=Jack Nicklaus 6: Demo Setup
PRODUCT_NAME_MENU=JN6 - Golden Bear Challenge
JACK_FINISH_OPT1=Yes, I want to view the Read Me file.
JACK_ERR_NODXMEDIAEXE=Make sure that DXMedia.exe exists on your Media.\nYou can also find it on the DirectX Media SDK.\n
JACK_ERR_NODXMEDIAFOLDER=Make sure that the DXMedia folder exists on your Media.\nYou can also find it on the DirectX Media SDK.\n
ISDX_ERR_USERHITCANCEL=The Cancel button was pressed before the application was fully installed.
ISDX_ERR_BADWINDOWSVERSION=DirectX does not support the Windows version on the system.
UNINST_DISPLAY_NAME=Jack Nicklaus 6: Golden Bear Challenge
SETTYPE_OPTIMUM_DESC=(414 MB)\n\nThis setup works best on most computers.\n
SETTYPE_LAPTOP_DESC=(xxx-xxx MB)\n\nThis setup was made for golfers on the go. It features a small hard drive footprint with a course installed.
ISDX_QUIT=You have chosen not to install DirectX.\n\nSetup will continue.
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.