Do not install this software on the drive that contains the data to be
recovered. Install this software on another drive or use the floppy disk version.
Visit for more details.
When new files are written to the drive being recovered, deleted files may be
permanently overwritten.
Hard drive installation:
Download and run the setup program. Follow the instructions in the setup wizard to
complete the installation.
Floppy drive installation:
Download the floppy disk version of the software (preferably on another computer
to avoid accidental updates to the drive containing the data to be recovered.) Expand
the files onto a blank floppy diskette. Insert the diskette in the target computer. Click Start, Run. Type a:\filescav.exe and click OK to start the software.
Files can only be restored under certain conditions, such as the disk areas allocated
to the files have not been reused. When a file is restored, there is no guarantee
that the content of the recovered file is the same as the original. You must