This section provides information on game issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYSTÖ.
Switching to the program Second Life using the ALT-Tab command no longer results in the system not responding or looping indefinitely
Running the demo game Lord of the Realms 3 under Windows XP with a RADEON 9000 series card installed no longer results in the system not responding when a 3 stage effect is used
The game Unreal Tournament 2003 no longer hangs when loading the CTF-December level
The geometry flashing throughout the background of Second Life is now resolved
Flickering and display corruption in the game NeverWinter Nights is now resolved
Resolved Benchmark Issues
This section provides information on Benchmark issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYSTÖ.
Running ViewPerf 6.1.2 under Windows ME with any RADEONÖ family product installed no longer results in the application not being able to render an image
Resolved Software Application issues
This section provides information on application issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYSTÖ.
Objects are now generated and the VP is no longer gray when running 3ds max in D3D mode
Loss of focus when switching between different layers in Studio Tool 10.1 is now resolved
Full Screen Anti-Aliasing no longer causes corrupt geometry in model viewer program
Overlay no longer disappears when moving the mouse around in panning mode on the secondary display adapter in the application Overfly
Resolved CATALYSTÖ Driver Issues
This section provides information on CATALSYTÖ driver issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYSTÖ.
Multimedia mode scaling and positioning issues have now been resolved when using TV out
Display corruption noticed on the ATI Demo Rachel running under Windows XP is now resolved
The lighting and triangle culling on the 3D pipes screensaver no longer is incorrect when using a RADEONÖ 7000 series card under Windows 2000
Significant CPU usage is no longer noticed when Hardware Overlay Deblocking is in use
Enabling Overlay Theater Mode and playing an HDTV source through the ATI File Player, no longer results in the system rebooting
Connecting a secondary DFP and attempting to enable extended desktop mode no longer now results in the secondary display device becoming active
Setting an LCD as the primary display, and a CRT as the secondary display followed by enabling Overlay Theater Mode, no longer results in display corruption when preview the screen saver on the secondary display
Enabling extended desktop at certain resolutions and colour depths no longer results in display corruption on the secondary controller
Installing a RADEONÖ 9600 series card in a motherboard supporting AGP 8X no longer results in some 3D applications failing to respond
Known Issues
The following section provides a brief description of known issues associated with the latest version of CATALYSTÖ.
When updating to future CATALYSTÖ releases your current color control panel profiles will be lost. This will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYSTÖ release
Running the 3D Pipes screen saver for an extended period of time (24 hours or longer), produces an error message indicating that the virtual memory is not enough
Setting the Landscape details to Perfect in the game IL2 Stumovik Forgotten Battles results in the system not responding during the track playback
Running MS Links 2003 with Anisotropic filtering and Anti-Aliasing enabled results in vertical and horizontal lines being displayed within the game. This issue is known to occur under Windows XP with a RADEONÖ 9700 series card installed. This will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYSTÖ release
Enabling Anit-Aliasing and attempting to take a screen shot results in a corrupt capture when running OpenGL games such as, CounterStrike, Half-Life, Quake III or Medal of Honour: Allied Assault. This will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYSTÖ release