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- <text id=92TT0933>
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- <title>
- Apr. 27, 1992: Is Bush Getting a Free Ride?
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1992
- Apr. 27, 1992 The Untold Story of Pan Am 103
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- U.S. POLITICS, Page 35
- Is Bush Getting a Free Ride?
- </hdr><body>
- <p>The President has avoided a grilling on character issues so far,
- but the barbs will come and some may stick
- </p>
- <p>By Michael Duffy/Washington
- </p>
- <p> Bill Clinton has endured a merciless beating on his way
- to the Democratic nomination. The Arkansas Governor has been
- grilled on marital infidelity, draft dodging, pot smoking and
- conflicts of interest, and the going may get even rougher if he
- faces George Bush in the fall campaign. Clinton has talked
- himself hoarse trying to explain his way through the thicket of
- nettlesome questions and get back to discussing the political
- and economic issues that he hopes will help him topple an
- unpopular incumbent. All he needs is a level playing field, say
- Clinton's aides; but so far, they complain, Bush has been spared
- the relentless probing that has kept their man off balance.
- "It's been all double standard," fumes one campaign insider.
- "Our guy gets slammed and Bush escapes the same kind of
- scrutiny."
- </p>
- <p> Have the press and the public been giving Bush a free
- ride? Yes and no. It is true that he has not been subjected to
- the same intense glare as his opponent, but sitting Presidents
- rarely are. While challengers can spring from nowhere with
- nothing more than ambition on display, Presidents are far
- better-known quantities. Bush, who has already served 11 years
- as President and Vice President, is a more familiar figure than
- most incumbents. On the other hand, Bush has been questioned
- over the years on a number of sensitive issues--ranging from
- his family's business dealings to his role in the Iran-contra
- scandal.
- </p>
- <p> Most of the charges leveled at Bush in the past have been
- short on evidence; many are irrelevant to his conduct as
- President. But as the campaign intensifies, the Democrats will
- surely see to it that old and new barbs are hurled in his
- direction. And if some of them stick, it won't simply be because
- they call into question Bush's character. It will be because
- four years in the White House have transformed Bush's carefully
- managed image as a square-shouldered Dudley Do-Right into
- something closer to the Flimflam Man.
- </p>
- <p> Many of the familiar claims against Bush are off target.
- It is doubtless embarrassing to the President to hear his
- brother Prescott questioned about his work for West Tsusho, a
- firm with ties to the Japanese criminal underworld. But it is
- wrong to think that such activities tell us any more about
- George Bush's character than the shenanigans of Billy Carter
- told us about Jimmy's. On the contrary, the thin quality of
- these brother's-keeper charges may actually have underscored the
- perception that the President has uncommon good sense.
- </p>
- <p> More damaging--but still largely beside the point--are
- suggestions that because Bush's children were involved in
- business deals that required federal bail outs, Bush is somehow
- to blame. There is little doubt that the Bush children have
- shown appalling judgment in business matters. Neil Bush became
- a national symbol of the S&L debacle in 1988 when he served on
- the board of the Silverado Banking, Savings & Loan Association,
- a Denver thrift that went bankrupt and then cost taxpayers $1
- billion to recapitalize. Silverado's problems had worsened after
- Neil Bush and other directors approved bad loans to a
- businessman who had invested in Neil's oil-exploration firm. The
- inexperienced 30-year-old should have guessed that his partners
- might have wanted only to use his famous name as collateral.
- </p>
- <p> Neil's brother Jeb teamed up with a business partner to
- buy a Miami office building in 1985, using $4.5 million from a
- Fort Lauderdale investor who had borrowed it from a Florida
- S&L. When that investor defaulted on the loan and the S&L
- became insolvent, the Federal Government bailed it out and in
- effect forgave part of the loan. That the Federal Government in
- the end collected only $505,000 of the $4.5 million from the
- Bush partnership only furthered the sense that Bush's children
- enjoy special advantages that others do not--and then get
- bailed out by Uncle Sam when their deals go sour.
- </p>
- <p> If Bush can be blamed for any of this, it is only for
- reluctance to provide advice to his children when they ask for
- it--a habit that exasperates them to this day. Otherwise, Neil
- and Jeb were merely following the example of their father who,
- during his now romanticized "wildcatting" years in West Texas,
- lent a well-known name to unknown men with big ideas and bigger
- money. None of this is particularly relevant to Bush's conduct
- as President or to the 1992 campaign, since voters are unlikely
- to visit the sins of the sons upon the father.
- </p>
- <p> Where Bush himself has recently shown poor judgment is in
- naming a privately paid Washington lobbyist and a public
- relations consultant to top campaign jobs without asking them
- to sever their ties to foreign companies and large U.S. firms.
- Both senior adviser Charles Black, a lobbyist, and deputy
- campaign manager James Lake, a p.r. man, have recused themselves
- from White House discussions of subjects that might affect their
- clients. The law does not require this of campaign workers since
- they are private, not public, employees. But, according to a
- Bush spokesman, both men remain on the payroll of their firms
- while working full time at the campaign.
- </p>
- <p> The President is putting his personal ambition above his
- vaunted code of ethics when he overlooks the fact that when
- lobbyists enter the inner sanctum of White House meetings--and
- both Lake and Black meet weekly with the President--their
- perceived value to clients increases. A lobbyist who sits in on
- White House meetings always gets his phone call returned; a
- consultant who hands out his card to business executives knows
- that it carries extra weight with potential clients when it is
- distributed at Bush-Quayle headquarters.
- </p>
- <p> Black's and Lake's presence on the campaign team saddles
- Bush with a liability, and White House officials fear that
- Clinton will eagerly exploit the issue in the fall. Last week
- White House counsel C. Boyden Gray and other senior officials
- were working behind the scenes to get Black and Lake to break
- away from their lobbying firms. "The job of a lobbyist is to
- influence the government," said a senior official. "It is not
- appropriate to have a substantial position in the campaign and
- to stay connected with [clients] who are trying to influence
- the government."
- </p>
- <p> More worrisome are lingering rumors that the President
- once had an extramarital affair. In 1987 eldest son George W.
- Bush informed Newsweek that he had asked his father about
- adultery and had been told that "the answer to the Big A
- question is N.O." That blanket denial put the issue to rest
- during the last campaign. But questions about Clinton's alleged
- infidelity, which have become something of a humorous refrain
- in the Bush camp, have brought such matters back into the public
- domain; it may be only a matter of weeks before Bush is directly
- asked about his own past.
- </p>
- <p> If and when it comes, the query will put Bush in a
- difficult spot. Any answer he gives would serve as a green light
- for news outlets to investigate more fully Bush's handling of
- a relationship with a former employee. Many reporters, after
- all, believe that while it may be improper to track down rumors
- of adultery, it is acceptable to investigate possible lies about
- it. Such a feeding frenzy by the press could undermine Bush's
- plan to campaign heavily on the idea that he is more in touch
- with the "family values" of most voters than his Democratic
- counterpart.
- </p>
- <p> Bush warned top campaign officials in writing two months
- ago that they would face "termination" unless they stayed, as
- he recently put it, "out of the sleaze business." But the line
- between sleaze and hard-nosed campaigning is difficult to draw,
- and there is little indication that Bush's no-first-use
- doctrine has received wide distribution among his campaign
- staff. As one senior adviser to the campaign said last month,
- "We are going to paint Clinton as a man out of control, who
- can't control his zipper, can't control his wife and can't
- control his waistline."
- </p>
- <p> Though Bush may feel safe from that kind of personal
- attack, he may prove vulnerable to charges leveled at his
- political character. There is little evidence that any clearly
- defined beliefs or principles have guided his conduct in office.
- Doubts on this score may help explain why, according to a recent
- Gallup poll, 49% of the voters disapprove of his performance.
- </p>
- <p> Constancy has not been a hallmark of Bush's political
- style. His position on taxes, for example, is a monument to
- political expediency. In 1980 he opposed Ronald Reagan's
- supply-side theories as "voodoo economics," then promptly
- jettisoned that belief in exchange for a place on the G.O.P.
- ticket. In 1988 he vowed to lower the deficit without raising
- taxes, only to reverse himself two years later when he signed
- the 1990 budget deal. That agreement raised all kinds of taxes--and still failed to lower the deficit.
- </p>
- <p> On the eve of a closely fought Georgia primary last month,
- Bush nailed the equivalent of a triple flip when he pronounced
- the 1990 budget compromise the biggest mistake of his
- presidency. To make matters worse, he virtually admitted that
- cynical political calculations had dictated the latest U-turn.
- "Listen, if I had to do that over, I wouldn't do it," he told
- reporters. "Look at all the flak it's taking." Bush was less
- than convincing when he announced, while campaigning in the
- South a few days later, that "life means nothing without
- fidelity to principles."
- </p>
- <p> The President has an unfortunate habit of saying things he
- doesn't mean--or failing to carry them out if he does mean
- them. In his State of the Union speech last January, he grandly
- promised to reform the nation's health-care system. He has yet
- to present a plan to Capitol Hill. Administration officials now
- admit that Bush is unlikely to propose a comprehensive health
- package this year. Reason: he is convinced Congress won't pass
- it. Another lost State of the Union proposal was a plan to raise
- the personal exemption for taxpayers by $500 a child for every
- family as "one thing we can do right away." Within days, the
- President postponed action on the plan and advisers told
- reporters that its passage was not a priority.
- </p>
- <p> Bush is also suffering from a bad case of election-year
- opportunism. After working for two years with Congress to pass
- new laws regulating air pollution, establishing rights for
- disabled Americans and setting forth revised guidelines on civil
- rights, Bush now criticizes the regulations that have resulted
- from those measures. After three years of defending the status
- quo, he is trying to recast himself as an agent of change. Asked
- two weeks ago why he was making such an issue of welfare reform,
- an area he has ignored since 1987, Bush's reply was
- breathtakingly transparent: "I think the politics drives some
- things."
- </p>
- <p> Bush has been known to speak out on the same day for both
- union and nonunion workers, for owls and loggers, for the
- environment and the industries that threaten it. When the
- self-proclaimed Education President needed to unveil a new
- education policy while addressing students at an Allentown, Pa.,
- high school last week, he borrowed one--from Clinton.
- Campaigning in Philadelphia for next week's Pennsylvania
- primary, Clinton blasted Bush for appropriating a
- guaranteed-college-loan plan "that has been at the core of my
- presidential campaign since the day I announced." The Governor
- quipped, "Now, they say I'm slick?"
- </p>
- <p> Few people believed the President last summer when he
- pronounced Clarence Thomas the most qualified man for the
- Supreme Court and asserted that racial considerations had
- nothing to do with his nomination. In an even more blatant
- falsehood, Bush said he had forbidden all high-level exchanges
- with China after the 1989 Tiananmen massacre--even as he
- secretly sent his top foreign policy aide to meet with Beijing's
- leaders.
- </p>
- <p> It is impossible to say how Bush's character issues will
- affect the outcome in November. With the cold war over and no
- foreign crisis on the horizon, conventional wisdom holds that
- the state of the economy will decide the election. If so, Bush's
- personal shortcomings may be irrelevant. Even if Bush were shown
- to be guilty of all the things Bill Clinton has been accused of,
- there is a broader context in which the incumbent would be
- judged. But as the President's record comes under more scrutiny,
- his performance in office could become as much of a problem for
- him as unmentioned induction letters and uninhaled joints have
- been for Bill Clinton.
- </p>
- </body></article>
- </text>